Insight Paper Alarte

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Name: Alarte, Archie Section: BSED-ENG 1-3

The 8 Basic Concepts of Bowen’s Family Systems Theory.

I chose this theory because I found myself relating in the 8 basics concepts of Murray
Bowen’s family systems theory. A family is a system in which each member has a role
to play and must respect the rules or regulation inside or outside of their house.
Members of the system are expected to respond to each other in a particular way,
depending on the role determined by the agreement of the relationship, Within the
system, patterns develop when the behavior of a particular family is triggered by the
behavior of another family and is triggered as expected, like an argument, gossiping,
family or financial related problems, maintaining the same behavioral patterns within the
system can lead to balance in the family system, but it can also lead to dysfunction. For
example, if a child scolded by their parents the relationship of a child might be the
reason why this child is choosing to be martyr because of the of the results of specific
scenario and circumstances, you can maintain the stability of your relationship, but you
can also put your family in a different situation. This new situation can lead to
dysfunction. All members of the family are involved. In my experience on our house, my
parents never lay a hand on us, they never hurt us physically, but they throw harsh or
curse words on us even that it is not intentional, it also hurts the same with the physical
pain, like stabbing your heart multiple times but at least we never experience getting
beat by our parents. This scenario brings confusion to me when I was in high school
days, I think too much that they don’t love and care for me just like that, I always want to
go outside far away from our home, but I don’t drink and smoke, I have no bad habits, I
only play volleyball to forget my problems in our home, sometime I always wear my
earphones or headphones to listen music, to entertain myself, but I’m happy that my
parents noticed my behavior, why I’m isolating myself and not talking to them, they
apologize and explain to me why they did that, I accept their apology and I understand,
communication plays pivotal role in our home, to make our family stronger. Murray
Bowen is right we can solve problems in our home by communicating, don’t lead
miscommunication into isolating of one member in the family.

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