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The nurses are preparing a plan of care drug-seeking behavior.

How does the

for an elderly Mexican-American patient nurse handle the situation?
that is in poor health. Which of the a. Withhold the hydrocodone at the
following would be most appropriate? next dose so the pt wont become
a. Arrange a home hospice care for addicted
the patient b. Be aware when a person of the
b. Recommend placing px in nursing Jewish culture is ill, they regress to
home childish behavior
c. Plan for a long term stay in the c. Explain to the px that she is an
hosp adult, and she needs to act like
d. Involve the family in pt’s care one
d. Acknowledge that the Jewish
A female Jewish American comes to the culture is emotional when
hospital because of heart failure. The pt expressing pain
requests the female nurse but there was
no available female nurse. What should What is the best response when
the nurse do? discussing prevention with a client she
a. Tell her that she will not be cared says, “Disease is controlled by the
for at that hospital supernatural so I don't see why I should
b. Tell the patient that she has no take steps to prevent it”
option but to take care of this px a. It is still important to do everything
c. Ignore them and give a male nurse in your power to maintain your
d. Explain to her that you repect health
her belief but female nurse is b. That isnt true, illness is based on
not available the body, not the supernatural
c. I guess you dont need to do
A nurse is preparing a delivery of food tray anything then
to a client whose religion is Jewish. The d. I respect your opinion but i want
nurse checked the food in the tray and to discuss some of the benefits
notes that client has received a roast beef and see if you can find a
with whole milk as a beverage. Which compromise
action will the nurse take?
a. Replace whole milk with fat-free A nurse is about to initiate an invasive
milk procedure on an elderly African-American
b. Call the dietary department and man.
ask for a new meal tray a. Ask the patient’s children for
c. Deliver the food tray to the patient permission to perform the
d. Ask the dietary department to procedure
replace the roast beef with pork b. Do your best to maintain a
professional distance with the px at
A 50-year-old Jewish lady had a right total all times
knee arthroplasty this morning in a c. Avoid physical touch except when
catholic hospital. Crying hysterically, she necessary to perform the
rates her pain scale at 9/10 every hour. intervention
On the hour (blah) of receiving a pain d. Perform the procedure as usual
medication which is Hydrocodone every but explaining the purpose of
4hrs. The nurse became suspicious of a the procedure to the client
Mr. A is a 45-year old african-american and aunt. The adult of the family knows
patient who is recovering from a motor little about English, how would you
vehicle accident in which he received communicate with the family?
numerous cuts throughout his body. Mr. a Get a translator that the hospital has to
asked the nurse what he should expect in provide to translate in order that
healing process. What should the nurses communication will be clear both the
response be: healthcare worker and the family or to
a. Darkened skin heals faster. the patient
b. You should be concerned about
hypertension A nurse is caring for a patient who
c. you may have extensive or migrated or immigrated from Afghanistan
intensive scarring 2 years ago. The nurse notices that the
d. Your bone density will delay patient speaks English very well and talks
healing to her family in any language quietly and
calmly. When bringing educational
An american nurse adolescent states to materials, which action is appropriate?
the nurse, “I have cancer because it is a. Bring material in dari, the most
God’s will, it will make make stronger”. common language in Afghanistan
The most appropriate response by the b. Assess the patient’s English
nurse is: literacy and desire language for
a. You’re too young to think that way forms.
that way you still have many years c. Use a translator that speaks
to live Parsee to ensure the family is
b. Tell me how you feel about the educated as well.
treatment plan d. Understand that the patient will
c. Ill move your family into the waiting likely refuse education and
area to give you some quiet time therefore language is not
d. Ill contact the hospital chaplain for important.
A patient presents with trouble sleeping,
If the American or Mexican or American- high response to loud noises and muscle
Mexican patient asks for a curandero, aches and pains due to lack of sleep. She
brought into the hospital to help in the is diagnosed with post-traumatic stress
healing practices. What would be the disorder and is worried about receiving
appropriate answer by the nurse? care. What response by the nurse is
a. We do not believe in those here at appropriate?
the hospital. a. Don't worry. You have nothing to
b. they can’t heal you, only medicine be afraid of
can. b. Your family may not understand,
c. Absolutely I will have someone so you should not tell them.
start contacting people for this c. There is no help we can give you
to happen d. I know of some groups of
d. No. women who meet and work
A Mexican-American family who rushes to through some of these fears and
the emergency room because their little feelings. Would you be
boy, aged 8, fell and broke his arm. The interested in that?
family consists of a mom, dad, little boy,
little sister, who is 4 years old, grandma
The nurse is discussing a procedure for a It is a process in which patients and their
Japanese-American patient. During the doctors makes special decision together
discussion, the patient smiles and nods while taking into an account of clinical
his head. How should a nurse interpret guidelines and the patients preference, life
this nonverbal behavior? situation, needs, and values.
a. Patient agreement to require a. Cultural-bound syndrome
procedure b. Mental health
b. Patient understands the procedure c. Cultural blindness
c. Patient is avoiding d. Shared decision making
embarrassment or shame
d. An acceptance of the treatment A cumulative psychological wounding over
generations resulting from a massive
This means a cluster of symptoms that group trauma.
define or describe an illness in a particular a. Cultural-bound syndrome
culture. b. Cultural norms
a. Cultural blindness c. Cultural blindness
b. Cultural-bound syndrome d. Historical trauma
c. HIstorical trauma
d. Cultural norms The provider has no perceived cultural
difference or potential barriers to giving
It is a state of mental well-being in which appropriate care. This means:
the individual realizes their own abilities a. Cultural pain
that can cope with the demands of daily b. Cultural-bound syndrome
life. c. Cultural blindness
a. Culture shock d. HIstorical trauma
b. Culture pain
c. Culture blindness It is a behavior pattern that are typical to
d. Mental health specific groups

