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H o m e w o r k C o m p l e ti o n | 1


Introduction, Background of the Study, Scope and Delimitation, Statement

of the Problem, Research Hypothesis, Conceptual Framework, Definition

of Terms, Significance of the Study

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Teachers always want students to do the best they can. In a class, practice is important

for students to retain information. There has been a steady decline in the proportion of

students who complete their homework on a regular basis. Teachers are resorting to giving

class time for students to work on their homework and they still do not get the adequate

proportion of students completing their homework. This leaves questioning how valuable

homework completion is.

With the switch to standards-based grading which focuses on the mastery of the

learning target, homework is not a part of the students’ grade. This has also drastically

affected the student homework completion rates. This leaves teachers trying to figure out a

way to get students to realize that even though homework is not a part of their grade it is still

important to complete. Mastery of the material is gained from the practice opportunities that

homework offers. Part of figuring out how to motivate students to complete homework is

understanding the different factors that affect homework completion.

Background of the Study

One of the most and death resources with strategies to help with homework

complexion is the article “Homework Completion at the Secondary School Level: A

Multilevel Analysis” authorized by Xu in 2011. He starts by recognizing the importance of

homework and the existing homework completion problem. The study analyzes three types of

literatures, including theoretical framework protein to homework completion, an

endogenous– exogenous model of homework, and finding from homework research that

alludes to a number or factors that may influence homework compilation.

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In Maria Macahig National High School, students are likely considering when

studying homework and interesting topics are more likely to be completed than compared to

every task homework. Furthermore, if they take more initiatives to maintain the needs

focused and sustained efforts in the face of destructions and obstacle (2011).

In the article of Xu (2011), he conducted a survey reaching out schools with diverse

student body and asked teacher to have their student complete a survey. In this research

similarly, the researcher will ask a series of questions which includes questions on academic

achievement, parental education, teacher feedback, reasons for doing homework, homework

interests, and homework management.

Scope and Delimitation


The aim of this study is to determine the effects of homework completion on student’s

academic performance towards senior high students in Maria Macahig National High School.


The scope of the study is limited to 50% of senior high school’s total population

between ages 18 to 24 who will be participating by will. This study will accumulate the time

limit until the end of second semester.

Statement of the Problem

There has been a steady decline in homework completion since DepEd switched to

standard-based grading. A sizeable amount of free time was spent thinking of ways they can

overcome the student’s no homework completion rate and how we can help students become
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successful. The researchers have also spent a lot of time thinking about how to improve

student’s homework completion. Which lead the researcher the question as follows;

1. How does homework completion effects student’s academic performance?

2. What are the percentage of homework completion to subject?

3. What are the percentage difference between recorded tests and homework


4. How does homework completion effects test scores?

5. What is the relationship between the homework completion rate and

assessment score?

Research Hypothesis

Research Questions:

RQ1. How does homework completion effect student’s academic performance?

H1: The homework completion greatly affects the student’s academic performance in

relation to their test scores results.

H0: The homework completion does not affect the students’ academic performance in

relation to their test scores results.

 If the student’s completion greatly affects the student’s academic performance,

then teacher should focus into it.

 The level of homework completion doesn't affect the test scores results of


RQ2. What are the percentage of homework completion to each major subject?
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H1: The percentage of homework completion to each major subject are high and

gradually increasing.

H0: The percentage of homework completion to each major subject are low and

immensely decreasing.

 If the students have a huge interest in the subject, then they would like to

complete the homework in no time.

 The compilation rate of the homework will increase if the subject is in the

interest of the student because of the eagerness to learn from that particular


RQ3. What are the percentage difference between the recorded test and homework scores?

H1: There are huge difference to the percentage between the recorded test and

homework scores.

H0: There are no differences to the percentage between the recorded test and the

homework scores.

 The rate of homework scores is higher than the rate of recorded test for the

reason that student can seek help when working at home via asking or

researching and the internet.

RQ4. How does homework completion affects test scores?

H1: The homework completion affects the test score via teaching the student to move

forward and help proficiency in examination.

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H0: The homework completion doesn't affect the test scores in terms of having a



 Practicing assignment do improve scores in class to all senior high levels.

 If homework teaches students how to seek priority, then students determine

how well that lessons are being understood.

RQ5. What is the relationship between the homework completion rate and assessment


H1: There is a relationship between the homework completion rate and assessment


H0: There it's no relationship between the homework completion rate and assessment


 The average student who did homework had a higher unit test scores than

students not doing homework.

 The homework improves the student’s memory and thinking skills resulting to

a higher assessment scores.

