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Lecture title: Nasa langley research center

Date: 4/11/2023

Notes: nasa

The nasa study the earth's atmosphere and they also work on humans going to the moon and

on to mars nasa langley enormous hangar was the first created to house research aircraft in

1951 under the guidance of the national advisory committee for aeronautics the 1960 were a

time of preparation for space exploration with president kennedy's challenge to go to the moon

although every building on center was major center of activity the rendezvous docking simulator

was installed in 1963 to train gemini apollo astronauts in docking procedures before attempting

to land on the moon and today langleys hangar specializes in flight and earth science research

using a fleet or research aircraft and unmanned aerial vehicles commonly known as UAV nasa

can conduct this kind of research around the world langley uses a surrogate UAV

To test autonomous flight that would lead to aerial transport of cargo and civilians

reflection :my reflection was need take care our planet and we need pay more attention to our

planet we need learned that we can change the planet the earth is the most beautiful thing i just

think the people don't need trash their garbage because that affect the planet everything how

the people are doing to the planet is affect earth combines environmental reflections on earth

combines environmental studies scientific research and remote sensing technology to develop a

better understanding of the natural processes found on earth support the nationals teachers and

students using space technology as a tool to study earth

What was interesting or important? When they was talking about our planet and about the

earth our atmosphere everything and we need to take care about our planet and when the

explain everything about the planet nasa

Long space missions

Nasa wants to develop a sustainable human presence on the moon with missions lasting

several weeks compared to just a few days for apollo in deep space radiation is much more

intense and poses a real threat to health from the first artemis mission many experiments are

planned to study the impact of this radiation on living organism and to assess the effectiveness

of an anti-radiation vest to avoid having to take everything with them and to save costs nasa

wants to learned how to use the resources present on the surface low earth orbit where the

international space station iss operates is partly shielded from radiation by the earth's magnetic

field which isn't the case on the moon in particular water in the form of ice which has been

confirmed into rocket fuel by cracking it into its separate hydrogen and oxygen atoms sixty years

on the united states is about to launch the first mission of its return program to the moon

Testing new gear

Nasa also want to pilot on the moon the technologies that will continue to evolve on mars first

new spacesuits for spacewalks All the necessary equipment can you sent there in multiple

launches before finally being joined by the crew to set off on the long voyage sean fuller

responsible for the gateway program told Agence france apart from mars another reason put

forward by the americans for settling on the moon is to do so before the chinese china is the

united states main competition today the once proud russian space program has withered we

don't want china suddenly getting there and saying this is our exclusive territory Nasa boss bill

nelson said in a recent interview the samples that we collected during the Apollo missions

changed the way we view our solar system astronaut jessica meir told AFP i think we can

expect that from the artemis program as well she expects further scientific and technological

breakthroughs too just during the apollo era while the apollo missions brought back to earth

nearly 400 kilograms of lunar rock new samples will make it possible to further deepen our

knowledge of this celestial object and its formation. On September 12 1962 then u.s president

John F. kennedy informed the public of this plan to put a man on the moon by the end of the

decade it was the height of the cold war and america needed a big victory to demonstrate its

space superiority after the soviet union had launched the first satellite and put the first man in

orbit we choose to go to the moon kennedy told 40,000 people at rice university because that

challenge is one that we are willing to accept one we are unwilling to postpone and one which

we intend to win

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