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PROSIDING ISBN 978-602-17891-7-9


Nita Ria
Fakultas Keguruan danI lmu Pendidikan
Universitas Tridinanti Palembang

Abstract: More specifically, this article is focused the difficulties in analysis of

poetry, because the Poetry is the language of literature variance bound by the
rhythm, imagery, rhyme, and the preparation of lines and stanzas. To determine
the intrinsic and extrinsic elements of poetry.The aim of this study is to determine
whether there is difference between the elements intrinsic and extrinsic of
poetry. The main findings include the categories of extrinsic and intrinsic to
analyze of poetry.The extrinsic elements of poetry are elements that are outside
the manuscript poems. It can be derived from the inner poet or writer for
examples biography, value element in the story such as social, economic, culture
and other. intrinsic element of poetry is an element contained in a poem, which is
used by analysts in studying and understanding the meaning of a poem,for
examples diction, imagery,theme,rhyme,rhythm,figurative language etc.The
anaysis of the data is conducted continuously through the process of displaying
the data, reducing them and drawing conclusion and also the technique for data
gathering included the analyses, materials, through internet online.The major
research question is put forward to direct the investigion :”How do analysis
intrinsic and extrinsic element of poetry?” and this study was discriptive: that it
aimed at describing the appearance analysis of poetry.

Key Words: difficulties, poetry, analysis, intrinsic, extrinsic, element, value.

1. Introduction
In general, poetry is a work composed of words, either in spoken or in written version.
They are derived from modern society to the people who are still primitive. Poetry is the work
that can be enjoyed by everyone, whether they work as doctors, employees, professors,
teachers, students, etc. The poem can be enjoyed as a work full of meaning and as a means to
release tension, as entertainment. For poets, poetry is a medium to convey what he/she feels,
what he/she experienced and found from the environment, or with what he/she imagine.
Poetry might be defined as a kind of language that says more and says it more intensely than
does ordinary language.According to Perrine (1991) A poem is composed of beautiful words
full of meaning with a beautiful arrangement that is so interesting to read and have deepest
meaning in it.just like Shakespeare’s throught, then we called the poem in a sonnet, poetry is
much studied by students to the culture around the world. As a work of literature, poetry has
two elements that are always attached to a literary work. They are intrinsic and extrinsic
element of poetry is different from other literary works, such as prose or drama.


PROSIDING ISBN 978-602-17891-7-9

Intrinsic elements are the basic elements contained in poetry, such as: figure of speech,
imagery, rhyme, symbol, etc. However, the extrinsic elements are the supporting elements of
poetry that comes from outside. Extrinsic elements of poetry are the same as other literary
works, such as prose and drama, which is approximately about the author biography,
background social, religion and education of the author, until the state economy. The main
problem is formulated as “Is there any the difficulties in analysis of poetry intrinsic and
extrinsic element?”The major research question is put forward to direct the investigion :”How
do analysis intrinsic and extrinsic element of poetry?”. The aim of this study is to determine
whether there is difference between the elements intrinsic and extrinsic of poetry. The main
findings include the categories of extrinsic and intrinsic to analyze of poetry.

2. Literature Review
1) Difficulties
According to hornby (1987:240) difficult is the state or quality of being difficult or
not easy in requirency effort, strenght, skill or ability. It means that the material of this
investigation is hard to do or to understand for the students
2) Analysis of poetry
According to Barnet & Berman (1989)The intrinsic and extrinsic elements of poetry
a) Intrinsic element
Intrinsic element of poetry is a an element contained in a poem, which is used by
analysis in studying and understanding the meaning of a poem. There are several
intrinsic elements in poetry:
a. Imagery
1) Visual Imagery
Visual imagery is the imagery that can be gained from the experience of the
sense of sight (eyes).
2) Kinesthetic Imagery
Kinesthetic Imagery is the imagery produced from an experience that form of
3) Auditory Imagery
Auditory Imagery is the element of imagery associated with the sense of


PROSIDING ISBN 978-602-17891-7-9

4) Organic Imagery
Organic Imagery is the imagery that emerged from our minds. Organic imagery
can be seen in the disclosure of feelings such as hunger,thirst,etc.
5) Tactile Imagery
Tactile Imagery is directly related to our sense of touch. Tactile imagery can be
seen from the description of feelings such as feeling hot, cold, smooth and
anything that can be felt to be touched.
6) Gustatory Imagery
Gustatory Imagery is imagery that portrayed the experience of our sense of
taste, a taste of thing. Thing like sweet, bitter, sour,etc.
7) Olfactory Imagery
Olfactory Imagery is the imagery associated with our sense of smell, a smell of
thing, for example: the smell fragrant, smell fishy, etc.

