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Digestion and Absorption | 27 Exercise - 1 Objective Problems | NEET Food eaten by Human often composed largely of macromolecules. This requires human to have methods for which of the following ? (1) Dehydration synthesis (2)Regrugitation (3) Enzymatic hydrolysis (4) Demineracelization Which ofthe following does not belong to vitamin B group (Riboflavin 2) Nicotin 3) Cyanocobalamine (4) Tocopherol "Number of teeth which are monophyodont in man is aa 2 @y32 ai The structure which prevents entry of food into wind, pipe during swallowing in mammals is (1) Larynx 2)Gloais @)Fpiglouis (4) Pharyns Marasmus disease is caused due to (1) Protein dfiieney (2) Obesity (3) Protein and calories deficiency (4) Deficiency of vitamins ‘The hardest constituent ofthe tooth is (1) Enamel (2) Dentine (@) Bone (4) Pulp Fernulum is/are (1) Adenoid present on phryngeal wall (2) Tonsils found on lateral walls of soft palate G) V-shaped sulcus dividing tongue into pharyngeal and oral parts (4) Fold attaching tongue to the floor of oral cavity 10. 14, ‘Thecodont, diphyodont and heterodont teeth are the characteristic of (1) Reptiles Amphibians (2) Aves (4) Mammals Monophyodont teeth are (1) Inscisors and Canines (2) Canines and Premotars (3) Premolars and last Molar (4) Canines and Motars All ofthe following through ampulla of Vater, exeept (1) Erepsin (2)Amylopsin (G3) Procarboxypeptidase (4) Sodium taurocholate Adenoids are (1) Tubal tonsils () Lingual tonsils (2) Palatine tonsils (4) Pharyngeal tonsils Enamel of teeth is secreted by (1) Ameloblast (2) Odontoblast G) Osteoblast (4) Osteoclast Dental formula of adolescent human being before 17 year 2122 OSS 2 2102 2023 ©) 3103 O Teas Dental formula for the monophyodont teeth of bbuman is ? mat ) 0008 ® 0021 ® 0003 a 2120 yy 2102 % 2120 ® 2102 2, url: www.motion. 1, © :1800-212-1799, 8003899588 28 | Theory and Exercise Book 15. 16. 17. ‘Thocodont teeth are present in ? a. Sphenodon 1. Crocodiles c. Mammals 4. Seoliodon (1) conly 2) b&conly G)abandconly — (4)a be &d Match the two column and select the correct among options given ? Column-T Column-IT ‘A]Biomacromolecules | 1 [Alimentary eanal and) lof food lassociated gland B [Human digestive | i [Embedded in system wwhones [Stomach i [Outer wall oF visceral organs D| Thecodont Wv [Converted into simple substances E |Serosa V [J-shaped bag like structure (AG, BH, C0), DE), EX) QAM), B+, C4), D4, EX) A,B, C-Gi), D9), E49) A), Bi), Ci), D-Gv), EW) Which ofthe following is true regarding the source and nature ofthe enamel ? (1) Odontoblest, mesodermal (@) Odontoblast, ectodermal (G) Amelablast, mesodermal (4) Ameloblas, ectodermal ‘Which ofthe answers below would not work in the {allowing sentence ? In order forthe body to absorb and use they must be broken down by hydrolysis into 2 (1 Polysaccharides... monosaccharides (@) Amino acids... proteins (G) Fats lyoetol and fatty acids (4) Disaccharides .... monosaccharides 19. 20. a1. 2 23. 24, 25, How many teeth in man grows twiee in life (32 2)28 @) 20 @ 2 Which one ofthe following i the correct matching of a vitamin, its nature and its deficiency disease (1) Vitamin K-Fat soluble Beri Beri 2) Vitamin a- (G) Vitamin K Water soluble-Pellagra (4) Vitamin A ~ Fat soluble-Night blindness ‘at soluble-Beri-Beri Pulp cavity of teth is lined by (1) Odontoblast (2) Chondroblast (3) Osteoblast (4) Ameloblast In mammals the teeth are (1) Heterodont,thecodont, diphyodont (2) Thecodont,heterodont, polyphyodont 6) Diphyodont,thecodont, homodont () Heterodont, diphyodont, acrodont Which one of the following alimentary segments has no digestive and absorptive function (1) Stomach ) esophagus 2) Descending colon (4) Transverse colon pH of stomach in human is about wr 3 @s @u The cells of the epithelial lining in the vertebrate stomach are not damaged by HCl because of (1) Mucus secretion covering the epithelium (2) Neutrilizatioin of HCI by alkaline gastric juice. (HCI being to dilute (4) Epithelium being resistant to HCL CORPORATE OFFICE : Morion Education Pvt. Lad., 394 - Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota Digestion and Absorption | 29 26. 27. 28, 29, 31. 32. Which of the following describes peristalsis in digestive system (1) A process of fats emulsification in small incestine 2) Involuntary control of rectal sphincter (G) Contraction of longitudinal and circular smooth ‘muscles that move food through alimentry canal (4) Contration of circular and longitudinal striated ‘muscles that move food through alimentary canal Which one correctly matched (1) Vit. E - Tocoferol (2) Vit. D — Riboflavin (3) Vit. B ~ Caleiferot (4) Vit. A - Thiamine Which cells of mucous layer of stomach secrete pepsinogen (1) Chief cet () Parietal cell, (2) Gobet eet (4) Oxyntie cell Innermost layer of mucosa is made up of columnar epithetum except (1) Oseophagus @) Duodenum G) Intenstine (4) Stomach All of the following are the parts of large intestine, except (1) Caecum (2) Colon ()ilium (4) Rectum The amount of gastric juice secreted per day from man's stomach is about (1) $00 mi. to 100ml (2) 2000 ml to 3000 ml 3)100mlto 500ml (4) 10mlto 15 ml The layer of the alimentary canal contains loose connective tissue, glands, blood, Iymphatic vessels and nerves (1) Serosa, ) Submucosa (2) Mucosa (4) Muscularis mucosa 33. a 36. 37. 38. 39. 