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Jackie Orozco

NASA Langley Research Center

May 10, 2023

During the virtual file trip to the six places I visited, I learned a lot about the NASA

Langley Research Center. The first place I visited was the Flight Research Hangar

where they specialize in flight, then I visited the Vacuum Spheres at the Hypersonic

Facilities Complex where they specialize in the speed and design it needs. After the first

two places, I visited the 14- by 20- Foot Subsonic Tunnel where they tested the airflow

survival, then the Structures and Materials testing where they saw how things would

work in space. And the last two places I visited were the National Transonic facility

where they test certain speeds to see how hard it is to fly, then the last place visited was

the Simulating Flight where they test the environment and safety in complex situations.

When I was exploring the six places it was interesting seeing all the different

things that go into having to put people and equipment into space. Most of the NASA

Langley Research Center is about flying and it was interesting what they had to try to

make rocket ships and the International Space Station. Even though most of the places

do similar things you get to know how important each thing is. When exploring the six

places I was interested in, the Simulating Flight was to test for space exploration,

aeronautics, and scientific development. It was interesting seeing how the pilot and

vehicles would behave under complex situations in a safe and repeatable environment.

In 1962 U.S. President John F. Kennedy made a public announcement that by

the end of the decade, they will put a man on the moon. But while many people said

that they should go straight to Mars, NASA argued that they should go to the Moon

before the red planet. Throughout the missions that were several weeks, NASA wanted

to learn how to research the planets from Earth's surface. For example, water in the

form of ice could be transformed into rocket fuel. The first mission to land on the Moon

was estimated to be in 2025 at the earliest to solve any problems that would happen on

the moon. Well, the space station was called a getaway that will serve as a relay before

going to Mars. Apart from trying to go to Mars, the Americans wanted to get on the

moon before the Chinese who planned to go in 2030. While the Apollo missions brought

back nearly 400 kg of lunar rocks to further deepen the knowledge of the Moon.

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