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General Stress-Strain Model for Steel- and

FRP-Confined Concrete
Yu-Fei Wu 1 and Yang Wei 2
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Abstract: A new and general stress-strain model for concrete confined by steel or fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) is developed in this work.
One additional variable and one constant are added to the well-known Popovics model to control the type and the shape of the stress-strain
curve. The proposed model has one simple, continuous, and explicit expression and can exhibit either hardening or softening types of re-
sponses. This general model provides a unified platform for modeling stress-strain of concrete confined by different materials, such as steel or
FRP, and help to overcome inconsistency or complexity. The parameters of the stress-strain model are determined by analytical study and data
regression using a large and up-to-date test database. The proposed stress-strain model is validated with experimental results and compared
with existing models; it shows good performance and superior flexibility and versatility of the model. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)CC.1943-5614
.0000511. © 2014 American Society of Civil Engineers.
Author keywords: Concrete; Columns; Fiber reinforced polymer (FRP); Steel; Stress-strain relationship; Confinement; General model.

Introduction different parts. Usually, a nonlinear curve, i.e., parabola, is used to

simulate the first ascending part of the curve and a straight line
The strength and the strain capacity of concrete columns can be is adopted to describe the other ascending or descending parts
greatly enhanced by lateral confinement using different materials (Chaallal et al. 2003; Lam and Teng 2003; Saafi et al. 1999; Teng
such as stirrups, steel jackets, and fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) et al. 2009; Toutanji 1999; Wu et al. 2006a; Youssef et al. 2007).
wraps. The stress-strain behavior of confined concrete under com- Through years of studies on the stress-strain behavior of con-
pression is affected not only by the degree of confinement but fined concrete, the authors have realized that the stress-strain
also by the type of confining material (Wu et al. 2006b). Numerous behavior of both steel- and FRP-confined concrete can be unified
stress-strain models have been proposed for steel- and FRP- under one common, yet simple framework, featuring all character-
confined concrete in the past. Most of these models originated istics of both. Unified models have been developed previously for
from a few classical expressions. A typical stress-strain curve of FRP-confined concrete. One work unified the strength models for
steel-confined concrete exhibits an ascending trend followed by circular and square columns (Wu and Wang 2009), which was later
a post-peak descending behavior, which is often modeled with extended to include rectangular columns (Wu and Wei 2010). The
one continuous expression (Ahmad and Shah 1982; Mander et al. other work unified the stress-strain models of concrete for circular,
1988a) or two discontinuous expressions (Hoshikuma et al. 1997; square, and rectangular columns (Wei and Wu 2012). However, no
Saatcioglu and Razvi 1992; Shah et al. 1983). In early studies of unification of models for steel- and FRP-confined concrete has
FRP-confined concrete, the difference between FRP confinement been reported in extant literature, so far as is known. In this work,
and steel confinement was not clearly recognized and the stress- a new general stress-strain model for confined concrete is devel-
strain model of Mander et al. (1988a) for steel-confined concrete oped, with a single continuous mathematical expression. By
was directly adopted for FRP-confined concrete columns (Fardis assigning different values to model parameters, the general model
and Khalili 1982; Priestley and Seible 1995; Saadatmanesh et al. can exhibit different forms that feature the behavior of steel- or
1994). Recognizing that the confining pressure provided by FRP FRP-confined concrete.
keeps increasing until rupture, rather than remaining constant after
yielding of steel, in subsequent studies, numerous stress-strain
models were developed for characterizing the behavior of FRP. Characterizing Steel and FRP-Confined Concrete
Similar to steel-confined concrete, stress-strain models can be
categorized into two main types. The first type utilizes a single and
continuous expression (Moran and Pantelides 2002; Richard and Behavior of Steel and FRP-Confined Concrete
Abbott 1975; Samaan et al. 1998; Xiao and Wu 2003) and the Concrete is a load path dependent material that displays different
second type models the whole stress-strain curve with two or more load-deformation behaviors under different load paths (Jiang and
Wu 2012). Confining concrete with different materials such as
Associate Professor, Dept of Civil and Architectural Engineering, steel and FRP results in different load paths, due to different load-
City Univ. of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, China (corresponding author). deformation characteristics of the confining materials, as shown in
E-mail: yfwu00@cityu.edu.hk Fig. 1(a). As a result, the stress-strain response of concrete varies
Associate Professor, College of Civil Engineering, Nanjing Forestry
with different confining materials [Fig. 1(b)]. Steel-confined con-
Univ., Nanjing 210037, China.
Note. This manuscript was submitted on April 9, 2014; approved on
crete invariably exhibits a softening behavior after the first ascend-
June 25, 2014; published online on October 2, 2014. Discussion period ing part of the stress-strain curve due to a constant confining
open until March 2, 2015; separate discussions must be submitted for in- pressure provided by steel after yielding. Owing to the linear-elastic
dividual papers. This paper is part of the Journal of Composites for Con- properties of FRP, its confinement of concrete always increases
struction, © ASCE, ISSN 1090-0268/04014069(14)/$25.00. when deformation increases, until rupture of the FRP. Depending

© ASCE 04014069-1 J. Compos. Constr.

J. Compos. Constr.
on the magnitude of the confining pressure, the stress-strain curve characteristics of FRP-confined concrete and hence can only be
of FRP-confined concrete may exhibit a softening or hardening used for the first ascending part of the stress-strain relationship.
behavior, after its first ascending part. If the level of confinement
is smaller than a certain threshold, the stress-strain curve exhibits Popovics Model
a softening behavior after its peak (Wu and Wei 2010); otherwise, Popovics (1973) proposed Eq. (4) as the complete stress-strain
a hardening behavior occurs [Fig. 1(b)]. curve of unconfined concrete, which can predict many kinds of
softening curves by varying the parameter a

