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1m at the airport. | Pe © Complete the sentences with a pronoun (l, You, etc.) and ‘m, ‘re, or’ 2 i $$ ___ my house. 6 Hello. your teacher. 7 — in this class. 8 egg sandwiches. 3 — in the café. 40 in Room 231 eae a student in my class. © Rewrite sentences 1-12 with the full forms (NOT contractions). 1 Lamat the airport. 7 —__ inthis class. 2 ____my teacher. 8 — egg sandwiches. 3 ____in Class 2. 9 inthe café. 4 __tanis. 10 in Room 231. 5 my house, 11 ___ my computer. 6 your teacher. 12 ___ a student in my class. ee Test your memory. Cover the sentences in a and ook at the pictures. Say the sentences. Use contractions. Lrghh efor edioneachersGuldeCamenny Frteopaie SovodUnveniyrewaos @ Complete the conversations with a form of the verb be. Use contractions where possible. eae | 1 2 Juan Hi Chris Hi, 1 "“m Chris Petra 'is this Class 2? Oliver Hello, My name? Oliver. I's Juan Yes, it 7_ 2 you in my first day here. this class, too? Chris * __ you German, Oliver? Petra Yes, 1¢_ What S Oliver No, I* I'm Swiss. Yourname?, Chris Oh, which city ®__ you from? font ican | Oliver 1¢_____from Lucerne, in the eentre Petra Myneme’ Petra of Switzerland. Juan Where? you from, Petra? Chris? it nice in Lucerne? Petra 1? from the Czech Republic. Oliver Yes, it © it's beautiful. And you? *____ you English? Juan 1 from Madrid. Chris No, 1 1 __ krish, Petra" you Spanish? Oliver Where ® you from in Ireland? Juan No.1? 8 Chris Dublin, the capital Mexican, but I live in Spain, Oliver Really, Dubtintice? Petra Who" ___our teacher? Chris Yes, it™ aisatl Juan Her name * Diane. Oliver * “is myloonpuiae, Petra '“_____ she English? Chris No, it"*_____ This is your Juan No, she” «She *_ computer here. American | Oliver Thanks. ” __ the boss here? Petra Where shay ute other students? Chris No, he = Hedin i ioeatings ey in class — a 7-7 # Oliver °___ the other people in the Juan No, they eo they office English? in the cafél . Chris No, they® They from all over the world. Have a good first day at work! Practise the conversations with a partner. @ 00k at the pictures. Complete the sentences with my, your, his, her, our, or their. 2 | me 3° They're __ children. es 5 How do you spell _ surname? ih 6 Ob no! That's _ * | train, Bm | | | names are Sophie and Ellie. | 8 Thisis room, 9 They're boots. » 10 I think this is __ bag. 11. That's___hotel. | Neue Test your memory. Cover the sentences and look at the pictures. Say the sentences. English File fourth edition Teachers Guide Elementary Photocopiable © Onford Univesity Press 2088 MAR singular and plural nouns © comvlete the SINGULAR column with a or an. Then complete the PLURAL column, Beet) a Been) PLURAL 1 a__credit card | credit cards 6 dictionary 2 ___ magazine 7 address 3 child 8 man 4 spon | > ——teptop 5 — university] 10 __ city © ook at the pictures. Write a ‘question with it or they and complete the answers. iil Se 1 What are they? 2 What is it? 4 en 4 >, They're pencils. Its. lamp. et mee eae | _ ) Zs, & — | oa fo. 7 Test your memory. Cover the sentences and look at the Pictures, Take turns to ask and answer. Wher Sf tien ee @ Write sentences for pictures 1-12. Use an adjective from the list. beautiful rel expensive gppy LONG FAST PANGEROUS new 1 He's a rich man. 7 Po eusipesiaiay 2 Soe 8 eee iS seers sue 9 eee ec = Eee erect 5 Ape oe 6 = pete Becerra Eee Test your memory. Cover the sentences and adjectives. Look at the pictures and say the sentences. English File fourth edition Teachers Gulde Elementary Photocopiable © Oxfor | | | | 2C GRAMMAR © Complete the conversations with a be be dose have listen sign slow down imperatives, let’s or []imperative using a verb from the list. 1 A. I'm cold. Close the window, please. 6 B OK 2 A What time is the exam? B Tomorrow at 9.00. Don't be late! - 3A ____ photos! B Why not? a ‘A. Look at that sign - ‘No photographs in the museum’. 4 A Sh! Be quiet and 2 AG? the teacher. B Sorry. 5A beret 10 B_ Why not? A. it's bus stop. i} ask check cross go 1 A I'mtired. BOK. Let's stop and sit down. 2 A I'mreally thirsty. ee Mmtoge ee café and have a drink 3A I'mhungry. Me too! sandwich. No! It’s really dangerous, Where's the bus station? I don't know. that man. D> o> o > What's the capital of Turkey? BI think it's Ankara, but I'm not sure. —__________ on the internet. eon ae Complete the conversations with Let's. __toa __ the road here. A > o> o > stop take turn off —______ the TV and finish your homewor OK, Dad. _a good weekend. You too. See you on Monday. careful! The coffee is very hot. OK. Thank you your name here, please. Sure. Can | have a pen? ___! The speed limit is 60 kph on this road! know, but we're very late! and a verb from the list. + © Look at the picture of Carla's room. Write positive [+] and negative [=] sentences about Cara. like Coldplay She likes Coldplay. 