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Section Satellite Read it

till it
20 Communications Hertz!

DEFINITION. Satellite: (Telecommunications) An object put into orbit

around Earth or any other planet in order to relay communications signals or
transmit scientific data.

DEFINITION. Angle of Elevation is the angle subtended by the direction of

travel of an electromagnetic wave radiated from an earth station antenna
pointing directly toward a satellite and the horizontal plane.

DEFINITION. Apogee: Point in a satellite orbit located farthest from Earth.

DEFINITION. Perigee: Point in a satellite orbit located closest to Earth.


1945 Arthur C. Clarke proposes a station in geosynchronous orbit to relay

communications and broadcast television. (Coined the term ‘satellite’)

1957 Russia launched Sputnik I that becomes the 1st active satellite.
Sputnik I transmit telemetry information for 21 days.

1958 Explorer I was launched. The 1st American satellite, which also
transmits telemetry information’s for nearly five months.

1958 NASA launched Score. Score was the 1st artificial satellite used for
relaying terrestrial communications that rebroadcast President
Eisenhower’s 1958 Christmas message. (1ST communications satellite)

1960 Echo I was launched. Echo is consisted of an aluminized plastic

balloon 30 m (100 ft) in diameter. (1st passive reflector satellite)

Courier 1B- (1st active repeater satellite)

1962 AT&T launched Telstar I, the 1st satellite capable to transmit and
receive simultaneously but eventually destroyed by the new
discovered Van Allen radiation belts. (1st duplex satellite)

1963 Synchronous communication launched Syncom I, The first attempt to

place a satellite in geostationary orbit but unfortunately was lost
during orbit injection. (Considered as the 1st geo-stationary satellite)

1965 Intelsat or Early Bird was launched and was the first commercial
telecommunications satellite which used 2 transponder, 25 MHz
Self-Sufficient Guide to ECE by JASON AMPOLOQUIO 5-87

bandwidth which could simultaneously carry 1 TV signal and 480 voice

channels. (1st satellite for commercial service)

1997 Aguila II, launched in China becomes the first Filipino satellite.


1. Astronomical satellites -- are satellites used for observation of

distant planets, galaxies, and other outer space objects.

2. Communications satellites -- are artificial satellites stationed in

space for the purposes of telecommunications using radio at
microwave frequencies. Most communications satellites use
geosynchronous orbits or near-geostationary orbits, although some
recent systems use low Earth-orbiting satellites.

3. Weather satellites -- are satellites that primarily are used to monitor

the weather and/or climate of the Earth.

4. Navigation satellites -- are satellites which use radio time signals

transmitted to enable mobile receivers on the ground to determine
their exact location accurately on the order of a few metres in real

5. Reconnaissance satellites -- are Earth observation satellite or

communications satellite deployed for military or intelligence

6. Earth observation satellites -- are satellites specifically designed to

observe Earth from orbit, similar to reconnaissance satellites but
intended for non-military uses such as environmental monitoring,
meteorology, map making etc.

7. Solar power satellites -- are proposed satellites built in high Earth

orbit that use microwave power transmission to beam solar power to
very large antenna on Earth where it can be used in place of
conventional power sources.

8. Biosatellites -- are satellites designed to carry living organisms,

generally for scientific experimentation.

9. Miniaturized satellites -- are satellites of unusually low weights and

small sizes. New classifications are used to categorize these satellites:
minisatellite (500–200 kg), microsatellite (below 200 kg),
nanosatellite (below 10 kg).

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The laws concerning the motions of planets formulated by German

astronomer Johannes Kepler early in the 17th century.

1. First Law
The orbit of a planet around the sun is an ellipse.

2. Second Law (Law of Areas)

A straight line from the planet to the center of the sun sweeps out
equal areas in equal time intervals as it goes around the orbit; the
planet moves faster when closer to the sun and slower when distant.


A1=A2 if t1=t2

3. Third Law (Law of Periods or Harmonic Law)

The square of the period (in years) for one revolution about the sun
equals the cube of the mean distance from the sun's center, measured
in astronomical units.

The square of the periodic time of orbit is proportional to the cube of the mean
distance between the primary and the satellite.

P2 2
=k α = A xP 3

MD = mean distance
P = orbital period
A = constant
Self-Sufficient Guide to ECE by JASON AMPOLOQUIO 5-89

ECE Board Exam: APRIL 2005

Calculate the approximate height of a GEO satellite
using Kepler’s Third law (A=42241.0979; P = 0.9972)

Solution: h
2 2 α
α = AP 3= 42241 .0979 x 0.9972 3 = 42, 162 .21 km
hkm = α − R earth = 42, 162 .21 − 6378 = 35, 784 .21 km



1. Polar Orbit
Satellite rotates in a path that takes it over the North and South poles
in an orbit perpendicular to the equatorial plane.

