AP Chem AP Exam 1984

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AP Multiple Choice - 1984 Page 1 of18

Advamced Plaeernemt Chennistry

1984 &rEexEtiple Choiee Questioms

Use the following answers for questions i - 3.

(A) F'
(ts) s
(c) 1t4e
(D) Ar
(8,) MN

t. Forrns monatomie ions with 2- charge in solutions

2. Fonns a eonipound having the formrila KXO4

3" Forms oxides that are cornrnon air pollutants and that yieldaeidie solution in water

Use the following answers for questions 4 - 7 "

(,{) F{ydrofluoric acid

(B) Carbon dioxide
(C) Aluminum hydroxide
(D) Ammonia
(E) F{ydrogen peroxide

4. ns a good oxidizing ageilt

5. trs used to eteh glass ehemicaily

5. Is used extensively for the production of,fertilizers

7. Has arnphoterie properties

Use the f,ollowing answers for questions I - 9.

(A) A network solid with covalent bonding

(E) A molecular solid with zero dipole moment
(C) A molecular solid with hydrogen bonding
(D) An ionic solid
(E) A metallic solid

L Solid ethyl alcohol, CTHTOF{

9. Silieon dioxide, SiO,

Ar vlultlpte uholce - l9E4 Page 2 of 18

Use the following answers for questions 10 - 13.

(A) CO32-
(B) CrrOr2-
(c) NH4+
,"-. t-L
lw) Ba''
(E) A13+

Assume that you have an "unknown" consisting of anaqueous solution of a satrt that contains one of the
ions listedabove. Which ions must be absenaf on the basis of each ofthe following observations of the

10. The solution is solorless

1 1. The solution gives no apparent reaction with dilutehydrochloric acid.

12. No odor can be detected when a sarnple of the solution isadded drop by drop to a warrn solution of
sodium hydroxide.

13. No precipitate is fonned when a dilute solution of FIrSOois added to a sample of the soiution.

Questions T4-I7


t-'fi '.


5alt tI

il e{ ild(Nfis}s'i i\ lM AsH*n \
i. tili) milliliters J lfifl neilliliters i

The spontaneous reaction that occurs when the cell aboveoperates is:

2Ag* + Cd(s) ---> 2Ag(s) + Cd2+

(A) Voltage increases.

(B) Voltage decreases but remains at zero.
(C) Voltage becomes zero and remains at zero.

httn : llw ai akeah i sh k 1 ) hi r r s/m i qc/chern i nd ey /rn r. / 1 QR A h+m < /'2 l.rnrla
AP Multrple Chorce - 1984 Page 3 of 18

(D) No change in voitage occures.

(E) Direction of voltage change cannot be prcdicted without additional infonnation.

\rtrich of the above occurs for each of the followingcircumstances?

14. A S0-milliliter sample of aZ-malar Cd(T{Or)rsolution is added to the left beaker.

15. The silver electrode is made larger.

16" The salt bridge is replaced by a platinum wire

17. Current is allowed to flow for 5 minutes


Hydrogen F{alide Normal Boiling Point, "C

F{F +19
f1L-t -85
FIBr -67
HI -35

The liquefied hydrogen halides have the normal boiling pointsgiven above. The relatively high boiling
point of HF can beeon'eetly explained by which of the followng?

(A) FIF gas is more ideal.

(B) HF is the strongest acid.
(C) I{F molecules have a smaller dipole moment.
(D) HF is mueh less soluble in water.
(E) I-IF moleoules tend to fcnn hydrogen bonds.

i9. Which of the following represents apafu of isotopes?

l^#^.1l---^:^1-^^L: ^L 1-l . 1-: ,-- t,-,: t a 1 I la A^ a 1
Ar Nruttlple unolce - 1964 Page 4 of 18

20. .....Mg(s) + .....Nor-(ad +.....H+(aq)--->......Me2*(aq) + ....NH+*(aq)+....Hro(t)

When the skeleton equation above is balanced and allcoefficients reduced to their lowest whole-number
terms. what isthe coeficient for H+ ?

(A) 4
(B) 6
(c) 8
(D) e
(E) 10

When a sample of oxygen gas in a closed container ofconstant volume is heated until its absolute
21 .
temperature isdoubled, which of the following is also doubled?

(A) The density of the gas

(B) The pressure of the gas
(C) The average velocity of the gas molecules
(D) The number of molecule, pe, cm3
(E) The potential energy of the molecules

22. rs2 2s22p6 3s23p3

Atoms of an element, X, have the electronic configurationshown above. The compound most likely
formed with magnesium, Mg,is

(A) Mgx
(B) Mgrx
(C) MgX,
(D) MgX.
(E) Mg.X,

23. The density of an unknown gas is 4.2A grams per liter at3.00 atmospheres pressure and 127 oC"
What is the molecularweight of this gas? (R:0.0821 liter-atrn / mole-K)

(A) 14.6
(B) 46.0
(c) 88.0
(D) e4.1
(E) 138

24. The formula for potassium hexacyanoferrate(Il) is

(A) Ko[Fe(CN)oj
(B) Kr[Fe(CN)o]
(c) K2[P(CN)4]
(D) K2[P(cN)e]

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Questions 25-26

HrAsOo + 3I- + 2 H3O+---> HrAsO, + 13- + H2O

The oxidation of iodide ions by arsenic acid in acidic aqueoussolution occurs according to the
stoichiometry shown above. Theexperimental rate law of the reaction is:

Rate : k lHrAsOoj LI-lfHjO il

25. What is the order of the reaction with respect to I-?

(A) I
(B) 2
(c) 3
(D) 5

26. According to the rate law for the reaction, an increase inthe concentration of hydronium ion has what
effect on thisreaction?