7. study French __ pinhead Play the guitar 8 listen to music ts eatmeat 9 live in Oxford oaawone play tennis _ —_______ 10 have acat pee eeu go to the gym 11 wearglasses_ drink coffee __ peer —__ 12 smoke __ © Test your memory. Cover the sentences in a. Look at the picture and say [+] and [=] sentences. Xeon Work with a partner. Look at the picture and say true sentences about yourself Remember your partner's answers. (don't play the guitar, | eat meat: Now tell a different partner about your first partner's answers (Paula doesn't play the guitar. She eats meat English File fourth edition Teacher's Guide Elementary. Photocoplable © Oxford Univers Pre 3B GRAMMAR present simple &, , and © Complete the conversation in the present simple. Use [=], © and 7} forms. Use the verbs from the list and auxiliaries do and don’t where necessary. do like live love speek work x3) Where are you from? Poland. You ‘speak English very well. Thanks. |? — here. What © you 'm a nurse. Really? Where * you 7 ‘At St Thomas's Hospital, in London = ‘ you __ your job? Yes, 1*_ it! But | work very long hours. ?__you___at night? B_ Sometimes. It depends on the week. But luckily, 1 _ at weekends. © Choose the right word to complete the rest of the conversation ‘Are you married? Yes, I'm married to an Englishman, What ‘does he do? (do / does) He's a teacher. He *@__ science. (teach / teaches) 7 —— he work at the local school? (Do / Does) No, he“ (don't / doesn’t) He §__ in London. (work / works) Does he * — his job? (lke / likes) No, he — it very much. It’s a difficult school. (doesn't like / doesn't likes) ‘Are you happy in England? D> O> D> D> OD > 'like the country, but not the weather. It*___all the time. (rain / rains) *_____ you want to go back to Poland one day? (Do / Does) Of course, but it isn’t easy. My husband " speak Polish. (don’t / doesn’t) 1 — you have children? (Do / Does) Yes, two boys. "___ they speak Polish? (Do / Does) Yes, perfectly > D> D> D> D> D> DD BD Xeon eae eee eet ae] YOUR PARTNER 1 ee What is your favourite film? PMY! vegetarian 2 Are? BME OU" are parents from Where? gm phone have you do What? PME ery speak do languages you How? 6 surname spell you do your How? 7 y PRE © © the listen radio When you? Where homework you your do do? r you singer Who your favourite is? BEBE the you do do What at weekend? TV programmes watch you do What? Prd prog ys © Work with a partner. Ask and answer the questions. Use contractions with be where possible, e.g. What's. Note the answers Sey Cover the questions and look at the answers. Say the questions. English File fourth edition Teacher's Guide Elementary Photocoplable © Oxford University ress 2019 Rachel, an English teacher 4 musie student soctor “Per = = {aieker} —! Treg] 4 | Board pens {erie} Le fhe ener) eeeeaec a] ‘Toby, 3 | tennispieyer_| | ‘—[tennis bats} | 15 dictionary} | —{trainers }—J 2g} took at objects 1-16. Whose are they? Write 14 more sentences. 1 Its Toby's tennis racket 9 2 They're Keira’s glasses. aces ‘Cover the sentences. Test a partner or say the sentences, Whose is the book? ) (it's Rachel's. Whose are the glasses? eine Kaica’s \ TIME © Complete the sentences with in, on, or at. PREPOSITION 1 | usually wake up Ill 7.00 every day. at 2 | never work Il the weekend. acess 3 | see my family MIB Sundays. eee 4 The party is Ml 21st December. _# ‘5 We hardly ever watch TV Ill the evering, 5 6 | usually go to bed II 11.00 p.m. a 7 | go skiing IIB the winter. as 8 | always go out II Friday night. TE 9 My birthday is IIB January. aes 10 People usually give presents Ill Christmas. ae 11 We always go shopping Ill Friday. ean 12 | get up late IIIB Saturday mornings. a 13 | sometimes go home Il lunchtime. sunt 14 We usually have three classes Il the afternoon. = 15 Nurses often work IIIB night. — PREPOSITION | ive II a small flat in the city centre. jie She usually goes Ill the gym after work. aaa Do you have @ TV Iilill your bedroom? pon | always have lunch Ili home. aoa 1 2 3 4 5 We often go ill the cinema on Friday evenings. peas 6 Let's play football I the park. faa 7 The children aren't Ill school today. It's 2 holiday. — 8 | usvally go ll