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oaioarz022, 10:45, ° “ ° © ° ° © © BC 90 RB [748] ‘3¢0, look at BU (BLY alot of, many (95) home, household ch this, this one zn that, that one 4h (TL) (general) te% [Loe] work, job hitps:iknow jlcourses/S66921 Japanese Core 6000 > Japanese Care 1000 > Japanese Core 1000: Step 1 - iknow! recive © © © © * © © * © © © © Py am@atm eM (BASU Ik LEA, 1'go to the library on Sundays. WisBRAIS7— IU DELI BOPTH IS IAI Wot, | went to the poo! during summer vacation. AMER SOMES TH. PILL AEAS OR TE CH. Uke looking at pictures, HBOHE WHER. SED BE, RUBE Hh saw a movie after work. BUMSBEMEL, BEI BT MBL, There are a lot of temples in Kyoto COMERS. So a8 IE BE BBL, There are many cars on this road. RISHEUICE CHEE, SBI RAVI TERM, Please come over to my home. Rika SABE AOR TEL BOOTH Ic BIBS eA 5% ~ VEEL: went to my grandma's nouse during surimer vacation. Eh CHEW, Vilhave this please, CTH. Bah CF ts Is this your bag? hide TEU ERIEETEOU IRIEL EE, That's a realy nice story Please give me that one, HAGEELLS. DEL MOSEL. Ngo. Hid@Bs—c—emaet. DIL tt bs 3c AES, "drink coffee every morning SAUER ACLU, BMOIELZE HUES, I'm busy at work in March. ana oaioarzo22, 10:45, © ° © ° ° © ° Lo when +4 do, make hd (C3) {90 out, leave $83 [203) use, make use of FR IEOA] place $8 1963) B5 [st3) think hitpsiknow jlcourses/S66921 Japanese Core 6000 > Japanese Care 1000 > Japanese Core 1000: Step 1 - iknow! Imvenogatve Vor Vora 6) HOHE BERK. LEE DBE AH ihe ‘saw a movie after work. 4) RRL ORETH. DOCE EOD EET DS. When is she coming? 4) RISWDBVELLSM, SE IKUD BURL When shall we meet again? 0) BREIL ELIE W9LE IE LOCEL& Lt, 1 did my homework with my friend, 4) BOFBMADA—-BLTVS, BELOE Kb HH yA—~ELT HS, The boys are playing soccer. oy SHIRR REM ELI WEIR ERCUR E CRU Heft the house early this moming * Ss5 (25 CI- Bhs £ EF. Tileave the office at five today. 4) CONYALE HOTEL, Eo W937 € DoT CS Please use this computer. 4) MBBS RRUET. DOC IECLEE EK OHUET She often uses a dictionary. 4) WikRBOAICIEOT DEB Ic bots. I stayed at my frends place forthe night. 4) PEORIA AER ATE EL. EEL © OETA IE ik LTE ECS A EH, Twant to go to a quiet place this summer vacation ) FFCMERO TET. WES CikA EGoT OE, fm making breakfast now. 4) BAY A—-Je to Ths. late ay AAT # DST HS, My mother is making some com chowder. 4) MbTIBLET. DELL ES BLVET, think 0, too, 6) BUEESBVETA, Bieta IS ES BEET A, What do you think? ana oaioarz022, 10:45, © ° © ° ” ° © a) #2 [62] have, possess HS [69] buy gD [LA] time, hour 508 [L4] know FIC [dst ‘same, identical SOs) now SFLU [F-SLUY BS become hitps:iknow jlcourses/S66921 Japanese Core 6000 > Japanese Care 1000 > Japanese Core 1000: Step 1 - iknow! sve 4) WIRE OTST. DIL IRGEE LOT ET. Thave a car. 6) WER FEI THET, DIL IE BU BE9T EF Thave a black bag, 4) HRBCOFERUELI. DSUMER TASTE HUE Voought @ stamp at the post office. 