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Wiggs 2nd Grade

Welcome Back to School! I am very excited to be working with your child this year. I have summarized some basic survival points until we can meet in depth at Open House on October 6th. Please email me with any questions. Tentative Daily Schedule Arrival Math Writing Shared Reading Word Study Specials Science/ Social Studies Lunch Recess Literacy Stations TAS Read Aloud Dismissal 8:50 - 9:05 9:05 10:05 10:05 10:45 10:45-11:15 11:15-11:45 11:45-12:30 12:30-1:00 1:00 1:32 1:32-1:45 1:45 2:45 2:45 3:15 3:15 3:30 3:30

September 9, 2011
Buying Snack To ensure your child is being responsible with lunch money please send a note confirming your child can purchase a snack. If your child is using money from their lunch account, only one note for the year is needed. Specials Schedule & Reminders A Day = Music with Ms. Sabourin B Day = Physical Education with John Dowd C Day = Art with Mrs. Bachman D Day = Physical Education E Day = Library with Mrs. Valenti F Day = Music with Ms. Sabourin Please remember to provide an art smock for our young artists. A large old t-shirt works well. Also, sneakers are needed every day for recess and on B & D days for P.E. This year Canal View has a 6 day rotation. Our library special will change to technology this second semester. I will supplement exposure to the computer lab this semester with scheduled visits once or twice during the week.

TAS TAS is short for Targeted Academic Support. During this time students will receive review, remediation work and enrichment.

District Mission: Our mission is to educate and inspire each student to love learning, pursue excellence and use knowledge, skills, and attitudes to contribute to an ever-changing global community.

Communication Your child will bring home a yellow folder every day. The folder will contain completed work and a weekly planner. Please review the planner daily for updates or personal notes. I have a place for parents initial to ensure it has been reviewed. I too scan the planners daily for quick messages from home. You can also contact me at the following places:
Canal View Office, 349-5400.

Dates to Remember: 9/16 Constitution Day Wear red, white and blue 9/21 CVA meeting 9/27 Board of Education Meeting 10/6 Open House 10/7 No School Superintendents Day 10/10 No School Columbus Day

Classroom Snacks We dont have lunch until 1pm! Since our morning schedule is very long, I allow the students to have a working snack. Please make healthy choices when selecting a snack for your child. Snacks that are messy may interfere with our learning. I recommend healthy finger foods that allow us to continue our reading or writing assignments. Class Blog This year I have created a class blog for you to follow events during the week. Please visit my blog and register your email address at the bottom. Every time I post a new message you will receive an email notifying you a new post has been submitted. The class blog is

Schedule for next week Monday D PE Tuesday E Technology Wednesday F Music Thursday A Music Friday B PE
District Mission: Our mission is to educate and inspire each student to love learning, pursue excellence and use knowledge, skills, and attitudes to contribute to an ever-changing global community.

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