Ii English Test

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1. – is – It°s

2. – day°s – on

3. – When°s – at

4. – time is – at

5. – When°s - on

6. – E

7. – A

8. – B

9. – D

10. – C

11. – How often do you take out the garbage?

12. – I every day take out the garbage.

13. – How often does he go shopping?

14. – He goes shopping on Sundays.

15. – How often does she clean her bedroom?

16. – on – at – in

17. – in – on – at

18. – on – at

19. – on – in

20. – in – on

21. – gets up – gets up – make

22. – are – exercises

23. – goes

24. – clean – does – washes

25. – go

26. – like

27. – want

28. – need

29. – has
30. – likes

31. – C

32. – B

33. – E

34. – A

35. – D

36. – Do – have – don°t

37. – don°t

38. – Does – have – doesn°t – has

39. – don°t – Do

40. – doesn°t – has

41. – María and Eduardo are classmates. They play soccer three times a week on the
afternoon. María is eigth years old and Eduardo is nine years old. He has two brothers and one
sister. She whatches TV with her grandmother on evenings.

42. – Jhoana wants new shoes. Because her shoes are old. She needs a red blouse too. Her size
is Medium, but she wants a bigger one.

43. – vacuums

44. – washes

45. – turn

46. –

47. –

48. –

49. –

50. –

51. – lavar la ropa

52. – sacar la basura

53. – ir al cine

54. – tomar una siesta

55. – Soy una persona madrugadora

56. – comer el desayuno

57. – tomar un baño (tina)

58. – levantarse
59. – desvestirse

60. – ajustado

61. – limpio

62. – caro

63. – purpura

64. – pequeño

65. – despertarse

66. – plomo

67. – aquellos (plural)

68. – este

69. – traje

70. – chompa

71. – pantalones

72. – Marzo

73. – primero

74. – Martes

75. – fin de semana

76. – cena

77. – juego

78. – Eso es correcto

79. – a tiempo

80. – tarde

81. – Domingo

82. – reunión

83. – falda

84. – aquel

85. – esposo

86. – largo

87. – suelto (ancho)

88. – Seguiremos buscando

89. – cepillar mi cabello

90. – llegar a casa

91. – salir a cenar

92. – escuchar música

93. – casi lo mismo

94. – días de la semana

95. – lavar los platos

96. – Jueves

97. – cuarto para…(tiempo)

98. – fiesta

99. – temprano

100. –

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