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By Ayessa, Charlotte, Luna, Julia, Andy, Andy and andrei

What is energy and how does it
In its most common definition, energy is the ability to do
work. In other words, everything that can do work has
energy. In the case of energy, doing work is also known as
causing or making change. Energy is either transformed or
transferred every time work is being done.
Why do we use energy?
Energy is an essential basis to better
current convenient life or to stimulate
economic activity. However, consumer
behavior or technology development
undertake a key role not to cause
waste of resource.
When do we use energy?
Heating and cooling our homes, lighting
office buildings, driving cars and moving
freight, and manufacturing the products
we rely on in our daily lives are all
functions that require energy. If
projections are correct, we're going to
keep needing more.
The most energy consuming
home appliances

Top five energy consuming home appliances

Wet appliances. Washing machines,
dishwashers and tumble dryers account for
14% of a typical energy bill, taking the top spot
in our list. ... Cold appliances. ... Consumer
electronics. ... Lighting. ... Cooking.
What energy is least used?
Geothermal energy is by far the least land-use
intensive source of electricity generation from
renewable energy sources, according to U.S.
government report.
Global energy uses

We are all aware of some of the ways we use

energy — heating and cooling our homes,
transporting ourselves via car, bus, train, or
plane — but there are many other uses of
energy that we tend not to think about. For
instance, growing food and getting it onto your
plate uses energy — think of the farming
equipment, the food processing plant, the
transportation to your local store.

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