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The Model 635 is a rugged, relisble instrment capable of making a wide variety of electrical meagurenents simply and accurately. Its desea is based on the experience of many years of multimeter manufacture, but incorpo.ates a number of proven innovations. Most significant are its enhanced accuracy, its provision for lov insertion loss A.C. current measurements, and its convenience of operation. Intrinsic ruggedness, supplemented vy effective protective features, minimizes the effects of ‘the frequent handling and occasional accidental misuee to which ouch a versatile instrument is inevitably subjected. There is no substitute, however, for the care and proper operation of your mitimeter desoribed in the following pases, Given these, your Model 635 will provide you with many years of accurate, dependable service. ‘Table of Content qlustration Page Physical Description Accessories Electrical Specifications Correct Operation D.C. Voltage, Current Resietance A.C. Voltage, Current Additional. Applications Schematic and Parte List Maintenance Warranty Inside back cover BREBBS os aur FEYSICAL DESCRIPTION The Model 635 1s of essentially two-piece con- struction. A front panel assembly carries all components, and a rear cover is fastened to it dy four screws. Both are molded of durable black phenolic, ribbed for additional strength. Overall dimensions assembled are 5-2/4" x 7" x rae Oe Pe ee ae me. 1.6 ‘The completely enclosed meter movenent ie self- shielding, and virtually immune to external field influence: Its resultingly low leskage field pro~ duces negligible disturbance of sensitive instru- nents in ite vicinity, and the correspondingly efficient use of avaliable magnetic flux pays @ividends in performance. Special precautions have been taken to produce the best possible basic movement calibration, Conbined with 0.5% ctreuit components and fine ‘trim adjustments, these produce © high degree of overall accuracy vhich is maintained by temp- erature compensation over the full range of nor- mal operating ambients. ‘Spring-backed jewels assist in the preservation of original instrument accuracy in every-day use. The novenent is safeguarded by a shunt diode, Lin- iting the othervise damaging acceleration which accidental overload may produce. On the following pages, referenced to front and rear views of the panel assembly, are descrip- tions of the major componente and their functions. ‘ABOUT BACH.SIMPSON From its origin during the World Headly expanded itt facilities ‘many different operations invel 2 completed product, are now Elster company Welwyn Canade Factory covering 75,000 29. f and dedicated employee Recognising the growing requt Products of high quality, the ra Come mote diverse renging ff Measurement and Electronic Co an enviable international repute to maintain and enhance. in a foam suspension and sleeving of the recessed terminal Jacks are additional Safety measures. Equally safe and dur- able are the flexible heavily-insulated test leads provided. Simple and safe exter- nal connections are made to the common (-) terminal on the main panel, snd to the six Righ Voltage jacks on the upper end’ of the Multiplier. Mechanically, the Multiplier 1s attached to the 635 rear cover by four internal screws One of these carries 4 spring contact, which makes the low-voltage connection to the multimeter proper. The rear cover retain- ing serews remain accessible, and the cover/aultiplier astombly cm be removed fas a unit without un- Soldering connections Batteries and fuse are still easily accessible. OPERATOR'S MANUAL, MODEL 635 VOLT—OHM—MILLIAMMETER DESIGNED AND MANUFACTURED IN CANADA BY BACH.