2. Equatorial Orbit
Satellite rotates in an orbit directly above the equator, usually in a
circular path.

3. Inclined Orbit
Virtually all orbit except those that travel directly above the equator or
directly over the North and South poles.

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Comparison between Different Elevation Categories

Typical Orbital
Orbit Frequency Availability
Height (mi) Period
LEO 100 - 300 1.0 – 2.5 1.5 hrs. 0.25 hrs.
6,000 to
MEO 1.22 – 1.66 6–12 hrs. 2–4 hrs.
19,000 to
GEO 2 - 18 24 hrs. 24 hrs.

Self-Sufficient Guide to ECE by JASON AMPOLOQUIO 5-91

Parameter Value
19,322 nmi,
Altitude 22, 300 smi,
36,000 km
Period 23 hr, 56 min, 4.091 s

Orbit Inclination 0°

Velocity 6879 mi/h

Coverage 42.5% of earth’s surface

3 for global coverage
Number of satellites
(120° apart)
Subsatellite point On the equator
Above 81° north and
Area of no coverage
south latitude


1. Antenna Look Angles

ª Angle of Elevation (AOE)

The angle subtended by the direction of travel of an
electromagnetic wave radiated from an earth station antenna
pointing directly toward a satellite and the horizontal plane.

⎡ 1 R ⎤
β = tan−1 ⎢ − ⎥
⎣⎢ tan φ ( R + h ) sin φ ⎦⎥

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ª Azimuth Angle
The horizontal pointing angle of an earth station antenna generally
referred to true north.

⎛ tan ϕ ⎞ β
Az = cos −1 ⎜ − ⎟
⎝ tan φ ⎠

2. Slant Distance
The Line-of-Sight (LOS) distance between an earth station antenna
and the satellite

( R + h)
d = −R sin β + − R 2 cos2 β

β = Angle of elevation in degrees
φ = cos −1 ⎣⎡cos ϕ cos λ ⎦⎤
ϕ = Latitude of Earth station antenna
λ = Difference in longitude between an Earth station antenna
and the sub-satellite point
h = Satellite HEIGHT in km
R = Earth's radius = 6378km
Az = Azimuth angle in degrees
Self-Sufficient Guide to ECE by JASON AMPOLOQUIO 5-93

Sample Problem:
Calculate the elevation angle, azimuth and slant range between the TVRO
site (38.8°N latitude, 77°W longitude) and Hughes Galaxy satellite that is in
a geo-stationary orbit at 134°W longitude above the equator.

Elevation Angle
⎡ 1 R ⎤
β = tan−1 ⎢ − ⎥
⎣ tan φ (R + h ) sin φ ⎦
φ = cos −1 [cos(ϕ ) cos(λ )]
= cos −1 [cos(38.8° ) cos(134 ° − 77° )]
= 64.9°
⎡ 1 6400 km ⎤
β = tan−1 ⎢ − ⎥
⎣ tan(64 .9 ° ) (6400 + 36,000 ) sin(64 . 9 ° ) ⎦
= 16.8°
Azimuth Angle
⎡ − tan ϕ ⎤ −1 ⎡ − tan(38.8° ) ⎤
Az = cos −1 ⎢ ⎥ = cos ⎢ ⎥
⎣ tan φ ⎦ ⎣ tan(64.9° ) ⎦
= 247 .9°
Slant Distance

d = −R sin β + (R + h)2 − R 2 cos2 β

= −6400 sin(16.8° ) + (6400 + 36,000 )2 − 64002 cos2 (16.8°)
= 40, 105 .2 km

Answer : β = 16.8°, Az = 247 .9°, d = 40, 105 .2 km

3. Orbital Height (Vertical Height)

The average distance of a satellite above the surface of the earth.

General Solution Alternate Solution

gR 2 T 2 (4 x 105 ) T 2 2
h= 3 −R h= 3 −R h = 21.64 T 3 − R
4 π2 4 π2

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4. Orbital Period
The period of time that it takes a satellite to rotate around the earth.

General Solution Alternate Solution

(h + R) (h + R)3
T = 2π T = 2π
gR 2 4 x 105

5. Orbital Velocity
The apparent velocity of a satellite as it rotates around the earth.

Alternate Solution
General Solution
km/s m/s
2 π(h + R) 4 x 105 4 x 1011
ν= ν= ν=
T (h + R) (h + R)

T = orbital period in sec ν = orbital velocity

g = acceleration due to gravity h = satellite Height in km
R = earth's radius
= 9.81 m = 0.00981 km 2
s2 s = 6378 km
gR2 = gravitational constant
= 4 x 105 km

Sample Problem:
Determine the orbital period and orbital velocity of a satellite located 15,000
km above the surface of the earth.

