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Overhead Transmission and Distribution Lines cB go =F oe Introduction—Typica " rae ot = 1yplcal AC Bectiea Power supp Syston Main Components of Overhead Eee eae arte aey Height of Pole—Conductor Materials— Gelerriaroniol Sao Conary Overhead Transmission Line—Cross-Arms—Pole Span tensions uys and Stays—Conductor Configuration, Spacing and Clearances— pe ae ee eee Materials—Types of Insulators—Lightning eee lates—Danger Plates—Anticlimbing Devices—Bird Guards—Beads of POD cece the Time of Erection of Overhead Lines— Brera ue 's—Settng of Stays Fixing of Cross-Arms—Fixing of Insulators —Conducioy 14 eet Orsiepacebala “Jointing of Conductors—Dead-End Clamps—Positioning of eee ee al To Insulators—Jumpers—Tee-Offs—Earthing of Transmission en of Overtiead. Lines—Clearances of Conductors From Ground—Spacing jetween Conductors—Testing and Commissioning of Overhead Distribution LinesSome Important Specifications —Estimates—Exercises—Short Answer Type Questions With Answers—Problems, 10.4. INTRODUCTION Blectrical energy is generated at the power stations (hi which are usually situated far away from the load centres. Hence an extern © network of windutors between the power stations and the consumers js required ‘This network of sang tors may be divided into two main components, called the transmission sys'ert and tho distribution system. The generation, transmission and distribution system of electrical power is called the electrical power supply system. The piciox al diagram of a typical elec- trical supply system is shown in Fig. 10.1 ‘The transmission system is to deliver bulk power’ from power stations to the load centres and large industrial consumers beyond the economical service range of the regular primary cietribution Hines where-as distribution system is to.deliver power from power stations or substations to the various consumers. figh tonsile strongth in order to withstand tho mechanical stresses. Low specific gravity in order to give low weight por unit volume. J Love cost in order toe used over long distances usually involved in transmission Tine. J) ase avaitability }) Should not be bette soup cououcron single conductor material meets all ofthe above ements, Hence # compromise wll have to be Tyetween the cost a the desired electrical and sical properties ithe seletion of «conductor al for'a given situation ve most commonly use eondurtor materials for ~ concentmcay ea lines are copper, aluminium, stecl-cored STONED CENCUTOR ius, galvanised stel and eadmium copper. {conductors used for overhead lines are prefer randed in ordertoincreasetheflexbility. Solid tofsmallersize,arediffculttohandleand ex played forlongspanstendtacystalliseat the pporebceause of swingingin winds. « © Types of Conductors Big. 10s, Sit reson 50 Orbits tines oa 4, Stranded conductors usually haveacenten wire around which there are suecessivelayersof 6,22, 18,24 wien. Foes yes, the tal er onda me dae the diauneter ofeach strand isd then diameter ofthe stranded conductor will be (2n + 1) d. athe process of manufacture adjacent layers arespiralled in opposite directionaso that thelayersare ound together. The method ofconstructionicalled ns‘eoncrete lay’ With conductors of large cross section, however, another method known as ‘rope lay’ is sometimes employed in order ta give more flexibility 1. Stranded Hard Drawn Copper. Hard drawn copper conductor is the best conductor owing to its high electrical conductiity and great tensile strength for afl types of transmis sion, Though hard drawing (cold rolling and drawing) reduces the conductivity slightly but increases the tensile strength considerably. [t dows not corrode in normal atmoephere and is not subjected to clectrolytie troubles. [thas higher current density wo lesser x-seetional area of conductor is required and so lesser urea is subjected to wind loads. It ip quite homoge: neous, durable and of high serap value, The other advantazes of hard drawn copper are long. Iife and caso of jointing However, medium hard-drawn eopper conductor is suitable for distribution limes and soft cay copper wires are suitable for steandary distribution circuits, and for verve connec: tions to buildings. ‘Though copper is ideally suitable for the transmission and distribution. but owing to the diiculty of importing it duc to lack of foreign exchange in our countzy. the trend nowadays is to uso aluminium in place of eopper. ig 2, Aluminium, Aluminium is cheaper in cost and lighter in weight bat is poor in ‘onductivity and tensile strength as compared to copper. Its conductivity is 6% to that of, ‘copper and density 0.303 times that of copper. An aluminium conductor has a diameter about "126 times that of copper conductor of equal resistance but due to its low density only half weight of aluminiim is required to that of copper. The tensile strength is much lower than that of copper (45 per cent to that of copper), but the larger sectional area of metal neutral- ines the difference to some extent, and an aluminium conductor has about 75% of the Ultimate strength of equivalent enpper conductor. For the same conductivity aluminium ‘conductor having 1.66 times the x section of eopper is required thus causes a greater surface | - for wind pressure and supporting structures are required to be designed for a greater trans- verse strength. In many cases also high towers must be employed with aluminium conduc- tors than would be required with copper conductors having the top Various Types of Pole Brackets saz for 11 Vines and 2.1 m* 125 m x 125 mm for 33 RV lines, Wooden cross arms nes, Pig. 1015 replacement owing to decay after every 5-7 years-depending upon weather conditions cro arms are stronger and are generally used on stel poles Fr le distrition, le iron or channel iron cross arms shall be of size not less than 50 mim » 0 sary 2d 76mm x 38 mm. The length of the cross arms shall be suitable forthe pcog tors, Cross arms shall be suitable and strong enough to withstand the resulta, forces caused by insulators, their pins and dead weight of insulator allachments ete To ant birdage on ht lines, V-shaped cross arms are used with pin insulators while straight on arms are used with disc insulators. The cross arm is fixed tothe pole in guch a mac the load ofthe conductors is taken by the cross arm and not the lamp or blt that fees cross arm to the pole : (0 cle any db BE Say Cony (0 Bo Camp a 2 ‘ins tpa of Conk Mad ang Ome - ‘neal eae z Te mit Ho. cuvs ano stavs LJ i Te becomes essential wo ata v overhead line supports at ange and terminal ptions 2 the 17) ole ak the pull de to conductors. The troretial