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Volume 1
Section 2: National Mobilization and Training

Louis H. Freund Entering Camp

National mobilization requires turning large numbers of civilians into fit-to-fight military personnel and doing it
quickly. The problems in disease control and injury prevention are immense, and their solutions are vital if trainees
are to be kept on schedule.

Art: Courtesy of US Center of Military History, Washington, DC.

Medical Threat Assessment

Chapter 11




The Population at Risk
Information Sources

Battle Injuries
Nonbattle Injuries
Environmental Injuries
Psychological Stress
Infectious Disease







Military Preventive Medicine: Mobilization and Deployment, Volume 1

B. P. Petruccelli, Lieutenant Colonel, Medical Corps, US Army; Director, Epidemiology & Disease Surveillance, US Army Center
for Health Promotion and Preventive Medicine, 5158 Blackhawk Road, Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD 21010-5403
B. L. Smoak, Colonel, Medical Corps, US Army; Director, Division of Tropical Public Health, Department of Preventive Medicine
and Biometrics, Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, 4301 Jones Bridge Road, Bethesda, MD 20814-4799

Medical Threat Assessment


Medical threat has been defined as “the compos- Commanders must know what measures to take
ite of all ongoing or potential enemy actions and to protect their personnel from DNBI. A good assess-
environmental conditions that will reduce combat ment will identify medical threats that can decrease
effectiveness through wounding, injuring, causing the fighting force by lowering fighting effectiveness
disease or performance degradation.”1(p2) During and causing morbidity and mortality. Specific coun-
preparation for deployment, it is critical that com- termeasures can then be identified to reduce or elimi-
manders at strategic and operational levels acquire nate these threats. The threat assessment is a dynamic
an estimate of the medical threat for the mission. process. After the initial information is obtained and
Chapter 1 reviews the concepts of medical threat as- countermeasures instituted, the assessment must be
sessment, medical threat estimate, and the impact continually evaluated during and after the operation
of the medical threat on commanders’ operational to ensure that the preventive measures are working
plans. This chapter will describe the generic ele- and to identify new threats before significant casual-
ments of a medical threat assessment in the ties can occur. Typically, a threat assessment is devel-
predeployment phase, but as it is within a textbook oped when military personnel are sent to a foreign
emphasizing the preventive medicine aspects of country, but this step is just as important when those
military operations, it will not address estimating servicemembers train in the United States. Medical ca-
enemy force projection and weapons capabilities or sualties can occur from infectious agents and environ-
planning the countermeasures to these intentional, mental elements, such as heat and cold, in the United
hostile sources of harm. Instead, the following dis- States as well as abroad. Although it is not possible to
cussion focuses on the disease and nonbattle injury fully predict disease and injury rates before a deploy-
(DNBI) component of the medical threat. ment, the assessment is used to guide medical policy.


Accurately identifying threats depends on know- activities that are predicted to occur. Table 11-1 lists
ing basic information that answers four essential more specific questions to be considered in a threat
questions: Who? What? When? and Where? Figure assessment. The variable “who” (ie, the population)
11-1 illustrates how these questions correspond to merits brief elaboration here.
the traditional epidemiologic triads of host-agent-
environment and person-place-time. “What” refers The Population at Risk
to the nature of the operation itself and the related
Clearly defining the “who”—the group or popula-
tion at risk—is the first step in developing a medical
threat assessment. Generally, assessments are per-
Person . . . . . . Who? Host formed at the operational level, and the entire de-
(activities) ployed force is treated as a single group. All threats
What? in the area of operation are considered, but not all sub-
groups of personnel have the same risk of exposure
Time . . . . . . . . When? to each of the threats. For example, soldiers having
(and for how Time close contact with the indigenous population, such
long?) as military police or Special Forces teams, have a much
different risk for particular diseases (eg, tuberculo-
Place . . . . . . . Where? Environment Agent sis) than soldiers lacking that exposure. Sometimes,
US medical officers may be asked to consider the in-
Fig. 11-1. This conceptual drawing shows the interde- digenous population as the group at risk. For example,
pendent relationships among principal factors inducing a during Operation Uphold Democracy in 1994, there
disease or injury. A host population and its activities was initial concern that United Nations peacekeep-
encounter injurious agents in a given environment, during
ing forces could bring chloroquine-resistant Plasmo-
a specific time (eg, of day, of year) and for a specific dura-
tion. The synchronization or convergence of these factors dium falciparum to the island of Hispaniola. Clearly,
determines the probability of injury and its magnitude identifying the population to be protected is a pre-
in individuals or across groups. requisite to developing a medical threat assessment.