Orbital Period

T = 2π
(R + h)3 = 2π
(6400 + 15,000 )3
gR 2 4 x 105
1 hr
= 31, 100 .72 sec x
3600 s
= 8 .64 hrs
Orbital Velocity

4 x 1011
ν =
(6400 + 15,000 )
= 4,323 .38 m
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6. Propagation Time (One-way)

The amount of time it takes a signal to reach the satellite after it
leaves the earth station antenna or vice-versa.

Slant distance d
Ptime = =
Speed of light c

7. Propagation Delay (Two-way)

The amount of time that elapsed after the signal reaches the receiving
earth stations after it was transmitted by an earth station.

Ptime = Propagation time in sec

Pdelay = 2xPtime d = Slant distance in m
c = Speed of light
= 3 x 108 m

In some books propagation delay is the same as round-trip propagation time.

8. Free Space Loss

FSL = Free Space Loss in dB

FSL = 92 .4 + 20 log( f x d) f = Frequency in GHz
d = Distance in km

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Sample Problem:
Calculate the propagation time, propagation delay, and FSL for a geo-
stationary satellite located directly above an earth station antenna with an
operating frequency of 12 GHz.

Propaga tion time Propagation delay
d 36 ,000 km Pdelay = 2 x Ptime
Ptime = =
c 3 x 105 km = 2(120 ms )
= 120 ms = 240 ms

Free Space Loss

FSL = 92.4 + 20 log(f x d)
= 92.4 + 20 log(12 x 36,000)
= 205.1 dB

For Your Information…

ª The average distance of an earth station from a geostationary satellite is between
36,000 to 42,000 km
ª The average propagation time for a geostationary satellite is between
120 ms to 140 ms
ª The average round-trip propagation delay for a geostationary satellite is between
240 ms to 280 ms
ª The approximate free space loss (at 6 GHz) for a geostationary satellite is between
199.1 dB to 200.4 dB

This means that your solution must be between these specified limits!


Footprint or footprint map is the geographical representation of a satellite antenna’s

radiation pattern.
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Footprint Summary

Beam Coverage Area

Spot Beam
10% of earth’s surface Domestic coverage
Zonal Beam
20% of earth’s surface Regional coverage
42% of earth’s surface
Global Beam Earth coverage
(using 17° beamwidth)


1. Bit Energy
The amount of energy carried by a single bit of information.

Expressed in General Solution Alternate Solution

Joule/bps Eb = P t xTb Eb =

dBJ or Eb = P t(dBW) +10 log Tb Eb = P t(dBW) −10 log fb


ECE Board Exam: NOV 2002

In satellite communications system, for a total transmit power of 500 watts,
determine the energy per bit for a transmission rate of 50 Mbps expressed in

Eb =Pt(dBW)−10logfb = 10log(500) − 10log(50x106 ) = −40

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2. Noise Density
Noise density is the noise power normalized or present in a 1-Hz

Expressed in General Solution Alternate Solution

Watts/Hz No = No = kTe

dBW/Hz No = NdBW − 10 logBW No = −228.6 + 10 log Te

dBm/Hz No = NdBm − 10 logBW No = −198.6 + 10 log Te

ECE Board Exam: NOV 2002

For an equivalent noise bandwidth of 10 MHz in a satellite system and noise
power of 0.0280 pW, determine the noise density in dBW.

No = NdB − 10logBW = 10log(0.02 80x10-12 ) - 10log(10x1 06 )
= -205.53

3. Carrier-to-Noise Density Ratio

The ratio between the average wideband carrier power to noise

Expressed in General Solution

unitless =
No kTe
dB = C dBW − No(dBW)
Self-Sufficient Guide to ECE by JASON AMPOLOQUIO 5-99

System Carrier-to-Noise Density Ratio

1 1 1
= +
⎛ C ⎞ ⎛ C ⎞ ⎛ C ⎞
⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟
⎝ No ⎠S ⎝ No ⎠ UL ⎝ No ⎠DL

Sample Problem:
For a satellite communication channel, the uplink C/No ratio is 80 dB/Hz. And
the downlink value is 90 dB/Hz. Calculate the overall C/No ratio in dB/Hz