angle hermes te pay ses 7 be 4S, but in geneeal pratice its not always pomible coins tha aed ney is generally based ona minimm angle of 0 between tae ned pte Say tel consist of MS rd of 18 mm diameter, stay tows chacnstdhmbies, stay ice (4) MS Channel orb) U-Shaped —_—_(e) VeShaped Crose arm (4) Zig-z0p, Cros arm Wooden Cross arm Cross arm Fig, 10.18 {In order to prevent arcing, the construction of the eroes arms should be auch that under the worst conditions, the spacing between conductors, shen swinging, would never be less than that given below (a icring Voape ape 05 KW 76 am uv 101 mm mW 19 wm Bier For S601 wi) stay camp and 1 scor pe = 180m taving BE mbit car. Scope the pats a cher peta oy preseday eet ‘roel cen cre 6 ton ein aft a se Tae ag a fn ahora oj re ke pad ied Sor eeiatean as eee aoe 4s ltom anton tp means aon foostrand ra cha tanned inthe Stk cae ete res ahtnsy ascta say tov unt saetoredtous seatinces __ thimbles are used at both ends of the stay wire, otherwise strands of stay wire may get FscagnsThouar ete pods t eh toon oad medio eee How tov cno ln enact nin end epee ' An egg typo strain insulator is inserted in the guy wire for safety. It isolates stay ally from metal support, "he bo ends of guy are threaded through the insulators ‘such a way that the porcelain of the insulator is under compression, making it possible to Withstand a large pull. In case of breakage of porcelain, the guy will still be effective due to rs, cross arms ete. In ense of service lines, one end of Uv eli, ‘is made longer and provided with an ‘eye" section, aa shown in Fig, 10.16 Fees ig 10.18 ends. Stay wires are galva having tensile strength of 7 tons! lly of atranded section provided to angle poles, termi structiires, where the span on 1epole are very much different subjected to uprooting pressure, ced on the poles and stay rods stretching of lino conductors on very important, otherwise, in luctors are placed first, the poles ut of the position. The stay wire 1¢ pole either by means of guy the bolt or may be fixed to the fy wire is drawn up until the pole slightly towards the stay in order per tension. 0.11. CONDUCTORS CONFIGURATION. SPACING AND CLEARANCES. 10.11.1 Conductor Configuration. Several comartor emfigurstions are pomible, ut thr ‘configurations are the most commen 1. borxaontal configuration (or boroetel duaposition conductors), vertical configuration and triangular configuration, ‘There is no special advantage in wing the symmetrical dela or triangular config tion {Fig, 10:9 (a) and in most cases flat horizontal ox vertical configurations are emplo {rom mechanical considerations. particularly when suspension toaulators are used. Uh fontal configuration, all the conductors are mounted dver one cross arm, as shown in > 990). Though such an arrangement of conductors needs supparta of smaller height ~ Reeds a wider right of way. In certain congested areas where it in not possible to ‘horizontal arrangement of conductors, the conductors are placed in vertical formation | "ugth of pote ane below the other), The drawbacks of vertical formations are taller | se 88 more lightning hazards. There are places where both horizontal and vertical fort “are applica stay arrangements are shown in 1256 Ih unsymmetrical arrangement of eonductors, the conductors arv usually transposed at regular intervals in order to balance the electrical characteristics of various phases, and prevent inductive interference with neighbouring communication circuits, Experience shows that a vertical eonfiguration is the most economical for double eireuit lines and horizontal or L-type configuration for single circuit lines. EleticalIsalation Estimating and Costing spans, Owing to the action of the gusts of wind, conduetor has got tendency to move about, an aluminium eondictor fines gven below me a Spacing = VS + metres (10.1) 150 where $ is sag in metres and V is line voltage in kV. Some typical spacing values are given below: Tine vollageinkVog]. 04 [1 | a3 [65 | ss | 220 | coo | 705 [_Soacingin metres | 02 | 12 | 20-| 25 | 35 | 60 10.118 Conductor Clearances. The minimum vertical clearances between the ground and the conductor are recommended vide IE rule no, 77 ‘These values are given below Eo Tite Voltage 7 in kV Clearance od fear | 93° | 66 | 132 | 220 | oo To Ground iy Across Street sa ]oss | oa | oa | oa oa Along Stwot oa [ss [| ss [| o1 | oa | Other Areas 45. [46] ooo |ises | on | vron|faal ‘Overhead Transmission and Distribution Lines iy 40.12. SPAN LENGTHS Neglecting the deciding iftuence upon the span length of suc local condone asthe fn following the configurty of road canals or railways, itis teresting to note one definite value forthe span length which will ive the minimum ovrallept el | ; the length of span inereases, the numberof insulators and supports deerense a teres in eos but atthe ame time the eight ofthe suppor wl go wp lion ee say an alo the length of the cross ama wl have to be increased to tak up incu gee this will enuse ineroase in cst. Moreover the length ofthe span depends upon te eas, |" soltige, higher the working wallage ofthe system, the greater will be the economia neh span owing tothe higher relative cost of insulators to support, Moreover the insulin | stitute the weakest part of transmission line and reduction in mumber of towers per km i tho use of longer span inereases th liability ofthe line. Thus it is not possible gee hard and fast rule as to the best span length to be adopted, and the only way to determing) into caleulat the total cost per kr fora numberof different span lengths, and plot the res to got the most economical span length. “Many a time it happens thatthe conductor size determined from electrical calculating +! ‘comes out rather smal, itis possible lo reduce the total cost of Fine by sing a thicker and. stronger conductor, and increasing the span length. Sometimes itis not feasible to determine * the height of the line support and spam length-on the basis of line cost alone as lightning! hazards ineroase greatly with the iaereafe im height of conductors above the ground. ‘The usual spans are: (2) With wooden poles : 40:50 m. (©) With stool tubular poles: $0.80 m. (©) With RCC poles : 80-200 m ' (@) With stoel towers: 200-400 m and above : For river rossings ete exceptionally log spans up to 800 m orso have been stiefcterlly ‘employed i 4043, OVERHEAD LINE INSULATORS The overhead line conductors are bare and not covered with any insulating ewering! coating. The lino conductors are, therefor, secured to the supporting eteuctures by means of insulating fixtures alle the tnslafoe, in order that there i no current leakage tothe