b. Figurative Language
Figurative language or often called the figure of speech is a figure of speech or a
meaning that is not true. There are so many examples of the figure of speech,
such as irony, hyperbole, paradox and we can to discuss
1) Paradox
Paradox is a figure of speech that shows the contradiction between two things,
or paradox is a picture of contradiction will be a thing.
2) Hyperbole
Hyperbole is a figure of speech that works by giving meaning or discribe a thing
as excessive
3) Simile
Simile is a figure of speech which is formed from which we make comparisons
between a thing with another thing which is basically similar.The author uses
words such comparison : as, like, etc.
4) Metaphor
Metaphor is formed from a comparison of two things have in common, so one
thing can take the place of something else.


PROSIDING ISBN 978-602-17891-7-9

5) Antithesis
Antithesis is a figure of speech that is visible from two words placed in the
opposite sense in one place.
6) Irony
Irony is a figure of speech which features an opposition of the meaning of the
7) Symbol
Symbol intended for a matter that is used to replace other things a broader

c. Rhyme
Rhyme is defined as a form of repetition of sounds in these lines of poetry. Rhyme
is divided into three types, namely: End Rhyme, median and front rhyme.

d. Rhythm
Rhythm is an intrinsic element of poetry that only comes when a poem was
read.Rhythm is a tone that appears when poetry was sung.

3. Findings and Discussion

Allusion is a style that uses words or names in the bible that is inserted in the poem
with a specific purpose and reason.
1) Theme
Themes (sense) is the main idea of the poem, either express or implied.
2) Mandate
Mandate (intention) or the message is something to convey the poet through his/her
3) Tone
Tone is the attitude of the poet to the reader, such as humility, patronizing, dictate,
persuasive, and others.
4) Taste
Taste or touch feeling emotional is the writing in the form of satisfaction, surprise,
sadness, anger or another.


PROSIDING ISBN 978-602-17891-7-9

5) Feeling
Feeling is the attitude of the author of the theme (subject matter) in his poem, for
example, sympathetic, consistent, happy, sad, disappointed, and others.
6) Diction
Diction is the choice of words used to express feelings in poetry.
Akulirik is a character I (poet) in poetry.

Extrinsic Elements of poetry

Extrinsic Elements of poetry is a supporting element of poetry that comes from outside
the work of poetry created. Extrinsic Elements of poetry was instrumental in the analysis of a
poem. Without using the approach on the extrinsic elements of the poem, analysts will have
difficulty in determining the reason and purpose of a poem is created. Some elements of
extrinsic poem are like: author biography, social background, religion, and education of the
author, and social circumstances at the time the poem was made.
In essence, extrinsic element in poetry is no different with extrinsic elements
contained in the other literary works such as prose and drama.
For Example:
In Memory of you
By: Marie calrine
The soft voice with a story book in her hand
Always present in every night
The moon brighter to overcast my eyes
To keep me in dark of night
The forehead kisses
Give the last touches when I asleep
When I open my eyes
I feel,,just in night, I hear the soft voice of you
You are the sunlightin my day
You are the one that makes trouble be gone
You are the words inside my song
You are the eyes that help me to see
She was there,,,,,
The wind brings her soul in far away


PROSIDING ISBN 978-602-17891-7-9

I was alone to keep my sweet memories

Clotted longing through your shadow
We can analysis of poetry “Inmemory of you”
Intrinsic Element:
a. Theme : The sadness memory of childhood (it seen in the last stanza)
“She was there,,,
The wind brings her soul in far away
I was alone to keep my sweet memories
Clotted longing through your shadow”
This stanza describes about someone’s feeling that he is very sad with his life
b. Atmosphere: Sad and disappearance
In the second and last stanza, the lines elaborate to the reader that in the poem,
someone feel sad and disappearance when he still child, his mother always exist to
him but now it is only in her sweet memory
c. Intention: of this poetry is that the author wants to express his sadness and longing for
his mother whom was gone forever.
d. Image
Image is a form of imagination described by the authors to be internalized by readers
with vision, hearing, smell, touch and feeling.
- Sight Imagery:
The moon brighter to overcast my eyes
To keep me in dark of night

You are the sunlight in my day

You are the one that makes trouble be gone
You are the words inside my song
You are the eyes that help me to see

Clotted longing through your shadow

-The feeling Imagery:
I feel,,, just in night, I hear the soft voice of you
Clotted longing through your shadow


PROSIDING ISBN 978-602-17891-7-9

e. Rhyme
Rhyme is contained at the beginning, middle, and at the end of line. In this poem,
there are contain two kind of rhyme. It has seen in the first and in the second of
stanza. The both of them have the same pattern, namely: a-b-c-b