⎛ C ⎞ 1 1
⎜ ⎟
⎜N ⎟ = = = 90.9x106
⎝ o ⎠S 1 1 1 1
+ +
⎛ C ⎞ ⎛ C ⎞ (108 )UL (109 )DL
⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟
⎜N ⎟ ⎜N ⎟
⎝ o ⎠UL ⎝ o ⎠DL
= 10log(90.9 x106 ) = 79.586 dB/Hz

4. Energy Per Bit-to-Noise Density Ratio

Expressed In General Solution

Eb fb Eb C BW
Unitless = = x
No N No N fb
⎛ Eb ⎞ ⎛C⎞ ⎛ BW ⎞
dB ⎜ ⎟ =⎜ ⎟ +⎜ ⎟
⎝ No ⎠ dB ⎝ N ⎠ dB ⎝ fb ⎠ dB

ECE Board Exam: NOV 1997

A coherent binary phase shift keyed BPSK transmitter operates at a bit rate
of 20 Mbps with a carrier-to-noise ratio C/N of 8.8 dB. Find the Eb/No.

For BPSK system fb = BWNyquist
⎛ Eb ⎞ ⎛C⎞ ⎛ BW ⎞ 20 MHz
⎜ ⎟ = ⎜ ⎟ + ⎜⎜ ⎟ = 8.8 dB + 10log = 8.8 dB
⎜N ⎟ ⎟
⎝ o ⎠dB ⎝ N ⎠dB ⎝ fb ⎠dB 20 Mbps

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5. Gain-to-Equivalent Noise Temperature Ratio

A figure of merit used to represent the quality of a satellite or an earth
station receiver.

i. Usual Approach

General Solution
G A r + ALNA
unitless =
Te Te
dB = A r(dB) + ALNA(dB) − Te(dBK )

ii. Considering the antenna noise temperature

General Solution
G A r + ALNA
unitless =
T Ta + Te
dB = A r(dB) + ALNA(dB) − 10 log(Ta + Te )

A LNA = Low Noise Amplifier (LNA) gain

A r = receiving antenna gain
A = loss in feedline & antenna
Ta = effective noise temperature of antenna & feedline
= 290(A − 1) + Tsky

Sample Problem:
A receiving antenna with a G/T of 25 dB is used to receive signals from a satellite
38,000 km away. The satellite has a 100-watt transmitter and an antenna with a
gain of 30 dBi. The signal has a bandwidth of 1 MHz at a frequency of 12 GHz.
Calculate the C/N at the receiver.

EIRP = 10logPtx + Gtx(dB) = 50 dBi ∴ FSLdB = 92.4 + 20 log{12 x 38,000} = 205.6 dB
= RSLdB − NdB = EIRPdBW − FSLdB + + 228.6 dB − 10 log BW
N dB T dB
= 50 − 205.6 + 25 + 228.6 − 10 log(1 x 106 ) = 38 dB
Self-Sufficient Guide to ECE by JASON AMPOLOQUIO 5-101

Sample Problem:
Calculate the G/T of a receiving antenna with a gain of 38 dB and looks at
the sky with a noise temperature of 15 K if the loss between the antenna
and the LNA input, due to feedhorn, is 0.5 dB, and the LNA has a noise
temperature of 38 K.

290(A − 1) + Tsky ⎛ 0.5 ⎞
G = 38 dBi - 0.5 dB = 37.5 dBi Ta = ⇒ A = log−1 ⎜ ⎟
A ⎝ 10 ⎠
290(1.12 − 1) + 15
= = 50 °K

= Ar(dB) + ALNA(dB) − 10log(Ta + Te )
= 37.5 + 0 - 10log(50 + 38) = 18.16 dB


1. Frequency Division Multiple Access (FDMA)

A method of multiple earth stations accessing technique where a given
RF bandwidth (typically 500 MHz) is divided into smaller frequency
bands (36 MHz) called subdivisions.

i. Single Channel Per Carrier (SCPC)

Each subdivision carries only one 4-kHz voice band channel.

ii. Multiple Channel Per Carrier (MCPC)

Several voice band channels are frequency-division multiplexed
together to form a wider subdivision.

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ª Fixed-assignment multiple access (FAMA)

The assignment of capacity is distributed in a fixed manner
among multiple stations.

ª Demand-assignment multiple access (DAMA)

Capacity assignment is changed as needed to respond optimally
to demand changes among the multiple stations.

2. Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA)

Each earth station is allotted a fixed time slot(called EPOCH) within a
TDMA frame, occupying essentially the entire wideband frequency
spectrum for the allocated time.

3. Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA)

Referred to as Spread Spectrum Multiple Access; transmission can
spread throughout the entire allocated bandwidth. Each earth station’s
transmission is encoded with a unique binary word called CHIP code.
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CDMA Techniques (Spread Spectrum)

ª Direct Sequence (DSSS)
DS spread spectrum is produced when a bipolar data-modulated
signal is linearly multiplied by the spreading signal in a special
balanced modulator called spreading correlator.

