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Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 16 Ž2001.


Effect of large excavation on deformation of adjacent MRT


J.S. Sharmaa , A.M. Hefny b,U , J. Zhao b, C.W. Chan c

Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH), Zurich, Switzerland
School of Ci¨ il and Structural Engineering, Nanyang Technological Uni¨ ersity, Singapore, Singapore
Land Transport Authority, Singapore, Singapore

Received 5 February 2001; received in revised form 29 March 2001; accepted 7 April 2001


A large excavation of approximately 140 m wide, 200 m long and 15 m deep was made close to two Mass Rapid Transit ŽMRT.
tunnels of 6 m diameter with invert depth of 15᎐27 m. In view of the scale and distance of excavation, significant effects on the
MRT tunnels were expected. The paper presents the monitoring of the tunnel deformations during the excavation. A
sophisticated monitoring system using a motorised total station was installed in the MRT tunnels to monitor their displacements
and to ensure that the stringent requirements for safeguarding the tunnels were not violated during any part of the excavation
works. The paper also presents the modelling of the excavation using a finite element program. The results obtained were
reasonably close to the monitoring results. It was found that the stiffness of the tunnel lining has significant influence on the
displacement and distortion of tunnels caused by an adjacent excavation. A stiffer lining undergoes less displacement and
distortion but is likely to experience significantly greater bending moments. 䊚 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Tunnel; Deformation; Monitoring; Excavation

1. Introduction area. Here, the trains run underground through a net-

work of tunnels. All the stations in this area are also
For the past two decades, Singapore has experienced underground. Most of the MRT tunnels were con-
unprecedented infrastructure construction activity. One structed using either the tunnel boring machines or the
of the best examples of this is the commissioning of the New Austrian Tunnelling Method ŽNATM.. Some sec-
Mass Rapid Transit ŽMRT. system in the mid-1980s. tions of these tunnels were constructed using the cut-
The MRT system consists of trains running on elevated and-cover technique. The MRT tunnels are protected
electrified tracks for most part of the island except in by the MRT Corporation’s Code of Practice for Rail-
the central business district ŽCBD. and the surrounding way Protection that does not allow the construction
work in close proximity of the tunnels that can displace
the tunnels by more than 15 mm. However, further
Corresponding author. Tel.: 65-790-6309; fax: 65-792-1650. construction in the CBD and the surrounding area is
E-mail address: ŽA.M. Hefny.. unavoidable and some of it is likely to be quite close to

0886-7798r01r$ - see front matter 䊚 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 8 8 6 - 7 7 9 8 Ž 0 1 . 0 0 0 3 3 - 5
94 J.S. Sharma et al. r Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 16 (2001) 93᎐98

the MRT tunnels. In such a situation, the contractor location map for the site. It can be seen from Fig. 1a
responsible for the construction must make sure that that the north side of the excavation is quite close to
the 15-mm displacement limit is never violated and for the existing MRT tunnels. Refer to Fig. 4 for the
this purpose, he should resort to sophisticated location of the MRT tunnels relative to the excavation
soil᎐structure interaction analysis and extensive field in a cross section. These two MRT tunnels connect the
instrumentation. Novena and Toa Payoh MRT stations and have a
In this paper, the monitoring and analysis results nominal external diameter of 6 m. The tunnels going
from one such project are presented. It consisted of a towards the Novena MRT station were constructed
large excavation for the construction of a basement for using the NATM except for the last 80-m stretch that
a hospital. One side of the excavation was in close was constructed using the cut-and-cover technique. The
proximity of the MRT tunnels. A state-of-the-art mo- tunnels going towards the Toa Payoh MRT station
torised total station monitoring system was used for were constructed using a tunnel shield under com-
measuring the displacement of the MRT tunnels. In pressed air.
addition, the effect of excavation on the displacement
of MRT tunnels was analysed using a finite element
2.1. Major geotechnical considerations
computer program. The results from the field moni-
toring and from the analytical study are presented and
compared. The site is located on the side of a hillock that
generally dips in the NNW᎐SSE direction ŽFig. 1a..
The northern part of the site is located in weathered
sedimentary rocks of the Jurong Formation and the
2. The site
southern part is located in completely decomposed
granitic rocks of the Bukit Timah Formation. A de-
The site was for the redevelopment of the Tan Tock tailed account of major geological formations and the
Seng ŽTTS. hospital. This project involved the construc- characteristics of the residual soils of Singapore can be
tion of a 15-storey hospital complex with 2 levels of found in Sharma et al. Ž1999.. The depth of the ground
basement, a 5-storey podium and a 5-storey Communi- water table from the ground surface varied. However,
cable Disease Centre and covered an area of approxi- for most of the site it was no deeper than 10 m.
mately 5.9 ha. The construction involved installation of Therefore, dewatering was necessary for the excava-
a 1.1-m diameter contiguous bored pile retaining wall tion. The change in the phreatic surface of the ground-
that supported a large excavation approximately 140 m water due to dewatering is also likely to have some
wide, 200 m long and 15 m deep. Fig. 1a shows the influence on the displacement of MRT tunnels.