It is a precipitated by anxiety that results The mental health nurse is interviewing a

from losing all the familiar signs and client of Asian descent regarding the
symbols of course intercourse clients health care practices. The nurse
a. Cultural norms understands that cultural competence is
b. Mental health important in the care of this client. Cultural
c. Cultural pain competence is best described as what?
d. Culture shock a. Knowing the characteristics of
each individual culture group in
A feeling of insecure, embarrassed, angry, America.
confused, or apologetic, uncertain, or b. A combination of persons belief
inadequate because of conflicting about cultural values and
expectations and pressures of being a knowledge about his/her culture.
minority. c. The clients ability to tell the health
a. Cultural blindness care provider about his/her cultural
b. Culture shock beliefs and practices.
c. Cultural pain d. The ability to understand and
d. Cultural norms effectively interact with
individuals or members of the
community from diverse cultural c. Ensuring that the herb are sent to
or ethnic backgrounds. the hospital pharmacy for
clearance before the client is
A psychiatric mental health nurse must be allowed to take them.
aware of the client's cultural background d. Documenting the clients wishes
because? and informing the clients care
a. It influence perception of health team that the client will be
and illness taking.
b. It influence the adoption of
traditional gender roles The nurse taking care of the client in the
c. It helps the care provider avoid middle eastern descent has been newly
offending the client diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. The client
d. It helps the care provider choose is assisted that the client's family should
treatment option provide all the food. How should a nurse
When conducting an assessment with a. Explaining to the family that they
clients from another country what can a must check with the staff before
nurse do to ensure clients receive giving the client food and
culturally sensitive care? beverage.
a. After the focus assessment, decide b. Requesting consultation to a
if a culture assessment is dietitian.
necessary. c. Providing client and family with
b. Show genuine interest in clients' detailed instructions with
culture and personal life dietary requirements of the
experiences. condition.
c. Develop a plan of care after taking d. Informing the client health care
the clients family provider on the client's reluctancy
d. Develop a plan of care based on to eat facility prepared food.
the nurse's own knowledge of
clients culture. Which statement is true about culture?
a. Culture is static
An older adult client in the hospital has not b. Culture identity reflects what
had a bowel movement for 3 days and the determines behavior
nurse plan to give client stool softener this c. Culture is based solely to a
morning. The client decline of the common purpose.
medication, however, stating that a client d. Acculturation eventually leads to
spouse will be bringing the client a herbal emergence of the dominant culture
medication later in the day that is often
used by the members of the ethnic group. A nurse educator is discussing spirituality
Which reaction demonstrate cultural care for a nurse in mental health class. The
accommodation or negotiation? nurse educator ask a student nurse.
a. Teach the client about risk Which of the following is most consistent
associated and non standard with spirituality?
doses of herbal remedies. a. Living according to ones belief.
b. Teaching the client about benefits b. Participation in common ways of
of medication that has approved worshiping.
ordered by the client. c. Closely intertwined with belief
about health and mental illness.
d. Feeling a connection to a higher developing this educational plan? This are
power. the menu:
a. Raw fish is the main component of
In order to help preserve and maintain the diet.
clients personal beliefs regardless of the b. Many meats and vegetables are
hot foods. Which action should be fried in lard
culturally competent nurse take? c. Red meat is the primary source of
a. Discuss the possibility of the family protein in the diet
providing the appropriate foods. d. Rice is eaten with all meals
b. Ask for a dietary consult with an
understanding of hot and cold food The nurse is caring for a muslim patient
belief. and knows that individuals of this religion
c. Assure the client that this needs to pray several times a day. Which
be considered by the staff intervention is most appropriate in caring
d. Educate staff to help them for this patient?
assist the client in selecting a. Encourage patient to plan prayers
food choices from the client's around treatment
menu that supports this belief. b. Schedule patient care around
this prayer times
A client who is recently immigrated in c. Activities take precedence over
Eastern Europe comes to a clinic for an religious belief
evaluation. During the assessment the d. IF the patient is praying, interrupt