40, The gatekeeper of small intestine is (1) Cardio-oesphageal sphinctes 2) Pylorie sphinctes G) Hepatopancreatic ampulla (4) Jejunum Peristaltic movements found in different parts of alimentary canal. In which one of these there is Teast peristalsis (1) Stomach @) Rectum (2) Duodenum. (4) Oesophagus Pyloric sphincter regulates the opening of (1) Pharynx into oesophagus (2) Oesophagus into stomach (G) Stomach into duodenum (4) Hleum into large intestine In Colon, constrictions of its wall form a series of small pockets called (1) Haustra (3) Zymogen cells (2) Crypts of Lieberkuhn (4) Teniae coli Absorption of digested food chiefly occurs in (1) Stomach. (2) Colon (3)Small Intestine (4) Large Intestine Function of HCl in stomach isto (1) Kill micro-organism of food (2) Facilitate absorption of food G) Dissolve enzymes secreted by gastric glands (4) Active trypsinogen to trypsin Maximum digestion of food take place in (1) Stomach (2) Jejunum Coton (4) Duden ‘Thecrypls of lieberkubn along with Brunners gland secretes (1) Gastric juice G) Cholecystokinin (2)Remnin (4) Suceus entricus 2, url: www.motion. 1, © :1800-212-1799, 8003899588 30 | Theory and Exercise Book a 2. 4B. 44. 46. “Match the following regarding diseases and choose [Disease Due to deficiency o (A) [Marasmus] Gy | Nizein (B) [Seury [2 [ Vitamin-By (©) [Petagra_[) | Proteins (D) [Beriberi_[(4) | Ascorbic acid () Al, B-3, C-2, D4 Q)A3,BH4, C1, D2 (G)A2,B4, C3, DH ()A4, Bel, C-2, D3 lleum is characterised by the presence of (1) Brunne's glands and vil (2) Brunner’s glands and Peyer's patches (3) Peyer's patches and villi (4) Brunners glands and Taeniae coli Wharton's duc is associated with (1) Brunner’ gland (2) Sublingual salivary gland (3) Submaxillary salivary gland (4) Parotid salivary gland One of the following is not a constituent of saliva. (1) Bicorbonate 0) Lysozyme (3) Glucose (4) Immunoglobulin Which one is wrong pair (1) Scurvy - Vitamin € (2) Rickets ~ Vitamin D (3) Night blindness (Xerophthalmia) — Vitamin A (4) Beriberi~ Vitamin K Dermatitis, diarrhoea and dementia are seen in deficiency of () Thiamine Q)Riboftavin (Niacin (4) Foliate 47. 48, 49. 50. si. 82. 53. Ptyalin cannot work in stomach, because it becomes (1) Inactive due to HCL (2) Inactive due to Renin G) Inactive due to Pepsin (4) None of these Casien present in milk, whieh is (1) Bacterium () Sugar (3) Protein (4) Fat Vil. K is required for (1) Change of Prothrombin into thrombin (2) Synthesis of Prothrombin (3) Change of Fibrinogen to Fibrin (4) Formation of thromboplastin Enzyme pepsin acts upon food at pH of about (1) 3 tosplit proteins into Amino acids 2) 20 split earbohydrate {G) 7to change protein into peptones and Proteases (4) 20 change protein into peptones and Proteoses, After ingestion, the first type of macromalecule to ‘be worked by enzymes in human digestive system ()Nucleie acid (G) Carbohydrates (2) Fats (&) Proteins Without functioning of parietal cells, which of the following would you expect for an individual (1) Not be able to produce pepsinogen Q) Not be able to produce rennin G) Not be able to produce mechanical digestion in stomach (4) Not be able to initiate protein digestion in stomach Rennin acts on (1) Milk changing casein into calcium paracaseinate at 72-82 PH (2) Proteins in stomach ) Fatin imtestine (4) Milk changing casein into caleium paracaseinate at 1-3 pH CORPORATE OFFICE : Morion Education Pvt. Lad., 394 - Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota Digestion and Absorption | 31 54, 56. 57. 58, ‘Morus is sersted by he 9, Correctarangement of mses fom otro mer dy stmt (2) Duodenum inmusclaris of stomach in humans (G)Large intestine (4) All ofthe above (0) Cireular, oblige, onitinal (2) Oblique, longitudinal, circular Digestion of proteins besins inthe and GyLenota eer olane Gigestion of plsacharies bins in be = (@) Grea longa, big (1) Mouth ...... stomach 60, Which of the following is correct location and (2) Stomach smal nestne Tieton of Meissner’ plexus ofintsie 6) Stomach mouth () Misealaris exer ~ Prsalis (4) Stomach ‘stomach (2) Mascularis interna — Peristalsis IF for some reson the pave cells ofthe gut @Somicss > Musa serio epthelambecome paral no-fntional, Whats sTietin scm 61. Match the folowing and choose cost one ? (0) The pt stomach wil fl sbraply eee €) Stein wil be more elfetve ee ) Proteins will nt be adequately hydrolysed by 3 [Parietal cel 2 | pepsin ino proteoses and peptone C[batcate [3 (4) Te panotetc enzymes and specially the Dleete La tin and pas wil ot Work ein Gatpacaps Study the fllowing given table and select the 3) SAO, DD conection option that represent the leters ? 6) a2 B43 DA (4) A4, B-I, C2, D3 diam [Ena [ Secreted by 62. Match the flowing and choose cates oe ? Acidic Z__|Gastric glands ee Comet Column ee Tl Rupier clk sary sas Se aaa ib [cyps of Libeahal 2 froth Secu els 5 fier plodonsbasts Ls neste Tn = =< Fi * ia x (A+, B3, C2, D4 (ay [Rossa | Aside |Stanncs [Aas @ A3B4CLD2 (3) [Pepsin | Alkaline [Pancreas [Amylase G3) A2,B4, C3, D1 (iy TessebAbsine| ther Isasase @ AapLc2 Ds 63. Af anyboy chew fod for mare time the following Whichof the following might make the most effective antulcer medication ?.A chemical that ? (1) Stimulates parietal cells of the gastric glands (2) Kills bacteria in the stomach (G) Inhibits mucous cells ofthe gastric glands (4) Stimulates secretion of bile is likely t occur (1) Monosaccharides form in oral cavity (2) Food becomes more acidic 3) More amount of disaccharides form (4) Fatty acids are formed by lingual lipase 2, url: www.motion. in, ©: 180-212-1799, 6003899588 32 | Theory and Exercise Book 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. nn. If for some reason the parietal cells of the gut epithelium become partially non-functional, whats likely to happen ? (1) The pH of stomach will fall abruptly Q) Steapsin will be more effective G) Proteins will not be adequately hydrolysed by pepsin into proteoses and peptones (4) The pancreatic enzymes and specially the trypsin and lipase will not work efficiently In stomach after physical and chemical digestion food is called : () Chyme Q) Chyle (3) Amino acid (4) Bolus, Pepsinogen is secreted from (1) Argentaffin cells 2)Goblet ells (3) Chief ces (4) Parietal cells The hormone ‘secretin’ stimulates secretion of (1) Panereatie juice (G) Intestinal juice 2) Bile juice (4) Gastrie juice The function of enterogasterone hormone is (1) Inhibit Bile Juice secretion (2) To inhibit gastric juice secretion (G) Regulate the absorption of food (4) To stimulate gastric glands to release gastric Juice Sinusoids are found. (Liver 3) Heart @)Kidaey @ Ling The bile duet is guarded by (1) Crypts of Liberkuhn @2) Lacteals (3) Pylorc sphincter (4) Sphincter of Boyden Cells of liver which act as phagocytes are (1)Dicters cells. (2) Kupffer’ eels (3) Hepatic cells (4) Aciner cells 72. 