-SIMPSON LIMITED LONDON, ONTARIO a MAILING ADDRESS, 1255 BRYDGES ST. P.O. BOX 2404 Part No. of this Manual, 6778 ‘ABOUT BACH.SIMPSON From its origin during the World War I, Bach-Simpson Lid. has steadily expanded is facilities x0 thet practically all, of the ‘many different operations involved in transforming an idee into ‘2 completed product, are now undartaken under one roof. With sister company Welwyn Canada Limited, it occupies modern Factory covering 75,000 aq. ft, houring over 300, highly skilled and dedicated employees. Recognising the growing requirement for precision electrical products of high quality, the range of items hes constantly be come more diverse ranging from Panel Meters, fo complex Measurement and Electronic Control systems, These have gained {an enviable international reputation, that ls our constant concern 40 maintain and enhance. Ho a tl Manual Part No. 6778 MODEL 635HV The Model 635HV is a standayd Model 635, S MANUAL Hagen: \L 635 faleiplier. me tos. | LLIAMMETER 635 Manual applies equally to the 6351V and the necessary additional information covering the lligh Voltage ranges appears on this inserted sheet, PURED IN CANADA BY Conservative design and care in production make possible exceptionally accurate and stable measurements co 6000 Volts AC and DC. Isolation of the High Voltage Unit in ite om rugged molded case affords an uausual degree of protection to both instrument and user, since 600 Volts is the maximum poten tial present in the tester proper. Sealing of the indiv- Adual resistors (over) ‘OPEN THE FOLD-ouT PHYSICAL DESCRIPITON (cowr'D) ‘The Model 635's buff-tinted scale background and highly legible markings are designed for easy, accurate reading vith reduced operator fatigue. The '-1/k" acale (1), knife-edge pointer (2), and scale mirror (3), permit improved resolution of readings and elimination of parallax errors. The slotted zero adjuster (i) Toeated in the lover center of the meter cover (5) can be freely rotated through 360° to set the pointer precisely to scale A totel of nine Jacks (6) provide connections for all of the Model 635's twenty- five dizect reading ranges, and accept standard Simpson test lead plugs. Nineteen of these ranges are served by the (+) and (-) comec- ‘ions in the lover left comer of the panel. ‘The two-inch semi-recessed knob (7) rotates the combined function/range switch snoothly through full 360°, Permanent markings, vhite-filled and spaced for legibility, permit easy and accur~ ate selection of any of its tventy positions. Precise, gradual adjustment of the ohms zero is made possible by the large knurled kncb (8), set edgewiee and almost flush with the panel for ‘hun operation. AYSICAL DESCRIPTION (CONT'D) On the rear of the front panel assenbly, retain- ing contacts hold a 1/2 A, 250 V miniature fuse (9) which provides protection for the most vul- nerable circuit components. A eingle 1.5 V, size D battery (10) powers all re- sistance measuring ranges, vith the exception of Rx 10K, where it 18 cupplemented by four 1.5 V, size AA'batteries (11). Battery retention is pro- vided by the contacts, and ensured in use by the specially shaped inner surface of the rear cover. Four trim potentto- maters, (15) perait ORO ROE Hisciss| Cine ot Justment of the AC Voltage (P1,P2) and current (P3) ranges - : fant of ‘the ‘never i Se Heyes coetaterce (Pu), As well, they factittate the re x fe adjustment of the instrment to orig~ OOK! taal factory toler ance in the event of major component ° replacement. oO » The rectifier unit (13) 18 completely enclosed and. self contained and incor sporates germanium @iodes ina full- wave bridge circuit. SICAL DESRIPT 0) ‘A mintature potentfoneter (14) of conventional design is used to correct for variations in the internal resistance of the batteries. ‘A molded phenolic component "nest" (15) surrounds ‘and incorporates the function/range switch (16). This assembly can be removed, complete, and laid to one side with the tester fully operative. Remove the two retaining nuts (x) and the svitch knob and nut to lift out the assembly. Access ‘may then be gained to lower and inner switch decks The D.C. heavy current shunts (17) and the three— range A.C. current transformer (18) are mounted fon the rear of the panel, and connected direct to thelr respective panel jacks. ACCESSORIES FOR COMMERCIAL MODEL 635 (AN /URNSOS and 635 HV Military and Comercial Accessories are shown on Page 22.) STANDARD Tead Set part #3686: Length 4 ft., one red, fone black lead, with test prods OPTIONAL, EXTRA Tead Set part #3838: Length 4 ft., one red, one Black lead, with rubber sleeved alltgator lis Careying Case’ part, #7030-1: Brovn leather "Eveready" style, with front flap which Lifts t0 expose the entire front of the instrument. Carsying Case part #7237: Black Leather pouch. Flexible Probe part #17526: Spring loaded vith retractable tip. (Attaches to #3686) ‘ELEGFRICAL SPECTFICATTONS D.C. VOUPAGE and D.C. CURREND RANGES 0 - .3 volts © ~ .060 Mi12iemps Beh oss Ge Dea > oe = 0-6 * ona * 0 - 300 * O- .6 Amperes 0 - 600 * ae ee Onda: * SENSITIVITY ; INSERTION Loss (MV DROP) : 20,000 ohms/volt 250 MV all. ranges ACCURACY : + 1.25 of full geale deflection or effective range of 10 - 100% of FSD all ranges. A.C. VouaGE and 3. Volts ae * 7 = x0 = G00 * SENSIVETY : 420 Mv 50 MV 50 mV 60 c/s 42515 10020 Ke/s ACCURACY : + 2.25 of full geale deflection for effective range of 20 - 100% of FSD all ranges. 