arth through the supports Insulators are mounted on the cross armas and the Hine condice = {ors are attached tothe insulators 0 a8 to provide the conductors proper insulation anda provide necessary clearances between conductors and metal ork. The insulators must pm: © Vide proper insulation and necessary clearances against the highest voltage in worstatne spheric conditions fo which the line eke tobe subjected, The insulators sla pt short cireiting between the diferent phase conductors and provide necessary ed Support for the fine eondctors, Thus insulator is undoubtedly one of the ost impart aiid vuluerable links in transmission and distribution practice and, therefore, proper! tion is of utmost importance for the aucesaful operation of overhead transmis | distribution system, ‘ ‘The important properties that an overhead line insulator must posses are; 1. High mechanical strength so as to bear the Joad due to the weight of lines ‘wind forco and ice loading if any. i. 2. High relative permittivity 60 as to provide high dielectric strength. —Reteal Installation Estimating aes tnsalaton Estimating « sit of rupture strength tw fachewee ial ol to withstand large temperature earlobes cg ih temperate dung mmc se at corthshth! emia atte cs ae ane eurrents to earth, tt Tantneion and Diatration ‘is and can advantageously b eously be used at tension tome sharp (urn ‘The special artificial material important advantage or when the tramsmieaion line takes # it shoul not ceack when na ‘ature during winter The ditions of temperature and, ; used in Ineuators for foe voltage and Dave a {hat these cat be ensily molded into wey shape wisvoat ay interna To dant tallle fittings ean also be firmly embedded in the saaterial without ay diet ‘The disadvantage of insulators made from special artifial maceral i that they deteriorate rail in bad climatic conditions and on being subjected to flash-ower that earhoniaed 8 8 conducting path atrial used should not be porous and should by phere. Simultaneously it should be free Thwer the value of dielectric strength to a e imprevious from internal imp reat extent to the Muids and gnses purities and oracks ete INSULATOR MATERIAL ie stresses exceeding 5 lmm*. The dielectric strength and compressive steneutars “respectively. Normally, it is difficult to manufacture homogeneous poreelain in the 40.15. TYPES OF INSULATORS Various types of insulators used for overhead tranemission ard disteiintion fines are de scribed below. 1. Pin Type Insulators. This type was amongst the earliest designs, and waed for support ing line conductors. It provides the mast economic, simple and effin monthed of condietor and bus-bar support for voltages up to and including 23 KV. Mocioem pi trp somalators are very reliable and inherent cracks in porcelain'are very rare snd tower soc with Soughened ‘glass insulators. ‘The life of modern porcelain insulators i= relatively lone (exported tn be about 50 years). Pin type insulators are available for tse wp to 50 KS ‘The pin type insulator is designed to be mounted om a pin which ix turn t secured ta the cross arm of the pole. The insulator is serewed on the pin and the lime comdbector i placed in the groove at the top ofthe insulator and is tied down with soft copper r sof aluminium binding wire azoding the conductor material To avoid direct contact tren the porcelain and the metal pin, a soft metal (usually lead) thimble ts employe! The inwvlator and its pin shad be sufficiently mechanically stronger to withstand the resultant force de tocombined effect of the weight of the conductor, wind pressure and ice loading. Wamp, per span length. For lower voltages generally one piece type of insulators are sed. For high-voltage transmission lines, stronger pin type insulators are used. The high-voltage pin type imsula- tors differ in construction from low-voltage type in that they consist of twe or Uhree pieces ‘of porcelain cemented together. These pieces form what we call petticoats or rain sheds. The multiple shells or petticoats are provided in order to have an adequate length of leakage path 40 that the flash-over voltage between the line conductor and the insulator pin ts increased. ‘The petticoats or rain shods are so designed, that even when the outer surface is wet due torain, sufficient leakage resistance is still provided by the inner dry surfaces Iti desirable that the horizontal distance between the tp of the lower most shell is less in comparison to the vertical distance between the same tip and the cross arm, otherwise in ense of an are- over, the discharge will take place between the line conductor aiid cross arm rather than Tine mbolicRigure) ns .ctors are rehuired than with pin type ee amplitudolot the ewing of the conductors, but this is not a we three types of suspension i ators generally used namely, Hewlett or cemented-eap type and core and link type. sewlett or Interlinking Type Suspension Insu- he Hewlett suspension insulator is shown in and is one of the earliest design. Each nly of one piece of porcelain, the central bul- on of which is provided with two curved tun: in planes at right angles to each other. The | strips forming the connection between indi «are threaded through these tunnels and thus ch each other, being separated by a layer of ‘hich is totally in compression. fin advantages of Hewlett type suspension Hetlett Type Suspension Insulator a 5 Fig. 10.24 Techamical strength since the porcelain in between the two tunnels is under =n only rhek of breakage owing to the difference in expansion or contraction of the con. xks and the insulating material interruption to the service in case the porcelain between the links gets roken, since the Tinks keep the other units held together. Hewlett insulator appears to be rather more liable to puncture than other in insulators, owing to the high electrostatic stress in the material between ~sted-Cap Type Suspension Insulators. Cemented-cap type suspension insula Fe s the most commonly used type and consists of a single disc shaped croused on the under surface to increase the surface leakage path, and to ‘ LOvemead Transisson Aad Obtain pees eS Is eave te trata del od fap vaiesd po ant a th pao scother wa a Sad upastring ef any numberof unit, The cp cocared seas Ree re aan alee eat Kents setyontatie sires nthe aval bean th vesting ints ie sotained in such insulators Too main Gaeta ths ope of noalatore hae Does that tients Sel expandon ofthe three materiale-porcan coment GSE ce alterent tnd'ro. proven omae or Goer | pana und the culdon temperature changes cursing Grr saent to setup internal erence toca = sor ihe povelain, lading to eect ater, Par