4) RERUELE. BA E129 BURL ought one book, ) FSMIMRVECA, UIE Caves AUER, Tdon't have time now. FEAL TH. BIOS NU ISH EPO OF, Its stil too early to go to school. ©) KttoREMoE Ph EEO iL ELSEL, No one knows that story ) BOKOFEMIOET) BO BAO ELIT EL Do you know that girl? 6) RO BABOLA/VIRERC LY BRO IEA S DUAL 8 PILE BIEL CBU His Japanese level s about the same as mine. 4) DECLLISEILAECH. bese bev kart ber, My cousin and lare the same age. eo) BSS, MAL THET, DA IE. 34815 LE DES, He's studying now. 0) PART IIAEEU Ue eri ic aL lve just artived at the hotel 4) RO BIELU. BRO OEE BEBLU. His caris new. BLOT —FE REL BIEL TILE HUE Vought a new table, 6) RURAL. Bsn iz Ue Ie UBL He became a doctor ana oaioarzo22, 10:45, ° ° ° © “ © © ° Bt (not yet, still be after mc fe) hear, ask, listen 89 (9) say, tel Dig (rts) fw, litle BL (AU) high, tall, FH ICE) child co 0, that way hitps:iknow jlcourses/S66921 Japanese Core 6000 > Japanese Care 1000 > Japanese Core 1000: Step 1 - iknow! sve Vor © © © © © © © * ° © * © © HSER OREIIY UTS, DIL IE IIEAS @ CAEL RL OF want to become a Japanese teacher. BMISELBITVECA, Linctiis Ik Bi oT MEA, havent finished my homework yet nia He's stil young. HBOBL, KHER LEED BE, RUBE a saw a movie after work. OBE, HMMABIETA, EO BEC RUE Dh Do you have time after this? MERIT EMU TOES. DOCS IS TF EBT UE, She's listening to the racio. SeANCRBL CHECK HE Teh i ISAT ae GERD, Please ask someone, EMAAR, MEIER OT. EaSL mINsize DEE ok My boss said: "Let's have a drink.” BISEIBETSLEUELI. Aig Be Chib $8 E WUEL TE He said he'd call again. SERMADRUTT. Lib Bib MCL eT. There's not much rain this year, CORTINA A BED EL Eo #5 Ick ALIA ICIS, There are few foreigners in this town. CAMCORTTIBBUENTS, Eh MCo RS TUSEA tein En oF, This is the tallest building inthis town, RADIATA ATELY. BR 9R TLBIEA tA He's the tallest in class. RACE RAL CU: TALE CHEE MADE We Children were making alot of noise in the train FRISAL—S1 ANE TH, LES Lt ML—942 WS OT, Kids ike curry and rice. ana oaioarzo22, 10:45, © © ° © © © © 83 already, yet Pe ACL student AL (62), hot (to touch) e5e please i [SC] afternoon, p.m. RLY [esasby] jong AIBA] book hitpsiknow jlcourses/S66921 Japanese Core 6000 > Japanese Care 1000 > Japanese Core 1000: Step 1 - iknow! eve) Pn © © * ” © * ” © © Py © * * PD HAtSEUET. RUGS BLLET. That's what | think too. MEATIRVEL pote e-£9 OUELI ‘She said so. IEESIBUELT, BARES DAVE, He's already gone home. LS BEAMUELT. 5 Bite Bt EL We run out of money already. SERBS CH, Don iz BLOM ACEO CF, He's a serious student. wieeecy, Bie aCe CF, ma student. COR-FiRETERL. Eo ATi ech BIN, This soup is very hot LOBARS OLIERUBRAGE TH. DELO BUEBBCA EBON BHO AIS CY, My grandmother tikes hot tea. CBBALSE. Een E5e. This way please. ROK, LSE, 38 0 hte. 258. Next please. ALOT, BERKS, BT DIS BEOEEH ‘A guest is coming to visit tomorrow aftemoon. Twill arive in Osaka at 8:00 pm. MAORIAETERL, POLED HAIR ETE EM, Her hair is very long, RISEARU, BOE VA EAL, Days are longer in summer. REVBRUELI, IA E183 DUELIS ought one book. ona oaioarzo22, 10:45, © ° ° ” ° © © ° (EL) this year (colloquial) ag often, well Bk [HOLA she, gitriend &5 how, what BR [KLIS] word, language BR [5] face Ha [BHA] finish, end =2 [BED ‘one (thing) hitpsiknow jlcourses/S66921 Japanese