Fig. 1. Ža. Layout of the site and the location of MRT tunnels, Žb. idealised soil profile based on SPT N values.
J.S. Sharma et al. r Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 16 (2001) 93᎐98 95

2.2. Site in¨ estigation results and idealised soil profile inclinometers and settlement markers. Three incli-
nometers ŽI1, I2 and I3 as shown in Fig. 1a. were
For obtaining the soil profile, the results of site installed quite close to the south-bound MRT tunnel.
investigations prior to the construction of MRT tunnels These were made up of specially fabricated vertical
as well as those prior to the excavation were used. The tubes Žcasings. with side grooves that were used to
site investigation program for the excavation consisted guide a 500-mm long servo-accelerator probe along its
of 37 boreholes and associated field and laboratory length. Readings were taken at every 500-mm interval
testing. Detailed results of the site investigations are as the probe was raised from the bottom of the casing
given in Chan Ž1995. and will not be presented here. to the top.
The spatial soil profile was plotted for the whole site,
from which the idealised soil profiles along the sections 3.1. Automatic tunnel displacement monitoring
considered in the analysis of this study were derived.
The idealised soil profiles along sections G᎐G and Two automatic tunnel monitoring systems ᎏ one in
H᎐H ŽFig. 1a. as derived from blow count Ž N . values each MRT tunnel ᎏ were installed. These were used
obtained from the Standard Penetration Test ŽSPT. are to monitor the displacements of the MRT tunnels with
shown in Fig. 1b. Undrained shear strength Ž c u . for respect to a few stable reference points that were
each layer was estimated from the following empirical located sufficiently away from the excavation site and
correlation c u s 5 N that is generally found to be unlikely to be affected by the excavation work. In order
satisfactory for the residual soils of the Jurong and the to facilitate tunnel monitoring during the operational
Bukit Timah formations ŽSharma et al., 1999.. The period of MRT trains, readings were taken automati-
Eurc u ratio Ž Eu ᎏ Young’s Modulus. was taken as cally with the help of a computer that remotely con-
equal to 400 based on the experience of Wong and trolled the monitoring system. The schematic diagram
Broms Ž1989. in somewhat similar ground conditions. of the monitoring system is shown in Fig. 2a.
Since the entire soil profile was considered undrained, The monitoring system involved the installation of a
the Poisson’s ratio was taken as equal to 0.49. motorised total station ŽTM3000V manufactured by
Wild Corporation. at a permanent location inside the
MRT tunnel. The monitoring targets consisted of 50-
3. Field monitoring mm diameter precision glass prisms that were mounted
onto the brackets on the inside of the tunnel lining.
As mentioned previously, the excavation for the The location of these prisms along with the location of
basement of the hospital was quite close to the existing primary and secondary reference prisms are shown in
MRT tunnels. Therefore, an extensive field monitoring Fig. 2b. The total station can achieve an accuracy of
program was commissioned prior to the start of the "1 s when locating the position of a target. An angular
excavation. It comprised of instruments installed in the accuracy of "1 s gives linear accuracy of "0.005-mm
ground and in the MRT tunnels. The ground instru- per m distance. Therefore, based on the prescribed
mentation consisted of water standpipes, piezometers, monitoring distance, the automatic tunnel monitoring