3000 ohms /vent FREQUENCY RESPONSE : The instrument ia effect- ively flat in response from 20 C/8 to 50 KC/S ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATToNS (coNr'D) for all Current ranges and for the Voltage ranges for which correction curves are shown be- ow. Higher Voltage ranges exhibit increased frequency errors stove 10 Ke/S. RESISTANCE RANGES RX1 0-200 ohms —(12 ohm center) RX 100 0 ~ 20,000 ohms (1200 ohm center) RX 1K 0 - 200,000 ohms (12K center) RX 10K 0-2 megohns (120K center) with visible indication to 20 megshme. ACOURACY : At center scale, better than 5f of reading. At the limite of the effective range (10 = 90f of full scale, anguter), better than 10h of reading. ‘TEMPERATURE CHARACTERISTICS ‘The Model 635 1s temperature compencated to ascure the maintenance of rated accuracy on all ranges for variations of + 5°C. from normal 25° operating anbient. 8. CORRECT OPERATION - GENERAL, Position of Use: Where feasible, it is good in- striment practice to lay the tester on its back, scale horizontal, to eliminate the danger of tip ping it over. Checking Zero Setting: With the instrment in The position In Witch it is to be used, observe whether the pointer ie centered on the scale zero mark when no pover is applied. If necessary, use the slotted adjuster screw to correct its setting. Functiony Selection: Observe the individual ee. oe ce ‘the value of voltage or current to be measured, always select initially the highest meter rang? available. Then reselect the lowest safe range to obtein’an accurate reading. Connecting the Instrument: Observe the individual Fangs instructions with follor. Before connect ing the instrument to the equipment, make sure power is off. NOTE THAT VOLTAGE READINGS ARE MADE ‘ACROSS THE LOAD. FOR CURREND READINGS’ OPEN THE CERCULE AND COWIECT (HE INSTRUMENT IN SERIES WITH ‘THE TOAD. Reversed Readings: In the case of reversed in @ication on D.C., switch off power in the circuit under test and reverse the lead connections. ‘FOR YOUR PERSONAL, PROTECTION - Turn off pover to the cireuft under test before connecting or dic~ connecting the Test Leads. When working with high Voltages, do not touch leads vhile power is on. FOR SHE PROTECTION OF YOUR INSTRUMENT - check Tead connections and svitch settings before applying power. Select the highest range. OPERATING INSTRUCTTONS ‘OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS (Ou, MEASURING D.C. [VOLTS & MILLIAMPS + Set the function/sange evitch initially to the highest available Volt or Milliewpere range fe required. Soe ee eee on jack and the back (Negative) lead into the (-) Jack. "With power off make the appropriate Gonoctions to the einen. “turn on the power. Reselect the lovest, safe range on the basis of your preliminary reading t obtain a more accurate indication. "Read the indicated voltage on the lack scale marked "D.C," The lack figures below the Sirror give direct readings for most rendes- Others are readily obtained ty mltiplying or dividing the appropriate set of Tigures by 10 or 100." he .3 Vitange 4s most convententiy read from the 0 to 300 seale as 500 millivolts, end the .060 MA. xenge similarly to read on the © t0 60 scale as microamperes. ] Ojo MEASURING D.C. AMPERES O° aMPS0C OP oe = Set the function/range sviteh to AMPS Dc = Flug the black (Negative) lead into the (-) Jack and the red lead into the (+12) jack. With Power off make connections to the circuit. ~ Turn power on and take a preliminary read~ ing. Turn power off and move the red lead to ‘the lowest safe range. If the current is less ‘than 120 MA proceed as above for D.C. Milliampe. ~ Read D.C. Amperes on the black D.C. scale. to. Re OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS OPERATING INSTRUCETONS (MEASURING RESISTAI <> Oo © = Set the evitch to the desired range. = Plug black lead into (~)Jack, red into (+). Short lead clips together. Adjust pointer if necessary to Zero (right hand end) on the C&S seale, using OIMS ADI control. Separate leads. = Connect the lead clips to the resistance under test. Ensure that no voltage is present. = Resistance value will ve the figure read from the ohms scale multiplied by the factor shown at the switch setting. "K"represents 1000. O°.o7) me OFO oO ° MEASURING AC. VOLTS. = Set the function/range switch intially to the highest available A.C. Volts range position. = Connect the tlack lead to the (-) jack and ‘the red lead to the (+) jack. With pover off, connect to the circuit under test. = Tum power on. Select lowest safe range. - Read the voltage on the red scale marked A.C. using the black figures above it. For the 3'V. range only use the lovest (red) are and the Fed figures below it. 2 ames se C5, [MEASURING A.C. AMPERES ‘FN = Set the function/range switcn to AMPS AC. = Plug the black lead into the AMPS AC Jack im the upper left comer of the panel, and’ the red lead into desired range jack at upper right. With power off make connections to the circuit. = urn pover on and read. Tum power off and move the red lead to the lowest safe range as indicated by the preliminary reading. = Read A.C. Amperes on the red scale marked AC using the black figures above it. aa 1B. ADDETIONAL APPLICATIONS In addition to measuring A.C. and D.C. voltage fand current and D.C. resistance over a wide range, the Model 635 can perform a number of other useful. functions. RECTIFIER CHECKS can be performed on copper oxide, selenium, and crystal rectifiers, using ‘the ohms ranges. Proceed as for nomal resist ance measurenents. Read the rectifier resist~ ance in both directions. The "Forward" resist- lance should be lov, and the "Reverse" resistance very high. CAPACTTOR CHECKS provide a guide to good, open, and short conditions. Use the R x 10K range aé for normal resistance measurement. Results should always be confimed. ‘A good capacitor vill produce a deflection to the right, the pointer gradually returning to the Jeft end of the scale (infinite resistance) as ‘the capacitor becomes charged by the miltineter batteries and current ceases to flow. Small cap- scitors produce small deflection vhich die- ‘appears quickly. ‘An open capacitor has, by definition, infinite re- sistance; no current ill flow and no deflection will be produced. A shorted capacitor will produce a deflection Which persists, indicating a permanent and finite resistance value. a4, ADDITIONAL APPLTCATTONS A.C. CURREND-VOLTAGE RELATIONS can be simply determined, using two sets of leads. One set is connected as for A.C. Amps measurement and ‘the other is connected to the (+) and (-) jacks as for A.C. Volts determination. ‘The instrument can then ve switched back and forth from A.C. Amps to the desired A.C. Volta position for com parison readings. ‘The voltage range progression ts dovavard from the A.C. Amps position so that no danage to the instrument will result. The current transfor- ner primary renains connected, completely isolated from the other measuring circuits. Particularly valuable in thie application is the extremely lov insertion lose of the transfor~ ner primary (see p. 7) which in addition shows ¢ very low order of change with frequency. With the virtually flat frequency response of the A.C. Current and Voltage ranges (gee p. 8) ‘this makes the Model 635 very useful for measure- ments in the low impedance clrouits typical, for example, of high-fidelity amplifier output stage: ‘The Model 635 performs, accurately and in a single instrument, a function formerly reserved for two special single purpose meters. ‘YOU WILL UNDOUBTEDLY DISCOVER MANY MORE USES FOR YOUR MODEL 635 THAN TP HAS HEEN POSSIELE TO DES- CRTBE. USED WITH CARE AND COMMON SENSE, IT'S VERSATILITY WILL SERVE YOU WELL. 6. SPENATC, plscran 16. MATNTENANCE Certain maintenance operations are routine, and require only renoval of the case (back). Take out the four recessed serevs in the back of the case snd the front panel assembly will Lift straight out in ite entirety. Fault - complete lack of indication on D.C., Fesistance, and A.C. Volt ranges. Indication on A.C. current. Corrective Action - replace the fuse (Symbol 9, P. 5) with one of the specified rating only. lt - inability to zero with the ohms adjust ‘control (at right end of scale, lead clipe short- ea) on Rx 1, Rx 100, or Rx iK ranges, or @ necessity for frequent readjustment of zero. Corrective Action - replace the large 1.5 V bat~ ‘tery (Symbol 10, p. 5) observing the correct polarity as marked, it = inability to zero on the R x 10K range With the chns adjust control as above. Corrective Action - replace sll four small 1.5 ¥ batteries (Symbol 11, p.5), and, preferably, the large battery as vell, again observing correct polarity. The folowing maintenance or repair operations should not be attempted unless you have access to precision standard meters, to ensure that your Model 635 has been restored to factory tolerance. It is strongly recomended that your instrument be returned to the factory or an authorized repair depot in these oireunstances. 1B. MAINTENANCE _(conr'D) Foult - unsatisfactory meter operation or in- accuracy, all range Corrective Action ~ meter novenent. repair or Feplacement fe Indicated. ‘This can be confirmed by applying D.C, current (0-50 UA) to the nest retaining nuts (Syxbol X, p. 5) with the function Sitch in the 600'V. D.C. position. ALL ctreuit Glesenta, with the exception of the trim shunt (R26) which 16 acrose the meter terminals exte: nal to the housing, the protective diode (D3), and the compensating network (R25, R3b) which’ are ‘intemal, are eliminated as possitle sources of the aiteioulty. Fault - Individual range unserviceable. Dorrectsve Action = replacement of individuel Fesistor(s) involved. Cireuit design of the Model 635 generally is such that most components affect only one range. Study the clroutt dia ren ana obtain the correct. component. (See Parts Uist) trom fectory or authorizes Tepair eepot. Fault - general unserviceability, A.C.’ voltage ‘and current ranges. Corrective Action - replace rectifier assembly ‘Gymbol Ih, p. 5). Recalibrate a follows: 1. Set function switch to 300 V.A.c. with test leads connected to (+) and (~) Jacks Apply 300 V. to leads and adjust meter to Pull scale with P2 (Symbol 12, p. 5). 2, Set function svitch to 3 V. A.C., apply 3 V. and adjust meter to full scale with PL, 3. Repeat’ steps 1 and 2 until no further ad- justment is required. 4, Apply the correct vaiue of A.C. Current to as. MAIWTENANCE (com 'D} any of the A.C, Amps ranges, and adjust P3 to provide correct calibration. It is manifestly impossible to pre-diagnose all possible malfunctions which may result from mis~ luse or accident. ‘The above are the most obvious. Component fetlure will be rare, and vhen it does occur, vill normally require no further aismant- Ling of the tester than that so far deseribed. For trouble location, however, it may be desir- able to denount the resistor nest. This can be done as follows, without @isconnecting any leads: 1. Set the selector svitch to the 3V. A.C. position, and renove the knob and the switch reteining mut beneath it, 2. Remove the nest retaining nuts (x). Lift ‘the potentioneter panel and remove the second set of nuts thus exposed. 3. Pull the nest straight avay from the panel, withdrawing the svitch shaft from ite hole. Lay the nest over to the left, eo that the switch shaft faces up, and replace the knob in its original orientation. 4, fo reassemble, reverse the procedure. SWITCH REPLACEMENT Because the switch 19 agsenbled as an integral part of the nest, individual switch sections, or ‘the shaft and detent plate assembly can be re- placed vith a minimum of disturbance. Detailed instructions are available from the factory 20, _— ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS - MODEL, 6358 supplementing pages 7 and 8. RANGES, ACCURACY AND SENSTTIVITEES : De volts accuracy t 1.5% of Full Scale De- 0- 1200 flection over the Effective Range of 0 = 3000 10 to 100% of Full Scale Deflection. 