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Critical Thinking Midterm Exam Winter 2021 (20%)


This mid-term exam is due to the D2L dropbox before 11:59pm (just before midnight) on Tuesday Mar 16. If you do not
submit your midterm before that due date and time, you will receive a zero. There are no opportunities for late
submissions for exams.

This is an individual exam, asking others for help or answers is academic dishonesty and will be dealt with according to
Fleming’s Academic Integrity Policy found here:

You must save your mid-term exam as a Word document OR a PDF file in order for it to be accepted and graded.

Please read the article Maskers vs. Anti-Maskers: Who are the bigger sheep?

Please answer the following questions on this word document. For each answer, make sure it is accurate, clear,
provides evidence from the modules and seminar materials, and is in enough depth.

1. Identify the main point and reasoning in this article. ( /4 marks)

2. Identify two assumptions in this article and indicate whether they were causal, prescriptive, or paradigmatic.
( /4 marks)

3. Provide two different examples of rhetoric in this article. ( /2 marks)

4. Does this article represent an argument or an opinion? ( /4 marks)

5. This last question is a short essay question (note it is worth 6 marks). Given what you have learned in the first 7
weeks of this critical thinking course, has the author of this article used critical thinking? Remember, just like all
of the previous answers on this midterm exam, make sure you are accurate, you are clear, you have provided
enough evidence from the modules and seminar discussions, and you have provided enough depth for the
amount of marks allotted.

Total marks: /20

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