work by train = 9 On Saturdays, we sometimes have dinner III a restaurant. eo 10 My wife isn’t here at the moment. She's Il work. Rene Test your memory. Cover the PREPOSITION columns. Say the sentences. English File fourth edition Teachers Guide Elementary Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2018 4C GRAMMAR adverbs and expressions of frequency @ Look at the pictures and put the words in order to make sentences. hours He sleeps always eight for _# sometimes They the cinema igo toon Friday week a once meets She i cee tons tired He abays is the k SoM Look at the pictures and make true sentences about you. . \ @ Look at the pictures. Complete the sentences with can / can’t and a verb from the list. cook dance hear help find open park play sit speak swim take oe 1 He can't play the guitar. Oey eee 3 4 He his 5 Jamie_____________ 6 Theboy glasses, very well the old man, | al 7 Il 8 Stop! You 9 They » the window? there. French, = | 10 you 12They me, please? Bese veee eect very well eon Test your memory. Cover the sentences and look at the pictures. Say the sentences. English File fourth editor Teachers Guide Elementary Photocopiable © Oxtord University Press 2009 5B GRAMMAR present continuous: be + verb + -ing ‘Complete the sentences with the verb in brackets in the present continuous. Use contractions where possible. 1 | A. What's that noise? B It's our neighbour. A Not again! What 's he doing (do) now? B He? (wash) his car and he *___ listen) to the radio. ‘A. What? At 7.30 on a Sunday morning! Why ¢ he (do) it now? B | don’t know. A What * you (doy? Bi (dase arcs (get) up. I can't sleep with this noise! 2/a7 you the match (watch)? B Of course we are. ‘A. What (happen)? B (in) 1-0, but we (not play) very well. Why" (not watch) the match? A : (work) and my boss eee (watch) me. 3. | A What can you see? B There are three men downstairs. A What\____ they (doy? B They *____ (count) money, | think. No, sorry They @_______ (not count) money. They ”. (play) cards A Can you see Jim? B Yes, he's upstairs A What" ___ he (do)? Bo He™ (look) at me! 4 | A How's your sister? B She's fine ‘A What®___she (do) now? * she_____ (work)? B_ No, she's in Thailand at the moment, with two friends. They # (travel) round the world, A What ®_____ you (do) now? oe (not work) at the moment. es (look for) a job. So) tl enateatinine utth o nectner @ Put the verbs in the present simple or present continuous. Use contractions where possible. 1A What are you doing? (do) 10 A Why" you____?(ery) Vm checking my emails. (check) B Because!" avery sad film. (watch) 2 A What!____you___of your new phone? (think) 11 A Why" _____thetrain B It'sgreat!it?_______———_ really (stop) good photos. (take) B_ Because ths is the siow tain. It at every station. 3 A. What's that music? (stop) B_ Myneighbours* a 49 a When's n____ you usually party. (have) your friends? (see) 4 A Where‘ ____you___?(¢0)_ B_ On Friday night. We always B To my parents’ house for lunch. We usuelly after work. (meet) there for lunch on i Sundays. (go) you usually 5 A Hi, Nora! What *___you B_ About 6.00, but |?" here? (do) late this evening. (work) 1"__for a friend. (wait) 44 9 what. you for? (look) B_ My car keys! | always 7 them in my bag, but they aren't there 6 A Where's Simon? B_ Inthe bathroom. He © a shower. (have) now. (put) 7 A What's the answer to number five? et ate ae oa B Shilt_______ tothe teacher. exercise? (do) listen) B IS_____inthe sea every seake Fel b Grdtoen morning, (swim) for work? (wear) 16 A Be quiet! Your mum B Yes. 1 "__ it. It's ‘to watch a film on TV. (try) horrible. (not like) B Sony! She hardly ever 9 A Look! it’? ______ (rain) TVinthe B Again? it™___________a lot here, (rain) _ EA 21-27. Excollent. You understand the difference between the present continuous and the present simple. afternoon. (watch) 15-20 Quite good, but check the rules inthe Grammar Bank (Student's Book p.132) and look at the exercise again 0-14 This s dificult for you. Read the rules in the Grammar Bank (Student's Book p.132) ‘Then ask your teacher for another photocopy and do the exercise again at home. Rene Work with a partner. Talk about two things you co every day, and two things you're doing at the moment. English Fle fourth editien Teacher's Guide Elementary Photocoplable © Oxford University Press 2018 6A GRAMMAR object pronouns: me, you, him, etc. @ Complete the sentences with me, you, him, her, it, us, or them. Write in the PRONOUN column. PRONOUN 1 It’s a great song. | love lima! Saat 2 