3. 14 16. 77. 18. ‘Gluconeogenesisis (1) Formation of ammonia from glucose (2) Breakdown of glucose (3) Formation of glycogen (4) Formation of glucose from sources other than carbohydrate Liver cells secrete (1) Amylopsin 3) Lipase 2) Tiypsin (Bile and no enzyme Which reserve fod is consumed first by man during starvation () Fat (3) Glycogen (2) Protein (4) Vitamin What is the most important function of bile ; (1) Help in digestion by emulsification of fats (2) Elimination of excretory products (G) Fat digestion by enzymes (4) Coordination of digestive activities Absence of which of these in bile will make fat digestion difficult, (1) Cholesterot (3) Pigment Bile salts (@) Acids How does digestion of fats differ from digestion of proteins (1) Processing of fats does not require any digestive enzyme, where as processing of Proteins does @ Fats absorption occurs in stomach while Proteins get absorbed in small intestine, ‘Most absorbed fats first enter lymphatic system whereas Proteins enter the blood (4) Only fats get digested by bacteria in the large intestine before it can be absrobed. 6 The enzyme that catalyse the changing of emulsified ols to fatty acids and glycerol is (1) Pepsin (2) Lipase @) Amylase (4) Sucrose CORPORATE OFFICE : Morion Education Pvt. Lad., 394 - Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota Digestion and Absorption | 33 79. 80. a1. 82, 83. 84, 85, 86, 87. Which food substance is absorbed, without digestion: 88. (1) Carbohydrates (2) Proteins (3) Vitamins 4) Fats Beri-Beri, Scurvy and Rickets are respectively caused by deficiency of COVER, D&C VB, C&D 89. Q@ViDB&A MViLADeC The structural and functional unit of liver is (1) Cystic duet (2) Hepatic lobule G) Hepatopancreatie duct 90. (4) Sphincter of Oddi Which of the following does not produce any digestive enzyme (1) Pancreas (2)Colon a G) Stomach (4) Duodenum Hydrolysis of lipid yields (1) Fats (2) Fatty acids and glycerol a GB) Mannose and glycerol (4) Maltose and fatty acid Te toxie substance are detoxicated in the human body by (1) Langs (2) Kidneys 6) Liver (4) Stomach ‘Whats the common passage for bile and pancreatic juices 983. Digestive enzymes are (1) Hydrolase (3) Transferase (2) Oxide-reductase (4) None of these Peyer's patches produce (1) Enterokinase (3) Mucous 2) Lymphocyte 4) Trypsin Brunner’s gland are found in (1) Submucosa of stomach (2) Mucosa of ileum ) Submucosa of duodenum (4) Mucosa of duodenum Brunner’s glands are associated with (1) Secretion of Pancreatic Juice (2) Secretion of intestinal Juice ) Secretion of Bile Juice (All ofthe above Bow - shaped legs in children are due to deficiency of Vitamin @pD @B Qa ae Opening of hepatopanereatic duct into the duodenum is guarded by (1) Pylorie sphincter G3) Sphincter of oddi (2) Sphincter of boyden (4) Cardiac sphincter Common bite duct (CBD) is formed by - (1) the union of a duct from gall bladder and pancreatic duct. (2) the union of right ant left hepatic ducts (ducts from liver) (3) the union ofa duct from gall bladder and hepatic duets (4) the union of a pancreatic duet and duet from liver. Match Column I with Column It (A) Pancreatic Juice Column L Column I |) Bilirubin and bilverdin |(B) intestinal Juice |(U1) Matase IC) Bite juice III) Carboxypeptidase |(D) Succus entericus|(IV) Enterokinase (DA-WV,B- Il, C-1,D-T Q) A-IIL,B-IV,C-1,D-1 @) AcILB-IV.C-LD-I (® A-IL,B-IlL, C-1,D-1N, 2, url: www.motion. 1, © :1800-212-1799, 8003899588 34| Theory and Exercise Book 94, Which of the following is nota function of liver (1) Deamination (2) Bite storage (3) Synthesis of plasma protein (4) Storage of fat soluble vitamin is converted into glycogen in liver and () Liver (G) Liver and spleen Q) Liver and muscles (4) Spleen and muscles 96. Which ofthe following reaction isnot catalysed by ‘brush border enzymes ? (1) Maltose _Matase_, glucose + glucose 2) Lactose __12228¢_, glucose + galactose 3) Nucleotides _Muchetidase_, Nucleotides (4) Nucleic acids __Neste9ses_, Nucleotides 97. The enzyme of which ofthe following juice acts on the end products of reactions to form simple absorbable forms ? (1) Pancreatic juice (2) Succus entericus () Saliva (Bile juice 98. Match the following regarding digestive systemand choose correct one ? ‘Columa-t ColumneI ‘A [Renin 1 [Fats emubification B [Bile sak 2 [Mucous secretion Brumer’s gands| 3 [Hydrochloric avid D [Oxyntic cells [4 [Curding of mikk (DA2,B3,C-4,D4 Q) A1,B4, C2, D3 G) A2,B4,C3,D4 () 4, BH, C2, D- 99. 100, 101. ‘Match the following and choase correct one ? Column | Column-tt ‘A [Duodenum [1 [Zymogen B [Parietal cetls| 2_[Secretin C [Paneth cells [3 [Lysozyme D [chiefces [4 [Her (DAA, B3, C2, DS Q) A3,B4, C1, D2 G) A2,B4,C3,D-1 (@) A4, BH, C-2,D3 Match the two columns and select the right one among options given ? ‘Colummt ColummIT ‘A[Duodenum | 7 [A cartilaginous flap Bl Epiwiottis | ii [Small bind sac Ic’ shaped structure C |iotis ii emerging from the stomach, Dlcaccum | i [Penine of wing pipe (DA), BH ii), Cif), Div) (2) A4(iv), Boil), Ci), D4i) (3) Acti), BH(D), Civ), Di) AG), Biv), C4, Di) Study the following figure ? The correct one about ‘A 'B','C’ and 'D' is (1 A’ isle duet while (2) ‘Bis bile duct while (G) ‘D's eystie duet while A’ is pancreatic duet (4) 'B’ is hepatopancreatic duct while 'D' is bile duct is ileum elu CORPORATE OFFICE : Morion Education Pvt. Lad., 394 - Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota Digestion and Absorption | 35 102. 