Stress-Strain Models fc x·a

¼ ð4Þ
fcc a − 1 þ xa
Several classic models are often adopted for steel- and FRP-
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confined concrete, as discussed in this section. where x is the normalized strain given by x ¼ εc =εcc in which εcc
and fcc are the peak strain and the corresponding stress, respec-
Sargin’s Model
tively. Mander et al. (1988a) extended the model for steel-confined
Sargin proposed a stress-strain model for unconfined concrete in
concrete in which the peak point was replaced by the peak stress
1971 (Sargin 1971), which has the following form:
and peak strain of steel-confined concrete.
fc Aðεεc0c Þ þ ðD − 1Þðεεc0c Þ2 There is only one parameter a that controls the entire stress-
¼ ð1Þ strain curve in the Popovics model. Parameter a determines both
f c0 1 þ ðA − 2Þðεεc Þ þ Dðεεc Þ2 the ascending part and the descending part. Because of its simplic-
c0 c0

ity and versatility, it can be used to predict different stress-strain

where εc and fc are the strain and the corresponding stress of curves of concrete and, therefore, the model has been widely used
concrete with peak value of εc0 and f c0 , respectively; A and D are for both unconfined and steel-confined concrete. Popovics model
two constants controlling the ascending region and the descending has also been used to model the stress-strain curves of FRP-
region of the stress-strain curve, respectively. confined concrete (Fardis and Khalili 1982; Priestley and Seible
This model was modified by Ahmad and Shah (1982) as the 1995; Saadatmanesh et al. 1994). However, the bilinear character-
stress-strain curve of concrete confined by steel spirals, where the istics of the stress-strain curves of FRP-confined concrete with
peak stress and peak strain of unconfined concrete were replaced by hardening behavior cannot be appropriately modeled. For FRP-
those of the steel-confined concrete. Eq. (1) cannot model harden- confined concrete with softening behavior, it also has difficulty
ing behavior and hence Sargin’s model is often used as the ascend- in adequately modeling the different descending trends caused by
ing part of the stress-strain curve of confined concrete. When A ¼ 2 different degrees of confinement stiffness.
and D ¼ 0, the model becomes a special case as given by Eq. (2),
and is known as Hognestad’s model (Hognestad 1951) Richard-Abbott Model
   2  Richard and Abbott (1975) proposed a four-parameter equation
fc 2εc εc
¼ − ð2Þ [Eq. (5)] to describe the elastic-plastic stress-strain relationship,
fco εco εco using a continuous function
Eq. (2) is used as the ascending part of the stress-strain curve in ðE − E Þε
Hognestad’s model and a linear model is often used for the strain- f c ¼   ðE1 −E Þε2  c þ E2 εc ð5Þ
1þ 1 fo 2 c n 1=n
softening or hardening parts. Sargin’s model was later modified by
Saafi et al. (1999) and Toutanji (1999) for FRP-confined concrete,
where E1 = initial elastic modulus; E2 = hardening/
as given by Eq. (3)
softening modulus; f0 = reference plastic stress; and n = shape
Aεc parameter. Because the Richard-Abbott model can feature the
fc ¼ ð3Þ
1 þ Cεc þ Dε2c bilinear characteristics of a stress-strain curve, it has been widely
used for FRP-confined concrete with hardening behavior by many
where parameters A, C, and D are determined by the boundary researchers (Moran and Pantelides 2002; Samaan et al. 1998; Xiao
conditions and slopes of the ascending part and the post-peak part, and Wu 2003).
respectively. Although Eq. (3) can depict a hardening trend after the The prominent advantages of this model are its continuity with a
first ascending part, the equation cannot match the linear hardening single expression and versatility for different types of stress-strain

Fig. 1. Typical stress-strain curves: (a) confinement materials; (b) confined concrete

© ASCE 04014069-2 J. Compos. Constr.

J. Compos. Constr.
2.0 5
a=1.5 b=-0.1, c=-0.6 c=0.2 a=2, b=-0.1
a=2.0 c=-0.2

Nomalized axial stress

Nomalized axial stress

1.5 a=2.5 c=-0.4
a=3.0 c=-0.6
a=4.0 3

0.0 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26
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(a) Nomalized axial strain (b) Nomalized axial strain

Fig. 2. Variation of stress-strain curves: (a) effect of coefficient a; (b) effect of coefficient c

curves, although there are as many as four parameters, E1 , E2 , f 0 , dðf c =fcc Þ a
f 0 ð0Þ ¼ ¼ ð7Þ
and n. Parameter E2 dominates the hardening/softening slope dðεc =εcc Þ x¼0 a − 1
and parameter n mainly affects the curvature of the transition region
connecting the two portions of the curve. When E2 > 0, the a εcc
Eq. (7) can be rewritten as Ec ¼ a−1 f cc , or
Richard-Abbott model shows a hardening slope and when E2 < 0
it exhibits strain softening after the peak. However, it has not been Ec
a¼ ð8Þ
used to model strain softening behavior, as it is difficult to control Ec − Esec
the descending branch and the transition region by evaluating the
parameters. where Esec is the secant modulus of confined concrete at peak
stress, given by
Proposed Stress-Strain Model Esec ¼ ð9Þ

Mathematical Modeling Ec is the elastic modulus that depends on concrete compressive

strength and can be calculated using Eq. (10) [ACI 318-95
Through an extensive review of the literature, it has been concluded (ACI 1999)]
that no existing model has the required versatility for modeling pffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
stress-strain curves for both steel- and FRP-confined concrete. Ec ¼ 4,730 f c0 ðin MPaÞ ð10Þ
By carefully analyzing different models and the effect of the model
parameters, the following mathematical function is found to have Based on Mander et al. (1988a), coefficient a determined
the required versatility: by Eq. (8) is sufficient to control the shape of the entire stress-
strain curve of concrete confined by steel. It can be seen from
fc x·a Eqs. (8)–(10) that there are only two parameters, f cc and εcc , for
fðxÞ ¼ ¼ ð6Þ
f cc a − 1 þ xaðxþδÞb þc the stress-strain relationship (fco not considered as parameter).
When the failure point needs to be determined, another parameter
where x and a = identical to those in Popovics model; b and c = two
εcu (or f cu ) is required.
additional coefficients providing versatility; and δ = small constant
For FRP-confined concrete, the ascending part can similarly be
such as 0.01 to avoid singularity of the equation at x ¼ 0
determined by parameter a from the peak point (f cc , εcc ) using
when b is negative. Eq. (6) is a variation and extension of Popovics
Eqs. (8)–(10). The end point of a stress-strain curve can be used
model with two additional coefficients of b and c.
When b ¼ c ¼ 0, Eq. (6) reduces to Popovics model that can be
used for modeling steel-confined concrete in a way similar to General stress-strain model
Mander et al. (1988a). Coefficient b can significantly affect the fc x⋅a
shape and slope of the post-peak curve. Based on experimental b
fcc a −1 + xa( x+0.01) +c
curves of FRP-confined concrete, a constant value of b ¼ −0.1
is found suitable to model the stress-strain curves with both hard-
ening and softening behavior. There are two coefficients, a and c, Steel-confined concrete FRP-confined concrete
in this case. The effects of these two coefficients on the curve are b=-0.1, softening or
illustrated in Fig. 2. When b ¼ −0.1, c ¼ −0.6 and a varies from b=c=0, softening Hardening
4–1.5, the shape changes from a softening to a hardening curve
[Fig. 2(a)]. If b ¼ −0.1 and a ¼ 2, the shape of the curves changes
similarly when c changes [Fig. 2(b)]. For the convenience of stress- fc x⋅a fc x⋅a
= = −0.1
strain modeling, a can be used to control the ascending part of the fcc a −1 + xa fcc a −1 + xa( x+0.01) +c
curve. When a is determined, the c value can be adjusted to suit the
second part of the curve.
Parameters Parameters
Parameters of the Model fcc, cc, cu fcc, cc, fcu, cu