Military Preventive Medicine: Mobilization and Deployment, Volume 1

TABLE 11-1

Factors Examples

Person Factors
Number Total population in the area of operations
Demography Age, sex, culture
Health status Medical history, current condition, immunity (eg, vaccinations,
prior exposures)
Psychosocial Psychological stress, sleep deprivation, desynchronosis, morale
Training Combat, survival, physical, military occupational, hygiene
Equipment Personal protection (eg, clothing, footwear, repellent)
Activity Operation (eg, movement, work-rest cycles), occupation (eg,
chemical, biological, physical, ergonomic), recreation
(especially sports injuries, contact with water), behaviors
(especially hygiene, sexuality, risk-taking)
Place Factors
Global position Latitude: arctic, temperate, tropical; longitude: Americas,
Africa-Mediterranean, Asia, East Asia-Pacific
Development and stability Sanitation, industrialization, waste management, vector control,
stability food and water supplies, medical facilities
Terrain Desert (eg, sand and dust, navigation), mountain (eg, altitude,
energy expenditure), rain forest (eg, vectors, immersion), urban
vs. rural setting
Climate Temperature (hot vs. cold), relative humidity (wet vs. dry),
Biomass Flora (eg, natural food supply, toxic plants, movement
inhibition), fauna (eg, disease vectors and reservoirs, venomous
Enclosures Tentage, buildings, aircraft, ships, small vessels, vehicles,
Agent Factors
Pathogens Prevalence, infectivity, virulence, resistance (to immunity,
Vectors Vector control measures applied by deploying force
Equipment Passive safety devices in vehicles and equipment
Time Factors
Year Long-cycle variables (eg, pandemics)
Season Seasonal or climate-dependent variables (eg, dry season and
meningococcal disease, rainy season and malaria)
Time of day Diurnally variable vectors, night safety, temperatures
Duration Increased cumulative risk from longer stays

Once this is established, the other basic information Information Sources

of what, when, and where should be obtained. Infor-
mation needed includes the planned activities of the The next step in developing a threat assessment is
group, the expected time and duration of the opera- to identify the potential threats themselves. Table 11-2
tion, and a more precise geographic location of the lists the principal military and civilian sources of per-
area of operation (see Table 11-1). tinent information. An example of the depth of infor-

Medical Threat Assessment

TABLE 11-2

Organization or Agency Product Example

Armed Forces Medical Intelligence Medical Environmental Disease Intelligence and Counter
Center, Fort Detrick, Md measures (MEDIC) CD-ROM
Defense Pest Management Information Disease Vector Ecology Profiles (DVEP)
Analysis Center, Silver Spriing, Md
US Army Center for Health Promotion and Surveillance data
Preventive Medicine, Aberdeen Proving
Ground, Md, and subordinate units in
Japan and Europe

US Navy Environmental Health Center, Disease Risk Assessment Profiles (DISRAP), surveillance
Norfolk, Va, and Navy Environmental data
Preventive Medicine Units in Pearl
Harbor, San Diego, Norfolk, and Sicily
US Army Medical Research and Materiel Research reports
Command, Fort Detrick, Md, and
overseas laboratories in Thailand and
US Navy Medical Research Command, Research reports
Bethesda, Md, and overseas laboratories
in Indonesia, Peru, and Egypt

World Health Organization, Geneva, Weekly Epidemiologic Record
Switzerland, and Washington, DC
Pan American Health Organization and
Caribbean Epidemiology Centre
US Centers for Disease Control and Health Information for International Travel
Prevention, Atlanta, Ga
National Library of Medicine, Bethesda, Md MEDLINE and other literature retrieval systems
US Department of State, Washington, DC Travelers’ Advisories, Background Notes

Ministries of Health of nations in region of Ad hoc reports

Universities with overseas activities Ad hoc reports
Medical publishers, electronic conferences Textbooks, handbooks, travel web sites, consultants
medicine software programs, ProMED Mail (NY State
Dept of Health)

mation available from these sources is the exten- Center (Fort Detrick, Md) produces timely, detailed
sive database on country-specific flora and fauna, reports of country-specific environmental, infec-
including the arthropod vectors of militarily impor- tious disease, and other health risks of military op-
tant diseases, maintained by the Defense Pest Man- erational importance. It draws its information from
agement Information Analysis Center (Silver multiple sources, including official, international re-
Spring, Md). The Armed Forces Medical Intelligence ports of health, morbidity, and mortality; published