sear the coment sll which ie nbjet to volumetric the neg aeeding on is mtnture contest has en mate sted in the proces of tilae ofthe insulator. The Cemented Cop Type at fasulator manufacturers recoznised these causes of ultimate Suspension Insulator failure of insulators and improved their designs from the point ‘Fig. 1025, > of view of reliability of service. One way of improving the St dtutiog the eomcnting ofthe pn by porcly mechanical fing, ch tee py neciog’ Ta this method of fixing a spiral spring ring of steel wire carried On Fe ETE nae [iced inte the interior ofthe inmlator bead which i of bulbous shape. eee ee Ply expands and ts locked in positon, the interior being then filled vith ae ede ee ment of the varus pate and protect the Hitting from the eater {0 Core and Tink Type Suspénsion Insulators. Core and tink typ So patton insulator illustrated in Fig 1028. Such an arrangement ~ toanes the advantages of both ofthe above two typesotimeulators and Serercomo thir disadvantages. In such a contruction each insulator Goris symmetrically placed and itconforms tothe decrstatic Lines of “Tor, ths avoing placing tmaterials of diferent permitvities in se- Tye The metalwork consists of pressed stecl spiders, the legs of which tre fastened into the porcelain bs an alloy having approximately the Sane cocttent of cubicel expansion as the porta. Thus high me- [thas etresces onthe porcelain, whether due to sudden temperature Garations or to the employment of cement are completely eliminated 5 Core and Link Ty Thisis the recent type of construction and it allows dises to be formed Stspension Teeslate “Sout of quite thick porcelain thereby allowing the dise tobe of one piece HE 10-26 | tcly. Added to the other advantages such an insulator has a high puncture strength. Strain Insulators. Where there is a dead #24 of the line, or there is a corner or 8 sharp or the line erosses river etc, the line is a to greater tension. Pin type insule- cannot be used in such situations because ee elt nin ea / occurs in such situations. For low-voltage (Gay, up to 11,000 V), shackle insulators be used, but for higher voltage transmis: lines strain insulators consisting of an RenaSes ROEM rm cecum, TorexrasRATOR, @ ——__ — Bestel station Eating and Coatng PSM of suspension ty; insulators are use e wechseln eh insulators a used SmAN ATOR oss NS Se Tete SSOSENNRUATONS susroensarons aS © Rg. 1027 4. Shackle Insulators, The shackle almost universally used on low-vltage li nd sconomieal arrangement. Its construction is chown is Fig, 1038 Been insulator is coated with an extremely hard, smoctl, gloss te, reduces accumulation of surface deposits, The surface can be eel lesred and it will not crack when subjected to temperature changes The vet he over and dry fash-over voltages for shackle insulators are 10 KV and 25KV Shackle Inslatr tespectively while the puncture voltage is about 35 KV. Itsoperating voltage Fe. 10.28 1s L000. Its weight, trabgyerse mechanical load and total erepagedistincé aro 0 ky, insulators or spool insulators are ines and provide a very neat, efficent 1.150 kg and 63 mm respectively. The tapered hole in the shackle insulator distributes the load ‘more evenly and reduces the possibility of breakage when heavily loaded. Shackle insulators may either be mounted horizontally or vertically, and the conductors ‘are fixed in the grooves by means of soft copper or aluminium binding wire acearding to the ‘conductor material. They can be directly fixed to the pole with a bolt or tothe eross arm, FORRSUATOR ‘souane WASHER: Pour SENDLE, soercormen. . RUT COTER le Typ Isultors Pt To Poles mae ‘Fig. 10.29 _ Oven Transmaslon and - sient stoped Ta NR = portelain between the two loops in compression und the, ifthe insulator breaks due to any reason. These nauk Hors are provided ee St from the ground level. The sie of inslatr ama ge tensile strength of stay wie, 0) doe Sala Stay Wire Inedotor Fy. 1030 Fe. 10a 0.16. LIGHTNING ARRESTERS Protea garpesring of high voltage, For details reference maybe made Seaipng Protection by J.B. Gupta. 40.17, PHASE PLATES ugh pole or tower of ht transmission lines phase plates indicating the ila an (red, yellow and blue) are provided, ‘4018. DANGER PLATES 10:18. DANGER PLATES ‘ai 10.19, ANTL-CLIMBING DEVICES [To safeguard against the climbing by unauthorised persons, Gls pe Poles at a height of about 2.5 metres from the ground for tis provided at a height of & metres to 4.5 metres, ect nstlaon Estinaiog ang di Jon poco oa “orth fal sae rolled th tect aepate comin te Hon excvaton work an tn er xcvations sage pos , pe teious paben, Excavation ic generally done irk case of rocky areas, blast ee wo many DAA apa car hore rt sulition to giving greater Iatoral stability. facaitate ole erection, caving fo" pole sn necomiolate te ples and bottom brace blocks vs sees iffoundat hear the surface 18 mm thick sho 1.5 em at the toy ovo og a a om “note CaFOUEHOUL and of lng. nas The a bund © ‘Asalendy mentioned, the depth ofthe pote to the ground is usually taken as one-sixth of the pole eh. im the ground ation. After the tion of the poo, the pit should be partially filled with sma rces of bricks, sanes and rammed well with a crowbar. After hat earth should be filed in and again ramming, is done Steel Tubular Poles, Braced Channel Poles and Mails table pad of cement concrete, stone, or steel is provided at tom af th pit This sto be dane before erecta pol m above the ground with ¢ CONSIDERED AT THE TIME OF ERECTION oF 0 a od wire earthed at the substation shouldbe provided Bvenya est and last pole should be properly earthed Ath sp d continuous earth wire andre shoul joined vf conductor from the ground and adj and 80. pots 10.8 should be according to ponents (except the main line eonddetor) shoul be earthal 90, 1 the conductors should bo maintained throughout the usually of mvsinbins device and danger plate (r eaution nti) shold be fixed on each pale Prostressod and RCC Poles. RCC poles are freer cross section than PCC pales and, therefore, there is 09 invsistl of the pole length should be properly buried and rammed in the sol a 4 : ingbase plates of mutts for such poles. However: tiny nis the conductor should be mechanically strong andin proper sleeves. Ml lljr casa of PCC raves bace pate (30 crn % a0 cm ® 7 c=) Ficator should be tightened on the insulator propeey with binding wites Esta Vio ie provided, ins should be provided where essential ® Erection of Supports, For carrying out the pote erection work with maximum of safety ‘ps should be provided in the towers for the lineman to climb the 8 expestitiously as possible there should be a special erection