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You are a primary 6 student and your class has been asked to organize a charity event to raise

funds for a local children's hospital. Write a proposal to your teacher outlining your ideas for
the event.
Dear [Teacher's Name],
I am writing to propose some ideas for the charity event that our primary 6 class has been
tasked with organizing. Our aim is to raise funds for the local children's hospital, which does
amazing work in caring for sick children in our community.
I believe that we can make a real difference by organizing a fun and engaging event that will
attract a lot of people from our school and the wider community. Here are some ideas that I
think would be great:
1. A charity carnival: We could organize a carnival with games, food stalls, and other
attractions. We could sell tickets for entry and for each game or attraction, with all
proceeds going to the children's hospital.
2. A sponsored walk: We could organize a walk around our school or a local park, with
participants collecting pledges from family and friends. We could have a prize for the
person who raises the most money.
3. A bake sale: We could organize a bake sale, where students could bake and sell their
own goods. We could also approach local bakeries to donate goods for the sale.
4. A talent show: We could organize a talent show, where students could perform and
charge an entry fee for audience members. We could also ask local businesses to
sponsor the event.
I believe that any of these events could be successful in raising funds for the children's
hospital. I am happy to work with my classmates to organize and promote the event, and I am
sure that we can make a real difference in the lives of sick children in our community.
Thank you for considering my proposal.
Yours sincerely,
[Your Name]
Good Phrases to Describe Emotions
Describing Anger
 eyes narrowed with contempt
 seething with rage
 glared at me with dagger-like eyes
 stood there with her arms akimbo
Describing Fear / Shock
 terror gripped my heart
 a chill ran down my spine
 trembling with fear
 heart was pulsating wildly
Describing Anxiety
 pacing up and down
 glanced at his watch for the twentieth time
 hands turned cold and clammy
Describing Pain 
 a sharp pain surged through
 howled in agony
 cried in excruciating pain
Words and phrases to write a happy scenario
a) Introduction
 The sun shone brilliantly and the water in the pond glittered invitingly.
 The sunset was glorious, all rosy and salmon-pink
b) Describing People
 Puffy cheeks/ broad muscular shoulders/ cute button nose/ soft and sweet voice/ with
lovely curls/ long, soft and silky hair/ bright, sparkling eyes
c) Describing happiness
 Her heart was filled with overflowing joy.
 She felt surrounded by angels of joy.
 Her eyes twinkled with happiness.
 She was in high spirits.
 a smile spread across her face
 face lit up with joy
 whistling a merry tune

d) Idioms
 On cloud nine
 Smack one’s lips
 Over the moon
 Have a whale of a time
 Lend a helping hand
 Greet someone with open arms
e) Proverbs
 A friend in need is a friend indeed
 Every cloud has a silver lining
 Make hay while the sun shines
 Many hands make light work
f) Similes
 As happy as a lark
 As joyful as a fly
 As faithful as a dog
 As gentle as a dove
 As graceful as a swan
 As sharp as a razor
 As bright as a button
 As brilliant as stars
Words and phrases to write a sad scenario
a) Introduction
The morning was cold and wet with a brisk wind sweeping the rain across the land
b) Describing sadness/pain in dialogue
 Sobbed
 Moaned
 Lamented
 An expression of acute agony on his face
 eyes brimmed with tears
 wailed in sorrow
 on the verge of tears
 tears welled up in her eyes
 face etched with misery

c) Describing people
 Pale-looking
 Sunken cheeks
 Tremulous voice
 Unkempt hair
 Bloodshot eyes
 Dull, expressionless eyes
 Puffy eyes
d) Idioms
 Be on the rocks
 No laughing matter
 Down in the mouth
 Have the blues
 Get cold feet
 Lose heart
 Bury the hatchet
 Could never see eye to eye
e) Proverbs
 Beggars can’t be choosers
 Its no use crying over spilt milk
 Time and tide wait for no man
f) Similes
 As sad as night
 As mournful as the grave
 As timid as a rabbit
 As calm as death

G) Introduction
 The morning was cold and wet with a brisk wind sweeping the rain across the land
 Black, ominious clouds covered the sky and released a sudden shower
H) Describing excitement/ panic
 Screams and loud cries pierced the air
 Everybody was fleeing franctically
 Horrible screams filled the air
 The scene was chaotic
 The wails of the fire engines could be heard
I) Describing dialogue and exciting phrases
 Stuttered
 Gasped
 Raved
 Shrieked
 A wild shriek of rage
 A fearful peal of thunder
 I was paralysed with fear
 His eyes revolved in terror
 She felt a shiver go down her spine
 See red
 Hit the ceiling
 At the eleventh hour
 Keep a cool head
 Smelt a rat
 At each other’s throats
J) Describing people
 Full of pockmarks
 Bulbous nose
 A screeching voice
 Eyes as red as burning coals
K) Proverbs
 Alls well that ends well
 Out of the frying pan and into the fire
L) Similes
 As angry as a wasp
 As fierce as a lion
 As stubborn as a mule
 As dark as midnight

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