Military Preventive Medicine: Mobilization and Deployment, Volume 1

scientific studies; and validated reports from the lay for 10% or less of the actual number of cases that
press. can be identified in a given geographic area through
The Internet, both through the World Wide Web intensive surveys. Even in industrialized countries,
and electronic mail services, offers countless pos- where compliance with public health notification re-
sible sources of international health and safety in- quirements tends to be better than in less-developed
formation. A useful example is the Program for countries, published communicable disease rates
Monitoring Emerging Diseases (ProMED), a free should be at least doubled to reflect actual occurrence.2
electronic mail conference through SatelLife and Exhibit 11-1 lists some of the main factors contribut-
HealthNet, which reaches participants throughout ing to the nonreliability of risk information.
the world. Through this medium, epidemiologists As a rule, published reports are more reliable quan-
and medical scientists can immediately report titatively when they are describing significant epidem-
emerging or reemerging problems in specific geo- ics or when the disease in question is distinct in its
graphic areas. rarity, severity, or the reliability and relative simplic-
Not listed in Table 11-2 but also important are ity with which a laboratory test can detect its pres-
institutions that house military history resources; ence. Reporting also tends to be more complete from
recent, peacetime data are best extrapolated in the regions where modern medical facilities are available
context of past military operations in a comparable and where there are no barriers to either medical care
environment. Valuable collections may be accessed or disease reporting2. It should be remembered that
at the Center for Military History (Fort McNair, many of the geographic areas to which the US mili-
Washington, DC), the Uniformed Services Univer- tary deploys have had years of civil strife and lack an
sity of the Health Sciences (Bethesda, Md), the Na- adequate infrastructure to obtain current, accurate
tional Library of Medicine (Bethesda, Md), and the medical information. Thus an absence of information
individual services medical doctrinal centers (Army does not necessarily mean there is an absence of threat.
Medical Department Center and School, San Anto-
nio, Tex; Naval School of Health Sciences, Bethesda,
Md; Air Force School of Aerospace Medicine, San
Antonio, Tex). Information is sometimes available
from past deployments and from special assessment EXHIBIT 11-1
teams, such as those that might be part of the ad-
vanced party for a particular deployment. Other
governmental agencies can also provide useful in-
formation. For example, the National Institutes of
Health have active research projects in several for-
eign countries. Nongovernmental sources, such as Reporting Factors
missionaries or nongovernmental humanitarian Nonreportable diseases
organizations, can often provide current informa- Variable reporting criteria
tion about health threats in the countries in which Underreporting
Lack of communications
they serve. A review of the scientific literature is
Reporting biases
extremely helpful. Note that disease and injury oc- Data Collection Factors
currence in native populations differs from that Biased studies
which might be expected among expatriates. Infec- Variable denominator
tious disease rates in the indigenous pediatric popu- Variable diagnostic capability
lation of an underdeveloped country may be the Social, Geographic Factors
best model of expected disease risk in military per- Borders that are political or economic, not ecological
sonnel arriving from a developed country. Those Cultural adaptation to endemic disease
servicemembers, unlike the indigenous adults, lack Disease Factors
Inapparent infections
immunity to diseases that are usually acquired early
Long latencies
in life in underdeveloped areas. Importations
Regardless of its source, information should be Variable immunization
carefully assessed for quality and completeness. It Disease periodicity
is rare, however, for any dataset or statement about Secular trends
health risks to accurately reflect the actual risks to Variable persistence of agents, vectors, reservoirs
be faced by deploying personnel. Typically, for ex- Agent adaptation
ample, reported rates of infectious diseases account

