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Alex Collier on the topic of the MMBs

and DNA reactivation

Alex Collier - Question and Answer Webinar 32 - January 6, 2023

[36:00] Q: Do you have any idea of how reactivation of our additional DNA strands is
going to occur since there have been many different suggestions about it?

Alex: This is one of those questions where I don’t know if I should answer it. I have no
idea of how much trouble I would get into with this question.

The more we work towards getting into 5th density consciousness, the sooner this
happens. We just need the 3rd strand to turn on, and there are folks within that 17-18%
whose 3rd strand is turned on. It’s on.

And let me just say they’re probably going through shock, amazement, sorrow, maybe a
bit of trauma because now they know, they see, they fully understand everything that’s
been going on here in 3rd density. The first thing they have to look at is their own personal
journey and how they’ve been steered away from who they were. And they’re looking at
a sense of lost love, lost time and lost opportunities.

Now, can the Med Beds activate that 3rd strand? That remains to be seen. And right now,
that’s as far as I wish to go with this question until I get some clarification. There may be
other contactees who can and are willing answer this question who would be oblivious to
the blow-back that they would get. I’m not, however.

Let me just say that it’s going to happen for all of us at some point. No question about it.
It’s going to happen. But to my knowledge, there’s no emotional support groups or
structures in place to support people as they’re waking up

[Alex mentions a support group in Australia for near-death experiencers who had DNA
alteration] There was one man in particular who had 6 strands turned on. And that’s
probably significant that he either came from 6th density or walked in from 6th density. In
order for his soul to stay in the body, those strands had to be turned on.

That’s not indicative of our journey. Now it may be that our 3rd strand gets turned on and
knowledge floods for us as individuals as to what our journey’s been where and where
we are from.

Do not be surprised that once the 3rd is turned on, then will come the 4th and then the 5th.
Because if you’re a 5th density soul, in order to carry the physical body through the
dimensional changes, you need to convert the physical body to a 5th density frequency, or
a 4th density, or 6th.

That’s pretty much how it works, but I don’t know if it’s time for that conversation yet.
And I don’t know if I’m the one to have this conversation with you because I’m going
through this journey as well.
[52:55] Q: I’ve heard there’s various versions of Med Beds. Do you know if we’ll be given
a more advanced version than the Solar Warden had and will it turn us back to our
original Adam Kadmon blueprint?

Alex: Regarding the Solar Warden technology, you’re assuming you actually know what
they have. What most people don’t understand is that military technology advances 40
years every year. Think about that. You know how computer technology every 3-6
months is obsolete? Well military technology advances 40 years in a 12 month period. . . .

Let me share something with you about a particular Med Bed. One of the experiences
they had was to regrow the leg of a dog. It had 3 legs [for some reason]. One of the MBs
was used to regrow the limb. The 1st time, it didn’t take. The 2nd time, it began to grow but
receded back. The 3rd time it fully grew but over a period of weeks it disappeared again or
shrivelled up. The 4th time--with the same dog--it held, it was solid. To my knowledge, the
dog is still alive and running around with 4 legs. So, it’s a learning process.

Can they fix everything? That’s the question. Physically, can they and will they? More than
likely. But, will they fix PTSD? Will they heal past life information or cellular memory? Will
they fix someone who’s an alcoholic or meth addict? Here, we don’t know because you’re
not dealing with those kind of people in a Solar Warden or Alliance program. They don’t
have those kind of people. They may have PTSD people, but that information hasn’t
reached us yet. These are things we’re going to have to look at as we move forward and
the Beds begin to roll out.

Programs are going to be put together to support people who’ve gone through the
physical process of healing their bodies but have addictions, because we don’t know. So
programs are going to be available, they’re going to be put into physical place to support
people with those type of issues so they can heal their entire selves.

So there’s some unknowns but to my understanding, with physicality much of it can be

healed. I do not know about the transhumanistic agenda, the mRNA just yet. We’re
working as fast as we can to put all these together to help humanity with these things
and make these things available as quickly as possible and everywhere they’re needed.
Even to bring down the cost of the manufacturing of the beds is being worked on.

And I guess you can assume I’m aware of this and I’m all in on making this happen. We’ll
have to see. But like I said in an earlier question, we’re hoping within the next 6 months
for when the 1st one [military Med Bed] is introduced.

We’re working it guys, we really, really are. Because we all have people we know who’ve
taken “the treatment.” I have 2 of my own who’ve done that. We’re all over this but
we’re not going to be like Microsoft and put something out that doesn’t work because
they didn’t care. We can’t be like that with this. This has to be right. It has to fix, not
create more problems.

We’re working it, and there have been people working on this technology for years and
decades that really want this to work and really want this to be a blessing to humanity.
[1:00] Regarding the Adamic blueprints Ea [also known as Enki] has made available via
Med Beds, what can we expect? Will we become disease-free and will our life spans

Alex: I cannot speak about the blueprint Ea has given because that was given to the
Alliance. Maybe Elena Danaan can speak about it because she's been an integral part of
that. [Alex then speaks more on Elena and his stand on the intel she brings through, and
about health issues.]

I think in the next 10 years, we'll see our lifespans increase at least 25 years, maybe 35 yrs.
That's huge.

In the future, maybe after the MMB treatments--we're just going to have to see--I
wouldn't be surprised if our life expectancy increased another 50-75 yrs, which for most
of us would give us a lifespan of 150 years. That's huge! And for future generations, it'll be

These are all firsts. But those of use who are here now, who are awake, we have a
responsibility to do what we can to help and build future generations. We have to
dedicate ourselves to that. That's why when I say we're the new forefathers and
foremothers, I don't say that idly. This is who we are. We are setting up the future for the
next generations to come. . . .

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