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No Soal Tryout Pembahasan Tryout Jawaban

1 Bacalah percakapan berikut, kemudian Jawaban: D. a journalist D

jawablah soal-soal yang tersedia
dengan memilih jawaban yang tepat di
antara pilihan jawaban A, B, C, D atau E Untuk mencari jawaban soal di atas
maka kita dapat menemukan di kalimat
Teks 1
pertama si pembicara yang perempuan
Man : What are you writing for the next (the woman) disana dia berkata bahwa
issue? dia akan menulis tentang kebijakan
pemerintah mengenai merokok di ruang
Woman : I’m thinking about writing
umum. Kita harus menalar dari kalimat
about the new government policy
tersebut bahwa pekerjaan yang
concerning smoking in public.
berhubungan dengan menulis sebuah
Man : What do you think about the berita adalah seorang jurnalis atau
policy ? wartawan. Kalau editor dia tidak menulis
tapi mengedit sebuah tulisan.
Woman : I don’t think it applies very
well. People still smoke in public. Even
though they knew there’s a baby, and/
or people who whould mind with the

Man : What do you suggest for the

government to do ?

Woman : I just think that there should

be a heavier penalty for those who
break the rule.

Man : Do you think that would be

effective? I mean, people already ignore
the policy.

Woman : What do you suggest then ?

Man : I think the problem here is the

lack of public awareness on the danger
of smoking.

Woman : You mean, rather than

punishing a smoker, we should do more
socialization about the dangers of

Man : Precisely

What is the profession of the woman ?

A. an editor

B. a professor

C. a translator

D. a journalist

E. a football player

2 Bacalah percakapan berikut, kemudian Jawaban: A. government policy A

jawablah soal-soal yang tersedia concerning smoking in public
dengan memilih jawaban yang tepat di
antara pilihan jawaban A, B, C, D atau E
Jawaban untuk soal berikut adalah A
Teks 1
karena pertanyaannya sama dengan
Man : What are you writing for the next yang ada di percakapan di atas dan
issue? jawaban di optionpun sama persis
Woman : I’m thinking about writing
about the new government policy
concerning smoking in public.

Man : What do you think about the

policy ?
Woman : I don’t think it applies very
well. People still smoke in public. Even
though they knew there’s a baby, and/
or people who whould mind with the

Man : What do you suggest for the

government to do ?

Woman : I just think that there should

be a heavier penalty for those who
break the rule.

Man : Do you think that would be

effective? I mean, people already ignore
the policy.

Woman : What do you suggest then ?

Man : I think the problem here is the

lack of public awareness on the danger
of smoking.

Woman : You mean, rather than

punishing a smoker, we should do more
socialization about the dangers of

Man : Precisely

What is the woman planning to write for

the next issues?

A. govermant policy concerning

smoking in public.

B. the dangers of smoking.

C. havier penalty to be include.

D. Socialization about the dangers of


E. people already ignore the policy.

3 Bacalah percakapan berikut, kemudian Jawaban: A. the man doubts it will be A

jawablah soal-soal yang tersedia effective
dengan memilih jawaban yang tepat di
antara pilihan jawaban A, B, C, D atau E
Untuk menjawab soal berikut ini bisa
Teks 1
dilihat dari kalimat si pembicara yang
Man : What are you writing for the next pertama (the man) kalimat dia bertanya
issue? apakah kebijakan itu akan efektif? Ketika
si pembicara kedua (the woman)
Woman : I’m thinking about writing
menyatakan pendapatnya bahwa harus
about the new government policy
ada hukuman yang lebih berat. Dari
concerning smoking in public.
pertanyaan si laki-laki tsb tersirat bahwa
Man : What do you think about the dia ragu akan kefektifan kebijakan
policy ? tersebut.

Woman : I don’t think it applies very

well. People still smoke in public. Even
though they knew there’s a baby, and/
or people who whould mind with the

Man : What do you suggest for the

government to do ?

Woman : I just think that there should

be a heavier penalty for those who
break the rule.
Man : Do you think that would be
effective? I mean, people already ignore
the policy.

Woman : What do you suggest then ?

Man : I think the problem here is the

lack of public awareness on the danger
of smoking.

Woman : You mean, rather than

punishing a smoker, we should do more
socialization about the dangers of

Man : Precisely

What is the man’s opinion on havier

penalty for people who smoke ?

A. The man doubts it will be effective.

B. the man agress on heavier penalty

for people who smoke in public.

C. the man thinks the penalty should be


D. the man thinks public awareness is

severely lacking.