Taking derivative with respect to x on both sides of Eq. (6) and

Fig. 3. Flowchart for application of the general model
letting x ¼ 0 gives

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Table 1. Summary of Database

Number of Diameter Length

Author specimens FRP type D (mm) L (mm) fco (MPa) fl =f co El =f0.5
c0 f cc =f co εcc =εco f cu =fco εcu =εco Curves
Aire et al. (2010) 16 C,G 150 300 42.0–69.0 0.09–1.06 16–541 0.98–1.90 1.25–2.08 0.90–3.14 1.00–13.17 14
Almusallam (2007) 12 G 150 300 47.7–107.8 0.09–0.59 49–203 0.99–1.24 1.11–1.93 1.04–2.10 1.01–8.84 8
Benzaid et al. (2009) 3 G 160 320 56.7 0.04–0.15 17–70 1.04–1.09 1.13–1.25 1.31–1.68 4.67–7.83 0
Benzaid et al. (2010) 6 C 160 320 25.9–61.8 0.11–0.81 49–228 1.01–1.53 0.95–1.45 0.76–2.55 1.15–5.55 5
Berthet et al. (2005) 42 C,G 160 320 25.0–52.0 0.11–1.32 32–600 1.14–2.27 0.99–3.28 1.12–4.16 2.30–13.5 12
Bullo (2003) 12 G,HM 150 300 32.54 0.20–0.80 70–451 — — 1.62–4.17 3.36–19.53 0
Cui and Sheikh (2010) 64 C,G,HM 152 305 45.6–111.8 0.06–0.70 38–483 0.96–1.59 1.12–2.43 0.75–3.38 1.20–13.92 41
Dai et al. (2011) 9 A 152 305 39.2 0.21–0.64 41–123 0.98–1.38 1.21–2.04 1.42–3.01 7.14–17.07 9
De Lorenzis et al. (2002) 4 C 120 240,300 38.0–43.0 0.11–0.16 69–89 — — 1.29–1.77 3.96–5.80 0
Demers and Neale (1994) 8 C 152 305 32.2–43.7 0.09–0.34 24–149 — — 0.96–1.72 1.12–9.14 0
Elsanadedy et al. (2012) 6 C 50–150 100–300 41.1–53.8 0.27–0.82 161–482 1.31–1.73 1.46–2.25 1.86–3.51 3.52–7.81 6
Harries and Kharel (2002) 10 C 152 305 32.1 0.06–0.95 24–359 — — 1.02–1.87 1.43–4.93 0
Howie and Karbhari (1994) 21 C 152 305 38.6 0.08–0.66 47–247 — — 1.09–2.33 — 0
Ilki and Kumbasar (2002) 5 C 150 300 32 0.24–1.18 89–447 — — 1.48–3.37 7.20–24.8 0
Ilki and Kumbasar (2003) 7 C 150 300 23.5–33.3 0.23–1.61 88–522 — — 1.46–4.57 4.65–20.10 0
Ilki et al. (2004) 12 C 150 300 6.2 1.22–7.30 203–1219 1.31–2.63 1.45–5.00 3.13–17.47 13.00–52.00 10
Issa and Karam (2004) 9 C 150 300 30.5 0.22–0.66 68–203 — — 1.17–2.48 — 0
Jiang and Teng (2007) 23 G 152 305 33.1–47.6 0.09–1.29 26–699 1.04–1.79 1.11–2.58 0.88–4.24 3.33–17.05 23
Karabinis and Rousakis (2002) 18 C 200 320 34.8–39.7 0.11–0.38 45–143 1.00–1.28 1.05–1.88 1.05–1.94 1.26–8.99 13
Karbhari and Gao (1997) 4 C 152 305 38.4 0.40–1.57 159–632 — — 1.17–2.33 4.72–10.29 0
Kono et al. (1998) 15 C 100 200 32.3–34.8 0.37–1.19 134–414 — — 1.46–3.16 4.08–10.87 0
Lam and Teng (2004) 13 C,G 152 305 35.9–38.5 0.21–0.80 59–279 1.04–1.36 1.18–2.27 1.31–2.84 5.53–12.82 13
Lam et al. (2006) 6 C 152 305 38.9–41.1 0.22,0.42 85, 172 1.05–1.22 1.21–1.76 1.28–2.03 3.52–8.32 6
Lee et al. (2010) 5 C 150 300 36.2 0.18–0.91 61–305 1.15–1.46 1.25–2.50 1.01–2.88 4.17–12.92 5

Liang et al. (2012) 12 C 100–300 200–600 22.7–26.0 0.42–0.48 161–172 — — 2.40–3.04 7.77–11.27 12