We can’t speak Italian very well. Can you help iam? i acisaineeeeuE 3 The phone's ringing! Can you answer Ill seit 4 loften call Ellie, but she hardly ever calls lam. eee eee 5 Can you go to the boss's office? She wants to see III ras 6 Where are my keys? I can't find! ml! Eareeese Se = ren 7 Hello again! Do you remember lll? My name's Matt. me 8 Lorna really likes Nick, but | don’t think he likes Imm. sn 9 Is Kate’s boyfriend nice? | don’t know Ill aa 10 A What do you think of these shoes? B I don't like llllll. They're a horrible colour. Saaesraneen == SSRaSIEEE 11 We don’t know this city. Can you tell some places to visit? = 12 This hotel’s very noisy. | don’t like Im feat 13. My sister works in Germany. | don't see Ill very often. eee 14 I'm free tonight. Do you want to come to the cinema with MMM? —— 15. This exercise is very difficult. | can’t do Mim pene 16 Your sister phoned. She needs to speak to Ill siti teases 17, My husband gets home late, but | always have dinner with MMM. 18 George and Natalia are really nice. | like im lies 19 A Excuse me, Julia Parker is here. B Thanks. Please ask Illi to wait in reception. ps 20 We're going to the cinema tonight. Do you want to come with lama? ACTIVATION Test your memory, Cover the PROMFuNs .. @ Complete the sentences with | love / like / don't mind / don't like / hate and the -ing form of a verb from the list. cook do eet getup go have listen live lookfor shop sit swim wait watch housework. in the sea in summer, to the dentist. __ at the front of the class. big party on my birthday. for tieibus, ina flat. to loud music in the car. _______ dinner for my family. _______ somewhere to park. — films in English early in winter. ©] ®| ©| ©] ©| ©] O| ©] ©|©|@)| ©| ©] © @©=llove COp=tlike ©)=Idon':mind C©)=Idon'tlike G)=thate Work with a partner. Tell your partner if the sentences are true about you. (don't lke eating in restaurants. English Filefourth edition Teacrer's Guide Elementary _Photocoplable © Oxford University Press 2019, 6C GRAMMAR be or do? @ Complete the conversations with a form of the verb be or do. Use contractions where possible. Interviewer Excuse me. 'Do you have time to answer a few questions? Daniel Yes, sure. I? just waiting for some friends. Interviewer Great, thanks. >_ this your first time at the Glastonbury Festival? Daniel No, I come every year: ItS___ quite expensive, but I love it! Interviewer And which bands *_____you really want to see this year? Daniel Coldplay and Muse. They ” my favourite bands Interviewer Why * you like their music? Daniel I think their songs ® great. Interviewer And what about the weather? It awful! Daniel Oh, 1 "__mind the rain. It always rains at Glastonbury! Interviewer Good evening. it OK if | ask you some questions? Charlotte Yes, fine. Interviewer '___ you enjoying the concert this evening? Charlotte Yes, | I think it really good. The orchestra" playing very well. Interviewer __"_you have a favourite orchestra? Charlotte = Mmm, no, 1'°_ think all the orchestras that play at the Proms ""_____ very good. Interviewer *. you often come to the Proms? Charlotte Yes, this my fifth concert this season. And when |__ come, Ilisten to the concerts on the radio. Interviewer Oh, | think the concert starting again. Thank you for talking to me. Charlotte No problem. eon a @ Complete with was / were or wasn't / weren't to make true sentences. Mother Teresa wasn't born in India. Kurt Vonnegut ____an English writer. Tchaikovsky ___ the composer of Swan Lake. The Vikings ___ from Germany. Gustave Eiffel _ a famous French engineer. Roald Dahl __a famous British musician. ‘The Beatles _ from Liverpool. Jennifer Lawrence —__ in the Hunger Games films. Socrates and Plato _ Greek artists Pablo Picasso Spanish Beethoven a Swiss composer Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin _ the first men to walk on the moon. Adele's first album 25, The Incas from Mexico. Marco Polo ___ born in Venice. ‘The Olympic Games __in Brazil in 2016. Michelangelo and Leonardo da Vinci famous German painters. Barack Obama ___ the 44th President of the USA. Monet and Gauguin French paintess. Albert Einstein —_ a German politicia. eZ) Work with a partner. Make questions and test your partner's memory. Correct the information if you can. Was Mother Teresa born in India?) (_No, she wasn't. She was born in Albania, English File fourth edition Teazher's Guide Elementary Photocoplable © Oxford University Press 2019 & & & & & & = = = = 78 GRAMMAR past simple: regular verbs @ Complete the conversations in the past tense. Use the verbs in brackets. 