nurse notes that the client has adapted for care, and allow him/her to finish
the cultural areas mannerism and dress later
code. The nurse interpret that this is
what? A young client had just learned a
a. Cultural identity diagnosis of stage 4 lung cancer. The
b. Acculturation client is about to graduate from school and
c. Linguistic competent get married. The client says “I can’t
d. Cultural competence believe in God anymore”. Which situation
would the nurse identify the client is
A female muslim patient has been expressing?
assigned to a mele nurse. As the nurse a. A justice complaint
enter the room, the patient becomes very b. Spiritual distress
upset. The nurse understand that this c. Fear of unemployment
patient is upset because of what d. Premarital anxiety
component of this patient's religious
belief? A client admitted in a major cardiac
a. She does not think she is ill surgery states a religious preference, then
b. Her husband is not present the client l;ists all the church rules that the
c. She prefers to be taken care by client agrees with. What does the
a female admitting nurse understand about the
d. She cannot speak in English client’s religious status?
a. The client is a former membedr of
The nurse is doing discharge teaching the group
with an African-American patient b. The client is an outsider trying to
regarding nutritional intake. What food be a part of the group
custom should the nurse consider when
c. The client has been d. At the end of the admission
excommunicated by the group process.
d. The client is dissenting member
of the group The nurse caring for a client in an acute
care setting recognizes which observation
A client asked the nurse to pray for the as an environment cue to spiritual
client. What would be the best initial preferences?
response by the nurse who believes in a. The client saying a prayer before
prayer? breakfast.
a. May I call the chaplain to come to b. Client expressing fear of death.
pray with you? c. A minister at the bedside.
b. I know your faith is important to d. A rosary sitting on the bedside
you, it is in me too. table.
c. What should I pray for?
d. Isn’t it wonderful that we have God The dying client states “Part of what
who shares our concerns with us? makes dying hard is that I don’t know for
sure where I’m going. What do you
A client in the emergency department has believe happens here after?” Which
a severe injury and treatment requires red ethical guidelines should guide in
blood cell possible blood transfusion. The response by the nurse?
client is a Jehovah’s Witness who believes a. Share one’s personal belief.
it is a medical rape for nurses to give b. Share all spiritual beliefs favoring
transfusion. Which statement by the nurse none.
would most slightly lead to resolution of c. Never share spiritual belief.
this conflict. d. First assess the client’s belief.
a. You must accept the transfusion, if
you don’t you will need to leave A nursing student has attended nutritional
b. Don’t worry you can ask for pardon in-service regarding dietary practices on a
after transfusion. variety of religions. Which statement made
c. May I call a representative of by the nurse student would indicate the
your religion so that I could need for further teaching?
understand your position. a. Mormons typically avoid coffee
d. I understand your position and I and tea.
will be with you as you die. b. Most Hindus are vegetarians and
do not eat beef.
A nurse is admitting a client to the hospital c. If a Jewish client practices a
and is aware that which is the best time Kosher diet it is inappropriate to
for the nurse to conduct an initial spiritual mix their ??
assessment? d. Muslims eat all forms of meat.
a. At the beginning of assessment
process prior to taking the vital The student nurse is following a preceptor
signs. on an assigned clinical shift. Which
b. After introduction and prior to the behavior of the nurse would the student
beginning of assessment. interpret as caring?
c. At the beginning of the a. Make sure that all medications and
assessment process immediately treatment are done on time.
after taking the vitals signs.
b. Advising the physician that the a. Give the patient a hug and tell him
client wants to speak to him/her that life has still meaning
prior to the procedure. b. Arrange a spiritual advisor to visit
c. Using aseptic technique when the patient
performing a dressing change. c. Ask if the patient would like to
d. Explaining an invasive talk about his feeling
procedure to the client then d. Call in a close friend or relative to
asking if it is alright to begin the talk with the patient
procedure. A nurse who is comfortable with
one’s own spirituality is caring for a
A catholic patient with diabetes receives patient who needs spiritual
the following item on his meal tray on the conunseling. Which nursing action
Friday before Easter for which of the food would be most appropriate for this
does not the nurse offer to substitute patient?