J. Compos. Constr.
Lin and Chen (2001) 16 G,HM 100,120 200,240 23.9,32.7 0.20–1.31 86–459 — — 1.52–3.91 — 0
Lin and Li (2003) 27 C 100–150 200–300 17.0–24.9 0.25–1.60 69–370 — — 1.92–5.23 — 0
Mandal et al. (2005) 15 C,G 102–105 200 30.7–80.6 0.15–0.93 73–233 — — 1.17–2.58 1.33–11.41 0
Micelli et al. (2013) 2 G 150 300 28.4–38.2 0.13–0.20 27,82 — — 1.64–1.88 6.39–8.79 0
Miyauchi et al. (1997) 10 C 150 300 31.2–51.9 0.11–0.68 50–262 — — 1.45–3.26 4.32–10.32 0
Miyauchi et al. (1999) 9 C 100,150 200,300 23.6–33.7 0.22–0.87 70–297 — — 1.55–3.26 8.83–13.24 0
Ozbakkaloglu and Akin (2012) 4 A 152 305 39 0.39–0.59 101–152 1.10–1.20 1.57–1.90 1.72–2.25 10.95–14.81 4
Rochette and Labossiere (2000) 7 C,A 100 200 42.0–43.0 0.09–0.37 35–153 1.14–1.20 1.38–1.59 1.10–1.75 4.63–7.25 2
Rousakis (2001) 20 HM 150 300 25.2–51.8 0.19–1.19 119–594 — — 1.41–2.67 2.22–7.88 0
Rousakis et al. (2003) 6 C 150 300 20.4,49.2 0.20–1.50 76–352 — — 1.61–3.09 2.06–5.46 0
Saenz and Pantelides (2006) 4 C 152 304 40.3–47.5 0.34–0.80 177–354 — — 1.72–2.68 4.58–7.39 0
Shahawy et al. (2000) 9 C 152 305 19.4–49.0 0.30–3.84 77–616 1.06–1.73 1.45–3.10 1.21–4.13 3.10–17.80 9
Shehata et al. (2002) 4 C 150 300 25.6–29.8 0.26–0.61 95–204 1.17–1.27 1.33–1.57 1.71–2.42 5.86–8.29 2
Shehata et al. (2007) 6 C 150,225 300,450 34.0–61.7 0.13–0.46 59–177 — — 1.24–2.41 3.00–5.50 0
Silva and Rodrigues (2006) 7 G 150,250 300–750 29.6–31.2 0.30–0.53 77–133 — — 1.79–3.03 4.54–11.33 0
Smith et al. (2010) 4 C 250 500 35 0.19 75 — — 1.43–1.69 — 0
Song et al. (2013) 12 C 100 300 22.4–40.9 0.17–1.42 64–391 0.97–2.01 1.13–2.01 1.40–5.30 3.66–16.25 12
Suter and Pinzelli (2001) 16 A,C,G,HM 150 300 33.3–54.0 0.14–0.67 42–485 — — 1.14–3.06 0.96–7.36 0
Teng et al. (2007) 6 G 152 305 39.6 0.10–0.31 28–85 1.03–1.08 1.11–1.53 0.98–1.66 3.16–9.73 6
Thériault et al. (2004) 5 C 51–304 102–608 18,37 0.41–1.56 164–351 — — 1.73–3.89 — 0
Vincent and Ozbakkaloglu (2013b) 6 A 152 305 49.4 0.46 135 1.13–1.17 1.42–1.75 2.09–2.23 13.42–15.54 6
Vincent and Ozbakkaloglu (2013a) 20 C 150 300 35.5–112 0.09–0.38 47–214 1.02–1.28 1.00–1.56 0.72–1.74 2.11–7.86 17
Wang and Wu (2008) 12 C 150 300 30.9–52.1 0.16–0.62 69–173 1.01–1.17 1.12–1.41 1.28–2.77 4.43–14.40 12

J. Compos. Constr.
to determine the second parameter c. Substituting the end point,



(εcu , fcu ), into Eq. (6) gives

fcc εcu ·a  −0.1



ln −aþ1 ε

f cu εcc
c¼ − a cu þ δ ð11Þ
εcu =εco

ln εcu − ln εcc εcc

Therefore, the value of c can be calculated from Eq. (11). In
other words, the stress-strain curves of FRP-confined concrete have
f cu =fco

four parameters, f cc , εcc , f cu , and εcu . These parameters are evalu-

ated in the following sections through data regressions. Fig. 3
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shows the overall design of the general stress-strain model.


εcc =εco

Model Parameters for Steel-Confined Concrete


A recent modeling by Wei and Wu (2014) of steel-confined con-

crete can be used to determine the parameters of the general model
for steel-confined concrete. In that work, the existing stress-strain

f cc =f co

models for ordinary steel-confined concrete were extended to pre-


dict the stress-strain behavior of both ordinary steel and high

strength wire-confined concrete. The peak stress f cc , peak strain
εcc , and ultimate strain εcu of steel-confined concrete can be calcu-

lated by Eqs. (12)–(14), respectively (Wei and Wu 2014)

El =f0.5

f cc f0.86
¼ 1 þ 5.35 l ðin MPaÞ ð12Þ
fc0 fc0

fl =f co

εcc f

¼ 1 þ 20.6 l ð13Þ
εc0 f c0

fco (MPa)



¼ 1.75 þ 900εsu l ð14Þ

εc0 f c0



where f c0 and εc0 are the compressive strength and the correspond-
ing strain of unconfined concrete, respectively; and εsu = ultimate
L (mm)

strain of transverse reinforcement. The peak strain can be calcu-

lated with the following equation proposed by Popovics (1973),

when test result of this value is unavailable:

D (mm)

εc0 ¼ 0.000937 4 fc0 ðin MPaÞ ð15Þ


Test Database
FRP type

To evaluate the parameters of the proposed model for the case of



FRP-confined concrete, an extensive database is built for model

regression by collecting available test results from the literature.
The collected test specimens are summarized in Table 1 and
provided in the supplemental data Table S1 that is available online
in the ASCELibrary (http://www.ascelibrary.org). An effort is made
Number of

to collect all available and relevant data reported in accessible


literature. The collected tests specimens satisfy the following

conditions: (1) circular cross section; (2) plain concrete without
reinforcing bar; (3) FRP confinement only; and (4) length-to-
diameter (L=D) ratio below 3.0. The database contains 706 tests
with concrete strength from 6.2–111.8 MPa, different FRP types,
including aramid (AFRP), carbon (CFRP), glass (GFRP), high
Number of collected data

strength carbon (HS), high modulus carbon (HM), and PBO (PF),
Watanabe et al. (1997)
Table 1. (Continued.)

Wu and Jiang (2013b)

Wu and Jiang (2013a)

Number of used data

of which 300 tests contain entire stress-strain curves. The confine-

Youssef et al. (2007)
Xiao and Wu (2000)
Wong et al. (2008)

ment ratio fl =f co varies from 0.04–7.3, with the resulting ultimate

Wu et al. (2008)

strength ratio fcu =f co and ultimate strain ratio εcu =εco from
0.76–17.47 and 1.00–52.00, respectively. The confinement stiff-
ness factor El =f 0.5
co that reflects the lateral confinement stiffness

with respect to concrete modulus varies from 17–1,217. For spec-

imens with a softening response curve, the peak strength ratio

© ASCE 04014069-5 J. Compos. Constr.