Medical Threat Assessment


Potential threats to health can be divided into and ectoparasites. Nonliving hazards include con-
cause-effect categories as follows: (a) battle injuries, ditions such as heat, cold, dust, altitude, and pollu-
(b) nonbattle injuries, (c) environmental injuries, (d) tion. The buildup of industrial waste, whether
psychological stress, and (e) infectious diseases. chemical or radioactive, in many countries has been
Table 11-3 presents a summary of these. uncontrolled and is difficult to quantitate as a health
risk. The potential effects on personnel of inadvert-
Battle Injuries ent exposure to environmental and industrial haz-
ards range from the chronic and subclinical to the
Producing an estimate of combat casualties, acute and lethal. As is true with infectious diseases,
while extremely important to medical planning, is there are intoxications that are “battle-stoppers”
not primarily a task of medical personnel. Likewise, when acute effects predominate (eg, respiratory ir-
the prevention of combat wounds is in the purview ritants in severe air pollution) and those that have
of military tactics and not preventive medicine. It little or no impact on operational effectiveness but
should be noted, however, that these injuries have may affect individuals over time (eg, adverse re-
accounted for an increasing proportion of total productive effects of a potent mutagen).
mortality during wars as the sophistication and le-
thality of weapon systems has rapidly increased. Psychological Stress
At the same time, the sophistication of countermea-
sures to DNBI has also increased, accounting for The importance of mental health in deployments
fewer dramatic disease outbreaks and fewer trans- is easily underestimated, partly because the real
portation catastrophes during military operations. stresses of war can be neither reproduced nor simu-
Nevertheless, DNBI remains the most likely cause lated during even the most realistic training exer-
of morbidity among deployed military personnel cises. Ignoring the probability of psychological
and has the potential to cause a large number of trauma, though, will almost surely have a major
casualties, particularly during prolonged missions. adverse impact on the health of the command. Such
However, medical readiness should not focus solely stresses as the absence of family and friends, un-
on the category or source of a particular threat. For certainties of personal safety, loss of privacy, new
example, an early medical response to mass casu- job requirements, and unresolved personal prob-
alties takes precedence over determining hostile lems are to be expected during major deployments,
versus nonhostile cause. Likewise the potential for even if there are no hostilities. These stresses sig-
enemy use of chemical or biological agents cannot nificantly increase the risk of inappropriate behav-
be ignored when planning for medical countermea- ior, anxiety disorders, depression, suicidal ideation,
sures (eg, vaccinations) to toxic or infectious threats. suicide, and homicide among deployed personnel.
During hostilities, these behavioral shifts are fur-
Nonbattle Injuries ther aggravated by the acute and delayed effects of
combat stress, loss of companions, and friendly fire
Nonbattle injuries include those that result from incidents.
aircraft, watercraft, or motor vehicle crashes, unin-
tended fires or explosions, unsafe operation of Infectious Disease
heavy equipment, improper lifting of excessive
weight, slips, trips, falls, and collisions during ac- Throughout human history, infectious diseases
tivities such as construction, bivouacking, and have caused the largest number of nonbattle casu-
sports. Human risk factors include alcohol use, pre- alties. Critical to the thoroughness and accuracy of
scribed or self-administered drug ingestion, inad- medical threat assessments is an understanding of
equate sleep, and time zone shift. the basic epidemiology of significant human infec-
tions, including their modes of transmission and
Environmental Injuries incubation periods, and the global distribution of
geographically specific agents. In addition to the
Environmental hazards exist in every theater and relevant, disease-specific sections of this textbook,
can be divided into living and non-living threats. there are numerous excellent textbooks and manu-
Living environmental hazards include venomous als available that permit a rapid review of all of
snakes and arthropods, poisonous plants and fishes, these facts for any of the important human pathogens.

Military Preventive Medicine: Mobilization and Deployment, Volume 1

TABLE 11-3

Mode of Transmission or
Etiological Group Effects of Agents

Battle-related Injuries
Small arms Trauma from low and high velocity
bullets, bayonets
Fragmentation ordnance Trauma from artillery, mortars, bombs,
rockets, grenades, mines
Blast effect munitions Injuries from fuel-air explosives, blasts
Flame and incendiary munitions Burns from napalm, white phosphorus
Directed-energy devices Injuries from lasers, charged-particle
beams, radio frequency
Chemical warfare agents Toxicosis or tissue injury by cyanides,
nerve agents, lung toxicants, vesicants,
incapacitating agents, lacrimators,
sternutators, vomiting agents
Biological warfare agents Bacterial or viral disease; intoxication
by bacterial, marine, fungal, plant, or
venom toxins

Nonbattle Injuries
Unintentional Injuries from transportation,
machinery, noise, fires, explosions,
falls, sports, drowning, poisoning
Intentional Homicide, suicide

Environmental Injuries
Temperature Heat stroke, immersion foot, frostbite, hypothermia
Solar radiation Sunburn, photokeratitis
Altitude Mountain sickness, pulmonary edema, cerebral edema
Plants Dermatitis, toxic ingestion
Animals Envenomation, bite wounds
Natural disasters and storms Trauma, asphyxia, lightning strike

Psychological Stress
Battle (Combat Stress Casualty) Battle fatigue, combat and post-traumatic stress disorders
Nonbattle (Operational Stress Casualty) Desynchronosis, depression, anxiety disorders, violence

Respiratory Meningitis, pneumonia, influenza

Fecal-oral Diarrhea, typhoid fever, hepatitis
Arthropod-borne Malaria, leishmaniasis, dengue
Soilborne, waterborne Hookworm, schistosomiasis
Human contact Sexually transmitted diseases
Animal contact Q fever, brucellosis, rabies