103. 104, 105, The digetive enzymes are able to digest meat taken in diet but does not digest the cells which are producing them, It can be explaned as follows (1) Cells of intestine have a protective coat (2) Cells are digested but repaired immediately () Enzymes are seereted in inactive form (4) Enzymes become inactive on contact of cells Consider the following statements and select the correct option stating whichones are true (T) and which ones are false (F) ? (@ Amylase hydrolyzes proteins to amino acids (i) Pancreatic amylase hydrolyses polysaccharides to disaccharides Gi) Enteropeptidase activates pepsinogen to pepsin (iv) Trypsin coagulates the milk protein casein o ® ww Ww MT T F F @F T F T OF T F F @rFo oT oT F Match the following ? ‘Column-1 Columa-It (Galivary gland) | (Their location) a. [Parotds (Jew tongue [Sub-maxilary OOo ear | [Lower jaw « [Sub-inguals | Gia|Cheek (AG, dG, eG) @)aGi, be, eit) Q)atd, Wi, oi) (yal, BG, The digestion of which food component is affected if pancreas is removed ? (1) Carbohydrates (3) Fats (2) Proteins (4) All ofthese 106. 107. 108. 109. 110. an, 42. 113. 4. The enzyme invertase (Suerase) hydrolyse (1) Glucose into sucrose 2) Sucrose into glucose and fructose G) Starch into maltose (4) Starch into sucrose Digestion of carbohydrate is affected by (@)Amylopsin (2) Lipase @) Erepsin (4) Pepsin Castle's intrinsic factor is connected with internal absorption of. (View @vic 2) Vie B, Vit, Some proteolytic enzymes are (1) Trypsin, Amylase, Pepsin (2) Amylase, Lipase, Pepsin 3) Pepsin, Trypsin, Chymotrypsin (4) Trypsin, Maltase, Pepsin Which pairing is not correct (1) VitD -Rickets (2) Vit K- Sterlity (3) Thiamine - Beri-Beri(4) Niacin -Pellagra Glycogen can not be stored in (1) Liver (2) Kidney @) Muscle (4) Hepatocytes The enzyme DNAase is secreted from (1) Duodenum G) Liver (2) Pancreas (4) Stomach Enzyme enterokinase activates (1) Nucleases G) Pepsinogen (2) Lipases (4) Trypsinogen Which one differs from the category of other three (1) Gastrin (2) Glucagon 3) Seeretin (@)Pyalin 2, url: www.motion. 1, © :1800-212-1799, 8003899588 36 | Theory and Exercise Book 15, 116. 47. 18, 119. 120. 121. 122, Enzyme steapsin is a component of (1) Muscus (Q)Saliva (3) Pancreatic Juice (4) Intestinal juice The hormone involved in the discharge of pancreatic juice in mammal is called ()Gastrin (2) Seeretin (3) Seeretin & CCK (4) Enterogasterone Enzyme maltase in human gut acts on food at a pH of (Q) More than seven to change starch into maltose. (Q) Less than 7 to change starch into maltose. (3) More than 7 to change maltose into glucose (4) Less than 7 to change maltose into glucose. Simple sugar of blood is () Galactose Q) Lactose (3) Sucrose (4) Glucose Rickets is disease of which category (A) Infective disease (2) Deficiency disease (3) Communicable disease (4) Inheritable disease Point out the odd one () Rennin (3) Caleitonin Q) Seeretin (4) Oxytocin Cholecystokinin s secretion of (1) Duodenum that causes contraction of gall bladder {@) Goblet cells of ileum stimulates secretion of succus entius (G) Liver and controls secondary sex characters (4) Stomach that stimulates pancreas to release juice Lactose composed of = (1) Glucose + galactose (2) Glucose + fructose (3) Glucose + glucose (4) Glucose + mannose 123. 124, 125. 126. In mammals carbohydrate are stored in the form of (1) Lactic acid in muscles (2) Glycogen in liver and muscles (3) Glucose in liver and muscles (4) Fat in liver and skin Glucose and galactose unite to form (1) Maltase 2) Sucrose (3) Isomaltose (4) Lactose A seetion of small intestinal mucosa is shown below, identify the labelled structure "X’ and choose the incorrect option - (1) Involve in the absorption of ft. (2) Annetwork of large lymph vessels (3) A network of blood vessels. (4) Milk in appearance, Secretin () Stimulates enzymes secretion by pancreas, inhibits acid serotonin stomach, stimulates gall bladder {@ Stimulates bicarbonate secretion by pancreas, iis acid secretion in stomach, stimulates bicarbonate secretion by liver (G) Stimulates acid secretion in stomach, potentiates action of CCK, (4) Stimulates gall bladder, inhibits acid secretion in stomach, stimulate bicarbonate secretion by panereas its intestinal movement CORPORATE OFFICE : Morion Educnaion Pvt. Lxd., 394 - Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota Digestion and Absorption | 37 127. 128, 129, 130. 131. 132, 133. ‘Trypsin differs fiom pepsin because it digests (1) Carbohydrate in alkaline medium in stomach (2) Protein, in alkaline medium in stomach G) Protein, in acidic medium of stomach (4) Protien, in alkaline medium in duodenum Secretin and cholecystokinin are digestive hormones. They are secreted by (1) Oesophagus Q) eum (3) Duodenum (4) Pylorie stomach After surgical removal of an infected gall bladder, a person must be espicially careful to restrict dietary intake of (1) Sugar cane juice G) Oily food (2) Bnergy drinks (4) Protein powder 136. Which of the following is not a possible effect of strenuous exercise on the digestive system >= (1) Overall improvement of metabolism when exercise is regular 2) Decreased activity of stomach during (G) Gastrointestinal reflex after exercise (4) Increase blood flow through the entire digestive system during exercise. ‘A person deficient in Rhodopsin (visual pigment) should take (1) Tomatoes (3) Carrot (2) Radish (4) Guavas Emulsfication of fats by bie takes place in (1) Duodenum, 2) Liver (@) Stomach, (4) Intestine During prolonged starvation, body derives nutrition from storage of (1) Liver and adipose tissue (2) Spleen (G) Liver and lungs, (4) Subcutaneous fat and Panereas 134, 137. 