1 | Annie ‘Did you study French at university? (study) Beth No, 17__ French; 1*______ italian. 14_ Rome for six months in my third year. (not study, study, live) Annie Where*_______you in Rome? (lve) Beth Near the Forum. |*___a house with some Italian students. (rent) Annie ?___yoy__ in Italian all the time? (talk) Beth Not always, because they * — to practise their English. But | ‘ — to cook great paste! (want, learn) 2 | Alan you - Brazil? (ike) Ben We" ___ittWe®@ to come home. (love, not want) Alan "you _— around the country? (travel) Ben We ——— muh, because we were only there for two weeks. (not travel) Alan “____you__in hotels? (stay) Ben No, we *_ — with Brazilian friends. (stay) 3 | Dave ”_____ you__ the match? Arsenal and Real Madrid? (watch) (er eee Dave Whynot? Cort 1" __late last night.1”_______until7.00. (work, not finish) Dave But the match®__at 7.45. start) Cart Yeah, but! __mytrain.1___ home u (miss, not arrive) What a pity! It was a great game. 4 | sam 14 you three times last night, but you™ (call, not answer) Lucy Sorry | was atthe cinema with my sister Sam And1™*__you, too. Why”___ you me hack? (text, not text) Lucy Because | was angry. Sam Angry? Why? Lucy Because you" _to me at the party last week. You a - to Eva for about an hour. (not tak, chat) Sam 1% to Eva for an hour! She had a problem, and she just * — to tell me about it (not chat, want) ‘A problem? Is that why you" ___with her for 20 minutes? (dance) on tine the ann. © Complete the blog with the past simple form of the verbs in brackets. A MEMORABLE 4 wh: NEW YEAR'S EVE Be This happened to me a couple of years ago. Some university friends and | wanted to celebrate New Year's Eve at the famous street party in Edinburgh. We ‘knew (know) it : (be) difficult to get tickets for the party, but we © (be) really lucky and (buy) some online six months before. On 31st December, we ° __ (get) a fast train from London. We arrived in Edinburgh at 6.00 p.m. and walked from the station to our hotel. We relaxed, *____ (have) dinner, and then” ___(get) ready to go out. We *_____ (wear) warm clothes, because it® (be) really cold. We ®__ (get) to the city centre at about 9.30 pam. It" (be) wet and quite windy. We (go) into the first warm bar we 1 (find) and * (drink) some whisky. At about 10.30 p.m., we =____ (put on) our warm coats again and (go) back outside. The streets ” (be) nearly empty! Some people *__ (say) ‘The street party is cancelled because of the terrible weather.’ We (not can) believe it! The weather ®___ (not be) good, but it "____ (feel) ike a normal winter night in Scotland. In the end, we * (get) a taxi back to our hotel and # — (spend) midnight in our rooms! We ** (not have) a very happy New Year's Eve! © complete these questions about the blog. 1. Where did they buy tickets for the party? They bought tickets for the party online. 2 Why pee warm clothes? _ Because it was really cold. 3 What time to the city centre? They got there at about 9.30 p.m. 4 What the weather like? _It was wet and quite windy. 5 What inte bar? They drank some whisky. 6 What a8 10.3p.m.?__ They put on their coats and went outside. 9 Wnts tcthem? They said ‘The street party is cancelled.’ 8 a bus back to theirhotel? No, they didn’t. They got a tax 9 Where midnight? They spent midnight in their rooms. 10__ a good time? No, they didn't. Work with a partner. Cover the answers. Take turns to answer the questions. . Then cover the questions and take turns to make the questions from the answers. ae English File fourth edition Teacher's Guide Elementary Photocoplable © Oxford University ress 2019 EERRRAAOT 00 00 dA 8A GRAMMAR past simple: regular and irregular verbs @ Complete the conversation with the past tense of the verb in brackets. ¢ A NEW LIFE Inspector OK, Mr Thomas. Please just relax and tell me the problem Mr Thomas _ It's my wife. She ‘went (go) out yesterday evening, And she 2 (not come) back. Inspector When? _(you/ see) your wife for the last time? Mr Thomas Yesterday evening, at about nine probably (make) dinner. Inspector When “___ (you / come) home? Mr Thomas |"*____(arrive) home at about seven thirty. | +_(sit)dewn and” (read) the newspaper, and ell my emails. We ee (have) dinner at about eight. After Inspector | see, Sir. | think I know why she * (leave). Read the conversation again. Then cover it. Can you remember five things ne thirty. Inspector Tell me what happened yesterday. i (you / do) anything unusual? Mr Thomas No, it*___(be) just a normal day. We © ___ (wake up) at seven. \7__ have) breakfast. Then I i work. My wife’ _________(not have) breakfast. In the morning, | think she ‘0_____(go} shopping, She ". (come) home at lunchtime. I don’t know what she" (do) in the afternoon. She dinner, 1? (watch) TV. 1? = (go to sleep) in my chair. Inspector tyou/ speak) to your wife at all? What * (she / say) to you? MrThomas We* _____ (not talk) during dinner. After dinner, she _ (say), This isn't a life. | need to go out.’ She *. (call) a taxi. |”___ (hear) the taxi about 15, minutes later. She ____ (take) her bag and her coat and ®_____ (lose) the door. She *_______ (not say) goodbye. mE © Write the questions and short answers. shower / bathroom? _Is there a shower in the bathroom? Yes. there is, pictures / hall? Are there any pictures in the hall? ‘No. there aren't. double bed / bedroom? piano / living room? = plant / study? dishwasher /kitchen? = cupboards / bathroom? chairs / bedroom? a O wire table / kitchen ‘There's tablein the ki plants / living room r =] sentences. books / living room computer / study eee clock / kitchen ee fireplace / living room evousena Ree Test your memory. Work with a partner. Look at the picture again for 30 seconds. Then A (picture face up) ask B (picture face down) five questions about the house. Change roles. {5 there a plant in the study? ) (_Are there any chairs in the hall? English File fourth edition Teachers Gude Ee ntary Photocopiable © Oxford Unversity Press 2012 mirror / hall Saeco eeeeeeeeeee shelves / study eee ieee Pea 8C GRAMMAR there was / there were lor @ Complete the sentences with the correct form of there was / were. Was there a supermarket in this town when you were a child? No, ?__ —. 2 a teker's and a small shop. D any Italian restaurants? | love pizzal No, Hee hub café. And 7 two pul > We stayed ir beach and 2 great hotel in Spain. It was on the 2 really big swimming pool, too. Cool! *§_ a gym? Yes, and ‘two tennis courts. any restaurants in the hotel? __ three! And the food was delicious! > ore = a very old castle in the town, near where | lived when I was a child. People said 7 secret rooms in it. B Really? ""_____any ghosts in the castle, too? A Yes, My aunt saw one once. She said that suddenly""_________a strange light, and then she saw a face looking in through the window — but she was on the second floor! A. Did you get anything nice in the sale? B Yes, |did.""_______ some lovely sweaters. | got two. A Great!" any jeans? Be any in my size, ACTIVATION Work with a partner. Say three things that were in the street or area where you live, leseesich nett enti era © Look at what's in the fridge. Write the questions and short answers with Is there / Are there + a, an, or any. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 sushi? Isthere any sushi? ‘Yes, there Is. butter? carrots? ee Saeed cheese? fish? chicken? seiaaeere eggs? oe orange juice? or [=] sentences with a/ an, some, or any. 1. onions There aren't any oniors. 2 tomato juice es 3 pineapple 4 strawberries 5. peppers 6 7 8 mille mushrooms ice cream ——___— Guo Test your memory. Work with a partner. A (picture fece up) asks B (picture face down) five questions about what's in the fridge. Then change roles. | ee — IAI 9B GRAMMAR quantifiers; how much / how many, a lot of, etc. irel8) much or many. Then answer the question with a complete sentence. Use a lot of, not... much, not...many, oF not...any. Fast Food Phil 1. HowGRucBY many orange juice does he drink? He doesn’t drink any orange juice, 2 How much / many burgers does he eat? How much / many chips does he eat? Valerie the Vegetarian 4. How much / many meat does she eat? 5 How much / many vegetables does she eat? 6 How much / many Diet Coke does she drink? Baby Belinda 7 How much / many milk does she drink? 8 How much / many bread does she eat? 9 How much / many apples does she eat? Fabio the Italian Food Fan 10 How much / many rice does he eat? 11 How much / many pasta does he eat? 12, How much / many cups of espresso does he drink? Reuen Work with a partner. Ask and answer questions 1-12 about yourself. ‘aie Ririaaeti ia ii aati ee ae te ee @ Use the information to make comparative sentences. Length the Akashi Kaikyal Bridge (apan): 1,991m the Golden Gate Bridge (USA): 1,280m, 1. The Golden Gate Bridge is shorter than the Akashi Kaiky® Bridge, Price 1 Cartier watch: £4,500 a Swatch watch: £38 Vitamin C ‘an orange: approx. 70mg per orange an apple: approx. 