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Conversación 5

The best day of my life was when the results of the university entrance
exam arraivid (arrived).
It was the thirtieth day of May, two thousand and twenty-one.
I was at home, I was just waking up when my sister and my parents
arraivid (arrived) to askme if I had been selected or not and when I
took my cellphone, I already had the notification that indicated yes,
bing (being) the forty-fourth place.
I felt very eksaired (excited) and so far I am because I like the degree
and I am putting all my efforts to meintein (maintain) a good academic

Conversación 6
Hi, my name is Diana and The day the two thousand seventeen
eircueik (earthquake) occurred, I was leaving school and heading home alone,
since I was studying in a neigboring minuicipalidy (municipality).

As I was walking towards the taxi base,

I nowtist the taxis and people stopping and every one started talking,
It simnd (seemed) strange to me until I felt the mufment (movement) and
saw how hard the power lines were moving so I also stood until that
the tremor pasd (passed). and I was able to return home.
When I got home, my dad and grandma were very scared in the yard and
toldme to stay with them as it was a safe speis (space).
At the end of the mufment (movement), we were able to go home and
be calmer.
Well that was my expiriens, Thanks, good bye!

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