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Mariela Mendoza

America the Great


In this movie I learned that a river named “Chillkat River” doesn’t freeze in the Winter.

Because of this a lot of eagles would fight each other for the fish in the River. The fish were

already dead because of how cold the River was. I saw how the only way to get a cubs attention

was milk from its mother. Their milk intake quadruples a half gallon by day. Then after a while

the Mother of the cubs teaches them to catch their own fish. The dead fish are easy meals for

cubs. What wakes the bears from the winter hibernation is the beginning of Spring. I also saw the

Lava turned into Stone and the stone turned into rubble.

I got there a little bit late but it was super interesting to see how the season changes wake

different animals. It thought the fish laying a whole bunch of fish at once was super crazy. The

cubs watching the elders capturing food so that they could learn to do it themselves. Something I

thought was important to notice was how the animals adapted to the weather changes in their

It mostly talks about how the environment adapts to the weather. Farther west the land gets drier,

with short grass on the hills. Grasslands usually appear where there is too little water for trees.

Trees need a lot of rain, but grass is used to growing with little water. Tallgrass praires grow

where there is a fair amount of water, but not enough for a forest. A stomata can open and close,

allowing the plant to control the water in the leaves. All plants have tiny openings in their leaves,

called stomata, it helps them take in CO2 from the air. Prairie grasses have deep roots, which

can reach far down to find hidden water. Fire even helps the grasses by clearing the area of any

small trees or bushes that block their light or takw their water. The land that is now the North

American prairie was a tropical rainforeste. Like all plants, grasses use the energy of the sun to

make sugar out of water, CO2 from the air, and stuff from the soil.Grasses store that sugar in

their roots, stems, leaves, and seeds. The biggest animals on the prairie are the wandering

grazers. Under the grass, some animals dig holes and make their homes.Snakes and owls move

into empty burrows left behind by prairie dogs or rabbits. Bugs and insects in the soil not only

keep it nutrient rich, but are a source of food for burrowing animals. Prairie dogs and pocket

gophers dig huge tunnel cities and feed on roots that grow down through the roof. Every

grassland has its own types of animals, big and small but the grass feeds them all.

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