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Ken Kirkly Z.

Medina Introduction to Philosophy

12 STEM 1 – Sta. Isabel February 04, 2023

M.A. after my Name

When we think about the future what always comes to our minds is what goes ahead in our life, the
"time that is to come". One of the interesting parts about the future is that we don’t know when that time is
coming or will come into our life, that’s why people always do future planning, it’s where people plan their
future for the better, securing their wants and needs, who wouldn’t like to be rich or successful right? A lot of
people are ready for the future but some are not quite aware of what's the future for. Having a plan will help a
lot of people grow and have a goal that will drive them to do more than a hundred percent, but some people are
more comfortable being successful without planning it, nor thinking about what will happen next, some of them
are pressured and still clueless about their plans, career, and their future.

Back when I was a naive kid, I always looked up to older people who can achieve things like an
engineer who solves different technical problems, an architect who designs and construct houses and structures,
or a police who protects people’s lives and properties. With all of those impressive professions, I desired to
become a civil engineer. Living in a small house with 3 families, we were unable to move properly due to lack
of space, unable to eat three times a day, and my inability to enjoy my childhood because of extreme poverty.
That is why I'm driven to become a civil engineer. I want to create a bigger space for us and a better world for
us. And, that was my ambition before not until I experienced a lot of obstacles that hinders me from achieving
that goal. I lost that passionate kid who dreams of creating a better world for his family. I am getting pressured
by my environment, “You must be like that”, and “You ought to be like that”. They have a big plan for me
because of my academic achievements. If only I can see myself the way people see me, they see me as a smart
and skilled kid, but I am not like that. They see a better future for me, but I can't see it myself. How can I go
forward when I don’t know which I am facing?

But... what will happen to me if I continue being unambitious? That’s when I realized, what about the
plans I made when I was a kid. I always saw the struggles of my Mama, but I never saw her give up. She’s
always been my inspiration; she’s my definition of hard work. My mama runs a skincare aesthetic clinic. I
admire her passion for her work. When she works, she put in 101% effort. That’s why I must be determined as
she is, I must be passionate as she is. I am her reflection. She’s a medical aesthetician, and I want to be like her.
With that, I want to pursue aesthetic medicine as a college degree. I desire that M.A. after my name. I can see
myself providing a variety of services, procedures, products, and consultations to help improve and maintain the
appearance and health of the client’s or patient’s skin. I want to make everyone confident about their looks and
the confidence they gain and give to the world will allow others to see and share in their true beauty. In the
future, I’ll ensure to repay all the sacrifices my Mama has given to me only for me to have a better life.

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