138, 139. Lacteals take part (1) Digestion of milk protein @) Absorption of fat ) Digestion of Fat (4) None of the above During prolonged fasting: (1) First fats are used up, followed by carbohydrate from liver and muscles, and protein in the end, (2) First carbohydrate are used up, followed by fat and proteins towards end G) First lipids, followed by proteins and carbohydrates towards end. ) First carbon, followed by protein and fact Vitamins are (1) Inorganie substances and can't be synthesized by animals, 2) Inorganic substances and can be synthesized by animals. G) Organic substances which cannot mostly be synthesized by animals, (4) Organic substances which can mostly be synthesized by animals Which of the following is absorbed in proximal intestine () Iron Bile salts (2) Sodium @ Vitamin B, ‘Substances which are not related with hepatic portal circulation (1) Amino acid @) Glucose (@) Fatty acid (4) Fructose Fully digested food reaches to liver by (1) Hepatic portal vein (Q) Hepatic artery (3) Hepatic vein (4) All the above 2, url: www.motion. 1, © :1800-212-1799, 8003899588 38 | Theory and Exercise Book 140. 141. 142, 143, 144. 14s, In jaundice, skin and eyes turn yellow due to the deposition of bile pigments. This disease is due to malfunctioning of which oragn ? (0) Liver (@)Brain (2) Intestine (4) Pancreas In which of the following disorder of digestive system there is abnormal frequency of bowel movement and increased liquidity of the faecal discharge ? (D Vomiting. Q) Diarthoea (3) Constipation (4) Indigestion In which of the following disorder the faeces are retained within the rectum as the bowel movements occur irregularly ? (2) Vomiting (4) Jaundice (1) Constipation (3) Diarrhoea Vit D is also called (1) Caleiterot (Retinol 2) Ascorbic acid (4) Folic Acid When breast feeding is repaleed by less nutritive food, low in proteins and calories; the infants below the age of one year are likely to suffer fom (1) Pellagra @) Rickers (Q) Marasmus (4) Kwashiorkar Protein deficiency Ieads to (1) Kwashiorkar (2) Marasmus (3) Cretinism (4) both (1) and (2) 146, 147. 148, 149, 150, Pemicious anaemia is caused by deficiency of vitamin we OB, OB, MB, Stool ofa person contain whitish grey colour due to malfunction of which type of organ 2) Spleen ©) Liver (1) Pancreas () Kidney Read the following statements and answer the question following them ? (A)Chylomicrons are very small proteins coated by fat globules (B) During assimilation absorbed substances finally reach tissues which utilise them for their activities (C) Defatecation is @ voluntary process How many of these statements are correct ? (1) Two (2) One () Three (4) None ‘A person with bleeding gums should daly take: (Milk 2) Carrots (3) Lemons (4) Butter Thiamine is another name For (vie, Vita @ vip, (@ VitB Complex, CORPORATE OFFICE : Morion Education Pvt. Lad., 394 - Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota Digestion and Absorption | 39 ANSWER-KEY [EXERCISE - 1] oul 1[2[3[4[s]le[7|s]9][w[u][e[ sl ulis ‘Ans.| 3 4[3]3lifela{[3fifatistifi fa [Que.[ a6 [47 [a8 [19 [20 [21 | 22 [23 [24 [2s | 26 | 27 [28 | 29 [30 ‘ans.[ 2 [4 f2t3fatifitsf2titstifitiss Que.{ 31 | 32 [33 | 34 [ 35 | 36 | 37 | 38 | 39 | 40 | a1 | 42 | as | 44 [a5 ams.[ 2 [3 [2 [331i [3 fi fata [27s [313 Ta Que.| 46 [47 [48 [49 [so | st | s2 | 53 | s4 [ss | 50 | 57 | se | 59 | 60 An.[ 3 [i [3]2][4[3]4[a[4a][3[3[3]2][3 [3 Que. 61 [62 [63 | 64 [65 | 66 | 67 | os [69 | 70 | m1 | 72 [73 | 74 [75 ans[3[2[3[3]i1/3[1/2/1[4[2]4]a[3/1 Que.[ 76 [77 | 78 | 79 [ 0 | 81 | 82 | 83 | 84 | 8s | 86 | 87 | 8 | 89 | 90 an.[2[3[2[3f2};2[2f2/3sl[i[if2[if2fi Que.[ 91 [92 | 93 [94 [95 | 96 | 97 | 98 | 99 [100 | 101 | 102 | 103 | 104 | 105 anf 3 [3 [3/[2[2/4/[2[4[3l3[3]35ls]4/a ‘Que.[ 106 | 107 | 108 [109 [110 | aaa [112 | 013 | 004 [115 [116 [107 [ans [a9 [120 Ans.| 2 [1 [4[3][2[2]2[a[a]3]3[3 [4/2 [1 Que.| 121 | 122 | 123 [124 [ 125 | 126 | 127 | 128 | 129 | 130 | 434 | 432 | 133 | 134 | 135 an.[ 1 [i f2f4f3f2-[s{3[3[4[3 i [i [2f2 Que.[ 136 [ 137 | 138 [139 [140 | 141 [142 [143 [ 144 [145 [146 | 147 [148 | 149 | 150 am.[3 [i [2tifil2ti ti fets [stati tats (2, url:, © : 180-212-1799, 8003899588, 40 | Theory and Exercise Book Exercise - 2 Objective Problems | NEET Select the correct statements (a) Alimentary canal begins with an anterior cavity called buccal cavity, (b) Tooth is embedded in a socket of mandible bone only, (©) Human shows diphyodont type of dentition. (@) Ocsophagus and the trachea open into the pharynx. Mabekd Qab&e Gackd Babad Te oesophagus is a thin, long tube which extends passing through the neck, TAnteriorly (2) Posteriorly (3) Horizontaly ( Obliquely Tn human is a small blind sae which hosts some symbiotic micro-organism. (1) Caecum 2) Colon (3) Rumen (4) All ofthese Select the correct structural sequence of alimentary canal facing from inside to outside. (1) Serosa > Muscularis -> Submucosa > Mucosa (2) Muscularis-> Serosa—> Mucosa —> Submucosa (G) Mucosa-> Submucosa > Muscularis > Serosa (4) Submucosa > Mucosa Muscularis > Serosa All of the following are correct with respect to intestine of human except (1) Colon having ascending, descending and transeverse part, (@) Duodenum is C-shaped structure G) Taenae & haustra is presentall along the length of intestine, (4) Highly developed villi is restricted to small iestine. Select the correct statements (a) Salivary glands situated just outside the buccal cavity. () Liver is the largest digestive gland (c) Hepatie duet not arises from gall bladder. (@) Sphincter of oddi can regulate the released of pancreatic and bile duct in duodenum. Mabeed Qaba&d bee Mabe 1 13. 