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School ID

2nd Semester 2017 ~ 2018

Subject (科目): Fundamentals of Aircraft Manufacturing


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Scores

June, 2018
Rules for the Conduct of Middle Examinations
Middle Examinations take place in the middle of every term. Candidates are expected to fulfill this
obligation in an honest manner. The following are a set of rules to guide candidates:
1. No person will be allowed in an examination room during an examination except the candidates
concerned and those supervising the examination.
2. Candidates must appear at the examination room at least twenty minutes before the commencement
of the examination.
3. Candidates shall bring their photo identification (signed Photo ID) and place it in a conspicuous
place on their desks.
4. Bags and books are to be deposited in areas designated by the Chief Presiding Officer and are not
to be taken to the examination desk or table.
5. The Chief Presiding Officer has authority to assign seats to candidates.
6. Candidates shall not communicate with one another in any manner whatsoever during the
examination. Candidates may not leave the examination room unescorted for any reason, and this
includes using the washroom.
7. No materials or electronic devices shall be brought into the room or used at an examination except
those authorized by the Chief Presiding Officer or Examiner. Unauthorized materials include, but are
not limited to: books, class notes, or aid sheets. Unauthorized electronic devices include, but are not
limited to: cellular telephones, laptop computers, calculators, MP3 players, Personal Digital Assistants
("PDA" such as a Palm Pilot), pagers, electronic dictionaries, Compact Disc Players, and Mini Disc
8. Candidates who bring any unauthorized materials or electronic devices into an examination room or
who assist or obtain assistance from other candidates or from any unauthorized source are liable to
penalties under the Code of Behavior on Academic Matters, including the loss of academic credit and
9. In general, candidates will not be permitted to enter an examination room later than fifteen minutes
after the commencement of the examination, nor leave except under supervision until at least half an
hour after the examination has commenced.
10. Candidates shall remain seated at their desks during the final ten minutes of each examination.
11. At the conclusion of an examination, all writing shall cease. The Chief Presiding Officer may seize
the papers of candidates who fail to observe this requirement, and a penalty may be imposed.
12. Examination books and other material issued for the examination shall not be removed from the
examination room except by authority of the Chief Presiding Officer.


College of International Education of SAU

Score 8 Reviewer
1. Give the corresponding name of a typical turning tool.

Fig.1 Working part of typical turning tool

Score 10 Reviewer

2. (1) Give the corresponding name of the numbered angles and (2)Give the relationship of Įo,
ȕo and Ȗo and the relationship țr, ț`r and İr.
1 2 3 4



Fig.2 Marked angles of the cutting tool

Score 11 Reviewer

3. Judgment questions(There are many expressions below, If you think the expression is right,
mark ³√´ in the blanket, or mark ³×´ in the blanket )
decreases so that chip deformation decreases. ( )
2) The forces acting on the tool come from two causes: ① metal elastic and elastic deformation
resistance in the deformation regions; ② frictions between tool and chip and between tool and
machined surface. ( )
3) Unit cutting force p means the main cutting force required in the removal of a specific area of
cutting layer. ( )
4) Unit cutting power Ps means the power expended in a unit time for the removal of a unit
volume metal ( )
5) The increase of back engagement of the cutting edge ap and feed f makes the width bD and the
thickness hD of the cutting layer increase respectively, the cross-sectional area of the cutting layer
AD is increased, so that the deformation resistance and friction is decreased, which results in the
decrease of cutting force. ( )
6) for a certain volume of metal removal, cutting with larger f will save more force and power
than with a larger ap. In other words, with the same cutting force or power we can cut with a
larger feed. ( )
7) Cutting speed influences the cutting process in two ways. On the one hand, it directly
influences on the choice of cutting tool; on the other hand, it directly influences on the choice of
cutting fluid. ( )
8) From experiments it is known that the cutting edge inclination angle Ȝs has a smaller influence
on the main cutting force, but has obvious influences on the radial thrust force Fy and axial thrust
force Fx. ( )
9) When considering the cutting force, it is DSSURSULDWH WR DGRSW D JUHDWO\ QHJDWLYH DQJOH ȜV,
particularly, in the case of poor stiffness of the machine and support system. ( )
10) The tool wear increases with time is called normal wear. It can be further divided into the
following kinds according to the worn region: ①Flank wear ②Wear on the rake face③
Simultaneous wear on rake face and flank .( )
11) The main function of water cutting fluid is lubricating. ( )

Score 10 Reviewer

4. Filling blanks
1) The basic requirements for the cutting tool material
include: ,
, ,
, .
2) Cutting mode can be classified into: and
or and .
3) The main motion is: (in turning);
(in milling);
(in planning).
4) The main section reference system is composed of , and
5) In a typical turning process, f=0.5mm/r, ap=2mm, kr=75°,then: undeformed chip thickness hD
= ; width of uncut chip bD = ; cross-sectional area of uncut
chip AD= .
6) is mainly reflects plastic compression of workpiece materials,
and reflects mainly shear deformation of workpiece

Score 15 Reviewer

5. Describe the three elements of cutting regime and give the corresponding formulas.
Score 12 Reviewer

6. Mark the right chip type name beside the pictures and describe their formation

Score 12 Reviewer

7. Try to explain the generation and transmission of cutting heat.

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