ª Frequency Hopping (FHSS)

A form of CDMA where a digital code is used to continually change
the frequency of the carrier.

ª Hybrid DS/FH
Combination of direct sequence and frequency hopping.



21 + 3 21 + 3
Number of orbit 6 3
Orbital Altitude 10,898 nmi 10,313 nmi
Orbital Period 12 hrs 11 hrs 15 min
Orbital Inclination 55° 64.8°
Access Method CDMA FDMA
C/A Code 1,023 bits 511 bits
C/A Code BW 2 MHz 1 MHz
Bit Rate 50 bps 50 bps

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Personal Communication Service (PCS) Satellite System Summary


Owner(s) Motorola ICO Global Qualcomm


Altitude 485 6,450 880

No. of satellites 66 10 48

No. of orbit planes 6 2 6

Inclination of
86.4° 45° 52°
No. of VF channels 1,110 4,500 2,400

Access technique TDMA TDMA CDMA

Timeline of 1st Orbital Launches by Nationality

Country First Satellite

Soviet Union 1957 Sputnik 1"

United States 1958 Explorer 1

Canada 1962 Alouette 1

France 1965 Astérix

Japan 1970 Osumi

China 1970 Dong Fang Hong I

United Kingdom 1971 Prospero X-3

European Union 1979 Ariane 1

India 1980 Rohini

Israel 1988 Ofeq 1

Pakistan 1990 Badr-1 1

Self-Sufficient Guide to ECE by JASON AMPOLOQUIO 5-105

1. It is often claimed that the KU-band (12 GHz) is better than the C-band (4
GHz) for TVRO reception because a parabolic antenna of a given diameter has
higher gain at the higher frequency. Though the gain is undoubtedly higher,
what is the difference in path loss to find out if there is really a net
improvement in the signal strength obtain for a given receiving antenna?
A. 10.542 dB B. 9.542 dB
C. 6.542 dB D. 8. 542 dB

2. Consider a bent pipe satellite system where the uplink C/NO= 105 dB and the
downlink C/NO= 95 dB. What is the system C/NO?
A. 94.586 dB B. 85.935 dB
C. 81.478 dB D. 98.153 dB

3. Calculate the required C/No for a digital satellite link if the desired Eb/No ratio is
9.6 dB and the bit rate is equal to that of T1 carrier.
A. 61.5 dB B. 51.5 dB
C. 71.5 dB D. 81.5 dB

4. A satellite receiver has a G/T ratio of -7 dB/K, and the receiver feeder loss are
1 dB. The earth station transmits an EIRP of 50 dBW, and the transmission
path loss amount to 205 dB. Calculate the C/No at the receiver.
A. 83.8 dB B. 65.6 dB
C. 38.5 dB D. 56.5 dB

5. Calculate the EIRP of a satellite with a TWTA output power of 10 W, the

satellite antenna gain is 40 dB, and the transmit feeder loss are 1 dB.
A. 49 dB B. 79 dB
C. 59 dB D. 69 dB

6. A satellite is put into final geosynchronous orbit from its transfer orbit by firing
the _____?
A. Jet Thruster B. Orbit stabilizer
C. Apogee Kick Motor D. Booster Rocket

7. What balance the gravitational pull of the earth to allow the satellite to stay on
its orbit?
A. Satellite self power B. Atmospheric condition
C. Wind velocity D. Centripetal force

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8. Calculate the Doppler frequency shift for a satellite with a relative velocity of
5000 km/s as receive by an earth station antenna operating at 6 GHz.
A. 5.5 GHz B. 3.5 GHz
C. 6.1 GHz D. 8.1 GHz

9. Determine the EIRP of a satellite used for downlink transmission required to

produce a C/N ratio of 26 dB at the earth station. The bandwidth is 36 MHz,
the transmission path loss is 203 dB, and the earth station receiver feeder loss
is 2 dB.
A. 55.96 dB B. 88.96 dB
C. 66.96 dB D. 77.96 dB

10. For the downlink of a digital satellite circuit, the transmission path loss is 207
dB and the G/T at the receiver is -5 dB/K. Calculate the satellite EIRP required
to maintain a transmission rate of 65 Mbps at a Eb/No of 9 dB.
A. 70.53 dB B. 66.38 dB
C. 88.25 dB D. 83.57 dB

11. Calculate the propagation delay for a satellite and an earth station if the angle
of elevation is 30°.
A. 260 ms B. 75 ms
C. 130 ms D. 520 ms