Core 6000 > Japanese Care 1000 > Japanese Core 1000: Step 1 - iknow! © © © © * © ” * Py © © * © © CORT OHA: EMEA KFC BEL Bho This book was very interesting SERA BUTISIRTLIL, SEL I 4BU7 IE Yacd LL, Twant to travel to Italy this year, SER RDRUTT. SEL IE Ba ATE not much rain this year, pois it kK Yee She often goes on holiday. WISKCRMERET. DRS CADRE AES. He often watches movies. ‘kILOLTS. OLS EAE eT, She's an office worker, eUDETRE. BOL OE HAE E ‘She's always full of energy. 225 REET D, What do you think? BILE SLEBUL TTD, DIL EES URS WO CF Mn What should ido? CORROBRMAAUEEA. EO CEI @ 4 H DbVEEA don't understand the meaning of this word. BRICMEMIITEHAL, Celtic a aire GaN, Watch your mouth. ido CURE RE ELT Dig SI) TNS © SEL He wiped his face with a towel AGERE, IBCha & BELEN, Hurry up and wash your face, eamlsastict AE kA The conference ends at four o'clock PolteRN DY ELI PoE LTE MEDVELI Finally, | finished my work. ena oaioarzo22, 10:45, ° © ° ° © © © Bie sive, offer (colloquial) <5 like this, such PH [16955] school cha be given She} [1x05] start (something) ES [ES] get up, get out of bed (13) spring hitps:iknow jlcourses/S66921 Japanese Core 6000 > Japanese Care 1000 > Japanese Core 1000: Step 1 - iknow! vet Pn © © © * * © © PD Py © * * ° ” ENE DHA. Eh E VED CER Please give me one of those. BN DHUET. BAM DED BET. There's one problem. Beet. Eo IBA, BET I BIFET, Hi give you this book. ES SOaN UIE RHEL, cant raad such small laters. BIRLA lai i W34 bIEL TCS Lisa J ELST, My mother always tells to do things “this (ner) way. PRiAOMUIwRVET. BOo3 RBC RAT CRUE. ‘School starts at 8:30 COPBETSAIOATH. EO Boo5 Ik 1 952 30K OF This school has 30 people in each class. EMMA AIL CECH 41S MEACEDU LHD & Cnt: My friend gave me a birthday present. RBRECREL Bb EAE REL, My father gave me @ book FARE TCE FARE ICH T GEL, Please start the test. ZAEDDELASD, EATS ELD ELIS Shall we start? Aiden see ey. pick tg BEB Ce REET. I getup at six o'clock every moming, 1 got up at seven today. FFORSE DU, CEL @ Ike It iste a, Its warm this spring, don’t you think? HO-BFEREBILE TT. DIL OWS 8 BE9 ES TH My favorite season is spring, m4 oaioarzo22, 10:45, © ” © « ° © © ° FB [CEA] morning, a.m. BSD] another, different es where BE INO) BU [pov young WS) car, automobile BK (436) put, place fo [Fo] lve, reside hitps:iknow jlcourses/S66921 Japanese Core 6000 > Japanese Care 1000 > Japanese Core 1000: Step 1 - iknow! Imorogatve © © * ” © © * © © Py © * * PD =MeHO=a—AcT. otha HA eH Now for the 9.00 a.m, news BURD ISIE OnE ET. vey CEA OL I- aT, We're going to arrive in London at 10:00 a.m. PORLBY THA. RD DIEA LET CERN, Please show me another book, COT IOB DBIEBYETD. £0 F4—4Y DAD DVS [BIST Be Do you have this T-shirt in another color? Where did you put that book? HEBIREC TTD. PSKAa CIR EC TTD, Where's the post office? HOB BIADEIBVET. DELO NS IRD OU YET. My room is on the second floor SobKMOMR TH. Eob MPL ONG CF That's my room over there, REEREOTS. Dn ik EEDA TT, He's stil young, ZOKBVEKSUTT. ED HE IED DU BOC H BEL CT, That shop has a lot of young custorsers. BAMER. BEDE ABE E ote ‘My younger brother bought a car. RELHT. Japanese Care 1000 > Japanese Core 1000: Step 1 - iknow! 