J. Compos. Constr.
f cc =fco and peak strain ratio εcc =εco vary from 0.96 to 2.63 and X jExpe:i − Theo:i j
AAE ¼ n ð19Þ
0.95 to 5.00, respectively. A few data points that largely deviate jExpe:i j
from the general trends (difference more than 40% for fcu =fco
and 100% for εcu =εco ) are excluded in the modeling, as specified where Theo:i and Expe:i are theoretical and experimental results of
in Table 1 and highlighted in Table S1. specimens i, respectively; and n is the total number of specimen.

Ultimate Stress f cu and Ultimate Strain εcu

Evaluation of Parameters For FRP-confined circular concrete columns, the ultimate failure is
FRP rupture and the failure point can easily be identified from the
The confinement strength f l and confinement stiffness El are
stress-strain curves. Numerous models have been proposed in the
defined as follows:
literature to predict the ultimate strength and strain of circular-
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2f s As confined columns (Appendix). Most of these models are only appli-

fl ¼ ðsteel confinedÞ ð16aÞ cable for sufficiently confined columns with a hardening curve (the
maximum stress ¼ f cu ). Generally, the ultimate strength is mod-
eled as a linear or nonlinear function of the confinement ratio
2f f t 2Ef εfu t (Wu and Wang 2009; Wu and Zhou 2010). Careful analyses of
fl ¼ ¼ ðFRP confinedÞ ð16bÞ the collected test results show that enhancement of the ultimate
strength by FRP confinement decreases nonlinearly as the confine-
ment ratio increases; however, the nonlinearity effect is not severe
2Ef t (Fig. 4) and is often overestimated in existing models. Through the
El ¼ ð17Þ
D regression of test results, Eq. (20) is obtained for evaluating the
ultimate strength of FRP-confined circular concrete columns.
where f s and As are the strength and cross-sectional area of hoop The correlation factor of R2 of Eq. (20) is 0.95. Eq. (20) is appli-
steel, respectively; s = center to center spacing of hoop steel; t, Ef , cable for columns with both hardening and softening curves
f f , and εfu are the thickness, elastic modulus, tensile strength, and  0.9
ultimate strain of FRP, respectively; and D = diameter of column. fcu fl
¼ 0.75 þ 2.7 ð20Þ
In the following studies, the mean value (AV) and average ab- fco f co
solute error (AAE) (Ozbakkaloglu et al. 2013; Wei and Wu 2014,
2012), as defined below, are used to evaluate the performance of It is well understood in the literature that the ultimate strain of
models, in addition to the standard deviation (SD) and the corre- FRP-confined concrete columns is related to concrete strength,
lation factor R2. confinement pressure, as well as the strain capacity of FRP material
(Wei and Wu 2012). Many believe that the hoop rupture strain of
AV ¼ ðTheo:i =Expe:i Þ=n ð18Þ FRP material is directly related to the ultimate column strain and
hence includes the strain capacity of FRP in the ultimate strain
model (Ozbakkaloglu and Lim 2013; Teng et al. 2009; Wu et al.
2006a; Youssef et al. 2007). Careful study of the database confirms
that all the three factors of concrete strength, confinement pressure,
fcu f
0.9 and FRP strain capacity have a significant effect on the ultimate
14 = 0.75 + 2.7 l
fco f co strain. Through careful model regressions using the database,
the following ultimate strain model is proposed:
f cu/f co

8 εcu fl 0.6
¼ 1.75 þ 140 ε ð21Þ
6 εco f co fu
2 where εfu = rupture strain of FRP. The constant 1.75 relates the
0 ultimate strain to the peak strain for unconfined concrete, recom-
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 mended by Eurocode 2 (European Committee for Standardization
fl /f co 1991) and Teng et al. (2009).
Performances of the ultimate strength and strain models are
Fig. 4. Ultimate strength model
assessed in Fig. 5 using the database. Comparisons with other

18 30
0.9 ε cu fl
16 fcu = 0.75 + 2.7 fl = 1.75 + 140 ε 0.6
25 ε co
f co f co fco
Predicted fcu/fco

20 AV =1.07
Predicted εcu/εco

12 AV =1.00 AAE=0.31
10 15
6 10
4 5
0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18
(a) Experimental fcu/fco (b) Experimental εcu/εco

Fig. 5. Performance of models for ultimate point: (a) ultimate stress; (b) ultimate strain

© ASCE 04014069-6 J. Compos. Constr.

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Table 2. Evaluation of Existing Models of FRP-confined Concrete
Prediction of f cu =f c0 (667 data points used) Prediction of εcu =εc0 (495 data points used)
Average Average Standard Coefficient Average Average Standard Coefficient
Model value absolute error deviation of variation value absolute error deviation of variation
Samaan et al. (1998) 1.09 0.16 0.20 0.18 2.20 1.23 1.21 0.55
Toutanji (1999) 1.35 0.35 0.22 0.16 1.98 0.98 0.83 0.42
Lam and Teng (2003) 0.97 0.15 0.18 0.19 1.45 0.51 0.57 0.39
Wu et al. (2006a) 0.94 0.13 0.15 0.16 1.14 0.35 0.60 0.53
Youssef et al. (2007) 0.94 0.15 0.18 0.19 1.13 0.32 0.43 0.38
Teng et al. (2009) 0.91 0.15 0.16 0.18 1.23 0.37 0.53 0.43
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Fahmy and Wu (2010) 0.94 0.17 0.19 0.20 1.06 0.35 0.47 0.44
Wei and Wu (2012) 0.96 0.13 0.15 0.16 1.14 0.33 0.42 0.37
Ozbakkaloglu and Lim (2013) 1.01 0.15 0.19 0.19 1.10 0.29 0.39 0.35
Proposed model 1.00 0.13 0.16 0.16 1.07 0.31 0.40 0.37

1.6 2.0
FCC2A a = 1.72,c=-0.32 C3011 a = 1.79,c=-0.49

Normalized axial stress

Normalized axial stress

1.2 1.5
0.8 1.0
0.4 0.5
0.2 Experimantal Experimantal
Analytical Analytical
0.0 0.0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
(a) Normalized axial Strain (b) Normalized axial Strain

Fig. 6. Curve fitting to test curve: (a) specimen FCC2 A (data from Teng et al. 2007); (b) specimen C3011 (data from Wang and Wu 2008)

2.8 5.5
f cc El ε El
f co
= 1 + 0.0015
f co0.5 5.0 ε cc = 1 + 0.003 f 0.5
co co
2.4 2 4.5
R =0.77 2
4.0 R =0.68
2.0 3.5