squad consisting of 1 line- ‘ oul i ‘mates and fully equipped with necessary T & P {8 ladders: ‘5 mm) fitted sith studs to prevent slipp tubs (pointed); 1 dead-man Gructure’, 2~ 5 kg hammers; 1— 1 kg. 22 main spanner; 1 ~ 22 mm #14 mm spanner; 1 22 mm and 1 — 14 mm box spanner; 1 hand-saw; 6 round shovels; Péarth rammors; 1 bucket and short rope: 1 cant hook for twisting poles; 1 pair pliers: U plum bob; 2 skid boards} Deod-mam Structure Fig. 1088 Proper juniper should be used wherever required, points to be kept in view in the design of an overhead Tine are © ‘ln should be able to meet the desired load demands efficiently. w should be able to withstand adverse atmospheric conditions: ‘Pevtage drop along the Line should be within presebed limits TER 54) Tost ofthe overhead line should be tolerable deadsman structure isa temporary x-ahaped structure made of Gwo wooden erom® arms: 510.88). a eda Insalton Estimating and Costing 4 toring handling aot ein Thre ar varios mets ti ag Generally two methods, called the derrick pole method and dead: been very sueenanful. A ekid board is placa : ethod wat method are nd (fri pole method bas Epaiing and eetting of poles. Derick pole method i unualy used for erecting heavier pa | YS," ue gaurdaton yt and «pine wood i placed in the etiom ata pts cts whereas dead-man method is emplayed for erection of lighter poles (ordi pol. The poke t= pushed aeminst the skied boat and 1. Deadman Method. The fale i aid down : the turing othe eon etthen ried matali a pr ‘along the line route. A wooden board is placed tod ole? supported iy rape gays in erecta vertically 9 on ticks Adore meee ere vertically at the back of the founc ‘and the “of the pole. The poke ix lifted : Suhel ts 20 oe nthe vertieal potion. i+ plumbed ad sdjuead PS ete eer Wen orm nt ros ett shee ‘Supported on the dead-man. Guy ropes of diameter i re ge ai Soe ae ‘The pit is filled with art H-Pole Structures Normally, single poles are ‘used in the straight runs ofan overhead power line dead-man structure is moved forward until the Deud-man Method of Brectin of Pole TL poles are employed im 2.5 m ladder or pole pike can take its place. The re i030 the’ Hine only. at places 2.5 m ladder is employed to take the firs lift and the doad-man is moved forward. Then the twere the line takes « turn 2.5'm ladder is moved forward and the 3.5 m ladder or pike is introduced. The dead man it an angle, or where the now will be dispensed with and the side guys are tightened to prevent pole from awingt ine terminates, oF where The 5 petreladde ie ntroduced and ite are taken alternately wih exch lata mettae | WCcerh hn stood al role fies nee apprsinaely 07 with the round. The lene then roved and] een iver ies the side guys are tightened and back guy i loosened till the pole is pushed upto the verial running ina straight line raion Teg then andy ranted yeu ete ead eae nena NEE A yak Te poles already erected and the next to be erected. If the butt requires moving over into the rection procedure for H-pole structure is similar to that of single line, the simplest method is to insert a short wooden baulk between the pole and the side case two pits are dug in the ground. The pits so dug should be along the! of the foundation. The pole is allowed to go of the plumb in a direction away from the baulk Gtdoviation in the case of H-poles used at a turn. A cross bracing ad) and then pulled over by the guy ropeso that the butt slides into the required position. The {fs shown in Fig. 10.36 (a) 20 that the structure remains ia position, pole is then plumbed and tied off with the guys. About 0.5 m of earth is put round the butt and rammed and the pole is then checked for twist ic. to see that the cross arms are at right angles to the line, or, in the case of angle 10.25. SETTING OF STAYS poles, bisecting the angle. Ifnocessary itis twisted by a cant hook and replumbed, Two of Guys and stays have already been described im Art 10.20. the guys and two of the stubs are then removed “The marking of stay holes for excavation, the excavation af Half of the squad moves forward to the next pole with the necessary gear and prepares of the stays must be carefully executed. Before marking of hake for for erection. The rest of the squad complete the back filling and ramming and then remove jf ofthe stay relative to the ground is roughly determined. This the two guy ropes and stakes and move forward. hole to be fixed so that when the stay is set the stay: rod will Erection of Concrete Poles. The erection have the correct inclination and will come out of the ground at of conctete poles is not as simple as wooden, the correct distance from the pole. : tubular or ral poles. It ie duo to grester weight ‘When setting the stay baulk itis imperative that the bank — involved and liability to crack or fracture. Con- is undercut, so that the stay baulk is pulling against the virgin crete poles miust not be mishandled in any way round, The stay rod and the baulk shald be placed in during erection, and « wrongly fited guy rope and the slot to accommedate the mu adjusted, 80 that the or winch rope can do a lt of damage. Tho note in the Tine of sight with the stay wire attachment om ‘worthy point is that the pole can be subjected to Back filling and ramming must be well dase. In ‘much greater stresses in erection than are ever the whole screwed portion of the red plus 23 em should likely to be experienced in service. An important "HaUiwetw outside the ground, When the stays are finally tightened | a aL Ue e NS o a yng 22 on the across-line axis than they are on the in. Derriek-Pole Method of Bret he dorvick pole (@ steal tabular Tighter : Tineais, and advantage shuld bo taken of his ig 100 The ange of guy ay esther at ra sad ohare ‘ovo angles, any other suitable angle within these eights of the Jength of pole from dhe butt end. ____Electical Installation Eitiatn ang 6 nnd baulk i position are shown in Fig, 10.47 3 At the top) and when Wut of the conductors dl (ie. the guy pi «. FIXING OF GROSS ARMS gts late is embedded in his providos stability to tho line jr ease the eross arms are co be fixed after the erection of the pole, case, all the tools = for the job are to be supplied to the fa Uirough hand line (18 mm rope running around a pulley). Double Goss arm Braces are used to give strength and rigidity to the eross arins. Braces are made from ‘lat, the size of which dependsupon the size of cross arm and the weight of the conducts. jeearried. One end of bracing is attached to the pole and the other to the crose arm ae jon in Fig, 10.9 (a) 27 FIXING OF INSULATORS ous types of line insulators have already been discussed in this chapter The pins for mounting the pin insulators are fixed in the holes provided on the cross arm vn the bracket at the top of the pole. The insulators are then mounited in theit places tightened. Pigs 10.9 (a) and h()) show pin type insula. fited on 11 eV wooden poles. On it poles, insulators are ched diroetly to the poles the help of D-clamps. 