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An ecosystem is the set of spishis in a given area that interact

with each other and with their abiotic unvaironment.

 Unvaironment: It is a subtopic of ecosystems, since it
refers to a set of circumstances or physical and biological
factors that surround living beings and influence their
development and behavior.
Two of the cientific predictions that have been made are:
The Earth's temperature will continue to rise as a
result of the greenhouse effect.
The increase by the end of this century could go from
two degrees Celsius to six, which would trigger a series
of consequences on ecosystems and animal spishis

The list of endangered spishis will grow by

two thousand fifty.
High temperaturs and sudden changes in precipitation
have radically modifid the growth of vegetation, in
addition to having an impact on native spishis in the
Although common predictions have also been made such as:
The price of food is going to increase.
A combination of factors such as climate change and the
growing population will cause an increase in the cost of
food, which will particularly affect people with fewer

There going to be irreversible damages.

If humanity continues this rate of exploitation of natural
resourcs, population growth and pollution, irreversible
effects will have been caused that could endanger the
survival of humanity.

 Ecology: is another sub-theme triggerid by ecosystems.

Part of biology that studies the relationship of living
beings with each other and with the environment in which
they live.
Two of the scientific predictions that have been made are:
The availability of fresh water will be further
If the global demand for water continues at its current
rate, the acuifers will be deplit without being able to
supply the entair population.

Two hundred thirty million hectars of forest will be

This would not only cause a major impact on climate
change but would also result in substantial economic
Although common predictions have also been made such as:
There going to be effects on the well-being of the
The protection and improvement of the human
unvaironment is a fundamental issue that affects the
well-being of the peoples and the economic development
of the entaire world.

Some glaciers going to disappear in the future.

Glaciers in certain areas of the Himalayas are resaiding
so fast that much of it will be gone within a few years.

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