Fig. 2. Ža. A schematic diagram of the TM3000V automatic tunnel monitoring system; Žb. location of monitoring prisms for the TM3000V
automatic tunnel monitoring system.
96 J.S. Sharma et al. r Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 16 (2001) 93᎐98

Fig. 3. Excavation sequence for Section G᎐G.

system is accurate to within "1 mm. Such a system has over the site. Fig. 3 shows the sequence of excavation
been used successfully for the monitoring of MRT for Section G᎐G. Detailed description of excavation
tunnels during the construction of Bugis Junction ᎏ a sequence is given by Chan Ž1995..
shopping complex in the CBD. The results obtained
from this system were checked against the results of
manual surveying to make sure that the software in-
stalled for the automatic system was performing satis- 5. Finite element analysis
The finite element analyses for Sections G᎐G and
H᎐H were carried out using the geotechnical finite
4. Construction sequence element program CRISP ŽBritto and Gunn, 1994.. The
mesh for Section G᎐G is shown in Fig. 4. For the soil, 6
The original ground level of the site varies from a noded triangle or 8 noded quadrilateral isoparametric
reduced level ŽRL. of 105.0 m to RL of 116.0 m. Filling elements were used. The analyses were simplified by
was required for the top left hand corner of the area of assuming plane strain conditions. Also, the excavation
the site overlying the MRT tunnel up to grid 13 as was considered symmetrical about the vertical centre
shown in Fig. 1a. For the portion beyond grid 13, the line. Validity of this assumption was verified by check-
ground above the MRT tunnels was cut. The lowest ing that the tunnel excavation has an insignificant
excavation level for the 2-level basement was approxi- effect on the state of stress in the elements near the
mately RL 101.0. The construction was carried out in centre line. The various soil layers were modelled using
the following sequence: an elastic-perfectly plastic model. Undrained analyses
were carried out. The uneven topology of the ground
1. Installation of contiguous bored pile retaining wall posed special problems in CRISP that requires the
for the basement excavation. ground to be horizontal and in equilibrium at the
2. Excavation and filling works above the MRT tun- in-situ stage of the analysis. In order to overcome this
nels for road construction. problem, the shaded elements on the right of the mesh
3. Excavation of the rest of the site. in Fig. 4 were removed at the in-situ stage. These were
added just before removing the elements inside the
The excavation works were not carried out uniformly tunnels. Prior to the simulation of the excavation, the

Fig. 4. The finite element mesh.

J.S. Sharma et al. r Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 16 (2001) 93᎐98 97

beam elements modelling the retaining wall and the Table 2 shows a comparison of tunnel displacements
tunnels were added. In other words, retaining wall and obtained from finite element analyses for two cases of
tunnels were modelled as wished-in-place. Excavation different lining thickness Ž250 and 400 mm.. It can be
was simulated in 4 stages with 100 increments per seen that the 400 mm thick lining which is stiffer than
stage. the 250-mm thick lining, undergoes less displacement
and distortion. However, due to its higher stiffness, it
will experience much greater bending moments as com-
6. Results and comparisons pared to the 250-mm thick lining. This factor must be
taken into account in the design of the tunnel lining so
that its stiffness can be optimised. If the functional
Table 1 shows a comparison between the displace-
efficiency of the tunnel is not affected by small distor-
ments of tunnel linings measured using the TM3000V
tion in its shape, it is better to select a lining that is
system and those computed by finite element analyses.
Generally, the computed horizontal displacement val-
ues are higher than the measured values. The com-
puted displacements in vertical direction are generally
smaller than the measured vertical displacements but 7. Conclusions
the discrepancy is not as large as that for the horizontal
displacements. However, the measured and computed
displacement trends are quite similar. The effect of a large excavation adjacent to MRT
It can also be seen from Table 1 that the North- tunnels was investigated using field monitoring data
bound Tunnel has experienced less displacement than and finite element analyses. A state-of-the-art tunnel
the southbound tunnel. One of the implications of this monitoring system with an accuracy of "1 mm was
observation is that the displacements in the soil tend to used for monitoring the displacement of tunnel linings.
localise close to the excavation area and have less The performance of this system was found to be quite
influence on the tunnels located some distance away satisfactory. It was found that the MRT tunnels un-
from the excavation. dergo displacement and distortion as a result of the

Table 1
Comparison of measured and computed tunnel lining displacementsU

Section G᎐G Ždisplacements are in mm.