12. Calculate the signal strength in dBm and the time it will take for a signal that
emanates from an interstellar space probe Voyager 1 with a transmit power 10
W, 45 dBi antenna gain to reach the earth when it passed the orbit of Pluto.
(Assume Pluto’s location equal to 3.7x109 miles when the probes passed by
and the Earth station antenna gain is 55 dBi operating at 1.8 GHz).
A. 1.13 hrs -83.1 dBm B. 5.53 hrs -83.1 dBm
C. 5.53 hrs -93.1 dBm D. 1.13 hrs -93.1 dBm

13. In a transoceanic satellite conversation, how much is the typical delay before a
reply is heard?
A. 200 ms B. 900 ms
C. 600 ms D. 50 ms

14. Under a circular satellite orbit, how high is a certain satellite located above the
surface of the earth if the total satellite height is 9,869 miles?
A. 3,960 miles B. 6,000 miles
C. 4,984.50 miles D. 3,000 miles

15. At what apogee in an elliptical orbit must a geosynchronous satellite be initially

stationed before it is finally fired into its final geostationary orbit?
A. 22,300 miles B. 10,500 miles
C. 50,000 miles D. 30,000 miles

16. A positional tolerance of 0.1 on a geostationary orbit is equivalent to an arc

distance of?
A. 200 km B. 74 km
C. 240 km D. 300 km
Self-Sufficient Guide to ECE by JASON AMPOLOQUIO 5-107

17. Telephone communications takes place between two earth stations via a
satellite that is 38,000 km from each earth station. Suppose Tamyboy, at
station 1, asks a question and Jason, at station 2, answer immediately, as soon
as he hears the question. How much time elapses between the end of
Tamyboy’s question and the beginning of Jason’s reply, as hear by Tamyboy?
A. 253.33 ms B. 87.88 ms
C. 158.45 ms D. 224.12 ms

18. A satellite receiving system has a figure of merit of -8dB/K. The satellite
antenna is a paraboloidal reflector type with an illumination efficiency of 70%
and a -3dB beamwidth of 18. Calculate the total noise temperature at the
receiver input.
A. 435.6 K B. 659.2 K
C. 345.6 K D. 235.6 K

19. Calculate the C/No at the earth receiving station, from a satellite transmitting
an EIRP of 49.5 dBW on a frequency of 12 GHz. The earth station antenna
angle of elevation is 7° and the receiving figure of merit is 40.7 dB
A. 11.2 dB B. 151.2 dB
C. 112.5 dB D. 100.3 dB

20. Determine the signal strength at the satellite if an earth station is transmitting
7 W of power using a parabolic antenna with a gain of 45 dBi, operating at 4
GHz, the path length is 40,000 km and the satellite receiver gain is 40 dBi.
A. -79 dBm B. -73 dBm
C. -70 dBm D. -77 dBm

21. Calculate the orbital velocity of a satellite located 500 km above the earth’s
A. 3.6 km/s B. 5.6 km/s
C. 7.6 km/s D. 9.6 km/s

22. Determine from the following the basic technique used to stabilize a satellite.
A. Hub B. Solar panel orientation
C. Spin D. Gravity forward motion balance

23. How many satellites does the GPS system consist?

A. 60 satellites B. 3 satellites
C. 12 satellites D. 24 satellites

24. What is the equivalent noise temperature for a receiving installation that has a
G/T of 30 dB. If its antenna gain is 45 dB and the antenna noise temperature
is 22 K.
A. 9.62 K B. 29.62 K
C. 39.62 K D. 19.62 K

25. Find the noise temperature of an antenna on a satellite if it looks at the earth
(giving it a “sky” noise temperature of 290 K) and is coupled to the reference
plane by a waveguide with loss of 0.3 dB.
A. 290 K B. 310 K
C. 210 K D. 300 K

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26. The IRL from a satellite is -155 dBW; the earth station receiving system has an
antenna gain of 47 dB, an antenna feed loss of 0.1 dB, a waveguide loss of 1.5
dB, a directional coupler insertion loss of 0.2 dB, and a bandpass filter loss of
0.3 dB; the system noise temperature is 117 K. What is the C/NO?
A. 93.51 dB B. 95.9 dB
C. 857.88 dB D. 97.82 dB

27. Sputnik 1 is the first active satellite which transmits _____ information.
A. data B. weather
C. telemetry D. celestial

28. Also known as the “Law of Areas”

A. 1st Law of Kepler B. 4th Law of Kepler
C. 3rd Law of Kepler D. 2nd Law of Kepler

29. Calculate the power density in W/m2 as received from a 10-W satellite source
that is 22,000 mi away from earth.
A. 8.77x10-16 W/m2 B. 3.33x10-16 W/m2
-16 2
C. 1.48x10 W/m D. 6.35x10-16 W/m2