1.6 2.5
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200
0.5 0.5
(a) El/f co (b) El/f co

Fig. 7. Models of peak point for FRP-confined concrete: (a) peak stress; (b) peak strain

existing models are made in Table 2. These model evaluations in- 0.4
dicate that the proposed models are in good agreement with the test 283 curves
results and have a superior performance compared with other mod- 0.0
els. In particular, the ultimate strength model has a more accurate
Predicted c

prediction for specimens with high confinement levels and the ul-
timate strain model is superior for those with a large FRP strain
capacity. It is noted that the ultimate strain model proposed
by Ozbakkaloglu and Lim (2013) exhibits a minimum average -1.2
absolute error.
Strain εcc and Stress f cc -1.6 -1.2 -0.8 -0.4 0.0 0.4
For an experimentally measured stress-strain curve with softening, Experimental c
the peak point (εcc , fcc ) can be directly identified from the test
Fig. 8. Model of parameter c
curve. For a stress-strain curve with hardening, the identification

© ASCE 04014069-7 J. Compos. Constr.

J. Compos. Constr.
of εcc and fcc is not straightforward. The following process is used 2. Assume the values of εcc and fcc . An initial value can be easily
to identify εcc and f cc from a test curve: obtained from the turning point of the curve.
1. Determine the ultimate points of the curve, εcu and fcu , from 3. Calculate a using Eqs. (8)–(10).
the curve. 4. Calculate c with Eq. (11).

70 320
60 Proposed Model 280
Mander al.(1988a)
Manderetetal. (1988)
50 Saatcioglu and Razvi (1992) 240
Hoshikuma et al. (1997) 200
Stress (MPa)

Stress (MPa)
40 Shah et al. (1983)
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30 80-M-19
Unit 1 120
20 Mander et al. (1988a)
80 (1988)
Saatcioglu and Razvi (1992)
10 40 Experimental Hoshikuma et al. (1997)
Proposed Model Shah et al. (1983)
0 0
0.00 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10 0.12 0.00 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08
(a) Axial Strain (b) Axial Strain

Fig. 9. Models for steel-confined concrete: (a) unit 1 (data from Mander et al. 1988b); (b) 80-M-19 (data from Assa et al. 2001)

MC3L C40-C12
MC2L 140
Stress (MPa)
Stress (MPa)

60 120
MC1L C40-C4
40 80
60 C40-C2
20 40 C40-C1
Experimantal Experimantal
Analytical 20 Analytical
0 0
0.000 0.005 0.010 0.015 0.020 0.000 0.005 0.010 0.015 0.020 0.025 0.030 0.035
(a) Axial Strain (b) Axial Strain

100 110
C50 2 plies
90 Specimens 46, 47,48 100
80 90
70 80
C30 2 plies
70 C50 1 ply
Stress (MPa)
Stress (MPa)

60 Specimens 44, 45
50 50
Specimens 40, 41 C30 1 ply
40 40
30 30
20 20
Experimantal Experimantal
10 Analytical 10 Analytical
0 0
0.000 0.005 0.010 0.015 0.020 0.00 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04
(c) Axial Strain (d) Axial Strain

200 80
180 M1C3B
M1C3A 70
M1C2A 60 N-W2-1,2,3
Stress (MPa)

Stress (MPa)

120 N-W1-1,2,3
100 M1C1B
80 30
60 M1C1A 20
40 Experimantal 10 Experimantal
20 Analytical Analytical
0 0
0.000 0.005 0.010 0.015 0.020 0.000 0.005 0.010 0.015 0.020
(e) Axial Strain (f) Axial Strain

Fig. 10. Comparison with test results for FRP-confined concrete data from: (a) Xiao and Wu (2000); (b) Berthet et al. (2005); (c) Jiang and Teng
(2007); (d) Wang and Wu (2008); (e) Cui and Sheikh (2010); (f) Vincent and Ozbakkaloglu (2013a)

© ASCE 04014069-8 J. Compos. Constr.

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5. Calculate the total error as the summation of the differences in εcc E
¼ 1 þ 0.003 0.5l ð23Þ
y coordinate between the test curve and the theoretical curve εco fco
[Eq. (6)] at designated points (Fig. 6).
6. Adjust the values of εcc and fcc until the total error is in which the units of Eqs. (22) and (23) are N and mm. The cor-
minimized. relation factor R2 for the peak stress and the peak strain are 0.77 and
Through the above regression process, a pair of εcc and f cc can 0.68, respectively.
be determined from one test curve. A total of 283 test curves out of
the 300 available curves are used to generate 283 pairs of εcc and
f cc . The selected tests have different FRP confinements and both Performance of the Proposed Model
hardening and softening curves. The 17 curves excluded from the
regression of εcc and f cc either have a very short post-peak part or
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Substituting εcu , fcu , εcc , and fcc into Eq. (11), the value of c
wobbling post-peak branches (Cui and Sheikh 2010). The obtained can be calculated. On the other hand, coefficient a can be calcu-
results are used to derive the models for εcc and f cc . lated from Eqs. (8)–(10). With a given a coefficient c can be de-
It is clear that the point (εcc , fcc ) depends on not only the termined directly by regressing Eq. (6) to a test curve. The directly
confinement pressure but also the lateral dilation of concrete at determined c is compared with that from Eq. (11) in Fig. 8, as a
the corresponding confinement pressure. These two aspects are crosscheck. The crosscheck in Fig. 8 verifies the performance of the
only governed by FRP stiffness and concrete grade. For a certain parameter models.
FRP stiffness, the confining pressure developed at (εcc , fcc ) de- The performance of the proposed model is evaluated in
pends on lateral dilation of concrete. With a higher concrete grade, Figs. 9–11, by comparing with typical test curves and other mod-
the lateral dilation is smaller. Therefore, εcc and fcc are functions of els. Fig. 9 shows the results for steel-confined concrete columns,
FRP stiffness and unconfined concrete strength. Based on a com- where the specimen Unit 1 [fco ¼ 29 MPa and f s ¼ 340 MPa,
prehensive analysis of the obtained test results, it can be found that tested by Mander et al. (1988b)] represents columns with normal
a combined factor, the confinement stiffness factor El =f 0.5 co , has a strength concrete confined by ordinary steel stirrups and specimen
critical effect on εcc and f cc , and no other factor has significant 80-M-19 [f co ¼ 83 MPa and f s ¼ 1296 MPa, tested by Assa
effect on them. Similar conclusions have been reached by others et al. (2001)] represents high strength concrete confined with
before (Wu et al. 2006a; Youssef et al. 2007). high-strength steel. The stress-strain curves of the proposed model
Using the total 283 data points, it is found that the strength ratio are generally similar to those of Mander et al. (1988b), but the
f cc =fco and the strain ratio εcc =εco are both linear to confinement latter provides a larger ultimate strain compared with the test result
stiffness factor El =f 0.5
co (Fig. 7), from which the following models for specimen Unit 1. In general, the proposed model provides bet-
are obtained: ter predictions of the stress-strain responses compared with other
models. The descending trend of the stress-strain curves and the
fcc E
¼ 1 þ 0.0015 0.5l ð22Þ ultimate strain corresponding to the first hoop fracture are all well
fco fco predicted.