0 - 6000 SENSITIVITY 20,000 ohms per volt. AC VOLTS accuracy + 2.25% of Full Seale De~ 0 - 1200 Election over the Effective Range of 0 = 3000 20 to 100% of FSD for 60 cycle sine 0 - 6000 wave, SENSITIVITY 3000 ohms per volt, FREQUENCY RESPONSE : See pages 7 and 8, Addition ally, the eight AC Volt ranges are accurate to 2.25% of FSD for input frequencies up to 2000 cycles/see., with the exception of the 6000 Volt wage, where errors may approach + SZ. Applic~ able for Sine wave input having less than 1% total harmonic distortion. IMPORTANT : the accuracy of the 1200, 3000 and 6000 Volt ranges may be degraded at frequencies other than 60 cycles/sec. if the Model 635HV is placed on a fetal surface. This effect generally incre: with frequency and range, or if either tester connection is grounded to the metal surface, and is due to the effect of stray capacitance on the multiplier. CAUTION: High-Voltage/Iligh-Frequoncy measurement should be performed with the Model 635HV resting. fon a non-metallic surface, axd separated by at least 12" from any metatlic surface. OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS - MODEL 6351 See General Instructions on page 9. USING 1200, 3000, 6000 ¥, DO RANGES Open Manual to pages 10-11. *Set Switch to 600 Volts DC as shown in the top (lustration. = Plug red lead into the desired DC KV terminal. Use 6KV if in doubt to voltage present. Plug black lead into (-) jack on front panel. s"turn on power and read. Turn off power and select lowest safe range. "Read Voltage on black DC scale. USING 1200, 3000, 6000 ¥._AC RANGES Open Manual to pages 12-13. * Set ewitch to 600 Volts AC as ‘shown in the center illustratton. = Plug red lead into the desired AC KV terminal. Use 6KV 1£ in doube ‘es to voltage present. Plug black Lead into (-) jack on front panel. ‘= Turn oa power and read. Turn off power and select lowest safe range. = "Read Voltage on red AC scale using the black figures above it. CAUTION: USE ONLY THE AC OR DO KV CONNECTIONS ON UPFER END OF THE INSTRUMENT FOR VOLTAGES ABOVE 600. SWITCH SETTING MUST BE CORRECT, WARNING? TURN OFF POWER BEFORE CONNECTING INSTRUMENT TO CIRCUIT. MULTIPLIER SCHEMATIC - MODEL 635HV poste [—Awin—o cory ae oe 0 hatv se PARTS LIST ‘The following parts are specific to the 635H.V. (military and comercial) and the AN/URMS05. They are additional to the list of parts shown on page 17 for a standard model 635. HV. Muletplier assembly complete, less hardware #15612 Case (back), molded phenolic. Drilled to accept #15612 | #1736-5 Complete hardware kit to semble #15612 to #1736-5 #15747 ACCESSORIES FOR won) . STANDARD Lead Set part #15736: This all purpose lead set consists of one red and one black 4’ lead, | Fated at 10,000 volts. The tester connectors are bunch plugs with 1 5/8” butyrate hendle, The other end has a 3" butyrate handle fitted with a threaded test prod. Removable insul- ated clips are fitted to these prods. The use of any of the lead sets Iisted on Page 6 Ls not recommended with the 635 H.V. OPTIONAL. EXTRA : Carrying Case part #15750: Brown leather “veready" style with a front flap which Lifts to expose the meter panel and the high voltage Jacks. (Note the 635 case, 7030-1, vill not fit the 635 H.V.) Accessories for Military 63SHV (S/N6625-21-805-7868) ‘and Maltineter AN/UNC 505 (6/N6625-21-116-7551) ‘STANDARD Lead Set part #15736: A11 purpose’ 4! lead set, ‘one red one black, insulated to 10,000 volts, with removable insulated alligator clip NOTE: A pair of clips is available as « service spare under part #16818-2. Flexible Probe part #17526, (one supplied! ‘4 spring loaded probe which attaches £0 lead set #15736 after removing an alligator clip. Garrying Case part #40721: A leather case with ‘@ removable id and extendable carrying strap. This case has an instruction plate (part #17526) attached to the inside of the lid. Case Mounting Studs part #15742 (two supplied). Operators Manual Part #6778. = SIAPSON LIMITED warrant this instrument to be free (Gntects in material snd workmanship in normal service. “Gitgation under thie warranty ir limited to making good i tatiory any instrament which shall be setarned intact to Nieto eis authorined representative, with traneportation ‘prepaid, snd which examination shall disclose to their lon to kave beon thus dafective. Any unauthorized prior for djstinent ray invalidate this warranty. sa warrenty 1s not subject t a fixed time limit. However, at fe discretion, Bach-Simpron Limited may request evidence of daring the 90 day Period preceding Feta? OVERSEAS REPRESENTATIVES: wow eco: ‘tamer Tprante Linttad ttnore & Company tion ox Pe, Bex 1055 r'tranevasl, South Africa 72 A ‘house Hore Hong

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