9mg per apple Speed ‘aman: 44,88kph a horse: 76.44kph |” People per km? ‘Shanghai: 4,000 Istanbul: 2,500 10 Height the Bu Kata ower (Dabo: 88 m the Empire State Building (New York): 381 m " 2 Raion Inventions Facebook: 2004 ‘Skype: 2003, Average summer temperature London: 24°C New York: 28.5°C Annual rainfall Buenos Aires: 983mm, Rome: 584mm Size Russia: 17,075,200 km? Canada: 9,984,670 km* Deaths per year worldwide traveling by car: approx. 1,250,000 traveling by plane: approx. 600 Weather Paris (France) average hours sumight per day: 4.9 ‘Stockholm (Sweden) average hours sunlight per day: 5.4 st your memory. Cover the sentences and look at the information. Compare the things. English File fourth edtion Teacher's Guide Elementary Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2018 _ aa 10A GRAMMAR superlative adjectives © Wiite the questions. 1. big / country / world What's wuntry in the world? 2. wet / town / world 3. small / country / world 4 high / city / world 5 long / beach / world 6 dry / desert / world ae rl geet Pail 7 busy / train station / world 8 populated / city / world 9 popular / tourist destination / world 10. expensive / city / world © Match questions 1-10 to the answers below. Vatican City CCherrapunif in India ia Shinjuku Station in Tokyo Zurich in Switzerland the Atacama Desert in Chile La Rinconada in Peru i France Oo Praia do Cassino in Brazil Shanghai in China Booo0 Russia Sion Test your memory. Work with a partner. Cover the questions and look at the answers. Take turns to make sentences about each place, 1 eee Pt \ @ Complete the conversations with be going to. Use the verb in brackets. Use contractions where possible, A. ‘Are you going to watch the match tonight? (watch) B Yes, but!?___itata friend’s house - nobody in my family likes football. (watch) Juan and Pablo? ______ here next year. (not study) Why not? Because they * >OrNn in Washington. (ive) 3 Als this evening. (not go out) B_ Why not? A need to get up early tomorrow morning. | 7" r ‘__"_ "at 10.00. (go to bed) 4 Ae emma ___ at the party? (be) B_ Yes, and she says that she * her new boyiriend. (bring) A Wee! ERs you, next weekend? (do) We ® with our friends in London. (stay) (take) Yes. We"? _______ the Science Museum and then go sightseeing, (visit) the children? you Where's your sister? She's out shopping, She '___ a new laptop. (buy) What “4 the webthwrold cone? (do) She it to me! (give) een Practise the conversations with a partner. English Filefourth edition Teachers Guide Elementary Photocopiable © Oxford Universit Press 2019 uTHinnnnnnnnnnonn 10C GRAMMAR be going to (predictions) @ Write a prediction with going to for each picture. Use 2 verb from the list. notbuy noteat get married leara listen make paint play notsnow take visit win 2 to music. a ____the match, ee their unch. ee a salad. a next week. Siu _— any shoes. ee _____ the guitar. Gee _____ next month. Wie ae his dog for a walk. " _____ the museum. 12 ____ the bathroom. \ © Make adverbs from the adjectives. bad noisy hard fast dangerous careful quiet loud good easy patient slow © write sentences for pictures 1-12. Use an adverd from a. 1. She's eating very noisily. 2 He's driving really 3. He's writing, 4 She passed the exam very 5 They're dancing very_—__. 6 She's opening the door 7 She's running very 8 He's working 9 She's waiting 10. He's driving _ 41. She's singing really 12 They're talking Reon Test your memory. Cover the sentences and look at the pictures. Say the sentences. ( She's eating very noisily. English File fourth edition Teacher's Guide Elementary _Photocoplable © Oxford University Press 2019 11B GRAMMAR verb + to + infinitive © (00k at the pictures. Complete the sentences with to + a verb in the infinitive. Use a verb from the list be buy do drive get ge have play a Jo) ion Y 1. We're planning 3° Would you like 4 She's learning to-go on holiday faseecedaeee Siccieicicintet to Mexico next the airport by basketball on summer, 7.00 a.m.! Saturday? [s] 5 Steve wants & They decided 7 I'mhoping 8 I promise a a ___my new computer. a swim. job in a London homework when the restaurant. programme finishes. © complete the conversations with Would or Do / Does. 1 A ______ your flatmates like to come 4 & ________youlike another coffee? fe sinner? B No, thanks. Just a glass of water, B Why don't you ask them? I'm sure please. they'd like to. 5A you like to come to the 2 A ____you like classical music? cinema with us tonight? B_ No, | prefer rock music. B_ Sorry, can't. I'm going out toa restaurant with Mark tonight. 