The soft voice with a story book in her hand

Always present in every night
The moon brighter to overcast my eyes
To keep me in dark of night

The forehead kisses

Give the last touches when I asleep
When I open my eyes
I feel,,,,just in night, I hear the soft voice of you

f. Diction or choice of words

Diction or choice of words is an important element in writing a poem, choice of words,
doesn’t mean cutting down the sentences, but it must be clear in conveying meaning.
On the line below tell us that the author feel that his mother is really a precious person
in his life

You are the sunlight in my day

You are the one that make trouble be gone
You are the words inside my song
You are the eyes that help me to see

On the line below tell us that the author fell so lonely and missed his mother so much
I was alone to keep my sweet memories
Clotted longing through your shadow

g. Rhythm
Rhythm is an intrinsic element of poetry that only comes when a poem was read.
Rhythm is a tone that appears when poetry was sung. In this poem, the pronunciation
tend to be soft, because it seems from the words used in this poem.


PROSIDING ISBN 978-602-17891-7-9

h. Figure of speech
Figure of speech is style of language. In this poem, contain several kinds of figure of
speech, that is :
Paradox : Paradox is a figure of speech that shows the contradiction between two
things. Paradox is a picture of contradiction will be a thing ( as distinct from reality,
with real meaning)

The moon brighter to overcast my eyes

To keep me in dark of night

In that line there is a contradictory between “brighter” and “overcast”. It just

reveals of imagination of the writer that something brighter is contradict with
Dramatic Irony: Irony is a figure of speech which features an opposition of the
meaning of the word. There are three forms of irony, namely: verbal irony, dramatic
irony, and the irony of situation.
The discrepancy is not between what the speaker says and what the speaker
meansbut it is between what the speaker says and what the poem means. This poetry
contains dramatic irony that which tell us that the poem described about tragedy in
past time, the memory of person who loved his mother and now its become the sweet
memories because he was pass away. We can look at the line below:
The forehead kisses
Give the last touches when I asleep
When I open my eyes
I feel,,,just in night, I hear the soft voice of

She was there,,,

The wind brings her soul in far away
I was alone to keep my sweet memories
Clotted longing through your shadow

For those stanza describe about the sadness condition where the someone
feel disappearance his mother and now just in his memory


PROSIDING ISBN 978-602-17891-7-9

Situational irony
Situational irony is a style employed when the author creates a situation and
leads the reader to belive that a certain ending is expected, when the actual ending is
completely in contrast.
In this part there’s an irony refers to the contrast between what is expected
and what actually occurs. Those describe the happiness inside the sadnessof in
memory of you, because in first stanza was described about the happiness of child
who in every night in every day mother always present to give the smooth love but it is
not in long time.
You are sunlight in my day
You are the one that makes trouble be gone
You are the words inside my song
You are the eyes that help me to see
She was there,,,,,
The wind brings her soul in far away
I was alone to keep my sweet memories
Clotted longing through your shadow

i. Point of view
Within writing this poem, the writer uses view point 3rd person and the 1st person,
namely “You” and “i”
You are sunlight in my day
You are the one that makes trouble be gone
You are the words inside my song
You are the eyes that help me to see
I feel,,just in night, I hear the soft voice of you
The wind brings her soul in far away

4. Conclusion
English is an international language. It is used by the people inthe world to
communicate and make relationship with other people from diffrent place and language.
English is also an important language used as a mean to develop science, culture, art, and
relationship among other especially english study "the poetry as the art of


PROSIDING ISBN 978-602-17891-7-9

apprehending and interpreting ideas by the faculty of imagination; the art of idealizing in
thought and in expression. For poetry is the blossom and the fragrance of all human
knowledge, human thoughts, human passions, emotions, language." Many poets have
attempted to define poetry; however, a brief overview of poetry history may help us to have a
more rounded understanding. From the conclusions above, the writer would like tosuggest
some points particularly extended to the English teachers, students and other researchersFor
English teachers and studentssuggestions can be offered for improving in analysis of poetr
First, to improve the teaching and learning of analysis of poetry bacause the poetry as one of
them literary work Second, to maintain attention and to aid students in learning of poety.

5. References
Aminuddin. 2013. Pengantar Apresiasi Karya Sastra.Malang. Sinar Baru Algensindo

Barnet & Berman. 1989. An Introduction to Literature: fiction, Poetry, Drama; third edition.

Hornby, As. 1987. Oxford Advanced Learners, dictionary of Current English. New Jersey: Oxford
University Press

Nasir, 2001. Pengantar Karya Sastra. Palembang: Grasindo

Perrine, Laurence. 1991. An Introduction of Poetry: Sound and Sense.Oxford University Press



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