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Name: ___________________________________ code: _____________ Date: __________

Exercise 1. Read the following fragment of the text “What is mechatronics?” and do the Skimming:

“Mechatronic engineers can work with electrical and mechanical systems together and solve
problems that cross discipline boundaries. Their strength in IT, computer hardware and
networking, as well as software, also helps them to be very versatile problem solvers. Writing and
testing software for specialized computer systems and micro-controllers forms a major part of the
work of many mechatronic engineers.”
Key words (from 5 to 10): _________________; __________________, ___________________,
_______________ ; _____________________, ____________________, __________________,
_______________, _____________________, _________________.

The text is about:


Name: ___________________________________ code: _____________ Date: __________

Exercise 2: Answer the following WH questions based on the fragment of the text.

Skills such as teaching, persuasion and negotiation in a technical context are valuable for
mechatronic engineers. Technical coordination and gaining the willing and conscientious
collaboration of other people without organizational authority is especially valuable.
 What does the expression “valuable for mechatronic engineers ? Do not translate but
interpret the signification in your personal words.
 How many skills do mechatronic engineers need to do a valuable job?
 Why is “Technical coordination and gaining the willing and conscientious collaboration of
other people” especially valuable?
Name: ___________________________________ code: _____________ Date: __________

Exercise 3: Identify the descriptive elements in the text.

Mechatronic engineers build and design these systems and need expertise in computing and
electronics, core mechanical engineering knowledge, and the ability to bring these together to
make working systems which meet the safety and reliability levels we take for granted.
Element Function Type of word

Name: ___________________________________ code: _____________ Date: __________

Exercise 4: Describe in your personal words the concept underlined in the text. Use as much as
adjectives, comparatives and metaphors as you can.

“Like all engineers, technical collaboration takes most of a mechatronic engineer’s working time.
Mechatronic engineering, by its nature, involves extensive collaboration with people working in
more traditional engineering disciplines.”
Mechatronic engineering


Watch the video about mechatronics and answer the questions:

 Video:
1. What is the video about?
2. What can you say about the video?
3. What is your opinion about the video?
4. Tell me something about the video you remember?
5. Do you agree with the arguments in the video? Why?
6. Can you give an example related to the information in the video?
7. Is the information in the video exact or inexact? Why?
8. What do you know about this information in relation to Colombia?
9. Can you suggest another form to apply mechatronics?
10. What do you expect from Colombian mechatronics for the next decade?

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