E. the man thinks smoking in public is


4 Bacalah percakapan berikut, kemudian Jawaban: A. study tour to the national A

jawablah soal-soal yang tersedia park
dengan memilih jawaban yang tepat di
antara pilihan jawaban A, B, C, D atau E
Dari percakapan di atas sudah sangat
Girl : How did the study tour go? Did the
dijelaskan bahwa mereka sedang
national park really as beautiful as the
membicarakan tentang study tournya ke
picture in the Pamphlet?
Taman Nasional.
Boy : It went well. The National Park was
beautiful but some parts of it left

The tress were unattended and it’s a

little dirty there.

Girl : I’m sorry to hear that, Did you like

it here,

Boy : Yes, I had fun. I especially like that

the charity event that we held at the
end of the study tour.

Girl : What charity event ?

Boy : It’s a spontanious act by the

student. One of the student came up
with the idea to make the Park more
lively. So we make performance for the
visitors for charity. We ended up buying

Small trees and plat them there. We

also clean the park so it looks nicer.

Girl : Wow that sounds fun. Too bad I

couldn’t come.

Boy : Don’t worry we plan make regular

visit to attend out trees there. You can
go the next visit.

Girl : I’d love to!

What were the boy and the girl mainly

A. study tour to the national park

B. charity events

C. holiday to the national park

D. global warming

E. performance in a charity event

5 Bacalah percakapan berikut, kemudian Jawaban: C. beautiful but neglected C

jawablah soal-soal yang tersedia
dengan memilih jawaban yang tepat di
antara pilihan jawaban A, B, C, D atau E Jawaban untuk soal ini ada di kalimat si
pembicara ke dua (the boy) yaitu The
Girl : How did the study tour go? Did the
National Park was beautiful but some
national park really as beautiful as the
parts of it left neglected
picture in the Pamphlet?

Boy : It went well. The National Park was

beautiful but some parts of it left

The tress were unattended and it’s a

little dirty there.

Girl : I’m sorry to hear that, Did you like

it here,

Boy : Yes, I had fun. I especially like that

the charity event that we held at the
end of the study tour.

Girl : What charity event ?

Boy : It’s a spontanious act by the

student. One of the student came up
with the idea to make the Park more
lively. So we make performance for the
visitors for charity. We ended up buying

Small trees and plat them there. We

also clean the park so it looks nicer.

Girl : Wow that sounds fun. Too bad I

couldn’t come.

Boy : Don’t worry we plan make regular

visit to attend out trees there. You can
go the next visit.

Girl : I’d love to!

According to the boy, how was the

national park?

A. as beautiful as the picture in the


B. beautiful and lively

C. beautiful but neglected

D. clean and nice

E. intersting and crowded

6 Bacalah percakapan berikut, kemudian Jawaban: E. Spontaneously E

jawablah soal-soal yang tersedia
dengan memilih jawaban yang tepat di
antara pilihan jawaban A, B, C, D atau E Jawaban dapat dilihat ketika si anak
perempuan itu bertanya ‘’What charity
event ?’’ dan si anak laki-laki itu
Girl : How did the study tour go? Did the menjawab ‘’It’s a spontanious act by the
national park really as beautiful as the student’’.
picture in the Pamphlet?

Boy : It went well. The National Park was

beautiful but some parts of it left

The tress were unattended and it’s a

little dirty there.

Girl : I’m sorry to hear that, Did you like

it here,

Boy : Yes, I had fun. I especially like that

the charity event that we held at the
end of the study tour.

Girl : What charity event ?

Boy : It’s a spontanious act by the

student. One of the student came up
with the idea to make the Park more
lively. So we make performance for the
visitors for charity. We ended up buying

Small trees and plat them there. We

also clean the park so it looks nicer.

Girl : Wow that sounds fun. Too bad I

couldn’t come.

Boy : Don’t worry we plan make regular

visit to attend out trees there. You can
go the next visit.

Girl : I’d love to!

How did the idea of having a charity

even come up?

A. It’s teacher’s idea

B. It’s the visitors request

C. From the performance in the park

D. From the students’

E. Spontaneously

7 Bacalah tulisan berikut, kemudian Jawaban: C. chocolate decreases risk C

jawablah soal-soal yang tersedia for stroke
dengan memilih jawaban yang tepat di
antara pilihan jawaban A, B, C, D atau E.
Untuk mencari jawaban topik utama kita
Teks 3
dapat menjawab dengan cara membaca
While some of the staples of eating baris pertama dari tiap paragraf,
healty are pretty easy to remember- mencari tema atau topik yang serupa
eating balanced meals that include dari baris pertama kemudian membaca
veggies, protein and starch, and eating secara cepat keseluruhan teks. Untuk
lots of fiber, not too much sugar and soal di atas beberapa kali disebutkan
not too much fat-sometimes keeping mengenai bagaimana coklat dapat
track of all of the little ways that diet can mengurangi resiko stroke.
influence our health can be challenge.
Yet, if there’s one will be presented this
April at a meeting of the American
Academy of Neurology, because of the
high concentration of antioxidants
called flavonoids found in dark
chocolate, inculding every now and then
might decrease the risk for stroke, and
may also reduce the risk of death after
suffering a stroke.