13. The process of digestion is acomplished by (1) Mechanical process (2) Chemical process (3) Electrical process (4) Both 1 & 2 Which ofthe following helps in lubricating and adhering the masticated food particles into a bos (1) Salivary amylase (2) Mucous (3) Secretion of laerymal gland (4) Gastric juice Which of the followingelectrolytes preset in saliva of human ? (Na @cr Qk (@)Allabove Select the correct statements (1) Trypsinogen _Cvmsinns_ Trypsin (@) Procarboxy peptidase _rase carboxypeptidase (G3) Proamylase > Amylase (4) Pepsinogen #2, Pepsin Select the odd with respect to enzymes present in adult aman (1) Rennin (2) Chymotrypsin G)Trypsin (@ Pepsin Which ofthe following is not produced by the brush border cells ofthe intestinal mucosa (1) Dipeptidases (2) Nucleosidases 3) Lipases (4) Nucleases All ofthe following is eorreet wr. large intestine except (1) Nosignificant digestive activity. @) Absorption of some water ) Absorption of certain minerals, (4) Absorption ofremaining glucose and amino acid, CORPORATE OFFICE : Morion Education Pvt. Lad., 394 - Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota Digestion and Absorption | 41 a8, 14, Inwhich of the following disease liver is affected, 19. Identify A, B, C and D and choose correct option skin and eyes turn yellow due tothe deposit of bile regarding their number in complete jaw pigments (1) Vomiting @) Jaundice ) Diarrhoea (4) Dysentry 15. Match the following Column 1 Column 1 [(A) Salivary gland] Trypsinogen |(B) Stomach |<) Bile pigments ae é D Jc) Pancreas {) Imes {tY) Pipers (G)|inesor-k |Canie=t [Promo [Molar-12 Ic) Gallbiadder lev) Gastric juice (finer? [Canine [Premoir-? [Molar3 ()A-V.B-m,C-LD-E-IV 20, Kant the crest match fom he column 1 Q)A-I,B-V,C-1,D-IN,E-I @)A-IN.B-IL,C-I,D-LE-V Column T] | Columa tr Column TIT @A-LB-¥.C-LD-LE-V ‘AlSalivary — [a]Lacteal i [Emulsification 16, Find out the correct match fom the fllowing table plana or fat B Vili [Goblet cots [i |Whartonts duct Columat)Column lt) Column THE intestinal |e[Bib pice | ii [Absorption of 7 [Goblet cells |Macus [Prevent mucosa yer epithet fat om damage of HCL D]biver —_[afSubmaxitay | w [Mucous B |tysomme [Sana [Antibacterial agent and C |saliva | Subparotid [Secrete salvary lsland [amylase c D logne [HCL [stimulate gavin Avi Bay, Chil Doi en neve ()Ab4, Beas, Coe 21, Read the following statements (A-D) (ony Q)AadB (A) The stomach stores the food for 4-5 hours (Only ()CandD (8) The fod mies oughly wi he aie 17. The GIT local hormone that stimulates the erypts (©) Trypsinogen is activated by an enzyme of Lieberkuhn is cnierogastrone, secreted by the intestinal rue (1) Enterogastrone (2) Enterocrnin cosa “iterokinise terokinia (D)Renin is enzyme found in gastric juice of (8) Enterok (Eater infants which helps in digestion of milk 18, Largest gland ofthe body is protein (Skin (3) Pancreas (2) Liver (4) Small intestine How many of the above statements are wrong ? (2) Four (2) One @) Two (4) Three 2, url: www.motion. 1, © :1800-212-1799, 8003899588 42 | Theory and Exercise Book 2. 23. 24. 26. 27. 28, Conversion of large fat globules into smaller lobules (1)Emulsifcation (2) Digestion @) Assimilation (Specification Which ofthe following process willbe affected by the absence of enterokinase ? (1) Lipid + Fatty acid ~ glycerol (2) Dipeptides > Amino acid (3) Proteoses > Dipeptide (4) Amylose -> Maltose Gastric secretions are inhibited by (@) Sympathetic discharge (b) Acetylcholine (Gr (@ Secretin ()@) Only 3) @), (© and (@) @ a) and (© Mb, Oand@ Contraction of gall bladder is carried by (0) Citic acid + acetyl Co-A. (2)Gastrin (3) Cholecystokinin (4) None of these A person addict for alcohol gets his liver destroyed because (1) Liver stores excess of protein (2) Liver stores excess of fat (3) Liver stores excess of starch (4) Liver stores excess of glycogen Ant-sterility vitamin s () Vitamin B,, 3) Vitamin E Q) Vitamin D (4) Vitamin A. The longitudinal muscular folds of nner wall ofstom- ach are called (1 Papilla of vater vil (2) Rugae Fissure 29. 30. a1. 33. 34. 37. 38. Deamination oceurs in () Kidney (3) Nephron Q) Liver (@) Both 'T and Enterogastrone is (1) Hormone secreted by gastric mucosa (2) Enzyme secreted by mucosa G) Hormone secreted by duodenal mucosa. (4) Secreted by endocrine gland related to digestion Part of bile juice useful in digestion is (DBile salt (2) Bite pigment (3) Bile matrix (4) Allofthem From which ofthe following pepsin is secreted: (1) Panerease (2) Stomach (B)Salivary gland (4) Liver Secretin hormone stimulates (Gastric glands 2) Pancreas (3)Gall bladder (4) Crypts of Lieberkuin Prorennin is secreted by (1) Zymogen cells (2) Sertoli cells (G) Islets of langerhans (4) Hepatocytes FFint out the correctly matched pair (1) Pepsinogen > Zymogenic cells (2) HCI Goblet cells GB) Mucus + Oxymtic cells (4) Pancreatic juice — Salivary glands Among mammals, a significant role in the digestion of milk is played by ()Rennin (2) Invertase (3) Amylase (@) Intestinal bacteria pH of gastric juice is «2 @4 (3)6 as Which ofthe following hormone helps in secretionot HCI from stomach ? (D Renin (3) Secretin (2) Gastrin (4) Somatomedin CORPORATE OFFICE : Morion Education Pvt. Lad., 394 - Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota Digestion and Absorption | 43 39. 40. 41 2, 4B. 44, 45, 46. 