Topic Speaking Review Unit 1 To 5 5 Topics With

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Topic Speaking – Unit 1 to 5

UNIT 1 (Full Sentence Answer + Detail)

1. Do you think English is a difficult language to 11. Where did you go to elementary, middle and high
learn? school?
-Yes, I think English is a difficult language to learn. -I went to elementary, middle and high school in
-No, I don’t think English is a difficult language to Sydney. +
learn. + (detail)
12. What subjects were you good at?
2. Have you ever spoken English on the phone? -I was good at math and biology. +
-Yes, I have spoken English on the phone. +
-No, I have never spoken English on the phone. + 13. What subjects were you bad at?
-I was bad at English and physics. +
3. What is your favorite way to practice your
English? 14. Did you live in a dormitory in university?
-My favorite way to practice English is to watch -Yes, I lived in a dormitory in university. +
English TV shows and talk with my English speaking -No, I didn’t live in a dormitory in university. +
friend. +
15. Did you use to procrastinate studying?
4. What is the most difficult thing about English? -Yes, I used to procrastinate studying. +
-The most difficult thing about studying English is -No, I didn’t use to procrastinate studying. +
finding time to practice. +
16. Have you ever pulled an all-nighter?
5. Why are you learning English? -Yes, I have pulled an all-nighter. +
-I am learning English because I want to live in -No, I have never pulled an all-nighter. +
Canada. +
17. Are college tuitions reasonable in your country?
6. How do you use the Internet to learn English? -Yes, college tuitions are reasonable in my country.+
-I use the internet to learn English by watching -No, college tuitions are not reasonable in my
YouTube videos. + country. +

7. How can learning English help your career? 18. Do you think your teachers gave too much
-Learning English can help my career by making it homework?
easier to obtain a promotion. + -Yes, I think my teachers gave too much homework.
-No, I don’t think my teachers gave too much
8. Which country is the best place to study English? homework. +
-I think Canada is the best place/country to study
English. + 19. Does a university degree guarantee a good job in
your country?
9. Have you ever gone to an academy to study -Yes, a university degree guarantees a good job in
English? my country. +
-Yes, I have gone to an academy to study English. + -No, a university degree doesn’t guarantee a good
-No, I have never gone to an academy to study job in my country. +
English. +
20. Do many people from your country study
10. How important is learning English grammar? abroad?
-Learning English grammar is somewhat important.+ -Yes, many people from my country study abroad.+
-No, many people from my country don’t study
abroad. +
UNIT 2 (Full Sentence Answer + Detail)
1. Would you like to try food from The Heart Attack -Yes, I have watched reality TV programs about
Grill? getting fit and losing weight.
-Yes, I would like to try the food from The Heart -No, I have never watched reality TV programs about
Attack Grill. getting fit and losing weight.
-No, I wouldn’t like to try the food from The Heart
Attack Grill. 11. Which do you prefer McDonald’s or Burger King?
-I prefer McDonald’s.
2. What is your favorite fast food restaurant?
-My favorite fast food restaurant is McDonald’s. 12. Do you think people are too obsessed with their
3. What do you think is the best restaurant in your -Yes, I think people are too obsessed with their
city? weight.
-The best restaurant in my city is Flavor. -No, I don’t think people are too obsessed with their
4. How often do you eat fast food?
-I eat fast food once every 3 months. 13. Do you consider yourself a healthy eater?
-Yes, I consider myself a healthy eater.
5. What are some popular diet trends these days? -No, I don’t consider myself a healthy eater.
-Some popular diet trends these days are cleansing
diets and no carb diets. 14. What are some healthy foods people from your
country eat?
6. What’s the difference between fast food and junk -Some healthy foods people from my country eat are
food? blueberries and sweet potatoes.
-The difference between fast food and junk food is;
fast food refers to restaurant food (McDonald’s) and 15. What are some unhealthy foods people from
junk food refers to candy (chocolate, candy, ice your country eat?
cream etc.) -Some unhealthy foods people from my country eat
*Note: Fast food is sometimes called junk food, are chicken wings and poutine.
however, junk food (candy) is never called fast food.
16. Are you a good cook?
7. Do you prefer to eat out for dinner or to make your -Yes, I am a good cook.
own dinner? -No, I am not a good cook.
-I prefer to make my own dinner.
17. Do you ever drink alcohol with your meal?
8. What are some foods people eat when they want -Yes, I sometimes drink alcohol with my meal.
to lose weight? -No, I never drink alcohol with my meal.
-Some foods people eat when they want to lose
weight are chicken breasts and vegetables. 18. What is one food you can’t live without?
-One food I can’t live without is chicken.
9. Have you ever followed a diet and had successful
results? 19. Do you prepare meals at home and take them to
-Yes, I have followed a diet and had successful work with you?
results. -Yes, I usually prepare meals at home and take them
-No, I have never followed a diet and had successful to work with me.
results. -No, I don’t prepare meals at home and take them to
work with me.
10. Have you ever watched reality TV programs
about getting fit and losing weight? 20. What is your favorite ethnic?
-My favorite ethnic food is Indian food.
UNIT 3 (Full Sentence Answer + Detail)
1. What are some things couples fight about? -I think you should date someone for about 2
-Some things couples fight about are money and months before introducing them to your parents.
about each other’s friends.
11. If you could go on a date with anyone in the
2. Who do you ask if you need relationship advice? world, who would it be?
-I ask my best friend if I need relationship advice. -If I could go on a date with anyone in the world I
would go on a date with Jennifer Lawrence.
3. Is it okay to tell white lies to your partner?
-Yes, it is sometimes okay to tell your partner white 12. What are popular areas/places to go on a date in
lies. your hometown?
-No, it is never okay to tell your partner white lies. -Popular places to go on a date in my hometown are
to the movies or to a nice restaurant.
4. How should you respond if your partner asks: “Is
he/she better looking than me?” 13. What is something that is a deal breaker for you
-If your partner asks: “Is he/she better looking than when you first meet someone?
me?” you should respond by saying “What -Something that is a deal breaker for me when I first
girl/guy?”. meet someone is if they are rude to other people.

