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Rich Corban C.

Camacho Chemical Engineering Laboratory 2

CHE - 3204 Quiz 1

1. Describe and explain the distillation process.

In order to properly, and fully understand the distillation process, it is important to define first
the different important terms that will be used in understanding the different steps, and processes that
are encountered in distillation. The basic definition of distillation is the conversion of a substance in its
liquid form to its vapor form. It is commonly utilized in the separation of substances that have different
phases, such as a liquid and solid mixture, or the separation of a liquid solution with substances that
have different boiling points. Distillation can be applied in industrial scale distillation processes, or
laboratory scale distillation, with these two types being further categorized as batch or continuous
distillation, and the different classifications of distillation have different types of distillation associated
with them.

Batch distillation is defined as the distillation of a fixed amount of the feed, while continuous
distillation is characterized by the continuous input of the feed in the distillation column. Starting with
the laboratory scale distillation processes, which are commonly batch distillation processes, the
common types are simple distillation, fractional distillation, steam distillation, and vacuum distillation,
the processes that accompany these types of distillation will further be discussed. In the industrial
scale distillation, continuous fractional distillation, as well as steam distillation is also utilized, along
with other types of distillation, such as azeotropic and extractive distillation, and multi-stage distillation

Simple distillation is utilized when the liquid boiling points have a great difference, or when it is
desired to separate liquids from non-volatile substances. In simple distillation, the liquid is heated until
it boils, the vapor then travels to a column, then through a condenser, in which the vapor is cooled
and condensed by water circulating in the condenser, the condensed liquid is then collected in a flask,
the concentration of the liquid follows Raoult’s law. Fractional distillation is utilized in the separation of
liquids which have similar boiling points with the use of repeated vaporization and condensation
cycles, which is called rectification. The vapor of the liquid that has been boiled condenses, and as it
condenses, the rising vapor then heats the condensate, causing it to be vaporized again. In the
distillation of heat sensitive compounds, two methods are commonly utilized, steam distillation, and
vacuum distillation. Steam distillation utilizes steam, as the temperature is easier to control, steam
passes through the mixture, it is often used to extract essential oils. When a substance has a very
high boiling point, it is more efficient to lower the vapor pressure of the liquid, instead of raising the
temperature, this process is used in Vacuum distillation.

In industrial distillation processes continuous distillation processes are commonly utilized in

petrochemical, and chemical manufacturing plants. Industrial scale distillations also utilize fractional
distillation, and steam distillation, using the same idea in the laboratory scale distillations but applied
in large scale operations. Industrial scale distillation utilizes distillation towers of varying heights and
diameters. Azeotropic distillation is a distillation technique where another substance is added to the
mixture to generate an azeotrope that has a lower boiling point. When a miscible, non-volatile
substance is present in the mixture, without creating an azeotrope, as well as when the relative
volatility is low. Multi-effect distillation is another distillation technique commonly utilized in industrial
scale distillation, in multi-effect distillation or multi-stage distillation, multiple distillation towers are
used, with each consecutive tower having a lower temperature and pressure than the previous
towers, this technique increases the efficiency the distillation process as it reuses the energy from the
previous stage.

In conclusion, the distillation process varies, depending on the composition and amount of the
feed, the desired output, the scale of the distillation process, and the difference in the boiling points of
the substances in the mixture. Distillation is a vital process in the production of different products that
play a vital role in society.
2. How did you spend your holy week?

During the holy week, I went back to Tagaytay to stay with my family in our house in Cavite, I
spent most of the holy week resting, and taking my mind away from the stress brought by academics,
besides spending time with my family and our dogs, I had enough time to go back to my hobbies such
as building my gundam model backlogs, and going back to playing my guitar, and playing some video

It was really nice to be back in Tagaytay during the holy week, as I spent most of my time
leading to the midterm exams alone in my current residence here in Batangas City, since I really
missed being with my family, dogs and cats. Upon returning home in Cavite, I unpacked the guitar
strings that I bought for my electric and acoustic guitar, and proceeded to dust off my acoustic and
electric guitars to attach the new strings. It took me some time to attach all the strings for both guitars
since I haven’t replaced them for a long time. I then got accustomed to playing my guitars again, and
started to develop calluses on my fingertips again. After my fingers hurt from playing the guitar, I then
finished my current backlog, the High Grade Zaku II from the Gundam The Origin series. I took time
to dust off my Gundam model collection and take some pictures of them to share on my facebook
account. I also started playing my Call of Duty Mobile account again after a year or two of being

