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El Niño is a weather phenomenon characterized by unusually warm ocean temperatures in the Pacific

Ocean, which can have significant impacts on weather patterns and precipitation around the world. In
order to prepare for and mitigate the effects of El Niño in Malabon City, it is important to take a number
of steps.

Monitor weather forecasts: Keeping track of weather forecasts and warnings is crucial in preparing for El
Niño. The city government should work with weather agencies to ensure that accurate and up-to-date
information is disseminated to the public.

Develop a contingency plan: A contingency plan should be developed to prepare for possible scenarios
during El Niño. This should include measures to ensure the availability of water, such as identifying
alternative sources of water, implementing water conservation measures, and providing emergency
water supplies.

Increase public awareness: Public awareness campaigns can help to educate residents on the potential
impacts of El Niño and how to prepare for them. This can include information on water conservation,
food security, and disaster preparedness.

Strengthen infrastructure: Infrastructure improvements can help to mitigate the effects of El Niño. This
can include upgrading drainage systems to prevent flooding, improving water supply and distribution
systems, and strengthening buildings to withstand extreme weather conditions.

Implement early warning systems: Early warning systems can help to alert residents to potential risks
and provide sufficient time to prepare. This can include weather monitoring systems, flood warning
systems, and other forms of early warning.

Coordinate with neighboring cities: Cooperation with neighboring cities can help to ensure a
coordinated response to El Niño. This can include sharing resources, coordinating emergency response
efforts, and collaborating on water management.

By taking these steps, Malabon City can prepare for and mitigate the effects of El Niño, ensuring the
safety and well-being of its residents during this weather phenomenon.

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