Medical Threat Assessment

Arthropod-borne diseases, such as malaria, coccus as a dominant organism since there is cur-
arboviral fevers, leishmaniasis, and rickettsioses, rently no licensed vaccine for it. The benefit of these
have the potential to infect a large number of per- vaccines very likely extends to overseas missions
sonnel and cause severe morbidity and mortality. as well.
Diseases that are transmitted by the fecal-oral route Sexually transmissible and bloodborne patho-
have also caused significant casualties in military gens (eg, gonococci, treponemes, hepatitis B virus)
forces3–5. Included in this category are the secretory and pathogens transmitted by contact with soil (eg,
and inflammatory enteritides that can manifest as hookworm, strongyloides), water (eg, schistosoma,
severe diarrhea; the etiologic agents of these may leptospira), and animals (eg, brucella, coxiella, ra-
be protozoal (eg, Giardia, Entamoeba), bacterial (eg, bies virus) have a wide range of virulence and of
Escherichia coli, shigellae, salmonellae, vibrios), or latency between infection and disease. Soil-trans-
viral (eg, caliciviruses, rotaviruses). Other enterically mitted helminths often cause subclinical infection,
transmitted agents produce syndromes in which while rabies is universally fatal to the unimmunized.
diarrhea is not a primary manifestation. Among Leptospirosis, an acute systemic illness, can make
these, typhoid fever and hepatitis A have the great- personnel noneffective but full recovery without
est potential for battle-stopping casualties if sequelae is typical, while syphilis is rarely disabling
servicemembers are not appropriately immunized. during its acute phase but can be severely disabling
A variety of helminthiases are also transmissible by over the lifetime of individual patients. An epide-
ingestion but would rarely be expected to cause sig- miologic characteristic that most of these agents
nificant epidemics in the military setting. share is that their potential for causing operation-
Diseases that are transmitted by the respiratory ally significant epidemics involving large numbers
route, either through secretions or as airborne par- of servicemembers is generally quite low. Still, the
ticles, have historically been of greatest significance cumulative effect on clusters of individuals or rela-
during basic training and not in the deployed set- tively small, high-risk groups (eg, Special Forces
ting. Even today, streptococcal and viral respiratory units) could have a significant impact if enough
infections are mainly training camp hazards. How- persons are symptomatic during the critical phase
ever, the impact of respiratory pathogens on combat of a mission.
effectiveness may be underestimated because large, A country’s public health infrastructure and the
etiologically specific outbreaks have not often been availability of basic medical care to its population
identified while US forces are overseas. Medical sur- have an immeasurable impact on the level of dis-
veillance data during large exercises and recent op- ease and injury risks among nonindigenous person-
erations reveal that acute upper respiratory infec- nel that occupy or reside in the country. Risks must
tions are a common reason for seeking medical care be assessed from the standpoint of outcomes (eg,
among deployed troops. Rates have been higher disease and injury rates, antibody seroprevalences)
among personnel housed in fixed facilities (versus and existing controls (eg, quality and distribution
tents)4 and among those afloat in smaller vessels of water supply, waste management, safety stan-
(versus aircraft carriers)6. Universal use of menin- dards, disease case finding and treatment). Further-
gococcal and influenza vaccines among basic train- more, whatever the available outcome data docu-
ees has nearly eliminated the diseases of greatest mented for a specific area, it can be assumed that
severity during basic training, although the poten- war or natural disaster will have disrupted both the
tial remains for reemergence of group B meningo- ecology and any industrial base.


Creating a list of all possible injuries and diseases Reducing the complexity of risk analysis to the two-
that can affect personnel during the deployment is dimensional categorization illustrated in Figure 11-2
rarely helpful. A comprehensive list of possible risks can be helpful. Forming the axes of a four-quadrant
for any given deployment is typically too long to table are (a) the likelihood that particular types of in-
be of practical value and can impede the medical jury or disease will occur among personnel in the area
staff officer’s effort to focus the commander’s at- of operations and (b) the potential for epidemic or
tention on the most important countermeasures. mass-casualty presentation of the problem, which may
Thus prioritization of the threat is one of the most be viewed as the population-level equivalent of acute-
critical steps in the entire assessment process. ness. Events for which both of these are high (quad-

