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Interview Questions for College Graduates

1. What university did you go to? What was the program you took and why did you choose it?
2. What did you feel during your first days in college
3. Did you make friends in college? If so, what were they like?
4. What were your favorite and least favorite subjects and why?
5. Who was your favorite professor, and why?
6. How far was your home from school? How long was your travel time? Was it hard to commute?
7. Have you ever had a failed grade? If so, why did it happen and how did you overcome it?
8. Did you have fun in college? Why or why not?
9. Did you listen carefully in class or were you zoning out and troublemaking in class?
10. Do you have a favorite project? If you do, then what project was I and how did you do it?
11. What was the most challenging problem you encountered and how did you overcome it?
12. What kept you motivated to finish your studies and graduate?
13. What was/were the happiest moment(s) you had during college?
14. What is your advice to students like me who will soon go to college?

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