0 of dise insula sed on poles at terminals at angles the straps used insulators to the ict be so connected that Ta i ely anit Fixing of Insulators in Vertical Configuration For HV Lines is shown in Fig. 10, aot (With a Bend of 30° to 60° Angle) is Fig. 10.89 Enlarged View 40.28, CONDUCTOR ERECTION ‘The ervetion of conduct line and the futu tors. This phase of work at of conductors (ii) running out and stringing ol conductors and (jv) jointing of conductors in bows 1. Delivery of Conductors. The line & from the manufacturers wound on wooden drums "The deli delivery it ix good practice to have delivery of the correct drums on site. As soon as the lengths marked on the drum should be checked a trucks. Unloading of conductor drum from a tr strong boards, the movement being controlled by mea Rw sharp metallic parts are on the inside of the reel heads s0 as to prevent damage to the conductor during running out oF unseeling: operation, ‘Various methods are adopted to support the conductor drums during runningout Operation. Some of these are heavy jacks, Special drum carriages, and ground escava. fon method the latter is by far the most | Popular. Tn this method, holes are excavated. | th the ground, the Length of the hole being 23cm longer than the diameter of the drum, he breadth $e Af the spindle so as to forbraking the drums during Pat from the top of the dr Orthos Traramiesen ara Ointrtunion (oes Secrly depois lst praesent oe Peet i Hotl never be unertakion sotionss the proper teak and plants 8, crate the nae ofthe acon personnel ry be omer ay Tie erection of confuctorscan be wb dred nt Gaur separate atria Tis important to handle the line conductor drsen in such @ manner as to prevent nicking, cutting, ‘mashing or otherwise damaging the conductor espe ally when loading, transporting and waloading From thown in Fig. 10.40. The truck is secured by check blocks nnd the drum is allowed to roll dowa on to fof rope as shown in the figure. The conductor dram= should never be dropped. They may be rolled down as illustes in the storo, the conduetor drums should be kept aff the ground and protected from injury. ng Out (or Paying Out) and Stringing of Conductors. After removing, the covering, often called the ‘lagging’, from the drum. i should be checked if any nails ot sion. The appea ection of tho co oming and sageing of moniuim-or ACSI) aro received ry of conductors to site should be iver: sore forethought during the survey of the route; the nature of the ground and position of ws driver who 12 coe Thalage runde noted. Ln with the route, a2 this ensures re arrive oc: site, the sizes and «Seca Unrecling er Running Out of Conductor From Drum and Stringing of Conductor Mig. 10.41 greater than the drum diameter, and the depth 15 cm greater than tht im radius. Two 1.25 m planks, approximately 10 em thick and 20 em wide are placed, on each side of the excavation, to support the drum spindles. ‘The drum, with spindle + ition, is lowered to the planks and two pieces of wood 4 eh thick are nailed on each sit prevent it from travelling along the plank. A wooden plank is us 1g TUNning oUt operations. A good practice is to run the cond ms, as it prevents any damage due to chafing, and this is ¥ portant when running out aluminium or ACSR conductors, fa Electrical Installation Estinatog and’ Costing cal instliaion esti anal Gopi ‘The reel is rotated for running out the conductor, 20 4s to prevent kinks and other damages which would oth: cerwise be caused if the drum was kept stationary and the conductor was removed from it turn by turn, As the con- ductor rolls out, it is passed through gloved hands and examined for defects and damage by feel. Ifand when a defect is noticed, rolling is discontinued and the faulty section is either removed or repaired. Tt should be ensured that the eontluctor dovs not rub against the ground while being pulled. Stringing of conductors means their mounting on. Wha te conlciorisninning outer dcaai tia taneously raised to the level of the cross arm of the pale ‘and then passed through the grooves of aluminium rolling blocks (Fig. 10.42) installed one for each phase, on each pole employed for pullin up the conden, ypend lviann Tis appli spoil to steel coed aluminium la y 18 a naam ant soe propery. The acta ensining prs ae a eet the conductors practised or nt If re-streasing at a a alle upto sag, By means of wich and acme to con a Ings or, were presresing i practoed to ep Graton and secured t0 «ground anchor. The pulled vp . ; Kalu spould he chosen for sauging approximately in the middle ofthe Fann oe cnet ofthe base span as practicable and, where eu My SF raaear height should be chosen. The sag is obtained from the sag chat forthe aaa opel re et fire soca tesa teh o ia ere a eae ert pin insulator lines the distance corresponding Me i sured from the insulator groove down the support and marked: in the azo of garth down the soypat ore ba ts sap Aluminium Roller Block Employed For Stringing of Conductor Fig, 10.42 Derricks are employed where roads, rivers, communication circuits, eanals, railways and aga ned eae ae a tS power circuits have to be erosted during stringing operations, This prevents, as far az > Hngth ofthe insulator assembly. Tn the case Tower ies te Sing Ie Sk bracticable, interference with normal services, Ladders ean be suitably rigged up, complete | marked on the tower legs, Dut tp ae fronden sighting battens are erected. Fearn pe methods of checking of sa. Ones tosight-aver the {atin on one support to the batten on the next a illstrated in Pig 10.43, and judge when the bottom of the conductor sag is level with the line of sight, The second method, generally-used for long span toil an the case of broad-based tice tor lines. the on Tlumpy level In this method, the level is clamped to the tower leg tot the callimation line fo at the sag mark on the tower lo. The {ove is adjusted until the cross-hairs are focused on the sag mark on the next tower and the instrument can be rotated in this plane. The ‘eonductore are adjusted until the bottom of the sag isin the line of Seht, With double-circuit lines this greatly simplifies checking, ‘Many engincers sag only one conductor and judge the rest by paralleling. Buin ithas been found that the time to check the sag is so small that it is