The findings, based on a review of three

previous studies, suggest that the
antioxidants in chocolate may play a
role in reducing stroke risk, according to
researchers from Canada’s McMaster
University and University of Toronto.
While one study included in the review
found no correlation between chocolate
consumption and stroke risk, a second
study, which included nearly 45,000
people, found that those who ate one
serving of chocolate per week were 22%
less likely to have a stroke than those
who ate no chocolate. (According to
Hershey’s, for example, one serving of
it’s Extra Dark chocolate is 37 grams,
which, the company boasts, provides
the antioxidant equivalent of two
glasess of red wine or 11/3 cups of
blueberries.) A Thrid study, which
included more than 1,100 people, found
that those who ate 50 grams of
chocolate per week 46% less likely to
die after suffering a stroke than those
who didn’t chocolate. The last study,
chocolate can improved mood because
the antioxidant.

Of course, the problem with this

research is that it doesn’t clarify which
comes first-are healthier people, who
are already at lower risk for stroke,
more likely to include chocolate as a
part of their diet? Or does chocolate
actually play a pivotal role in reducing
stroke risk? That, researcher say, is the
question for a future study.

What is the main topic of the passage ?

A. chocolate as healthy food

B. health research on chocolate

C. chocolate decreases risk for stroke

D. antioxidant in chocolate

E. chocolate can improve the mood

8 Bacalah tulisan berikut, kemudian Jawaban: D. The flavonoids in dark D

jawablah soal-soal yang tersedia chocolate that might decreare the
dengan memilih jawaban yang tepat di risk for stroke
antara pilihan jawaban A, B, C, D atau E.
Pembahasan: Jawaban ada di paragraf
Teks 3 ke 1 flavonoids found in dark chocolate,
inculding every now and then might
While some of the staples of eating
decrease the risk for stroke, and may also
healty are pretty easy to remember-
reduce the risk of death after suffering a
eating balanced meals that include
stroke. Dari kalimat ini kita bisa
veggies, protein and starch, and eating
menyimpulkan bahwa jawabannya
lots of fiber, not too much sugar and
adalah yang D
not too much fat-sometimes keeping
track of all of the little ways that diet can
influence our health can be challenge.
Yet, if there’s one will be presented this
April at a meeting of the American
Academy of Neurology, because of the
high concentration of antioxidants
called flavonoids found in dark
chocolate, inculding every now and then
might decrease the risk for stroke, and
may also reduce the risk of death after
suffering a stroke.

The findings, based on a review of three

previous studies, suggest that the
antioxidants in chocolate may play a
role in reducing stroke risk, according to
researchers from Canada’s McMaster
University and University of Toronto.
While one study included in the review
found no correlation between chocolate
consumption and stroke risk, a second
study, which included nearly 45,000
people, found that those who ate one
serving of chocolate per week were 22%
less likely to have a stroke than those
who ate no chocolate. (According to
Hershey’s, for example, one serving of
it’s Extra Dark chocolate is 37 grams,
which, the company boasts, provides
the antioxidant equivalent of two
glasess of red wine or 11/3 cups of
blueberries.) A Thrid study, which
included more than 1,100 people, found
that those who ate 50 grams of
chocolate per week 46% less likely to
die after suffering a stroke than those
who didn’t chocolate. The last study,
chocolate can improved mood because
the antioxidant.

Of course, the problem with this

research is that it doesn’t clarify which
comes first-are healthier people, who
are already at lower risk for stroke,
more likely to include chocolate as a
part of their diet? Or does chocolate
actually play a pivotal role in reducing
stroke risk? That, researcher say, is the
question for a future study.

