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Science Yard Tutorials

XII Class Test 1 Mathematics

Inverse Trigonometry

Timing: 11:15 AM to 12:15 PM Total Marks: 10

Mathematics[10 marks]

1. Can there be any θ for which sin(θ)=2? If Yes Why,If Not Why Not ? Find the
range of cosec−1 (x) and cot−1 x. [0.5+0.5=1]

2. Evaluate Each of the following:[1+1]

• sec−1 (− √23 )

• tan−1 3 − sec−1 (−2) + cosec−1 √23

3. Which of the following expressions are correct ?[1]

• tan(tan− 1(1))=1
• tan−1 tan(5)=5

4. Prove that tan 2 tan−1 1
= 5

5. Prove that: sec2 (tan−1 2) + cosec2 (cot−1 3) = 15 [2]

6. Write the value of:[1] (any two)

• cos−1 cos 5π
• cos−1 (cos 6).
n  o
• sin π
− sin −1 − 21

7. If 4 sin−1 x + cos−1 x = π then what is the value of x ? [1]

Best wishes
Science Yard Tutorials
XII Class Test 1 Physics

Timing: 10:30 AM to 11:15 AM Total Marks: 10

Physics[10 marks]

1. What is quantization of electric charge?Who and by which experiment established

quantization of electric charge? [1]

2. State one difference and similairty between Coulomb’s law and Newton’s law of
gravitation ?[1]

3. Derive an expression for the electric field at any point on the axial line of an electric
field.Compare the r dependence of electric field of an electric dipole to
point charge.[2+1]

4. Establish Principle of Superposition of N electric charges i.e Find an expression of

net force on charge Q1 due to remaining N-1 charges ( Q2 ,Q3 ,...Qn ).[2]

5. Two identical charges,Q each are kept at a distance r from each other.A third charge
q is placed on the line joining above two charges such that all the three charges are
in equilibrium.What is magnitude,sign and position of the charge q? [3]

Best wishes

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