47. ‘Anetra oblique muscle lyerispreseninhe wall 48. Which ofthe followings water soluble vitamin ? of which portion of alimentary canal ? () Vitamin A (2) Vitamin B (1) Stomach (2) Duodenum (3) Vitamin D_ (4) Vitamin E @)Colon 4) Caecum 49, Find out the coret match ‘The organ in human body where elycogenolysis takes place ? Column I Column It (1) Lerge intestine @) Liver (A) Hepatic bbule fi Sub mucosal glands () Small intestine (#) Kidney (B) Brunner's gands fii, Base of villi ‘Crypts of Lieberkun’ are found in ©) Crypts of eberkxinf it. GRssons capsule (Gallbladder) Liver J) sphincter of Oasifv. Gal blader G) Pancreas (4) Intestinal wall Ice) Cystic duct lv. Hepatopancreatic duct Gilisson’s capsule is asociated with vi Serous glands (Liver (2) Pancreas (3) Lungs (4) Kidney B c D E ‘The main digestive function of enterokinase is a vi i viv (1) Conversion of pepsinogen into pepsin ov wow (2) Conversion oftypeinogen into trypsin Om i Boy (@) Conversion of rypsin into trypsinogen (4)Stinulation ofthe gastic glandstasectetgastic 50. It is present in rod cells and useful in night us (1) Vitamin K (2)Melanin Osment ting Rs ie (Vienne (Vina D S1. The below diagram represents the TS of Gut and Vitamin B,, consists of which type of mineral ? (oo @Ni re (4) None of these Pancreatic juice contain bicarbonate which is secreted by (Deceells (3) Kupfer’ cell (2) Goblet cell (4) Aciner cell Identify the fase statement (1) Oesophagus does not secrete any enzyme (2) Gall bladder is absent in horse (3) Human teeth are thecodont (4) There are two pairs of salivary glands in humans labelled as a to d, Select incorrect option = (1) Contraction in 'a" causes decrease length of gut (2) Contraction in ’b' causes increase in lumen of gut 3)'d itis mucosa (4) is may contains food. 2, url: www.motion. 1, © :1800-212-1799, 8003899588 44 | Theory and Exercise Book 52. The following diagram is showing human duct $4, Which of the following is a correct identification of system of liver, gall bladder and pancreas with the the labelled part and its deseription ? parts labelled from A, B and C. Choose the incorrect option= (1) B-A villus with mucus producing goblet eels 2) D-Blood capillary with actively and passively (1) Structure A carries enzyme less secretion absorbed nutrients excpet ipids (2) Structure B earries enzymatic less secretion (3) Structure C is guarded by sphincter of odd (4) Seructure C is guarded by pyloric sphincter 3. What wll appen if parasympathatic nerve supply to gastrointestinal tract is damaged ? (1) Secretion of itestnal juice decreases (2) Secretion of gastric juice increases (3) Secretion of saliva increases (4) Bath (1) & @) ec (3) A-Lacteals, the ymph vessels being more porous than blood capillaries (4) C- The finger like folding with microvilli giving brush bordered appearance ANSWER-KEY [EXERCISE - 2] Qque[i[t2 [sta ts te[7][ so [wl] [is [is [is anf 3 [2 [i [3 {3 ilfa[2feltaltitatat2t2 ‘Que.{ 16 [17 [18 [19 [20 | 21 | 22 [23 | 24 | 25 [26 [27 [28 [29 [30 Ans.) 2[4[2/3[2[4]/il[3[3]/3[2[3]2]2[3 Que.{ 31 [32 [33 [34 [35 | 36 [37 [38 [39 [a0 [a1 [a2 [a3 [4s [as ans.[ 1 [2f2[i1fififif2f[if2t4l[ilfeteti Que.[ 46 [47 [48 [49 [50 | si | 52 [53 [54 anf 4[4f2[3f3l24 tila CORPORATE OFFICE : Morion Education Pvt. Lad., 394 - Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota Digestion and Absorption | 45 Exercise - 3 | Pre AIPMT - 2006 Which one of the following pairs of the type of 5, cells and their secretion is correctly matched (1) Oxyntic cells -a secretion with pH between 1.2 and3.0 2) Alpha cells of Islets of Langerhans - secretion that decreases blood sugar level ) Kuplier cells -a digestive enzyme that 6. hydrolyses nucleic acids (@) Sebaceous glands + a secretion that evaporates for cooling AIPMT - 2007 Which one of the following is a fat-soluble vitamin and its related deficiency disease ? (1) Caleferol -Pellagra (2) Ascorbic acid - Scurvy on (3) Retinol -Xerophthaimia (4) Cobalamine « Beri-beri AIPMT - 2008 Which one of the following is the correct matching of the site of action on the given substrate, the enzyme acing upon it and the end product ? (2) Small intestine: Proteins Acids (2) Stomach: Fats _Ubave_, micelles Peosiny Amino (3) Duodenum Typein monoglycerides Triglycerides (4) Small intestine: Starch _aArvleso Disaccharide (Maltose) ‘What will happen ifthe secretion of parietal cells of gastric glands is blocked with an inhibitor ? (1) In the absence of HCT secretion, inacitve pepsinogen is not converted into the active enzyme pepsin (2) Enterokinase will not be released from the duodenal mucosa and so trypsinogen is not converted to trypsin (3) Gastrie juice will be deficient in chymosin (4) Gastric juice will be deficient in pepsinogen us Year Problems | NEET- AIPMT AIPMT - 2009 Which one of the following pairs of food ‘components in humans reaches the stomach totally undigested ? (1) Starch and celfulose (2) Protein and starch G) Starch and fat (4) Fat and cellulose ‘A young infant that feed entirely on mother’s milk which is white in colour but the stools which the infant passes out is quite yellowish. This yellow colour due to ? (1) Pancreatic juice poured into duodenum (2) Intestinal juice G) Bile pigments passed through bile juice (4) Undigested milk protein casein Which is true about gastric glands ? (1) Peptic cells secrete pepsin @) Oxyntie cells seerete HCI and castle's intrinsic factor, those are responsible for vit B,, absorption, (3) Mucous cells secrete mucous and intrinsic factor responsible for vit B,, absorption (4) Pepsinogen digests protein into peptons and proteoases. What is the real sense inflected in the given diagram ? (1) Closure of oesophagus for the entry of food in stomach @) Closure of trachea by epiglouts for preventing Food to enter in it @) Movement of bolus in trachea (@) Movement shown is a reflex action 2, url: www.motion. 1, © :1800-212-1799, 8003899588 46 | Theory and Exercise Book 10. Te 12. 