well wonheaky chook all the sags. Excellent results are often obtained by paralleling even bt isn) tolocate « position to view the conductors in anything lke a favourable plane. with stays. Care should be taken to ensure that the running blocks are properly fixe prevent any of the conductors coming adit adie ps At important erossings of roads, canals, navigable rivers railways ete, laginen shoul bv in attendance to ensure that nortual services are notundaly interrupted. These crossings shold ols be need out in conjneton with and withthe aprval of the pope ition In the ease of tower lines, where the aerial earth wires usually located atthe top ofthe tower, the running block should be so placed that the conductor will not rub against the tower steel work. Precautions must be taken at al barked wie fences, walls, te to prevent damage during running-out operations During stringing operations there must be an efficient code of signals forthe stringing party and these are usually given by whistles. A hors o tractor is generally employed for pulling out the conductors. The former has advantages, particularly on arable land. The Conductors should be pulled out evenly in preference to pulling out a complete section of one wire, and so on ‘Tensioning and Sagging of Conductors. On the completion of stringing, tensioning cperations commence. Tho tension insulator sets, complete with clamped conductors, are frected at the end remote from the tensioning points. At the tensioning end the running blocks are fitted on the cross arms. Underneath the slings, fixing the blocks to the cross arm, sacking is wrapped to prevent the slings boing ent. During the preparations, all the ridspan tension joints are made, and care should be taken to keep al joints at least 8 m from & suppor. The tensioning gear depends toa greater exient upon the sizes of conductors ting handled. Tensioning i often done with block and tackle but more often with a wineby which, in many instances, is incorporated in the lorry fittings and operated from a separate gearbox. Sufficient tension is applied to the conductors to clear fields, ets; and allow th Phasing to be checked. All derricks, ete, are removed and running blocks adjusted at ang points. It is important that this should be done at positions where the formation changes a ft teooff or other special points. The foremanfunior engineer should be provided with Giapram showing the proposed arrangement, Its necossary thatthe conductors are straightened fout before any tensioning takes place, otherwise kinked conductors are unavoidable. Wher fpecessary, additional stays, either on the structures or the cross arms, should be fited se Stringing and Sagging of Conductors | Fig. 1044 ry Once _— Sect eta SURG Soa «ion of work of sapzing of conductors the tension insulator clamps are to ‘hina ort depends grate on hearer ae ‘apes of clamps being employed In ease of high tension eondustons trae the conductors to the ground and fit the clamps. A miatk fe put on the ‘cence fom the cfoss arm equal to the length of the complete insulstee son is ite ether on the conductor under tension o¢ on the ground on tie st. Tis important that all the clamp should be fitted strictly in nearlange co fure'instrctions. Before the insulator sets are raised to positional the ane ‘phosphor broaze springs in corect position and al split pins opened. Ute sree. "under tension, a pall lift or similar device i used in the opweation of connect ‘> the insulator set. A come-along clamp is placed on the conductor beyond the 7 and to this is attached the pull if. This is anchored on the support and the «a ed in sufficiently to allow the insulator assembly to be fitted tothe clamp © 2" se been fitted on the ground then the tensioning gear will be used to pull up snr rein and can be pulled in to allow the insulator set to be attached to the iso jcone point that noeds speeial mention, and this deals with long insulator sets, 8 oie to Une boreal Chg tivo epee EE AT ee ctherics re os eet aaa ie aac i aa Abe RRtoctors then cared ot at termediate supports on apensoa ce rswultor Hing te earls erable Me ~ sinting of Conductors in Bows. When tasbning oper Coast ERR Sef tip 2c ot pc bows at gocton pints «resale Eaemn aie aD can jit ine, the conductor jumper andthe ron work 1tmay be necessary a Fe late towers en bt line fo rede singing. On stayed supports the may ead to be envied on pilot insulators a | Repaiting of Conductors. Repairseeves ate employed fr repairing of ACS or {hom candoctors which have sustained surface damage easing a few of luminiu ‘be damaged or broken. When the damage i more severe, it is not advisable sleeves beats it may be necessary fo atthe conductor completely ahd mae 8 hh lp of jointing sleeve, “ost ppt pe of epairsleeve isthe sag type which s designed for use with uscnfustors. Such a sleeve is made of aluminiun and applied on the damaged pat, conductor witha ayage-and-die made of tol “ese conductors bigger sleeees ae employed anda ‘iccwmpressor (instead of swage-ani-ie) ta used to Ube €c Dede on the damaged condtor, working rt towards Ripa Slave For Repoir ACEH Conductors Fig 10 ING AND JOINTING OF CONDUCTORS sand then towards tho other end. wir sleeve is shown in Fig. 10.45, Dining sleeve consists of an oval, thin walled aluminium lage enough to slip over the overlapped ends of conductors to be jointed. Joint ‘uvenployed for AA and ACSR conductors of area of cross section of up to 30 mm. ‘Lbinting of Conductors. The use of mid-span tension joints is a subject on which “diferent opinions. Some engineers do not use mid-span joints except for repairs, ‘ers douse joints on new construction, Teo much stroee is put 6 the muchas prepertne af pint wert wo tthe, clectrieal requirements. Some joint faibores have warned anor fate consti ©, Conductor was under tormal tension, Joie shih koheow pertcsy anaher wen? SOO tigns of current loading often shows segs of distro onder henry felt curse reason new designe are subjocted to electrical a+ well martnanrsl Sot agi Rssential Features of Good Joints. | Conduntirity of rene slit sot Ne et an equivalent length of the conductor es 2. dointe should be expable of carrying maximus fanit creme without fail deterioration for the time required for the protarteor pater fs wrutie 8, Mechanical strength should not be fess than 90% 4 Life of joint should be eq electrically or mechanically 15. Simple in design and assembly, since joints have ‘working conditions in poor Tight and bad weather Joints are of splice, Britannia, married, sleeve and comprension: Sr 1. Splice Joint. This joint is generally used with simehe strand comlscara The eda of the conductors tobe jted ar scrapped st ‘leaned and placed together overlapping up to 300-2007 mm. The com ‘ductors are held firmly together and then the Averlappedt condhectors fre twisted. The number of twists that aro usually given i foor 2. Britannia Joint. Such a joint can be used for both solid st stranded conductors, In this case the two ends of the conductors a “rapped and cleaned and then they are made to overlap one abowe te ther. The length of overlapping portion depends on the ® ize ofconductors and it may vary from 150 mm to 350 mm. © Temporary binding of few turns are applied over the over- lapping portion. ‘The binding wire used for this parpese i soft copper wire for copper conductors and aluminium wire {or aluminium conductors. The free ends of the line conde tors are also bound and then soldered. 