30. In this type of satellite transponder, a single mixer converts all channels within
the 500-Mhz bandwidth simultaneously to their downlink frequency.
A. Broadband transponder B. Double-conversion
C. Channelized transponder D. Regenerative transponder

31. The two factors that keep a satellite in orbits are?

A. Centrifugal force created by earth’s rotation and satellite centrifugal force
B. Gravitational pull of the earth and satellite velocity
C. Satellite velocity and centrifugal force
D. Gravitational pull of the earth and centripetal force of the revolving

32. Calculate the average distance of the moon from the earth if the moon has an
orbital period of approximately 28 days.
A. 34x106 m B. 84x106 m
C. 384x106 m D. 38x106 m

33. In satellite communication what does TTC means?

A. Telemetry, Tracking, and Control
B. Telecommand, Telemetry, and Control
C. Telecommand, Tracking, and Communication
D. Telemetry, Telecommand, and Communication

34. An amateur radio hobbyist is communicating using the moon as a reflector.

Calculate the amount of time it will take the signal from the hobbyist
transmitter to reach the moon surface and be returned and receiver back here
on earth. Also calculate the total path loss at 1 GHz.
A. 2.56 seconds, 48.2 dB B. 2.56 seconds, 408.2 dB
C. 5.88 seconds, 408.2 dB D. 5.88 seconds, 48.2 dB

35. Satellite bandwidths are typically ____ wide and are divided into ____
segments, each _____ wide.
A. 500-MHz, 12, 24-MHz B. 500-MHz, 36, 12-MHz
C. 500-MHz, 24, 70-MHz D. 500-MHz, 12, 36-MHz
Self-Sufficient Guide to ECE by JASON AMPOLOQUIO 5-109

36. Calculate the orbital velocity of satellite located 10,000 km above the surface
of the earth.
A. 4,931.16 m/s B. 4,656.34 m/s
C. 4,578.9 m/s D. 4,456.56 m/s

37. The FDMA technique wherein voice band channels are assigned on “as needed”

38. Calculate the received signal strength at the satellite if the earth station uplink
transmitter operates at 6 GHz with a transmitter power of 10 kW and an
antenna gain of 50 dBi. The geostationary satellite receiver is using a parabolic
antenna with a gain of 40 dBi, the elevation angle to the satellite as viewed
from the earth station is 45°.
A. -29.5 dBm B. -39.5 dBm
C. -59.5 dBm D. -49.5 dBm

39. A form of CDMA where a digital code is used to continually change the
frequency of the carrier.
A. Store and Forward B. SPADE
C. Spread Spectrum D. Frequency Hopping

40. The satellite frequency re-use method which sends different information signals
using vertical or horizontal electromagnetic polarization.
A. Dual polarization B. Spread spectrum
C. Multiple coverage areas D. Spatial polarization

41. The line that connects the apogee and the perigee.
A. line of apsides B. line of nodes
C. line of gee D. line of shoot

42. Calculate the EIRP in dBm of an earth terminal with an antenna with a gain of
30 dB, transmitter output of 200 W, and transmission line losses of 2.3 dB.
A. 20.5 dBm B. 36.67 dBm
C. 80.7 dBm D. 56.89 dBm

43. What is the isotropic receive level (IRL) at an earth terminal antenna where the
free -space loss to the associated satellite is 196.4 dB and other link losses are
2.6 dB? The satellite EIRP is + 34 dBW.
A. -163.4 dBW B. -110.6 dBW
C. -143.2 dBW D. -165 dBW

44. What is the receiving system noise temperature (Tsys) if the antenna noise
temperature is 300 K and the receiver noise temperature is 100 K?
A. 200 K B. 200 K
C. 316.22 K D. 400 K

45. Calculate No of a receiving system with a noise temperature of 100 K.

A. -123.3 dBW B. -208.6 dBW
C. -39.3 dBW D. -210.2 dBW

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46. Determine C/No at an earth terminal of a satellite downlink where the RSL is -
139 dBW and the system noise temperature is 400 K.
A. 34.4 dB B. 12.45 dB
C. 63.58 dB D. 56.3 dB

47. Referred to as a function and/or a design of a double conversion satellite.

A. Has individual LNA, HPA, mixer and band pass filter for each channel
B. Demodulate its up-link signal to recover its baseband signals and use them
to remodulate a downlink transmitter
C. Equipped with a single mixer that converts all satellite channels within the
bandwidth simultaneously to their downlink frequency
D. Equipped with two mixers