According to the research mentioned in

the passage, what makes chocolate

A. It is easy to remember

B. It is the diet that influence our health

C. The high concentration of

antioxidants that increase the risk for

D. The flavonoids in dark chocolate that

might decreare the risk for stroke

E. the price of chocolate is chips

9 Bacalah tulisan berikut, kemudian Jawaban: C. One serving of Extra Dark C

jawablah soal-soal yang tersedia chocolate provides enough
dengan memilih jawaban yang tepat di antioxidants to reduce stroke risk
antara pilihan jawaban A, B, C, D atau E.
Teks 3
Dengan cara membaca cepat kita lalu
While some of the staples of eating mencatat jawaban yang disebutkan di
healty are pretty easy to remember- teks tersebut. Opsi A itu terdapat
eating balanced meals that include dibacaan yaitu di paragraf ke dua
veggies, protein and starch, and eating kalimat ke 4. Lalu opsi B itu juga
lots of fiber, not too much sugar and disebutkan di bacaan yaitu di paragraf
not too much fat-sometimes keeping ke 2 kalimat ke 6. Begitu juga opsi D dan
track of all of the little ways that diet can E ada di paragarf ke 2. Maka yang tidak
influence our health can be challenge. disebutkan pada penelitian terhadap
Yet, if there’s one will be presented this coklat yaitu opsi C.
April at a meeting of the American
Academy of Neurology, because of the
high concentration of antioxidants
called flavonoids found in dark
chocolate, inculding every now and then
might decrease the risk for stroke, and
may also reduce the risk of death after
suffering a stroke.

The findings, based on a review of three

previous studies, suggest that the
antioxidants in chocolate may play a
role in reducing stroke risk, according to
researchers from Canada’s McMaster
University and University of Toronto.
While one study included in the review
found no correlation between chocolate
consumption and stroke risk, a second
study, which included nearly 45,000
people, found that those who ate one
serving of chocolate per week were 22%
less likely to have a stroke than those
who ate no chocolate. (According to
Hershey’s, for example, one serving of
it’s Extra Dark chocolate is 37 grams,
which, the company boasts, provides
the antioxidant equivalent of two
glasess of red wine or 11/3 cups of
blueberries.) A Thrid study, which
included more than 1,100 people, found
that those who ate 50 grams of
chocolate per week 46% less likely to
die after suffering a stroke than those
who didn’t chocolate. The last study,
chocolate can improved mood because
the antioxidant.

Of course, the problem with this

research is that it doesn’t clarify which
comes first-are healthier people, who
are already at lower risk for stroke,
more likely to include chocolate as a
part of their diet? Or does chocolate
actually play a pivotal role in reducing
stroke risk? That, researcher say, is the
question for a future study.

According to paragraph 2, which is not

one of the three researches done on

A. No correlation between chocolate

consumption and stroke risk

B. Those who ate chocolate were 22%

less likely to have a stroke

C. One serving of Extra Dark chocolate

provides enough antioxidants to reduce
stroke risk
D. Those who ate 50 grams chocolate
per week were 46% to die after
suffering stroke

E. Chocolate can improved mood

10 Bacalah tulisan berikut, kemudian Jawaban: B. Reducing the risk for B

jawablah soal-soal yang tersedia stroke with chocolate
dengan memilih jawaban yang tepat di
antara pilihan jawaban A, B, C, D atau E.
Untuk menjawab soal seperti ini kita
Teks 3
harus menyimpulkan dari bacaan di
While some of the staples of eating atas. Dalam bacaan tersebut banyak
healty are pretty easy to remember- menceritakan bagimana coklat dapat
eating balanced meals that include mengurangi resiko stroke.
veggies, protein and starch, and eating
lots of fiber, not too much sugar and
not too much fat-sometimes keeping
track of all of the little ways that diet can
influence our health can be challenge.
Yet, if there’s one will be presented this
April at a meeting of the American
Academy of Neurology, because of the
high concentration of antioxidants
called flavonoids found in dark
chocolate, inculding every now and then
might decrease the risk for stroke, and
may also reduce the risk of death after
suffering a stroke.

The findings, based on a review of three

previous studies, suggest that the
antioxidants in chocolate may play a
role in reducing stroke risk, according to
researchers from Canada’s McMaster
University and University of Toronto.
While one study included in the review
found no correlation between chocolate
consumption and stroke risk, a second
study, which included nearly 45,000
people, found that those who ate one
serving of chocolate per week were 22%
less likely to have a stroke than those
who ate no chocolate. (According to
Hershey’s, for example, one serving of
it’s Extra Dark chocolate is 37 grams,
which, the company boasts, provides
the antioxidant equivalent of two
glasess of red wine or 11/3 cups of
blueberries.) A Thrid study, which
included more than 1,100 people, found
that those who ate 50 grams of
chocolate per week 46% less likely to
die after suffering a stroke than those
who didn’t chocolate. The last study,
chocolate can improved mood because
the antioxidant.

Of course, the problem with this

research is that it doesn’t clarify which
comes first-are healthier people, who
are already at lower risk for stroke,
more likely to include chocolate as a
part of their diet? Or does chocolate
actually play a pivotal role in reducing
stroke risk? That, researcher say, is the
question for a future study.
What is the most suitable title for the
passage above ?

A. No chocolate, No stroke

B. Reducing the risk for stroke with


C. What is easy to remember about


D. Recent findings on chocolate

E. the advantage from chocolate

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