Military Preventive Medicine: Mobilization and Deployment, Volume 1

Probability of Occurrence sion. For these units, arboviral fever prevention and
High Low treatment may be given the highest priority.
One of the most important determinants of epi-
Potential for High I II demic or mass-casualty potential is the rapidity
Epidemics or Mass with which a particular event is expected to occur
Casualties Low III IV once a unit is in a position of risk for that event once
they are exposed. In the context of infectious risks,
this translates into the incubation period or latency.
Fig. 11-2. The projected impact of diseases, nonbattle Short-latency conditions (2 weeks or less) are signifi-
injuries, and combat stress casualties on military opera- cantly more likely to disrupt operations. The incuba-
tions is determined by two principal likelihoods: that of tion period in these cases varies little among exposed
occurrence in the first place and that of causing multiple individuals, so events tend to occur nearly simulta-
casualties within a relatively narrow time window. This neously among large numbers of servicemembers (for
categorical illustration simplifies the continuous distri- common-source exposures) or propagate over a rela-
bution that these two probabilities, when multiplied,
tively short period (for conditions spread from per-
might produce for any given type of casualty. During op-
erations planning, assignment of important, predicted ca- son to person). Thus diarrhea, while rarely serious in
sualties to two or more of these four quadrants is one way any individual, is likely to have a greater impact on
to prioritize countermeasures and limit the detail of com- the maneuver phase of an operation than schistoso-
mand briefings, annexes, and rapid educational material. miasis, even though it is likely to be a serious infec-
tion in those affected. This contrast holds true even
if both of these conditions derived from a single,
rant I) must be reflected in the operational plan simultaneous exposure among hundreds of person-
(OPLAN) and briefed as the significant threat (see nel. Many events may be assigned a low priority
chapter 13, Preventive Medicine and the Opera- because nearly all servicemembers are resistant to
tional Plan). Less likely events deserve consideration them. For example, some infectious diseases are
in medical planning if they have the potential for af- unlikely to manifest because of widespread immu-
fecting large numbers of personnel simultaneously nity acquired through immunization (eg, typhoid,
within operational units (quadrant II). Events strik- yellow fever) or natural disease (eg, varicella).
ing individuals in a sporadic fashion will generally The prioritization of medical threats also de-
not require special consideration by medical planners pends on how successful countermeasures are
and logisticians, even though they may be quite likely likely to be during the deployment. In turn, the
to occur (quadrant III). Nevertheless, treatment and success of preventive measures in lowering DNBI
evacuation capabilities in the theater should be pre- rates depends on the degree to which personnel
pared for these expected events. have been trained in these measures, on command
Within each quadrant, it is useful to prioritize emphasis and directives, and on the tactical situa-
predicted events further, giving greatest weight to tion. During the early stages of a deployment or in
events that are most likely to occur and to adversely combat, personnel must often rely solely on indi-
affect military operations. For example, if a battal- vidual prophylactic and preventive measures. This
ion based in the continental United States is deploy- will work only if they have been adequately trained
ing to a tropical area in February, heat casualties and that training is enforced routinely by the lead-
and arboviral fevers would probably be considered ers of small units. In a more stable tactical situa-
first quadrant events. Further prioritization might tion, environmental controls can be instituted, such
then depend on the timing of planned operations. For as area spraying with insecticides for vector con-
units expected to engage in battle soon after arrival, trol. Developing a medical threat assessment for a
heat casualty prevention and treatment would be given operation is actually an art that balances the
given top priority. Those expected to undergo a likelihood of any given disease or injury against the
gradual build-up or remain in a defensive posture for probability that countermeasures will prevent the
a period of weeks will acclimatize, and any heat inju- disease or injury and against the expected impact
ries that do occur will have little impact on the mis- of this casualty type on the operation.


To understand the challenges and limitations pre- number of DNBI casualties in a particular opera-
sented by any attempt to estimate the anticipated tion, it is useful to consider a theoretical, idealized

Medical Threat Assessment

model. The chance that a soldier, sailor, Marine, or correlated with actual casualty data. Models have
airman will suffer DNBI during a mission is the been developed for predicting battle casualties, but
function of a baseline probability (b0), unrelated to estimates derived from applying those models to
the deployment, plus the sum of numerous factors actual operations have often failed to approximate
(xi), each multiplied by its own probability coeffi- observed outcomes. Some experts have advocated
cient (bi): the application of historical data to specific sce-
narios while adjusting for expected battle intensi-
PR(DNBI) = b0 + b1x1 + b2x2 + b3x3 + … bixi ties and other variables in a very general way, with-
out detailed formulae. Given the complexity of hu-
Multiplying the probability of DNBI by the total man, environmental, and other factors influencing
number of military personnel taking part in the mis- force health, this same argument can certainly be
sion will deliver the total number of casualties not made for prediction of DNBI.
directly resulting from combat. The factors may vary In 1996, the Army Medical Department Center
by time and place. For example, if x2 represents am- and School convened a subject-matter expert panel
bient temperatur—which directly affects the likeli- to develop estimates of DNBI hospitalization rates
hood of heat injuries, cold injuries, and other adverse for the major contingency areas—namely, for a ma-
health events—it will have different values for dif- jor regional conflict (MRC) in the East (ie, South-
ferent locations, seasons, and times of day. Each of west Asia scenario) and for an MRC in the West (ie,
the other factors is represented by another x i. If Korea scenario). A similar panel had been convened
enough data were available from a variety of previ- in 1992, and more consensus meetings are planned
ously completed missions, solving for all of the co- to continue refining the estimates. The 1996 panel
efficients would construct a predictive model. members considered historical data from World War
Multifactorial, mathematical models to predict II, the Korean War, the Vietnam War, Operations
disease, NBI, or combat stress casualties have not Desert Shield and Desert Storm, and deployment
been applied in practice. Models to predict out- experiences over the previous 5 years. They were
comes from specific physiologic stresses, such as assisted by decision support software. Projected
heat,7,8 have been described, but these have not been rates were determined as medians of members’ es-