140 120
Xiao andWu
Wu (2001) Jiang and Teng (2007)
120 100
Specimen 47
Stress (MPa)

Stress (MPa)

60 Experimantal Experimantal
Proposed model 40 Proposed model
Samaan et al. (1998) Samaan et al. (1998)
20 Toutanji (1999) 20 Toutanji (1999)
Teng et al.(2009) Teng et al.(2009)
0 0
0.00 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.000 0.005 0.010 0.015 0.020 0.025 0.030
(a) Axial Strain (b) Axial Strain

80 200
Wang and Wu (2008)
180 Cui and Sheikh (2010)
60 160 M1C3A
C30 One-ply 140
Stress (MPa)

Stress (MPa)

40 100
Experimantal 80 Experimantal
Proposed model 60 Proposed model
20 Samaan et al. (1998) Samaan et al. (1998)
Toutanji (1999) Toutanji (1999)
Teng et al.(2009) 20 Teng et al.(2009)
0 0
0.00 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.000 0.005 0.010 0.015 0.020 0.025
(c) Axial Strain (d) Axial Strain

Fig. 11. Comparison between models for FRP-confined concrete data from: (a) Xiao and Wu (2000); (b) Jiang and Teng (2007); (c) Wang and Wu
(2008); (d) Cui and Sheikh (2010)

© ASCE 04014069-9 J. Compos. Constr.

J. Compos. Constr.
The stress-strain curves for FRP-confined concrete columns parameters in their model. The Toutanji model seems to always
tested by different researchers (Berthet et al. 2005; Cui and overestimate the post-peak slope and the ultimate points of the
Sheikh 2010; Jiang and Teng 2007; Vincent and Ozbakkaloglu stress-strain curves. The Teng et al. (2009) model has a sharper
2013a; Wang and Wu 2008; Xiao and Wu 2000) are compared with transition region, which affects its performance in the post-peak
the proposed model in Fig. 10. Parameters of the selected speci- phase. In addition, these existing models can only be used for
mens vary over wide ranges, with unconfined concrete strength modeling stress-strain curves with hardening behavior. Compared
from 30.9–79.9 MPa, different FRP types (CFRP and GFRP) with other models, the proposed model matches overall
and FRP layers (1 ∼ 12) and confinement ratio from 0.09–1.32. The experimental curves well and hence, it is capable of predicting
comparisons show that the proposed model matches the test stress- complete stress-strain behavior and characteristic points satisfac-
strain curves well, for both ascending and descending branches. torily. Moreover, the proposed model gives the complete stress-
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Therefore, the model can predict the stress-strain behavior with strain curve with a single and continuous mathematical
very good accuracy. expression.
In Fig. 11, predictions of the proposed model and three other
models (Samaan et al. 1998; Toutanji 1999; Teng et al. 2009)
are compared with the experimental curves. It can be seen Parametric Study
that the curves predicted by Samaan et al. (1998) are far away
from the experimental curves in the transition region because A parametric study using the proposed model is carried out to in-
the shape of the transition region is difficult to control by the vestigate the effects of the model parameters on the behavior of

80 100

Stress (MPa)

Stress (MPa)
C30-1.5 40 C50-1.5
C30-3 C50-3
20 C30-6 C50-6
C30-9 C50-9
C30-12 C50-12
0 0
0.00 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10 0.12 0.14 0.00 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10
(a) Axial Strain (b) Axial Strain

120 140

100 120
Stress (MPa)

Stress (MPa)

C30C0.5 60 C50C0.5
40 C30C1 C50C1
C30C2 C50C2
20 C30C3 20 C50C3
C30C4 C50C4
0 0
0.000 0.005 0.010 0.015 0.020 0.025 0.030 0.035 0.000 0.005 0.010 0.015 0.020 0.025
(c) Axial Strain (d) Axial Strain

80 100

Stress (MPa)

Stress (MPa)

C30G0.5 40 C50G0.5
C30G1 C50G1
20 C30G2 C50G2
C30G3 C50G3
C30G4 C50G4
0 0
0.000 0.005 0.010 0.015 0.020 0.025 0.000 0.005 0.010 0.015 0.020
(e) Axial Strain (f) Axial Strain

Fig. 12. Effect of parameters on stress-strain curves: (a) grade 30 concrete confined by steel; (b) grade 50 concrete confined by steel; (c) grade 30
concrete confined by CFRP; (d) grade 50 concrete confined by CFRP; (e) grade 30 concrete confined by GFRP; (f) grade 50 concrete confined by

© ASCE 04014069-10 J. Compos. Constr.