Southbound tunnel Northbound tunnel
Horizontal Vertical Horizontal Vertical
displacement displacement displacement displacement

Invert 3.6 7.0 2.8 1.4 2.5 5.1 1.3 0.1

Crown 6.0 8.0 3.0 2.6 2.8 5.7 1.2 0.3

Right 5.8 6.5 3.4 2.3 2.7 5.8 0.8 0.2

Left 4.5 7.5 3.5 1.9 2.7 5.2 1.4 0.4

Section H᎐H Ždisplacements are in mm.

Southbound tunnel Northbound tunnel

Horizontal Vertical Horizontal Vertical
displacement displacement displacement displacement

Invert 3.6 5.2 3.3 1.9 2.7 4.3 2.1 1.4

Crown 5.6 4.8 3.6 2.9 4.0 4.2 2.0 3.0
Right 5.5 4.6 3.8 3.0 3.2 3.9 2.0 2.5
Left 4.5 5.2 3.0 2.0 2.9 4.6 2.0 2.4
TM ᎏ measured using the TM3000V automatic monitoring system; FEM ᎏ computed results.
98 J.S. Sharma et al. r Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 16 (2001) 93᎐98

Table 2
Comparison of tunnel lining displacements for 250-mm and 400-mm thick linings

Section G᎐G Ždisplacements are in mm.

Southbound tunnel Northbound tunnel
Horizontal Vertical Horizontal Vertical
displacement displacement displacement displacement
Location 250mm 400mm 250mm 400mm 250mm 400mm 250mm 400mm

Invert 7.3 7.0 1.5 1.4 5.4 5.1 0.2 0.1

Crown 8.8 8.0 3.7 2.6 6.8 5.7 0.7 0.3

Right 6.7 6.5 2.6 2.3 6.1 5.8 0.3 0.2

Left 8.9 7.5 3.1 1.9 5.5 5.2 0.6 0.4

Section H᎐H Ždisplacements are in mm.

Southbound tunnel Northbound tunnel

Horizontal Vertical Horizontal Vertical
displacement displacement displacement displacement
Location 250mm 400mm 250mm 400mm 250mm 400mm 250mm 400mm

Invert 6.9 5.2 2.2 1.9 5.3 4.3 1.6 1.4

Crown 7.0 4.8 6.3 2.9 5.7 4.2 5.3 3.0
Right 4.9 4.6 4.3 3.0 3.6 3.9 3.1 2.5
Left 9.0 5.2 4.1 2.0 7.3 4.6 3.0 2.4

stress relief in the ground due to excavation. The References

computed displacements of the tunnel lining were gen-
erally higher than the measured values. However, their Britto, A.M., Gunn, M.J, 1994. Cambridge University Engineering
trends were quite similar. It was also found that the Department, UK.
stiffness of the tunnel lining has significant influence Chan, C.W., 1995. Displacement of MRT tunnels due to an adjacent
on its displacement and distortion. A stiff lining is excavation. Nanyang Technological University, M.Sc. Dissertation.
likely to undergo less distortion but is likely to be Sharma, J.S., Chu, J., Zhao, J., 1999. An overview of the geological
and geotechnical features of Singapore. Tunnelling Underground
subjected to greater bending moments. If the functio- Space Technol. 14 Ž4., 419᎐432.
nality of the tunnel is not affected by small distortions, Wong, K.S., Broms, B.B., 1989. Lateral wall deflections of braced
it may be beneficial to select a flexible lining system. excavations in clay. J. Geotech. Eng. Div. ASCE 115 Ž6., 853᎐870.

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