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Conceptual Framework



Meta cognitive

Self-confidence Completion

Increase Fluency/
Improves Skill
Critical Thinking



Initial Classroom

Follow -ups Homework

Grade Level

Student’s Ability


Other individual
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Input>Process>Output Chart

The Dynamic Process
Students The Effect of
 Define Question Homework
 Gender
 Collect data via Completion to
 Age Survey
Student’s Academic
 Grade Level Questioning
Performance in
 Grades  Clean data
Senior High School
 Analyze data
 Visualize &
Present Results
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Definition of Terms

Academic Performance. The extent to which student, teachers, or institution has attained

their short or long-term educational goals and is measured either by continuous assessment or

cumulative grade point average (CGPA).

Assessment. Test giving at the end of each chapter consisting of questions related to the

concept covered within that particular chapter.

Endogenous Factor (Variable A). A variable in statistical model that changed order mean

by its relationship with other variables within the model synonym to dependent variable.

Exogenous Factor (Variable B). A variable in statistical model the change or determined the

outside relationship.

Homework. Any word acquiring completion outside the regular classroom time.

Self- Regulation–Effects (Variable C). The ability to understand and manage and

individual’s own behavior and reactions.

Skill Improvement –Effects (Variable D). An ongoing process throughout the working

H o m e w o r k C o m p l e ti o n | 10

Significance of the Study

This research is made with the aim to provide crucial information and knowledge

regarding the topic, the effect of homework completion on student’s academic performance,

from the respondents, recent studies or thesis, and related sites for the expected importance of

the individuals as follows:

The Researchers. Being novice for this kind of topic is a challenge for a fellow

student like the researchers. So this will be an instrument that will guide and navigate them in

discovering credible, reliable, and essential factors that are known as in dispensable data for

further understanding on the topic. Indeed, this research is going to be the chef source of

enlightenment that they will surely need in their future studies.

The Students. As the respondents of this study, they will greatly benefit from the

results and findings of this research. In other words, as the direct recipients of the output of

this research, Amy improvement of classroom/strategies facing the effects of homework

completion to them, either positive or negative will be implicated.

The Teachers. This study will be very beneficial to teachers, specifically general

education teachers. Through this research, they make purposely discovering you the

strategies forwards the results of this research that can treat further dilemma towards

regarding the completion of homework.

The Parents. The research benefits the parents of the students. As parents enrolled

their children in this institution, comes with self-assurance that their children are given more

education from homework completion that would make them a functional individual in the

school and at home.

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Review of Related Literature and Study

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Homework completion in secondary math classroom is crucial to the learning process

for students. There is steady decrease in homework completion throughout the past couple of

years in Maria Macahig National High School. This study walks through the manufacturers

that influenced homework completion and how homework condition affects the student’s

success in class. For this action research project, the research question is: How does

homework completion affects the test scores?

Homework Completion in School

The purpose of homework is to give students an opportunity to practice what they've

learned. In fact, Sipila Thomas, E.S., Cho, E., Broadhead, and M.T. (2020) mention the in

their article that the purpose of homework is to help encourage academic skills across

multiple settings, increase fluency, and the mastery skills and build student responsibility,

perseverance and self-confidence. “Homework Completion at the Secondary Level: A

Multilevel Analysis” authorized by Jianzhong Xu in 2011 started by recognizing the

importance of homework between the existence of a homework problem. In Frautwien,

Nuggli, Schnyder, and Lüdtke’s (2021) study found on association between what teacher

think and do about homework and development of students’ homework efforts, homework

emotions, and achievements

Factors of Homework Completion

Xu (2011) found in his research that one factor in homework completion is self-

regulated learning and another factor is an expectancy-value model of achieving related

choices. He also found out that there were endogenous and exogenous factors that contributed

to homework completion as well. The theoretical framework that analyzes self-regulated

learning with volitional control, and expectancy-value model of achieving related choices. He
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State that that it is important to take these theoretical frameworks into consideration with

studying homework since student s are more likely to complete their homework that needed

to focus and important and interesting if they take more initiative to maintain the need focus

and sustain efforts in the face of the distraction and obstacle (2011). Kinsantas, Chema, and

Ware (2011) also found that the increase in homework resources and mathematics self-

efficacy has shown to decrease the achievement gap.

The Endogenous-Exogenous Model

The endogenous-exogenous model of homework takes at different influences on

homework completion. For example, some exogenous factors may include the student’s

ability, motivation, grade level, and other individual differences. Endogenous factors divide

the homework process in to assignment characteristics, initial classroom factors, home-

community factors and classroom follow-up (Xu,2011).

Warren, Locklear, and Watson complete a study comparing parenting style with

homework completion in students. In fact, “This study explored the relationship between

parenting beliefs, authoritarian parenting style, and students’ achievement. Finding suggested

that parenting beliefs authorize suspension, and homework completion significantly

accounted for the variance explained to both rational and irrational parenting beliefs.

Irrational parenting beliefs were positively and significantly related to homework completion.

