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By May A. Meza

Wow, I am ill

My life is completely wrecked

But now it’s full of thrill

For my illness kills but resurrects

It eats me from the inside

And worsens on the outside

A fire grows within me

But my hands freeze my tea

My mother warned me about this disease

But I didn’t think she’d be right

I can’t stand on my knees

But my heart is full of light

I daydream

And I think in my sleep

Hallucinating and delirious

My anguish’s a turbulent sea

This disease is dangerous

Yet it's addictive

Pleasantly frightening

And painfully glorious

I run out of air

While salty crystals cut my eyes

But I don’t get scared

I just feel very high

“Will I be cured?”

I wonder everyday

Am I doomed to this pain?

Probably yes

But don't worry about me

As I want to die ill

And when I die

This illness will remain alive.

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