5. When do most people in your country begin 14. What does your partner do that annoys you?
dating? -Something my partner does that annoys me is when
-Most people in my country begin dating in middle she talks in her sleep.
15. Have you ever ended a relationship because your
6. What’s the ideal type of person you would like to family or friends disapproved of your partner?
date? -Yes, I have ended a relationship because my family
-The ideal type of person I would like to date is or friends disapproved of my partner.
someone who is easy going and gets along well with -No, I have never ended a relationship because my
my friends and family. family or friends disapproved of my partner.

7. Do you think knowing your partners blood type is 16. How many people are in your immediate family?
important? -There are 6 people in my immediate family.
-Yes, I think knowing your partner’s blood type is
important. 17. Do you get along well with your siblings?
-No, I don’t think knowing your partner’s blood type -Yes, I usually get along well with my siblings.
is important. -No, I rarely get along well with my siblings.

8. Is it important that your family likes your partner? 18. Who do you resemble most your mom or your
-Yes, it is important that my family likes my partner. dad?
-No, it is not important that my family likes my -I resemble my dad the most.
19. Do you have a large extended family?
9. Is it important that your friends like your partner? -Yes, I have a large extended family.
-Yes, it is important that my friends likes my partner. -No, I don’t have a large extended family.
-No, it is not important that my friends likes my
partner. 20. At what age do most people in your country
move out of their parent’s home?
10. How long should you date someone before -Most people in my country move out of their
introducing them to your parents? parent’s home when they are about 20 years old.
UNIT 4 (Full Sentence Answer + Detail)
1. Do you have any bad habits? 12. How can media affect a person’s behavior?
Yes, I have some bad habits. Media can affect a person behavior by only showing
No, I don’t have any bad habits. negative news stories therefore giving people a
negative mindset.
2. What habits of other people annoy you?
Habits of other people that annoy me are when 13. Should corporal punishment be used in schools?
people spit and when people talk too loud on public -Yes, corporal punishment should be used in
transportation. schools.
-No, corporal punishment should not be used in
3. What’s the difference between a habit and an schools.
The difference between a habit and an addiction is 14. How were students punished when you were in
habit is a repeated behavior and an addiction is a elementary school?
repeated behavior (abuse) of something that the Students were punished when I was in elementary
body physically needs. school by being sent to detention or they were given
extra homework.
4. Have you ever tried smoking?
-Yes, I have tried smoking. 15. Has a friend or family member’s behavior ever
-No, I have never tried smoking. caused you to feel embarrassed?
-Yes, a friend’s behavior has caused me to feel
5. What advice would you give someone who wants embarrassed.
to quit smoking? -No, a family member’s behavior has never caused
Advice I would give someone who wants to quit me to feel embarrassed.
smoking is to chew nicotine gum.
16. What punishment should a student receive who
6. What are some good eating habits you have? is behaving badly in class?
Some good eating habits I have are eating small A punishment a student should receive who is
meals and eating a lot of vegetables. behaving badly in class is they should have to stay
after class and write about how their bad behavior
7. What are some bad eating habits you have? disturbed the class.
Some bad eating habits I have are adding cream to
my coffee and eating too much fast food. 17. Are parents always responsible for their child’s
bad behavior?
8. What are some good study habits you have? -Yes, parents are always responsible for their child’s
Some good study habits I have are reading new bad behavior.
chapters before class and reviewing new material -No, parents are not always responsible for their
after each class. child’s bad behavior.

