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News: Jim Yong Kim steps down as President of World Bank

World Bank President, Jim Yong Kim has made the surprise announcement that he is stepping
down after six years in the post.
His resignation will take effect from 1 February 2019.
Mr. Kim, 59, was not due to leave until 2022, after he was re-elected for a second five-year
term in 2017. (6) (11)
He will "join a firm and focus on increasing infrastructure investments in developing
countries", the World Bank said. (12)
In a statement, Mr. Kim said: "It has been a great honour to serve as President of this
remarkable institution, full of passionate individuals dedicated to the mission of ending
extreme poverty in our lifetime”. (12) (15)
No reason was given for his unexpected resignation.
Kristalina Georgieva, the World Bank's chief executive officer, will assume the role of
interim president. (9)
Analysis: Andrew Walker, economics correspondent:
"So he hasn't actually gone yet, but we can still start thinking about who will take over. I am
not going to speculate about particular candidates so much as about one big international
political sore that will probably flare up again. Will it once again be a United States nominee
that gets the job as it always has been?
It goes back to an understanding when the Bank was created in the 1940s, after the Second
World War: An American would run the World Bank; an European would be in charge of the
International Monetary Fund. (8) (13) That's the way it has always been. It's an arrangement
that many regard as anachronistic. The two institutions now have more formalised selection
procedures, and the recent preferred European and US candidates have faced challenges. Jim
Yong Kim - a Korean American nominated by the Obama Administration - was up against a
Colombian and a Nigerian when he was first appointed.
So far, the post-war understanding has prevailed. Will the US under President Trump be open
to the idea of ending that arrangement? It would be quite a surprise."
Climate stance
Mr Kim has avoided public clashes with President Trump, but his policy approach was
sometimes at odds with the president's approach to climate change. (14)
Under Mr Kim, the World Bank has ended its support of coal power projects - in contrast to
Mr Trump's promise to revive the US coal industry. (7)
In April, Mr Kim bowed to pressure from the Trump administration over loan payments to
China. The World Bank agreed to change its lending structure in order to secure a $13bn
capital increase.
The World Bank has a remit to finance international development projects. Formed in 1947 to
help rebuild European countries devastated by World War II, it supports infrastructure
projects with traditional loans, interest-free credits, and grants.
Mr Kim, who was born in Seoul, South Korea, trained as a medical doctor.
He was nominated by former president Barack Obama for both his first and second term at the
head of the World Bank.
The World Bank said it would "immediately start the process" of appointing a replacement.
Traditionally, the president of the World Bank has been nominated by the US, while the head
of its sister institution, the International Monetary Fund has been picked by European
countries. However, when Mr Kim was first appointed in 2012, there was growing pressure
from countries in the southern hemisphere for a candidate from an emerging market country
to be chosen.
Positioned at 41 in Forbes' Power People 2018 list, Mr Kim has presided over the dispersal of
billions of dollars of World Bank funding. (10) In 2018, the multilateral institution made
financial commitments worth $67bn. 


Questions 1-5: Choose the best answer
1. Which of the following statements is correct about Jim Yong Kim, EXCEPT?
A. He is a Korean-American doctor. (trained as a medical doctor, Jim Yong Kim - a Korean
B. He decided to leave the World Bank before finishing his term in 2022. ( His resignation
will take effect from 1 February 2019)
C. He was proposed to be the World Bank's president by President Donald Trump. (Jim Yong
Kim - a Korean American (1a) nominated by the Obama Administration)
D. His was first appointed to be the World Bank's president in 2012.
2. What purpose(s) was the World Bank run for?
A. To revive US coal commerce. (the World Bank has ended its support of coal power
projects - in contrast to Mr. Trump's promise to revive the US coal industry)
B. To revitalize the European from the damages caused by the World War II. (Formed in
1947 to help rebuild European countries devastated by World War II)
C. To reinforce the head of its sister institution, the International Monetary Fund. (The
president of the World Bank has been nominated by the US, while the head of its sister
institution, the International Monetary Fund has been picked by European countries)
D. All are correct.
3. What does Walker mean when he comments about the operation history of World
Bank since the 1940s?
A. The sovereignty in grip of the World Bank of European countries is obvious.
B. Jim Yong Kim might be elected again.
C. The arrangement of staffs for WB and IMF has become unsuitable. (It's an arrangement
that many regard as anachronistic.)
D. All are correct.
4. Which is the obstacle that Mr. Kim had to be cautious during his term of World
Bank's president?
A. Failure in diminishing the poverty as much as possible.
B. Contradiction in his decisions with Trump's proposal leading to the burden of loan
payments to China. (In April, Mr. Kim bowed to pressure from the Trump administration over
loan payments to China)
C. Vestige of the impairment caused by the latest World War.
D. Financial obstruction from Nigerian and Colombian.
5. What is likely to happen after Mr. Kim’s resignation?
A. Relationship between World Bank and International Monetary Fund is getting worse.
B. America will take over its authority as usual.
C. Kristalina Georgieva was elected to be the next World Bank's president. (Kristalina
Georgieva, the World Bank's chief executive officer, will assume the role of interim
D. It remains unknown who is the next president of World Bank.
Questions 6-10: Matching information
6. Mr. Kim - F A. is normally under administration of a European.
7. The World Bank's - ?? I (có B. Forbes recognized 40 people who were more
thể có nhầm lẫn ở đề bài ạ) powerful than Mr. Kim in 2018.
8. International Monetary Fund C. is the current World Bank's president.
9. Kristalina Georgieva - C D. resignation will take effect when he is 60 years
10. Forbes - B E. Would not be influenced by Americans.
F. will not complete his working term until 2022.
G. had a dispatch to support international projects.
H. spent billions of dollars of IMF funding. longer reinforces coal power projects.
J. Policy was utterly compatible with President
Trump's resolutions.

Questions 11-15: Decide if the statements are True/False/Not Given

11. Jim Yong Kim was appointed for a second five-year term in 2017 with high percentage of
votes (NG)
12. President of the World Bank has been trying to increase infrastructure investments in
developing countries. (F)
13. As a traditional arrangement, an American runs the World Bank while a European is in
charge of the International Monetary Fund. (T)
14. Donald trump agreed with Kim’s policy on climate change. (F)
15. Mr Kim showed no regret during this time working for World Bank. (T)

Questions 16-20: Answer the question with NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS:
16. How many years does Jim Yong Kim bow out of his position earlier than he was supposed
to do? - 3 years
17.Who committed to revitalize the American coal industry? Donald Trump
18.According to Mr. Kim, what did the mission of World Bank? ending extreme poverty
19.Under Kim, what project did the World Bank end its support of? coal power projects
20. What will the World Bank instantly begin to do after Mr. Kim’s resignation? appointing
a replacement

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