J. Compos. Constr.
confined concrete. For concrete confined with steel, the parameters Conclusions
are mild steel (εsu ¼ 0.15), unconfined concrete strength 30 MPa or
50 MPa, fl from 1.5 to 12 MPa. Figs. 12(a and b) show the A general stress-strain model for concrete confined by steel or FRP
predicted stress-strain curves of the steel-confined concrete col- is reported in this paper. The model is an extension of the well-
umns, where the first number following the letter C gives the un- known Popovics model in which one additional variable and one
confined concrete strength and the second one shows the confining constant are added to control the type and the shape of the stress-
pressure. It can be seen from the figure that the peak strength strain curve. The most novel features of this model are its versatility
and strain as well as the ultimate strain of steel-confined concrete and continuity, without losing simplicity. The proposed model
increase as the confining pressure increases. These trends are provides a single continuous curve with an explicit form and
consistent with the existing conclusions reported in the literature can predict the stress-strain curve of steel- as well as FRP-confined
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(Ahmad and Shah 1982; Assa et al. 2001; Mander et al. 1988a, b; concrete with both hardening and softening behavior. This unique
Wei and Wu 2014). feature unifies the stress-strain curves of concrete confined by dif-
For FRP-confined concrete, the parameters are: diameter of ferent materials to a unified platform.
column 300 mm, unconfined concrete strength 30 MPa or The general model has three coefficients a, b, and c. For steel-
50 MPa, FRP properties Ef ¼ 240 GPa and ff ¼ 3,700 MPa confined concrete, b ¼ c ¼ 0 and the general model reduces to
(CFRP) or Ef ¼ 80 GPa and f f ¼ 2,000 MPa (GFRP), number Popovics model that has only one coefficient a, determined by
of FRP plies 0.5–4 (0.165 mm=ply). A response curve is desig- the peak point of a stress-strain curve, (εcc , fcc ). For FRP-confined
nated by a label that indicates the grade of concrete, followed by concrete, b ¼ −0.1 and the general model has two coefficients a
FRP type (C for carbon fiber and G for glass fiber) and ply num- and c that are functions of the peak point (εcc , f cc ) and the ultimate
ber. As shown in Figs. 12(c–f), with the increase in the number of point (εcu , f cu ). Models for evaluating the peak point (εcc , f cc ) and
FRP layers, the ultimate stress and ultimate strain corresponding ultimate point (εcu , f cu ) are developed in this work. In applications,
to FRP fracture increase. For a certain confinement, a higher un- a stress-strain relationship is obtained by simply substituting the
confined concrete strength results in lower enhancement effects. models of the peak and ultimate points into the general model.
Compared with CFRP-confined concrete, GFRP-confined con- The performance of the general model is assessed by comparing
crete exhibits a smaller ultimate stress and a smaller post-peak the model predictions with typical test results reported by different
slope. As the number of FRP layers increases, the stress-strain researchers, as well as existing models developed by others. Eval-
curve after the peak changes from softening to hardening and uations of the models show that the proposed model is capable of
the slope of the post-peak branch increases gradually. These phe- predicting the characteristic points and the whole stress-strain
nomena correctly reflect the actual responses of FRP-confined curves well for both steel- and FRP-confined concrete, with either
concrete (Aire et al. 2010; Benzaid et al. 2009; Berthet et al. a hardening or softening curve after the peak, and demonstrates a
2005; Cui and Sheikh 2010; Ilki et al. 2004; Jiang and Teng superior performance compared with other models. A parametric
2007; Micelli and Modarelli 2013; Ozbakkaloglu and Lim study indicates that the proposed model shows reasonable trends
2013; Shahawy et al. 2000; Vincent and Ozbakkaloglu 2013b; in peak and ultimate points as well as post-peak slope of the re-
Youssef et al. 2007). sponses when the parameters change.

Appendix. Existing Models of FRP-confined Concrete

Model Ultimate strength Ultimate strain

Samaan et al. (1998) f cu ¼ 0
f co þ 6.0f 0.7 f 0 − fo
l εcu ¼ cc
f cu fl εcu f
Toutanji (1999) 0 ¼ 1 þ 3.5 0 ¼ 1 þ ð310.57εfu þ 1.90Þ cu 0 − 1
f co fco εco f co
f cu f l;a εcu f εh;rup
Lam and Teng (2003) 0 ¼ 1 þ 3.3 0 ¼ 1.75 þ 12 l;a
f co f co εco f co εco
εfu f εcu f
Wu et al. (2006a) f cu fl εcu ¼ v ¼ 0.56k4 0l ¼ 1.3 þ 6.3 0l
0 ¼ 1 þ 2.0 0 for strain hardening vu u f co εu f co
f co f co
f cu fl
0 ¼ 0.75 þ 2.5 f 0 for strain softening
f co co
f cu fl f l ffu 0.5
Youssef et al. (2007) 0 ¼ 1 þ 2.25 0 εcu ¼ 0.003368 þ 0.2590 0
f co fco fco Ef
    εcu E εh;rup 1.45
Teng et al. (2009) f cu El εh;rup εh;rup ¼ 1.75 þ 6.5 0 l
0 ¼ 1 þ 3.5 0 =ε − 0.01 ≥ 0.01 εco f co =εco εco
f co fco co εco εco
f cu εh;rup
0 ¼1 < 0.01
f co εco f cu − f o
Fahmy and Wu (2010) f cu ¼ f co þ 4.5f 0.7
0 0
l f co ≤ 40 MPa
εcu ¼
0 0.7 0 E2
f cu ¼ f co þ 3.75f l fco > 40 MPa

© ASCE 04014069-11 J. Compos. Constr.

J. Compos. Constr.
Appendix. (Continued.)
Model Ultimate strength Ultimate strain
f cu f l 0.73 εcu f 0.75 f 30 0.62
Wei and Wu (2012) 0 ¼ 0.5 þ 2.7 0 ¼ 1.75 þ 12 0l 0
f co f co εco f co fco
Ozbakkaloglu and E 0 þ 3.2ðf − f Þ E
Lim (2013) f cu ¼ 1 þ 0.0058 0l f co l l0 εcu ¼ c2 εco þ 0.27 0l ðεh;rup Þ1.35
 f co  fco
E 01.65
f 0 − 20
f l0 ¼ El 0.43 þ 0.009 0l εco ; El ≥ fco c2 ¼ 2 − co ≥1
f co 100
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Acknowledgments Structural Applications in Construction, Thomas Telford, London,

U.K., 231–239.
The work that is described in this paper was fully supported by the Demer, M., and Neale, K. W. (1994). “Strengthening of concrete columns
grants from the Research Grants Council of the Hong Kong Special with unidirectional composite sheets.” Proc., Developments in Short
Administrative Region, China [Project No. CityU 124113] and the and Medium Span Bridge Engineering, A. A. Mufti, B. Bakht, and
National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 51208262). L. G. Jaeger, eds., Canadian Society for Civil Engineering, Montreal,
QC, Canada, 895–905.
Elsanadedy, H. M., Al-Salloum, Y. A., Alsayed, S. H., and Iqbal, R. A.
Supplemental Data (2012). “Experimental and numerical investigation of size effects in
FRP-wrapped concrete columns.” Constr. Build. Mater., 29(4), 56–72.
Table S1 is available online in the ASCELibrary (http://www. European Committee for Standardization. (1991). “Eurocode 2: Design of
ascelibrary.org). concrete structures—Part 1: General rules and rules for buildings.” ENV
1992-1-1, Brussels, Belgium.
Fahmy, M. F., and Wu, Z. (2010). “Evaluating and proposing models of
circular concrete columns confined with different FRP composites.”
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