9. What are some bad study habits you have? 18. How can SNS affect a person’s behavior?
Some bad study habits I have are procrastinating SNS can affect a person’s behavior by causing
and not reading the course book. people to follow the crowd and say something they
may otherwise not have said.
10. What are some good and bad financial habits?
A good financial habit is to save 10% of each 19. What is an example of SNS bringing out the best
paycheck and a bad financial habit is overspending in people?
on a credit card. An example of SNS bringing out the best in people
was the ice bucket challenge which raised money for
11. Do you worry about what other people think of charity.
-Yes, I worry about what other people think of me. 20. What is an example of SNS bringing out the
-No, I don’t worry about what other people think of worst in people?
me. An example of SNS bringing out the worst in people
is when people use SNS to troll or bully someone.
UNIT 5 (Full Sentence Answer + Detail)
1. How often do you travel? 11. What is your favorite holiday?
-I travel 3 times a year. -My favorite holiday is Christmas.

2. Do you prefer to travel with family/friends or travel 12. What is the best gift you have ever received?
alone? -The best gift I have ever received was a new
-I prefer to travel with friends or family. computer.

3. Which airline do you think is the best / worst? 13. Are there many holidays in your country?
-I think Korean Air is the best airline and Air Canada -Yes, there are many holidays in my country.
is the worst airline. -No, there are not many holidays in my country.

4. Have you ever been scammed while traveling? 14. Do you celebrate Christmas?
-Yes, I have been scammed while traveling. -Yes, I celebrate Christmas.
-No, I have never been scammed while traveling. -No, I do not celebrate Christmas.

5. If someone asked you for advice on a place to 15. Do people focus too much on spending money
travel in your country, which place would you during holidays?
recommend? -Yes, people focus too much on spending money
-If someone asked me for advice on a place to travel during holidays.
in my county, I would recommend The Cabot Trail. -No, people don’t focus too much on spending
money during holidays.
6. If you had the opportunity to live abroad for 1 year
and money was no object, where would you go? 16. What holiday do you like the least?
-If I had the opportunity to live abroad for 1 year and -The holiday I like the least is Valentine’s Day.
money was no object, I would go to Switzerland.
17. How do people usually celebrate their birthday in
7. What is the best / worst trip you have ever been your country?
on? -People usually celebrate their birthday in my
-The best trip I have been on was to Malaysia.  country by having a party at home with friends and
-The worst trip I have been on was to the Philippines family.
because I had gotten food poisoning.
18. Do you enjoy buying gifts for others?
8. When you go on vacation, do you prefer to go to a -Yes, I enjoy buying gifts for others.
city, a beach, mountains or countryside? -No, I don’t enjoy buying gifts for others.
-When I go on vacation, I prefer to go to a beach.
19. What foreign holidays have you (would you) like
9. Are you a budget traveler? to experience?
-Yes, I am a budget traveler. -A foreign holiday I have experienced was Chuseok
-No, I am not a budget traveler. in Korea.
-A foreign holiday I would like to experience is
10. How many vacation days does your company / Diwali.
job give you each year?
-My job gives me 10 vacation days a year. 20. What’s the most popular holiday in your
-The most popular holiday in my country is

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