Digestion and Absorption DPP-9

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DPP - 9

1. Secretin hormone is produced by

(A) Stomach (B) Liver (C) Intestine (D)Pancreas

2. Fat absorbed from gut is transported in blood as

(A) Micelles (B) Liposomes (C) Chemornicrons (D) Chlymicrons

3. In small intestine, active absorption occurs in case of

(A) Glucose (B) Amino acids (C) Na+ (D) All the above

4. Epithelial cells involved in absorption of digested food have on their free surface.
(A) Zymogen grannules (B) Pinocytic vesicles
(C) Phagocytic vesicles (D) Microvilli

5. DNA-ase and RNA-ase are enzymes produced by

(A) Salivary glands (B) Pancreas (C) Stomach (D) Intestine

6. Make the correct pairs

Column -I Column II
(P) Small intestine (i) Largest factory
(Q) Pancreas (ii) Absorption of glucose
(R) Liver (iii) Carrying electrolytic solution
(S) Colon (iv) Digestion and absorption
(A) P-(iv), Q-(ii), R-(i), S-(iii) (B) P-(ii), Q-(iv), R-(i), S-(iii)
(C) P-(i), Q-(iii), R-(ii), S-(iv) (D) P-(iii), Q-(i), R-(ii), S-(iv)

7. Jundice is a disease of
(A) Kidney (B) Liver (C) Pancreas (D) Duodenum

8. Which component are assimilated in their original fonns?

(A) Carbohyd and Lipid (B) Minerals and Vitamins
(C) Protein and Fat (D) All above

9. Maltose
(A) Glucose, Fructose (B) Glucose, Galectose
(C) Glucose, Sucrose (D)Glucose, Glucose

10. What product can be obtain by erepsin?

(A) Glucose (B) Amino acid (C) Trypsin (D) Glycerol

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