4) RIRRAOEIEA TS, BRIE DLL DBI IE TAT LB, He lives near his office. MATA A CHET, BRET ARIC TAT OEE, He lives in an apartment @ MK [l8HG Vo gy) RAR THU THET. work Bilt Lhd TIBET LET, My big sister works at a bank. 4) BAITS. BOLE le Amb IEE T HET, She is working parttime, eo) BLU (OY MLL Adjective gi) COREL THA. Shc Eire niienee 4) ABBEESOBLL. BUCCSE RES OE THLE Learning foreign languages is hard. @) RE eA) Noun Rak EAR Se 4 ta teacher (colloquial) DEL IEA SO EAL Wer. Twant to become a Japanese teacher. oe) RORMIEEETT, DRO SE RELEN CT, His father is a toacher. @ TO [-3) veo gy BIR: stand, rise ures He stood on stage. 4) HORLPCAMTOTHS, Bb D khtaih ie BE MTT LB, ‘Someone is standing in the middle of the road. © FS [53] Vue) x4 S-B FUEL SS, call, name S24 3—€ SUELIS. ets call the waiter. oD BIS—# the ER, Please call taxi, KE [EUG Nom gy APICHOTE SERNA university, college BUM Eat toe Aba: Twant to go fo college and study more. 4) ORFEARIELTT, 58 OFT EEOMC DALLES, My son's a college freshman, RL eT) Agate 4) COMRALTER I cheap, inexpensive En Scitech et These clothes were very cheap. hitps:iknow jlcourses/S66921 ona oaioarzo22, 10:45, © ° ° © ° ° © ° Bok WBS [23] {go back home BS [om] understand mu [USL] wide, big BT] number JEL [baLY near, close eo there HES [14LS] hitps:iknow jlcourses/S66921 Japanese Core 6000 > Japanese Care 1000 > Japanese Core 1000: Step 1 - iknow! recive 4) HOREAMRU TH, BO HE Ia BNE MTL CF, The fish at that store is cheap. © ac ea, Please come closer. wy Loe YEBLT $e WI) IAGLT HAL, Please speak more slowly. 4) RIR3. SBIEMASS, Let's go home, 4) RIELSMBY ELI. Dn ik 3 DAVEE He's already gone home. oy RIMMER DU ELH 2th 0 Ws Id bmYELT ty, id you understand the meaning of the question? BU. 4) TOFRBABA DS: EO = IEIIEA # bi) That kid doesn't understand Japanese, 4) BORE BL, DAD ik ETE DBL, His house is very big oy BIEKCTAAL, SAIL UCT REBUY, The sea is vast and wide. 4) FIADWA BIR, FIRODT HINEA We don't have enough number of glasses. 4) OF OMEMA TEAL, LF oie & eRe Hal, lease count the number of chairs. © The station is near here 4) EOF ARENDT A, EO ATI IEGH3 DE EDY TTD. Is the hotel close fo the airport? Ect EEE WHY IC EAT OA, Please turn let there. r0n4 oaioarzo22, 10:45, ° © ° ” ° © © Ah’ [oh] putin BAB [BLAS] teach, tell BK (34) walk, go on foot 23 [63] meet BK ID) write Bi (a5i-#] head HS (54) sell hitps:iknow jlcourses/S66921 Japanese Core 6000 > Japanese Care 1000 > Japanese Core 1000: Step 1 - iknow! Vor vor 4) BIRERSEOE TUFF, Boh iz BEA 340 (ZL OT DT. Every night he runs three kilometers. 4) RIZE SOAR, Dh iE ELS © AIRED He runs fast. oe) BIRD IEAIS FONE Ate BREINER T583 EAI. He put the notebook in his bag. 4) JLDRRAR ETD. 3 SESIEDHET B Do you want sugar in your coffee? 4) RRMFSRA TET, Dh ik FSMCE BLA TUES, He teaches mathematics, 0 BELOEMEBA Tal WERE BLAT OEEW, Please tlle your name 4) RETHAELG. AERC HEEELE ets walk tothe station. 6) WIRES OME TS, DIL IEA EBSCO HFS OF, Tike to walk inthe forest. 