TABLE 11-4

Area of Operations Intensity of Conflict

Expected Disease Rates, MRC† East (Southwest Asia)

None Light Moderate Heavy Intense
Division 0.60 1.62 2.13 2.51 2.89
Corps 0.59 1.32 1.69 1.96 2.15
COMMZ† 0.45 0.50 0.53 0.56 0.59
Expected Disease Rates, MRC† West (Korea)
Division 0.73 1.68 2.16 2.59 3.02
Corps 0.68 1.35 1.69 2.04 2.38
COMMZ‡ 0.45 0.49 0.51 0.53 0.55
Expected Nonbattle Injury Rates, MRC† East and West (Combined)
Division 0.15 0.32 0.65 0.80 1.00
Corps 0.15 0.25 0.50 0.60 0.70
COMMZ‡ 0.13 0.13 0.14 0.15 0.16

* The rates are per 1,000 personnel per day.

†Major Regional Conflict

Communications zone
Source: An expert panel convened at the US Army Medical Department Center and School, Fort Sam Houston, Tex: 1996.

Military Preventive Medicine: Mobilization and Deployment, Volume 1

in rates between moderate combat and no

EXHIBIT 11-2 combat. Rates for heavy combat equal ap-
proximately the mean between moderate
CASUALTIES IN MAJOR CONTINGENCY • Limited mobility, and thus greater concen-
AREAS tration of troops within circumscribed ar-
eas, is correlated with higher disease rates
CS rapid return to duty:* (as reflected in data from the Korean War9).
Troop strength 1 : 1,000 • Combat, anticipated combat, and opera-
CSC : Troop strength 0.025 : 1,000 tional stress are likely to degrade emphasis
CSC : Wounded in action 1:8 on prophylactic measures and can have an
adverse effect on immunity.
CSC : Disease 3 : 1,000
• Incidents such as inadvertent provision of
* Initial combat stress presentations that return to duty contaminated food from host-nation or al-
within 3 days; no diagnosis lied sources are unpredictable but can oc-
Source: An expert panel convened at the US Army Medi-
cal Department Center and School, Fort Sam Houston,
cur in any operation.
Tex: 1996. • The baseline medical condition of Reserve
personnel may not be as good as that of Ac-
tive Duty personnel.
• Many NBIs are due to sports and other rec-
timates. Their results are summarized in Table 11- reational activities.
4. A separate panel was convened to consider com- • At least 60% of CSC cases held for treatment
bat stress casualties (CSC) (Exhibit 11-2). Overall at Level 2 (medical companies or clearing
there was consensus on several assumptions and stations) will be returned to duty at that
conclusions regarding prediction of DNBI and CSC: level within 3 days.
• One CSC may be expected for every eight
• Rates depend on where troops are de- wounded in action. (See Exhibit 11-2.)
ployed, troops’ linear position within the
MRC (including distance from communica- Comparison of current estimates and ratios to
tions zone), and operational tempo. historical statistics reveals moderate to marked de-
• NBI rates vary little but disease rates differ creases in predicted rates of disease, NBI, and CSC
between different MRCs. since previous major operations. A common con-
• Rates vary by intensity of combat. (The dif- clusion of both the DNBI and the CSC panels was
ference in rates between moderate and light that improvements in training, leader development,
combat equals one-third of the difference and prevention capabilities account for these drops.


The threat needs to be communicated to (a) com- clearly identified in a briefing or memorandum be-
manders, to assist them in prioritizing the move- fore the medical portion of the OPLAN is written.
ment of specialized personnel and equipment and An example of this might be: “The major DNBI
factor expected casualties into operational planning threats are the extreme heat, mosquito-borne fever
(eg, to consider time of day, season, acclimatization illnesses, contaminated local food sources, and un-
period), (b) medical personnel, to allow them to pre- reliable bottled water. The highest priority
pare mentally and logistically for the conditions should be given to advanced deployment to allow
they can expect to be treating, particularly those that for acclimatization, pretreatment of the BDU with
are considered exotic in the United States, and (c) permethrin and early shipment of deet insect re-
servicemembers, to raise their awareness, help them pellent, rations, and water purification equipment.”
separate facts from myths, and induce them to use Threat and countermeasure information is normally
protective measures. placed in Annex Q of the OPLAN, but it may be ap-
The format of the information, of course, will propriate to insert the most important elements of the
have to be suited to the recipient. For the com- threat into other parts of the plan, including the main
mander, the highest priority threats should be body, where it will be more visible to commanders.