1B. 14, AIPMT PRE - 2011 Which one of the following emzyme carries out the intial step in the digestion of milk in humans ? (1) Pepsin @)Rennin G) Lipase (4) All ofthese The purplise red pigment rhodopsin contained in the rods type of photoreceptor cells of the ‘human eye, is @ (1) Vitamin B, 2) Vitamin C ) Vitamin D (4) Vitamin A AIPMT MAINS = 2011 (One ofthe constituents ofthe pancreatic juice while poured into the duodenum in humans is (1) Enterokinase 2) Trypsinogen (B)Chymotrypsin (4) Trypsin AIPMT PRE - 2012 Anxiety and eating speciy food together in an otherwise normal human, may lead to (1) Diarthoca Q) Vomiting (3) Indigestion (4) Jaundice ‘AIPMT MAINS = 2012 Where do certain symbiotic micro-organism ‘normally occur in human body ? (1) Vermiform appendix and rectum (2) Duodenum (3) Caveum (4) Oral lining and tongue surface Continued consumption of a det rich in butter red meat and eggs for a long period may lead to (1) Vitamin-A toxicity 2) Kidney stones G) Hypercholesteromia (4) Urine laden with Ketone bodies Exeessive stimulation of vagus nerve in humans may lead to (1) Hoarse voice (2) Peptic ulcers G) Efficient digestion of proteins (4) lmegular contraction of diaphragm 16. AIPMT - 2013 Select the correct match of the digested products in humans given in coluran-1 with their absorption site and mechanism in column-I Column T Column 1 a (Cholesterol, mattose|Large intestine, active labsorption la Glycine, glucose [Small intestine, active absorption a [Small intestine, passive absorption Fructosem, Na a lGiscerol, fatty acids [Duodenum, move as chilomicrons 17. 19. 20. AIPMT - 20014 The intial step in the digestion of milk in humans is carried out by? (1) Lipase @)Rennin (2) Trypsin (4) Pepsin Fructose is absorbed into the blood through ‘mucosa cells of intestine by the process called (1) Active transport (2) Facilitated transport (G) Simple diffusion (4) Cortransport mechanism AIPMT - 2015 Which of the following statement is not correct?” (1) Brunner's gland are present in the sub ‘mucosa of stomach and secrete pepsinogen, (2) Goblet cells are present in the mucosa of intestine and secrete mucus 3) Oxyntic cells are present in the mucosa of stomach and secrete HCL, (4) Acini are present in the pancrease and secrete carboxy peptidase Gastric juice of infants contains (1) Maltase, pepsinogen, rennin (2) Nuclease, pepsinogen, lipase (G) Pepsinogen, lipase, rennin (4) Amylase, emnin, pepsinogen CORPORATE OFFICE : Morion Education Pvt. Lad., 394 - Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota Digestion and Absorption | 47 21. 22. 23. 24. 25, 26. NEET-I - 2016 In the stomach gastric acid is secreted by the 27. (1) Gastrin secreting cells (2) Parietal cells G) Peptic cells. (4) Acidic cells Which of the following guards the opening of 7* hhepatopancreatic duct into the duodentum ? (1) Semilunar valve (2) leocaecal valve 3) Pylorie sphincter (4) Sphincter of Oddi NEET-II = 2016 28. ‘Which hormones do stimulate the production of pancreatic juice and bicarbonate ? (1) Gastrin and insulin (2) Cholecystokinin and secretin (G) Insulin and glucagon (4) Angiotensin and epinephrine NEET - 2017 30. Which cells of "Crypts of Lieberkubn’ secrete antibacterial lysozyme ? (1) Angentalini cells (3) Zymogen cells (2) Paneth cells (4) Kupfer cells A baby boy aged two years is admitted to play 3% school and passes through a dental check -up. The dentist observed that the boy had twenty teeth, Which teeth were absent? (2) Canines ()Molars (1) incisors @) Premolars ‘Which ofthe following options best represents the enzyme composition of panereatic juice? (1) Amylase, peptidase, trypsinogen, rennin (2) Amylase, pepsin, trypsinogen, maltase (3) Peptidase, amylase, pepsin, rennin (4) Lipase, amylase, trypsin procarboxypeptidase en, NEET - 2018 Conversion of milk to curd improves its nutritional value by inereasing the amount of (1) Vitamin E (Q) Vitamin D G) Vitamin B,, (4) Vitamin A Which ofthe following gastric cells indirectly help in erythropoiesis ? (1) Parietal cells (8) Goblet cells (2) Chief cells (4) Macous cells Which of the following terms describe human dentition? (1) Pleurodont, Diphyodont, Heterodont 2) Thecodont, Diphyodont, Homodont 8) Pleurodont, Monophyodont, Homodont (4) Thecodont, Diphyodont, Heterodont NEET - 2019 Identify the cells whose secretion protects the lining of gastro-intestinal tract from various enzymes (1) Oxyntic Cells (2) Duodenal Cells (3) Chief Cells (4) Goblet Cells ‘Match the following structures with theirrespective Tocation in organs (@ Crypls of (Pancreas Lieberkuhn (b) Glisson's Capsule (li) Duodenum (© Islets of Gi) Small intestine Langerhans (@ Brunner’s glands (iv) Liver Solect the correct option from the following @® © © @ oO @ Oo o @ @ © ww ® @ © @ ww oO ® ® © «i 2, url: www.motion. 1, © :1800-212-1799, 8003899588 48 | Theory and Exercise Book 32. 33. NEET — 2020 The enzyme enterokinase helps in conversion of (1) trypsinogen into trypsin (2) caseinogens into casein (G) pepsinogen into pepsin (4) protein into polypeptides 34. Identify the correct statement with reference to human digestive system. (1) Serosais the innermost layer ofthe alimentary canal, (@) Meum is a highly coiled pant. (G) Vermiform appendix arises from duodenum. (4) Ilum opens into small intestine. NEET — 2021 Sphincter of odal is present at (1) Junetion of jejunum and duodenum, (2) Ileo-caecal junetion (3) Junction of hepato-pancreatic duet and duodenum (4) Gastrox vesophageal junction ANSWER-KEY [EXERCISE - 3] qu. t[2]3]4][s [es [7]8 [s][[n| 2] a] m4] 6 ans.|t13]4]/1]4]3]2{4/2]4]2]3]3]3]2 Que.| 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 28 | 30 An.|2}3|2/1/31214l212131413)114]4 CORPORATE OFFICE : Morion Education Pvt. Lad., 394 - Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota

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