6) ERRUELES. Fe BLEUE. Lets meet again 4) REBUEAICRUVELE 203 BUSA BEL Tmet my uncle yesterday, ) BISFMREBS EL. Die THE DSELIS wrote him a letter. 4) BEMENSAT RUTHER. BEER EDSAT CHUTE Please write your name in katakana, 4) TRAD ALACRLY. WEDS BIE LU, We had a headache since this morning ) MAT CEULeT, Dh FEBRERO TF, He is very smart ) RIERER BRIE ES 5t2, He sold the house. nna oaioarzo22, 10:45, AME [LTS] ike (something) a lot @ SH) body, physique, physical ® ECTS at once, soon @ ett very (colloquial) @ Ih) who @ 8 9a) favorite, kod BE [KO] read hitps:iknow jlcourses/S66921 Japanese Core 6000 > Japanese Care 1000 > Japanese Core 1000: Step 1 - iknow! Ajectval Noun Imerogatve © © © * © © * © © OD © © “ ” © Hid, BUAERY EL DIL IR, SOU IEA E SUELICS sold old books. HERAT ETE ILL ik Lb A Tike dogs a lot WSR OKIE, piel t3 > Ht {ust love summer. BuRRMRAL, DIL tz DBE MESS tim physically strong. Baik BRIE DBE IDB, Cigarettes are bad for your health weneey. rouse. igo right away. ORTCHEL. FORT CEE. Please come at once, BORA THES. ED MEAT ET. There's a bird fying AA MAO A Uda REED An airplane flew beyond the mountain. CORLETEBELALY. SOBA ETE RELL, This book is very interesting, CORFRETEMU. ED AFiRETE BIN, This soup is very hot. CTD. FR ERIC Atl CF by Whe would you ike to meet? HitoReNonD, PERL EO GLE LBL, No one knows that story BIRT AE CT. DILL I1Y MIE CH ike wine, FRISAL—F1AMHE TT, LES ALAA MTS OF Kids tke curry and rice. MEMBER TET, DOCS Ik FL BEAT UES, She's reading a magazine. vana oaioarzo22, 10:45, ° © ° ” © © a) RID#) next RE [OE] drink. AL (SOU) old HP [LObA) ‘question 8 55) today (colloquial) friend, companion (colloquial) hitpsiknow jlcourses/S66921 Japanese Core 6000 > Japanese Care 1000 > Japanese Core 1000: Step 1 - iknow! Verbal Noun © © © * © * ” © PD © © OO FRARE EAT GRU, Please read the textbook. RALDIBUELISA, 38 tN BELO, When shall we meet again? RORTHIET. 38 o ae CHET. got off al the next station, ChisHRIOW;TTM, Eh ik Bite 0 bith TF Bs, Is this your bag? Hit DEMEMA TEE, Please tell me your name. RELEMERA TUES. LbHb £ BSH OAT LET. fm drinking sake with my fiend. DALEDUMAEL I. 247 EFL OAELE, arank a lite wine. Ads mAE TS. puis say GE ire er, HECCAUBIABYST. Pad % There's an old temple there. WM OBSALESE, L2th OBB ies Ee, Please fee! free to ask any questions, RMT DN. LObA id th, CF os What's your question? SHIMURA, 245 ELL BEEK, Tdon't have work today. SHISMAGRTT, 225 FOE MORN CF, The wind is strong today. % EMUET. EAE. Thave a lot of friends, ran oaioarzo22, 10:45, @ BU EPL) early En What, which hitpssiknow jlcourses/S66921 Japanese Core 6000 > Japanese Care 1000 > Japanese Core 1000: Step 1 - iknow! recive © © * © RMLENY TION. ERS ET Ie ote. Twent camping with my friend ERPRARCERO RECT. BPE BOO NCR OY CN CF. Its stil too early to go to school BRUSHES. BERD TAL eC OSELES, Lets take an early-morning train. COSTENMEE TTA, Eo tem teh RTS CF DY Which of these do you ike? YOAREN THD. JRE nF Oy Which one is the sauce? sana

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