I learned to play the different positions of the pentatonic scale in different keys. Learning scales
for guitar is very important as it contains the different notes that go along different songs in specific
keys when doing improvisation. I also asked my good friend Ian, who is a lead guitar player for
Comic’s Strip for practice amp recommendations, since I am planning to buy better gear for my guitar.
I also started using Driclor on my hands during the holy week, it is a clinical strength antiperspirant for
my hands, since I suffer from palmar hyperhidrosis, I apply it to my hands before going to bed, it has
been really effective in reducing the amount of sweating that I am experiencing on my hands. We also
helped our aunt prepare for my cousin’s debut in May, we searched for possible places to hold the
event and also rented different gowns for her photoshoot that occurred last April 13 in Tagaytay. I also
started to go into calorie counting again, since I am unhappy with the current state of my weight. I am
aiming to cut off 500 calories per day to lose approximately 1 pound of weight per week, even without
doing rigorous exercises or workouts.

My mother, together with my aunt, went to Manila to look for possible gowns to wear for the
debut in May, I took this opportunity to ask my mother to look at some gundam models that I know are
for sale in Manila, I ended up buying the High Grade Delta Gundam, and The SD Neo Zeong model.
Even though I like building Gundam models, I do not necessarily enjoy the show as much as the

As the holy week drew to an end, one of our dogs gave birth to five cute little puppies, and I
finally managed to get the highest rank in COD Mobile, and do some basic improvisations on backing
tracks in different keys.
Overall, I would say that my holy week has been very productive, I was really happy to be able
to spend time with my family, and to continue the things that I love doing that have been stopped due
to my studies.
3. How are you feeling today?

At the time of writing this answer, which is the night of April 15, 2023, I am feeling somewhat
okay, not really feeling happy or sad, just neutral. I am feeling pretty lonely again here in Batangas
City, but it is good that I have friends to talk to, and play some games with. Even though
communication with my family is instantaneous, it still feels so different to be with them physically, I
already miss my family and our dogs and cats. I am looking forward to going home soon.

I am getting pretty excited about the event that our organization has planned, next week, we
will be conducting the designing of the place where the event would take place, I am not really well
versed designing stuff, so I am not really sure what to expect what role I would play in helping my
batchmates design the stage and the venue of the event.

Sometimes I cannot help but feel anxious at times, when I think of it, I’ve already been through
so much here in Batangas State University, and as the program nears its end, I can’t help but be
more anxious of every mistake that I make in exams and activities, I really need to address this issue,
since anxiety is not good for performance in the school, as it heavily contributes to stress, and stress
leads to decline in mental performance, and could even lead to health complications.

I am currently busy doing my individual and group requirements for school, different subjects
have already announced their different final requirements. It is important to start these projects early,
so that they will not be in the way when the finals exam week comes around.

One thing that always cheer me up is the two dogs that always greet me when I come home, I
take care of them, feed them, give them water, and I also play with them, they are really a big help to
my mental health, as playing with them and interacting with them really lifts my spirit up.

I have been watching South Park episodes on my laptop today, and I have also been scrolling
through tiktok, watching South Park clips, that show has really helped me have a better mood in the
past few weeks, while I am not really easily affected by the events that happen around me, I tend to
get lonely pretty easily, so having something to distract my mind from that loneliness is great.

Seeing that I am almost through my third year of studying Chemical Engineering, I am more
motivated than ever to do my best, and to avoid mistakes that could possibly prolong my stay in this
University, I always push myself to do better every day, even though the lessons continuously
become difficult, I am determined to do everything that I can. I always feel motivated when I think of
what I could be able to do after graduating and having a job, I have always imagined what it would be
like to finally be able to support yourself financially, and to help out with the expenses at home.

In conclusion, after contemplating, I’m feeling happy tonight, I am grateful for every day that I
get the opportunity to tell my family and friends how much I care about them, and every day that I get
the chance to be a better person.

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