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- Answer all questions in Section A, and any three questions in Section B.

- The number of marks pre question or part question are indicated at the end of the

Section A: 40 Marks

1. (i). The skeleton protects delicate body organs. State any other two functions of the
skeleton and explain them.
a) ………………………………………………………………………………………
b) ………………………………………………………………………………………
……………………………………………………………………………… [4]

(ii). Identify any three bones and the delicate organs they protect.

Bone Organ it protects


2. a) Bones can be classified into four main categories. Name any two classes of bones
and give two examples under each class.

………………………………………………………………………………………… [4]
b). Give anatomical names of any five of the following bones

(i). Shin bone ……………………………………………….

(ii). Collar bone ……………………………………………….

(iii). Breast bone ………………………………………………

(iv). Shoulder blade ……………………………………………….

(v). Thigh bone ……………………………………………….

(vi). Knee cap ………………………………………………… [5]

3.. a) Where are the following bones located?

(i). Ulna ……………………………………………………..

(ii). Cranium ……………………………………………………..

(iii). Tarsals ……………………………………………………..

(iv). Fibula ……………………………………………………. [4]

b). (i). State any two other names given to the spine

…………………………………………………………………………………………. [2]

(ii). Give any three functions of the spine

…………………………………………………………………………………………… [3]

4. Joints can be classified as immovable, slightly movable and freely movable.

a) What is the other name for?

(i). Immovable joints ……………………………………………………

(ii). Slightly movable joints ……………………………………………………

(iii). Freely movable joints ………………………………………………… [3]

b). Where do we find

(i). Immovable joints? ………………………………………………………

(ii). Slightly movable joints? ………………………………………………… [2]

c). Give three examples of freely movable joints, and places where they are located.

………………………………………………………………………………………. [6]

5. What is the function of the following?

(i). Ligaments
………………………………………………………………………………………… [1]

(ii). Tendons
………………………………………………………………………………………….. [1]

(iii). Synovial fluid

………………………………………………………………………………………… [2]
Section B

Answer any three questions from this section.

6. a) State any three types of muscles and give examples of where they are found. [6]

b). Identify any three muscle groups found on the upper body [3]

c). Which muscle groups ;

(i). Flex the forearm at the elbow?

(ii). Help with breathing?

(iii). Adduct the arm and shoulder?

(iv). Move the arm in all directions at the shoulder?


d). Define (i). Isotonic muscle contraction

(ii). Isometric muscle contraction [4]

e). Define the following terms in relation to muscles

(i). antagonists

(ii). Fixators

(iii). Synergists [3]

7. (a). Define any four of the following movements

(i). adduction (v). Inversion

(ii). Circumduction (vi). Extension

(iii). Flexion (vii). Abduction

(iv). Supination (viii). Pronation [4]

(b). Give any three short term effects of exercise on any two of the following body systems

(i). Skeletal system

(ii). Circulatory system

(iii). Respiratory system

(iv). Muscular system [6]

(c). State any five long term benefits of exercise on any two of the following body systems

(i). Skeletal system

(ii). Circulatory system

(iii). Respiratory system

(iv). Muscular system [10]

8. (i). Give three characteristics of the following:

(a). slow-twitch muscle fibres

(b). fast-twitch muscle fibres [6]

(ii). Give two sporting activities for which the following muscle fibres are suitable

(a). slow-twitch muscle fibres

(b). fast-twitch muscle fibres [4]

(iii). Identify four functions of blood [4]

(iv). State any two characteristics of any three of the following components of blood.

(a). Red blood cells

(b). White blood cells

(c). Plasma

(d). Platelets [6]

9. (a). State and explain any two functions of

(i). the muscular system

(ii). The respiratory system [6]

(b). State and give any three characteristics of any two main blood vessels [8]

(c). Define the following

(i). Pulmonary circulation

(ii). Systemic circulation [4]

(d). which word describe

(i). The force of the blood against the walls of blood vessels

(ii). The amount of blood pumped by the heart during each beat [2]

10. (a). Briefly describe how one of the following occurs

(i). blood moves around the body


(ii). How the process of gaseous exchange occurs in the lungs [4]

(b). define any two of the following words

(i). Heart rate (ii). Recovery rate

(iii). Cardiac output (iv). Hypertension [2]

(c). explain how any three of the following aspects affect blood pressure

(i). Age (vi). Weight [3]

(ii). Exercise

(iii). Stress

(iv). Smoking

(v). Diet
(d). identify three main organs of

(i). the respiratory system


(ii). The circulatory system [3].

(e). Describe what happens to any four of the following when we breathe in

(i). Ribs

(ii). Inter-coastal muscles [4]

(iii). Diaphragm

(iv). Chest

(v). Lungs

(f). Define any four of the following

(i). Respiratory rate

(ii). Tidal volume

(iii). Minute volume

(iv). Vital capacity

(v). Residual volume

(vi). Total lung capacity [4]

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