48. How does spatial isolation technique in satellite communications avoid

A. Use of different polarity antennas
B. Use of low gain antennas
C. Employment of highly directional spot-beam antennas
D. Use of different types of antennas

49. An area on earth covered by a satellite radio beam.

A. Footprint B. Bandwidth
C. Identity D. Beamwidth

50. Which type of satellite transponder improves the S/N ratio which demodulates
the uplink signal to recover the baseband signals and use them to remodulate
the downlink transmitter?
A. Regenerative B. Baseband
C. Double conversion D. Broadband

51. What spatial separation is needed for 72 satellites to be parked in a

geosynchronous orbit?
A. 7 B. 4
C. 6 D. 5

52. What is the typical IF of satellite receivers?

A. 70 MHz B. 455 MHz
C. 30 MHz D. 10.7 MHz

53. Calculate the transmission path loss at vertical incidence between a

geostationary satellite and a ground station operating at a frequency of 4 GHz,
allowing 0.04 dB for atmospheric attenuation and 0.1 dB for rain attenuation.
A. 155.2 dB B. 212.5 dB
C. 160.8 dB D. 195.7 dB

54. One of the following devices in satellite transponder serves as output of the
receive antenna: A. mixer; B. low noise amplifier; C. power amplifier; and D.
local oscillator.
A. A B. B
C. C D. D
Self-Sufficient Guide to ECE by JASON AMPOLOQUIO 5-111

55. In a re-use frequency technique of increasing satellite channel capacity of

corresponding transponders, how do you control the antenna used to prevent
A. Different polarity B. Low gain antenna
C. High directional antenna D. Different type antenna

56. Refers to a mobile earth station in the mobile-satellite service located on board
A. Mobile satellite station B. Ship earth station
C. Mobile satellite D. Ship station

57. A technique in satellite communications which uses a highly directional spot-

beam antenna to prevent interference from frequency sharing.
A. Directional technique B. Beaming technique
C. Spatial isolation technique D. Frequency re-use technique

58. How do you determine the satellite location in latitude and longitude
A. Designate a point on earth directly below the satellite
B. Designate south or North Pole as reference
C. Designate any reference point on the surface of the earth
D. Designate any reference point on the earth along the equator

59. A point in the satellite orbit known to be the closest location to the surface of
the earth.
A. Zenith B. Azimuth
C. Perigee D. Apogee

60. Which satellite transponder has the most number of mixers?

A. Broadband B. Regenerative
C. Double-conversion D. Channelized

61. The height of the geosynchronous orbit above the equator is about:
A. 3,578 km B. 35,780 km
C. 357,800 km D. depends on satellite velocity

62. The high and low points of a satellite's orbit are called, respectively,:
A. apogee and perigee B. perigee and apogee
C. uplink and downlink D. downlink and uplink

63. The area on the earth that is "covered" by a satellite is called its:
A. earth station B. downlink
C. footprint D. plate

64. The velocity required to stay in orbit:

A. is constant
B. is zero (freefall)
C. is lower close to the earth than far from the earth
D. is higher close to the earth than far from the earth

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65. An antenna is aimed by adjusting the two "look angles" called:

A. azimuth and elevation B. azimuth and declination
C. declination and elevation D. apogee and perigee

66. The power per transponder of a typical Ku-band satellite is in the range:
A. 5 to 25 watts B. 50 to 250 watts
C. 500 to 2500 watts D. depends on its orbit

67. The power level for an earth station to transmit to a satellite is on the order of:
A. 101 watts B. 102 watts
C. 103 watts D. 104 watts

68. The "payload" on a communications satellite consists of:

A. transponders B. batteries
C. solar cells D. all of the above

69. "Station-keeping" refers to:

A. antenna maintenance B. power-level adjustments
C. orbital adjustments D. antenna alignment

70. DBS stands for:

A. decibels of signal B. down-beam signal
C. direct-broadcast system D. direct-broadcast satellite

71. LNA stands for:

A. low-noise amplifier B. low north angle
C. low-noise amplitude D. low-noise array

72. A reduction in TWT power for linearity is called:

A. backdown B. backoff
C. power-down D. EIRP drop

73. TVRO stands for

A. television receive only B. television repeater only
C. television remote origin D. television random origin

74. VSAT stands for:

A. video satellite
B. video signal antenna terminal
C. very small antenna terminal
D. very small aperture terminal

75. What is the first Japanese and Canadian satellite?

A. Alouette 1, Explorer 1 B. Astérix, Explorer 1
C. Osumi, Astérix D. Osumi, Alouette 1

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