3A your husband like cooking? B Yes, he loves it. Siu @ Complete with the or -. Which country has ‘the best food in 7 Italy, definitely! | love Italian food! | often have’ pasta for 4 dinner. ‘What time do you usually go to®____ bed? Usually at around 10.00 p.m. but later at weekend. Do you think”_ men are more interested in football than ® women? No! I'ma woman and I really like < football How often do you travel by ©_train? Every weekday. I's ""_easest way to get to” work: In your family, who has "_most interesting job? I think “ my brother's jobis really interesting. He's an architect. Do S___ men in this class talk more than © women? No! ”__ men are really quiet. Do you like *___ animals? Yes, | love them! | have a cat and a dog. " dog is frightened of aa cat! How often do you go shopping in city centre? Hardly ever! | prefer shopping on mae internet ‘What are you going to do when lesson finishes today? lim going to have * lunch with my mother-in-law. Do you think * children behave worse now than in””__past? Yes, do. | think ™___ teachers have a really difficult job! ACTIVATION Work with a partner. Ask each other the questions and answer with your own ideas. English File fourth edition Teacher's Guide Elementary Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2019 142A GRAMMAR present perfect @ Write sentences in the present perfect. Use contractions where possible s Pore ) otc 2 Ohno! | ___— 5 Alex — psa the boss errive) ACTIVATION a a ee ee ny @ Write the verbs in the present perfect or past simple. Use contractions where possible. 1 A Where's Suzie? She "5 gone home. (go) When? eae eae __? (leave) About half an hour ago. o>a> 2 you to the new Italian restaurant in Queen Street? (be) B Yes, wehave.We‘_______last week. The food®_______great. (go, be) 3A MrHamilton ___ a few minutes ago. He's going to be late. (phone) 2 (arrive) the new Star Wars film at the cinema last night. 1° you__it? (see, not like, see) it last week and 1""___ it. (see, love) a ghost? (see) fhe in a haunted hotel a few months ago, but | _— anything. (stay, not see) to Paris? (be) A B Yes, 1" — si, A When ?__ you there? (go) B When! ®____at school, for an end-of-year trip. (be) AH you_______a.good time? (have) B great. (be) Where do you want to go on holiday this summer? B Well, we > to North Ame‘ica a few times, but we“ never South America. How about Peru? (be, visit) Oh, good idea. |*__a lot of photos of Machu Picchu, and it looks fantastic! (see) B_ Yes, it does! My friend Ruby *_______ there last month, and she 7 a great time. (go, have) A What she _____ most about her trip? (enjoy) B She”, lots of really friendly people, and the food »__ delicious. (meet, be) A — you to Jake recently? (speak) B No, 12 _____. What about you? A Well, |_____a surprising phone call from him yesterday. (get) B > Really? What “he 2 (say) A He®_ a new job last week and is planning to move to Australia. (get) B Wow! Reon Practise the conversations with a partner. English File fourth edition Tea:hers Guide Elementary Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2019 12C GRAMMAR evision: question formation @ Write questions for the answers. 1 What does your brother do? (do) 2 __ to class today? (get) 3 a the weather like in New York last weekend? (be) 4 —____agood time? (have) 5 —____ tke ____ windsurfing? (try) 6 —__ on holiday last year? (go) we he now? ana) 8 ___a musical instrument? (play) 9 —____ breakfast this morning? (not have) thie iciieworkk? (do) 11 ___ on Friday night? (go out) aaa ___ this? (be) 13 oct ——you___ English classes? (have) a ______ Maria aus home early? (go) 15 ______ Shakespeare? the born) 16 _ ———ever___'___ Mexican food? (eat) 7 a to Scotland? (fly) 18 — yourwife__________ work? (finish) 7 = hours saat a night? (sleep) 20 a ee your brother after university? (do) aon — He's a doctor, | came by bus. Avfull It was foggy and really cold. Yes, | am. This place is great. No, | wouldn't. | can't swim! We went to Tenerife, Because he needs to get up early tomorrow. Yes, can. I can play the guitar Because | wasn't hungry. No, | haven't. 'm going to do it this evening, Yes, we are. We have tickets for a concert It's mine, Thanks, Twice a week. On Tuesdays and Thursdays. Because she didn’t Yes, | have. It's delicious! No, we're going to go by train, She finishes at 7.00 p.m, Usually seven or eight. He's going to work in television.

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