3. Married Joint. Such a joint is employed oly ugg RSS for stranded conductors. The strands of the conduc- tors to be jointed are first opened one by one and Married Joine then straightened up, then the strands of one con Ma 1008 ductor are fitted into the strands of the other con ductor. The strands are pressed generally by hand to make them lie close to the conductor Bach strand is ecrved with few turns over the conductor one after the other. If this method is used for jointing stranded conductors then joint shoal also be soldered In case of alu- minium conductor there is no need of soldering. pat al ln, “SEEDER = D2ELEILOTE ‘and ACSR conductors because it pro- Ee reams aj F— Foun wre a} Sacra aad ‘Shean ugar Ubeeuntite oe are scrapped and cleaned then the inside part of an aluminium sleeve is cleaned thoroughly to make it free from dirt or grease, The sleeve is an overshaped aluminium tube available in | Brtannss Joant Fig. 1047 scouts for inting different types of conductors Only onesleeeis used for jointing aeront lengths fori Pe uged ncase of ACSE conor Te deanedeond ctor, ‘eons enum seve om opPonitoends ware drawn beyond the nd ofthe Kh dies of desired size are fitted on the sleeve about 12 mm, ‘three and half turns by twisting the wrenches in ‘ed up and cut close tothe sleeve. When two, rears. {foeve Two twisting wrenches wi trom sends Theslowee the gen 0 07 ror dreatons. The condctor ends aC" cree feed then each sleeeis given four and ha $. Compression Join. Joints of the comejenon pear exe x faning Beas tel cre and. al ze gripped separately and Compression Joint filling of joints is not required. The making of Fig. 1050 ives a portable compressor with special dies. Care should be taken that the Jatud a litle before each fresh grip, otherwise the tendeney is for the joint to be ped, In such a joint 95% of the ultimate strength of the eonductor is retained. jare for making compression joint is given below “The eel and aluminium sleeves are thoroughly cleaned The cbedstor ends ae rapped and thoroughly eldned and gree and oxida conplely removed sninin tleve ofa sie matching the conductors selected andi lipped over one ofthe fo andre Seng oqel to halflength of the stool compression ase ps 2mm ie marked Band he sea enfrecment is exposed by cttng aluminium srend rom each Gnducer bys hacksaw Take care that hacksaw doesnot damage the sel sore Stnseorey, bur cating the aluminium strands the conductors boand with ala mini Binding wire ue before the ext ‘he enponedrircement ofthe conductor is neortd into these leew in such tno tat the ts ends meet atthe centre ofthe sleeve, The deve is then com frosld ty. eampesson tol at approximately 7 anno premue starting fom the lc eetberendn sucha way thatthe to sional the die met completly tn a ver) thin paper cannot fe inserted between them. Now the binding fem the conductors to be jointed is remove ‘The shiminum sess, that was inserted right atthe begnsing none conductor, {ripped tal over the eompresced steel sleeve illt avers te aluminium strands Gt tothconducre I should be ensured thatthe centre ofthe aluminium sleeve is Coincise withthe midpoint between the sel cores of the to enduetars. ~ sulficient gripping power of holding heavy duty For I ne, shackle nalts are vse extensively (or dead ning ems seranjmen the condor arent subjected to doe tea seal et tea ca gr tt aa tt typeof clamp are hat they sth e belling power te pew epg Ine cnc tema in enon, Sach ange ne mE igs are normally used for dead ending of ACSH. com ductor, 2. Two-Bolt Strain Clamp. These clam, are ued for dead ending ie eondacoes fre distribution lines and ight transmission lines ‘The gripping power of such clamps is more thas that of singl-bolt strain clamps 3. Multi-Bolt Strain Clamp. These clamps are used for dead-ending heavy duty distribution and transmission lines. Such clamps provide line conductors under tension. 4. Compression Type Dead-End Clamp. Such clamps: ! ase tor dead emdang ACSE ae ero nmi fae Cece STE ae ea ++ is fault at jumpers in case of multi-bolt dead-end assembly in case of Imer operating at voltages exceeding 66 KV. + __ Compression tspe dead-end clamp for use in ACSR ‘conductor overhead line consists ofthe following two orem 5 Fade = 1. A sel lve made integral with a ste sew: 2. an aluminium clevis made integral with an aluminium sleeve. A single stel bolt is passed through the eyes of the steel and aluminium clevises for attachment to Com?” m= Tape Dead: End Clamp the insulator. Sr atiachment te ForAA Candace ine When employed in AA conductor lines, tee! sleeve yo and steel clevis are not required. Such a clamp is shown in Fig. 1052. 6, Filler paste is injected through the two filler holes provided on the aluminium sleeve until the holes are completely filled. Plugs are inserted in the filler holes and they are hammered firmly. 9, Finally the aluminium sleeve is compressed with the compressi same way as was done in ease of stecl sleeve. machine in the 10.31, POSITIONING OF CONDUCTOR AND ATTACHMENT TO INSULATORS 10.31.1. Positioning of Conductor. The next step is to remove the conductor from the ‘luminium roller Blocks and to place it in the groove on the top of the pin insulator incase of straight runs [Fig. 10.53 (a)] while at an angle pole, the conductor i to be placed inthe ide groove ofthe insulator (Fig. 10.54 (@)] 0.31.2. Attachment of Conductors To Insulators. There are several methods of atta ‘the conductors to the insulators. With copper, cadmium copper, stel-cored copper ast steel conductors either a soft wire binding or a stirrup type binding is used, Witheréiiry earthed lines a soft copper wire binding has the advantages, particularly for solid exmdactos it can be of the slip type, so that when a conductor fracture occurs the conductae wil

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