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I F ^ ^ I 3;1I2-114 1967

c byi.AAF



Aix-les-Bains/France - 13th-19th January 1987

Helmar Hommel

The 14th Congress of the EACA

focussed on the throwing events. At
least 230 participants from 30 coun-
thes entered the Congress, among
them observers from five continents:
coaches from Algeha, Australia,
Marocco, New Zealand. People's Re-
public of China, Puerto Rico and the
The President of the European Ath-
letic Association, Sir Arthur Gold.
opened the Congress, organized by
the French Athletic Federation and the
magazine "Amicale des Entraineur
Frangais d'Athletisme" in connection
with the President of the EACA, the
BAAB Director of Coaching Frank W.
The following lectures, available in a
Congress Report (French and English)
of "Amicale des Entraineur Frangais
d Athletisme", were presented dunng
the Congress:

David Ottley (GBR):

Experience of the new javelin
and changes of technique
Ottley presenied his own experi-
ences and observations. His opinion is
that the strength training will not
change very much but in future the
11^ components of the technique as well
an the throwing velocity will come to also are able to train alone with high in-
the fore. Videos of world best javelin tensities and long throws.
throwers complemented his speech.
Giles Cometti (FRA):
The scientific basis
Rene Diddens (BEL): of modern musculation
"Old" javelin vs "new" javelin
A basic view of the mechanism of
Differences of 5 % have been found strength was followed by an illustration
throwing a 70m javelin. The optimal of the methods to develop it. Different
angle of throwing is greater with the combined modes of work of the
new javelin, the new javelin is less sen- muscles were compared. Strength
sitive to divergences from the op- training with the aid of computers
timum. The most important change is (Sportronic) was the final section of the
the disappearance of the influence of lecture,
optimal conditions for throwing pertor-
mance. At least there will be no
changes in javelin throwing. Jaroslaw Smid (TCH);
Preparation of an elite woman
shot put athlete
Esa Utriainen (FIN): Smid presented the long term prep-
Differences in men's aration of Helena Fibingerova. In his
and women's training opinion there are no differences be-
Uthainen referred to the social role tween men and women in training. He
of women in Finland. Negative attitude showed the components of the prep-
to the strength training and missed ex- aration that are equivalent: physical,
perience of throwing by girts have to be technical, psychological and regener-
ation. He explained all four compo-
worked on first of all. Therefore dunng
nents by focussing on the physical pre-
the beginning phase of the training the
paration. A sample of a weekly plan
quantity of throwing is much more im-
completed his lecture.
portant than the quality. Information on
the number of throws and the weights
ruiac Wilkins (USA):
of equipment completed a sample of
Technique conditioning drills
a year's pehodisation.
for the discus

Art Vanegas(USA): Wilkins explained the four moments

Rotational shot put technique of discus technique from his point of
view and gave additional hints on
Rotational shot put technique is wrong movements and how to correct
dominating in the USA. Vanegas them. On this basis of knowledge of
spoke on the technique and com- technique he deschbed and de-
plemented his lecture with a short monstrated several dhlls: wind up with
review of the training programme of an barbells, balance dhlls, orbit dhlls and
athlete. Rotational technique seems to drills to improve the block.
be easier, especially for lighter and
shorter athletes; They argue that they
Jan Vrabei (TCH):
can achieve longer throws, use lighter
weights duhng training, that training is Technical problems of discus
easier, that no excessive strength is throwing on high level performance
necessary, and that it is easier to The qualily of discus throwing
obtain competition. These athletes technique, especially among men, has 113
declined in the last two decades, both Frank Dick (GBR):
in absolute terms and in relation to the Preparation of throws
other throwing events. The reasons for in combined events
this include a lack of technique
training, bad coordination of move- The share of points scored by
ments, and poor strength training. The throwing in multiple events is lower
most important factors though are the than the spnnling or jumping evenis.
complexity of the last phase of Within the limit of given time for
movement in the throw and what training, throwing technique as well as
Vrabei calls the "spite" of discus special strength should be developed
throwing technique. Vrabei explained by watching the alternating effect of
the concept and gave hints for throwing and strength training with
technique training. other events. Dick detailed plans of
microcycles and explained the U.K.
system for heptatlon and decathlon.
Several other co-lectures, valuable
Lothar Hillebrand (GDR): discussions and a film-festival com-
Technical differences between men pleted the presentation.
and women in throwing the discus
In addilion to the Congress an As-
The differences between male and sembly of Members of the EACA took
female throwers were shown by place and included the regular elec-
examples of Jürgen Schult and Diana tions. Frank W. Dick (GBR) was
Sachse, both the best GDR-throwers reelected as President as well as Ehka
of the last year. The authors of the Strasser (AUT) Vice-President, Ed-
paper deschbed the basic conception monde Vonden Eynde (BEL)/Hon-
of suitable technique from the point of orary Treasurer, Sandro Giovannelli
view of biomechanies and training (ITA)/Secretary, Jose Manuel Balles-
methodology. They then explained the teros (ESP)/Council-Member and
progression of both throwers over Helmar Hommel (FRG)/Council-
several years. Perspectives on the Member. Newiy elected members in-
paper were presented by Helmar cluded the former Soviet long jumper
Hommel. and todays chief coach of the USSR
Igor Ter-Ovanesyan/Vice-President,
Arne Nytella (NOR)/Council-Member
Anatoly Bondarchuk (URS): and Daniel Kohca (YUG)/Council-
Modern trends of technique Member.
in hammer throwing During the council meeting the fol-
lowing Congresses and workshops
Bondarchuk demonstrated the facts
were confirmed:
of modern technique in hammer
throwing. Because of limited time he January 1988 - Split, Yugoslavia -
could not present two additional Speed Training Workshop;
papers: "The periodisation of training" January 1989 - GDR - Spnnts &
and "The selection and training of Hurdles Congress;
youth and junior hammer throwers". January 1990 - Formia, Italy - En-
Both will be included in the report. His durance Training Workshop;
report was completed by vanous de- January 1991 - Vierumakki, Finland -
monstrations. Endurance Events Congress.


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