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The Great Schism split the main faction of Christianity

into two divisions, Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox .

Today, they remain the two largest denominations of Christianity.
On July 16, 1054, Patriarch of Constantinople Michael Cerularius
was excommunicated from the Christian church based in Rome, Italy.
The most important legacy of the Byzantine

Split of the christian Church

Empire is the preservation of Greek and Roman

civilization during the Middle Ages. Byzantine
civilization blended Christian religious beliefs with
Greek science, philosophy, arts, and literature.
They also extended Roman achievements in
engineering and law.

Byzantine Empire

Emperor Justinian I was a master legislator.

He reorganized the administration of the imperial
government and outlawed the suffragia, or sale of
provincial governorships. He also sponsored the
Codex Justinianus (Code of Justinian) and directed
the construction of several new cathedrals, including
the Hagia Sophia.

Reign of Justinian

The Byzantine Empire fell once and for all in the year 1453 CE,
when the Ottoman Empire broke through the walls of Constantinople
with cannons and seized control of the capital city. The last
Byzantine Emperor, Constantine XI, died in that battle.

fall of the Byzantine Empire

The most important legacy of the Byzantine Empire is the pr eservation of Greek and Roman
civilization during the Middle Ages. Byzantine civilization blended
Christian religious beliefs with Greek science, philosophy, arts, and
literature. They also extended Roman achievements in engineering and law.

Legacy of the Byzantine Empire

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