which among the menu needs the nurse a. Calling the patient own
to have substitute spiritual advisor first
b. Asking wheteher the
a. Apple sauce patient has a spiritual
b. Cheese and cracker advisor and the patient
c. Spaghetti with meat sauce wishes to consult
d. Toss salad with ranch dressing c. Attempting to consult the
patient and if unsuccessful
making a referral to a
Which of the following would be most spiritual advisor
appropriate outcome for a patient who has d. Advising the patient and
a nursing diagnosis of spiritual distress spiritual advisor concerning
related to loneliness? health options and the best
choice for the client
a. Encourage the patient to meditate
two to three times a week Even though the nurse performs a
b. The patient will set up a time to detailed nursing history in spiritual. In
speak to a close friend in one which spirituality is assessed on
week admission problems with spiritual distress
c. Encourage the patient to phone his may not surface until days after the
brother and set up a time to go out admission. What is the probable
for dinner explanation for this?
d. The parient will experience greater
connection with family member in a. Patients usually want to conceal
two months information about their speed
spiritual needs
A hospice nurse is caring for a client who b. Patients arenot concerened about
is dying with pancreatic cancer. The spiritual needs after their spiritual
Filipino patient tells the nurse “I feel no advisor visits
connected to God and I’m worries that I c. Family memebers and close
feel no real meaning of life.” What would friends often initiate spiritual
be the nurse best response to the patient? concerns
d. Illness increases spiritual b. A patient who is an Orthodox
concerns which maybe difficult Jewish
for patients to express in words c. A patient who is a Jehova’s
A nurse who is caring for a patient on a
pediatric ward is assessing the children A nurse is teaching a novice nurse on how
for their spiritual needs. Which is the most to provide culturally competent care to
important source of learning the child’s patients in cultural diverse community
own spirituality? health clinic. Although all of the following
are important to providing culturally
a. The child’s church or religious competent nursing care. Which one is the
organization most basic?
b. What parent says about God and
religion a. Learning the predominant
c. How parents behave in language of the community
relationship to one another and b. Obtaining significant information
their children to others and to about the community
God c. Recognizing the importance of
d. The spiritual advisor of the family patients family
d. Treating each patient at the
clinic as an individual
A Roman Catholic family of a baby who
was born with a hydrocephaliltis requests The father of an American Indian has just
a baptism for their infant. Why is it died. What should the nurse do
imperative that the nurse provide baptism immediately after death?
to be performed?
a. Provide privacy so that the family
a. Baptism frequently postponed, it may touch and kiss the deceased,
prevents death or suffering goodbye
b. It is legally required that the nurse b. Ask about providing help with a
provide for this care when the death ceremony
family makes this request c. Carefully wrap the deceased
c. It is a nursing function to assure clothing for the family to take home
the salvation of the baby d. Mention the deceased by name
d. Lack of baptism when desired frequently
may increase the family’s
sorrow and suffering A nurse is assessing the health care
disparities among population groups.
Which area is the nurse monitoring?
A nurse work in the emergency a. Outcomes of health conditions
department assesses how patients b. Prevalence of complications
religious belief affect their treatment plan c. Incidence of diseases
with which patient would the nurse be d. Accessibility of health care
most likely to encounter resistance during services
emergency life-saving situation?
The nurse is providing to a cultural diverse
a. A patient of an Adventist faith population. Which action indicates the
nurse is successful in the role of providing
culturally competent and congruent care?
a. Provide care that is based on
meanings generated by
predetermined criteria.
b. Provide care that makes the nurse
the leader in determining what is
c. Provide care that is the same as
the values of a professional health
care system
d. Provide care that fits the clients
value, life patterns and set of

A blood transfusion is not accepted

treatment option. Which of the following
responses should the nurse make?
a. I believe in this case we should
really make an exception and
accept blood transfusion.
b. I know your family would approve
your decision to make transfusion
c. Why does your religion mandate
that you cannot receive any blood
d. Let's discuss the necessity of
blood transfusion with your
religious and spiritual leaders
and come to a reasonable

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