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Amazon FBA VIP


First Call: Qualification

Hey [name], this is Kyle from Kevin David’s team.

How did you come across hearing about Kevin david?

What made you want to inspect a little bit further?

Were you able to watch the entire webinar then, about 20-30 minutes?

Awesome [name]. So just a couple things before we get started:
1. These calls are recorded so you can access any info you may need
from it after
2. I’m talking to on average about 15-20 people each day, and our
team in total meets with about 3500 different people each week and
to be totally transparent, we have more eligible students than we
have spots which is why we only want the best of the best to be
working with our mentors and coaches and most importantly Kevin

That’s why we have this process in place, so with your permission

I’d like to ask you a couple of questions just to help us get a better
understanding of your situation and what you’d like to get out of a
business like this.

Then from there if I find that you may be a good partner for our
team, I’ll be more than happy to invite you to a private Q&A where
you get to talk to the man himself, if not I’ll let you know straight
away as well so we don’t waste anyone’s time.

How does that sound?

Great, so tell me a bit more about your motivations for starting the
and why are you considering having Kevin David as your

and why is now the time to get the business started?

Do you currently have anything set aside for getting a business like
this started?

Got it, so if you were to get started with your AMZ business, and
you were to receive 1-1 guidance from one of our 7 figure AMZ
mentors how much would you be comfortable setting aside?

Decision Maker:
Are you supporting anyone else? Spouse, kids?
And in that relationship is you starting this business
something you’re going to have to talk to [important person]

Qualified Student:
Great, so based on what you told me so far I feel that you might be a good
fit for one of our done with you FBA programs.

I know you may have a lot of questions on how all of this works, what’s
the process, how much is the initial investment, etc., so we have a couple
things that’s going to help you get that answered.

1. I’ve made a packages PDF to give you an introduction of the

different options we have to help you get the business started - I
would strongly recommend you check that out before the Q&A and
our next meeting
as it cuts straight to the point about how the business works if you’re not
too familiar with that, but also the information you want.

2. I’m more than happy to invite you to the next live Q&A with Kevin
himself, the next time is at:
Tuesday at 1pm PST, 4pm EST
Thursdays at 10am PST or 1pm EST

3. Does X time or X time work better to speak again after the Q&A?
Great, and I just need your best email to send you an invite to that -
can I use the one I have on file?

Awesome, well [name] it was a pleasure speaking with you, I greatly

enjoyed our chat and getting to know a bit more about you and the reasons
behind why you want to get this business started, and I’ll see you on our
next live Q&A with Kevin at [time]!

Second Call: Reverse Close + Presentation

Hey, is., this [name]?

Hey [name], this is Kyle from Kevin David’s success team. How’s
everything been going so far?

What did you think of the Q&A - how was everything?

And did you get a chance to go through the packages PDF, videos I sent

The way this presentation kinda works, is that first thing is I go
through how the AMZ biz model works, fill in the blanks and
everything for you, and then we’ll show you a bit about our success,
what our 10,000 students have been able to do for their life and their
families, and we’ll go through the packages and everything and
hopefully we find the right one for you.

At the end of the call there’s really 3 routes we can take:

1. Yes, one of the packages is a good fit which is
unprecedented and we’ll be able to help you get started as
soon as possible
2. No, which is totally fine as well - what we have here isn’t for
everyone and I’ll do my best to direct you to someone who
can help
3. I need to think about it. I get it, sometimes people need to
think things through with the business partner or even
themselves to help see whether it’s going to be a good fit, but
what we do require is a deposit for one of the packages, only
because our waiting list is about 3 weeks long, and many say
that they’re interested, but there’s really no way for our team
and most importantly Kevin himself to see that commitment
other than deposit. We can’t keep people from wanting to
join so if you do potentially want to enroll, at least with a
deposit you’ll be able to save your spot in the line - it’s
completely refundable so you’d get it back if you’d like as

Does that all make sense?

Give 2 options, ask which one works best

Questions: get them answered straight away

Deposit or Straight up payment.

Logistics + Price:
So now the only thing we haven’t really covered yet is the investment to
get into the program - we did talk about budget and you did mention that
[budget/no budget],
so just to make sure, you are willing to invest time and money to get this
situation taken care of, and put yourself on a better path, right?

Great, so KD makes it very simple to get started:

Give 2 options based on their budget
Because of the coaches’ limited time and energy, we can only accept 10
students into each group, with us having a waitlist of currently about 3
weeks and signing up about 2-3 students a day on average.

Does that make sense?

Are you comfortable with what we’ve discussed?
So out of the two, which one sounds better for your situation?

1. Send agreement
2. Talk about deposit or submitting entire amount
If they have funds available, submit entire
If need to gather them push for deposit

Template for any Objection:

I’m on these calls all the time, and not saying this is you but I do
frequently get people who say that they’re going to be there for the
next meeting, what they really mean is “I’m not interested, I just
want to get off the phone as quickly as possible so this guy stops
bothering me.”

I just want to make sure that if that’s the case, I’d like you to let me
know here and now - it’s totally OK to say no if you don’t feel that
this is going to work out. We wouldn’t want you to invest into
something you’re not comfortable in, and all lying’s going to do is
just waste both of our time.
You mentioned that you want [goals, results], [roadblocks] are
holding you back, and right now you’re in [situation] - you also
mentioned you need to take action now.

So what exactly is holding you back from taking action today?

Awesome man. So I hope that what we’ve discussed during this meeting
has been valuable from you, and I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Enjoy your day/afternoon/night!

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