In Rosario, Cunha, Nunez, Moriera, Nuňez, and Xu (2019) study it stated,” Teachers’

homework follow-up practice, the class strategies teachers use to monitor their students’

homework assignment, have an impact on their students’ homework behaviors and academic

performances”. They found, “teachers monitored homework either using a single strategy or a

combination of strategies (e.g. checking homework completion and providing individual

feedback) linked to a specific purpose (e.g. promote students’ involvement). Teacher also
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reported that they were under certain constraints when they delivered homework follow-up

practices (e.g. pressure to fellow the curriculum) so their practices’ effectiveness sometimes

can be compromised” (2019).

Support for Students with Homework Completion

One main contribution to improving homework completion is students having self-

regulating skills. According to Darhanand Ramdass and Barry J. Zimmerman (2011), “From

a theoretical perspective, self-regulation is a proactive process whereby individual

consistency organized and manage their thoughts, emotions, behaviors, and environment in

order to maintain academic goals.” Self- regulating skills are important for students to learn

not just for homework completion, but it will help them throughout their schooling and life.

Self-regulating can look different in different students. For example, Bembunutty

(2011) describes two different self-regulating learners in his article. He talks about Juan who

takes notes when appropriately in class and ask teachers questions when he is not

understanding something. He writes his goals to complete his homework in his planner.

When he is at home completing his homework, he believes he can do it, he is interested in his

homework and finds value in it, and completes his homework alone. When completing his

homework, he monitors his progress with homework logs, changes study strategies if

necessary and emails teachers when clarifications is needed. When his homework is

completed, he reviews it, and reflected his progress. Bembenutty then talks about Miguel who

is distracted during class on his phone and takes disorganized notes and does not ask

clarification questions. When completing homework at home, he ends up copying his

homework from the internet. Looking at these self-regulated homework approaches it is

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important to keep in mind what is meaningful homework, the process of self-regulating

homework completion and self-efficacy in homework completion (Bembenutty, 2011).

Ramdass describe self-regulations skills having three components: motivational,

cognitive, and metacognitive. The motivational component has to do with the students’

beliefs in their capabilities and importance of homework. The cognitive component has to do

with the strategies used to complete their homework efficiently. The metacognitive

component has to do with students’ setting goals, and monitoring their own progress (2011).

One part of self-regulation skills is self-assessment in fact, Simkin and Striver (2016)

studied the advantage of allowing students to grade their own homework and found out that

gender differences were low and more likely affected factors not connected with grading

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Student’s Details

Name:__________________________ Age:______ Gender: Male/Female

Mobile No.__________________ Grade and Section: ________________

Please answer each following questions.

1.) Do you think every student should receive homework?

Yes No

2.) What are some of the positive reasons for doing homework? (check all that apply)

Homework helps me learn.

Homework helps me improves my organizational skills.

Homework helps me improves my study skills.

Homework gives me a chance to work on my own.

Homework gives me a chance to work with my parents.

Homework is interesting.

3.) How often should homework be given? (check one)


Every other day

Once a week

Once a month


4.) How long should students spend on their homework each night? (check one)
Less than 15 minutes 30 minutes
15 minutes 1 hour
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20 minutes

5.) How important do you feel is to complete your homework?

(1 is not important, 5 is very important)
1 2 3 4 5
6.) How important do you feel it is that your homework is done correctly?
(1 is not important, 5 is very important)
1 2 3 4 5
7.) How important do you feel is to fix the mistakes you make on your homework?
(1 is not important, 5 is very important)
1 2 3 4 5
8.) Do you think you are more likely to do well on your homework?
( Check one)
Yes No

Why or why not?_______________________________________________________

9.) Do you think grades on your homework are related to the grades of your test?
(Check one)

Yes No

Why or why not?_______________________________________________________

10.) Do you think fixing the mistake on your homework will help you do better in your

(Check one)

Yes No

Why or why not?_______________________________________________________

Thank you for your cooperation!

Ryan A. Laranjo
H o m e w o r k C o m p l e ti o n | 18

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Name: ___________________________________________

1.) How important do you feel is it to complete your homework?

(1 is not important, 5 is very important)
1 2 3 4 5
2.) How important do you feel is it to fix mistakes you make on your homework?
(1 is not important, 5 is very important)
1 2 3 4 5
3.) Do you think you are more likely to do well on your test if you do well on homework?
(1 is not important, 5 is very important)
1 2 3 4 5
4.) Do you think your grades on your homework are related to the grades on your tests?
(Check one)

Yes No

Why or why not?_______________________________________________________

5.) Do you think fixing the mistakes on your homework helped you do better on your
(Check one)

Yes No

Why or why not?_______________________________________________________

Thank you for your cooperation!

Ryan A. Laranjo
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