Medical Threat Assessment

For the task force and unit surgeons, technical cards or booklets should be written in clear and eas-
literature should be provided for transmittal to clin- ily understood language and should emphasize the
ics and hospitals (eg, review articles or field manu- most important personal measures (eg, “Using your
als on the prevention and treatment of malaria). For insect repellent can save your life from deadly dis-
the servicemembers, mass-produced educational eases spread by mosquitoes.”).


Threat countermeasures that are instituted during Psychological stresses can be reduced by simple
the predeployment and sustainment phases are dis- actions, such as keeping personnel informed, en-
cussed elsewhere in this textbook. Assuming the best suring mail deliveries, and scheduling recreation
available engineering controls are in place, command time and meals.
emphasis on the enforcement of safety standards is Excellent vaccines have been developed against
the most important countermeasure to nonbattle in- diseases that several decades ago stopped military
juries, and training should be as realistic as possible campaigns. Chemoprophylactic drugs are also
without compromising injury prevention. One impor- available for diseases such as malaria and lep-
tant concept that applies equally to injury avoidance tospirosis. When safe food and water are consumed
and disease control is that of preventive maintenance and proper sanitation and hygiene are maintained,
for the human. Unit cohesiveness, the buddy system, the incidence of diseases transmitted through the
strong morale, fair discipline, personal hygiene, and fecal-oral route will be very low. Similarly, the use
adequate sleep are among the many elements that, of personal protection measures, such as repellent
though difficult to measure objectively, have a posi- and proper wearing of the uniform, will decrease
tive impact on every function of the human machine. the likelihood of arthropod-borne diseases.


A medical threat assessment is an evolving process. ated until 20,000 nonimmune US servicemembers
It serves different functions at different times during were sent to Haiti.
the deployment. Prior to the operation, it is used to Medical assessments must continue even after the
obtain command approval for the necessary preven- force has left the theater. Diseases with long incuba-
tive measures and to initiate appropriate immuniza- tion periods may become apparent only after the
tions. It can also be used to educate the deploying per- servicemembers return home. It was after the first sol-
sonnel about potential medical risks in the theater, as diers and Marines returned to the United States from
well as risks that could occur before deployment. For Operation Restore Hope (Somalia, 1992) and were
example, sexually transmitted diseases and uninten- diagnosed with malaria that medical officers became
tional injuries may increase just prior to deployment, aware of the exposure of hundreds of personnel to
so preventive measures should be instituted. The Plasmodium vivax that may have occurred along the
medical threat assessment must be continued during Jubba River in Somalia. Military physicians should
the deployment. Medical information must be con- seek continuing education experiences that reinforce
tinually gathered and analyzed. Disease and injury their knowledge of geographic medicine so that seri-
surveillance is critical in assessing the health of the ous illnesses acquired by servicemembers during de-
force and the success of the preventive measures ployments are not misdiagnosed.
taken. Disease vectors and reservoirs should also be Finally, assessments should not be made in a
assessed once personnel are in-theater. Outbreaks and vacuum. Many elements of an OPLAN not directly
unusual clinical syndromes should be investigated in- related to preventive medicine are necessary variables
theater to help identify those agents affecting person- in the medical threat equation. Examples of these in-
nel. During the initial weeks of Operation Restore clude the number of personnel deploying, the num-
Democracy (Haiti, 1994–1995), rates of febrile illness ber and types of medical facilities to be established,
among the US forces increased unexpectedly. Dengue and the laboratory diagnostic capabilities that will be
was suspected, and dengue virus was isolated later available. Accounting for as many of these variables
from the blood of several febrile soldiers.10 Although as possible allows the preventive medicine officer to
dengue was known to be present in the Caribbean is- predict the rapidity with which small outbreaks can
lands, the intensity of transmission was not appreci- be interrupted before they become larger.

Military Preventive Medicine: Mobilization and Deployment, Volume 1


Providing an assessment of the medical threat is pated risks. Threats are categorized in a way that
among the important strategic and operational aids the prioritization of countermeasures, quanti-
planning steps to be taken in adequately preparing fied to the extent possible, and communicated to
commanders for a mission. From such an assess- appropriate levels of command. Specific counter-
ment should logically follow recommendations for measure instructions are best disseminated to small
effective countermeasures. Assessment begins with unit leaders, who can then emphasize them to indi-
a thorough consideration of who is at risk, what op- vidual servicemembers. The threat is continually
eration is planned, when and for how long it will reassessed during the operation, based on medi-
occur, and where it will take place. Multiple data cal surveillance, and commanders are updated as
sources may be consulted to characterize antici- necessary.


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