(A) The rate of reaction increases.

(B) The rate of reaction decreases.
(C) The value of the equilibrium constant increases.
(D) The value of the equilibrium constant decreases.
(E) Neither the rate nor the value of the equilibrium constant is changed.

27. The critical temperature of a substance is the

(A) temperature at which the vapor pressure of the liquid is equal to the external pressure
(ts) temperature at which the vapor pressure of the liquid is equal to 760 mm Hg
(C) temperature at which the solid, liquid, and vapor phases are all in equilibrium
(D) Temperature at which liquid and vapor phases are in equilibrium at I atmosphere
(E) lowest temperature above which a substance cnnot be liquified at any applied pressure

28.2 A(g) + B(g) <:::> 2 C(e)

When the concentration of substance B in the reaction above isdoubled, all other lbctors being held
constant, it is found thatthe rate of the reaction remains unchanged. The most probableexplanation for
this observation is that

(A) the order of the reaction with respect to substance B is 1

(B) substance B is not involved in any of the steps in the mechanism of the reaction
(C) substance B is not involved in the rate-determining step of the mechanism, but is
involved in subsequent steps
(D) substance B is probably a catalyst, and as such, rts effect on the rate of the reaction does
not depend on its concentration
(E) the reactant with the smallest coefficient in the balanced equation generally has little or
Ar vlultlple uholce - r9E4 Page 6 oi 18

no effecton the rate of the reaction

29. Cu(s) + 2 Ag+ ---> Cu2+ + 2 Ag(s)

Ifthe equilibrium constant for the reaction above is 3"7 x i015,which of the following correctly
describes the standard voltage,Eo, and the standard free energy change, AGo,for this reaction?

(A) E' is positive and AGo is negative.

(B) E" is negative and AGo is positive.
(C) E' and AGo are both positive.
(D) E' and AG" are both negative.
(E) E" and AGo are both zero

30. When 84-Po-214 decays, the emission consists consecutivelyof an alpha particle, then two beta
particles, and finallyanother alpha particle. The resulting stable nucleus ii

(A) 83-Bi-205
(B) 83-Bi-210
(.c) 82-Pb-206
(D) 82-Pb-208
(E) B1-Tl-210

3 1 . A 0. 1-molar solution of which of the following ions isorange?

(A) Fe(HrO)*2+

18) Cu(t{H3)a2+
1O) ZnQ.{H3)a2+
(E) CrrOr2*

32. The net ionic equation for the reaction between silvercarbonate and hydrochloric acid is

(A) AgrCO:(s) + 2H+ + 2 CI- ---> 2 AgCl(s) + H2O + CO(g)

(B) 2 Ag+ 1 CO:2 + 2lH+ + 2 Cf ---> zAgCl(s) + H2O + CO2(e)
(C) CO32* + 2 H+ ---t HzO + CO2(e)
(D) Ag' + Cl* ---> AgCl(s)
(E) AgrCos(s) + 2 H+ ---> 2Ag* + H2Co3

33. The pH of 0.l*molar ammonia is approximately

(A) I
(B) 4
(c) 7
(D) 11

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(E) 14

34. .,CrOr- + ...OH-

balanced, what is the ratio of thecoefficients OH- / CrOr* ?

(A) 1:1
(B) 2:1
(C) 3:1
(D) 4:1
(E) 5:1

35. The addition of an oxidizing agent such as chlorine waterto a clear solution of an unknown
compound results in theappearance of a brown color. When this solution is shaken withthe organic
solvent, methyiene dichloride, the organic solventlayer turns purple. The unknown cornpound probably

(A) K*
(B) Ba
(c) No3*
(D) I-
(E) Co2+

36. CuO(s) + H2(g) <::=) Cu(s) + HrO(g);AH: - 2.0 kilojoules

When the substances in the equation above are at equilibriumat pressure P and temperature T, the
equilibrium can be shiftedto favor the products by

(A) increasing the pressure by means of a moving piston at constant T

(B) increasing the pressure by adding an inert gas such as nitrogen
(C) decreasing the temperature
(D) allowing some gases to escape at constant F and T
(E) adding a catalyst

37. The molality of the glucose in a 1.0-molar glucosesolution can be obtained by using which of the

(A) Volume of the solution

(B) Temperature of the solution
(C) Solubility of glucose in water
(D) Degree of dissociation of glucose
(E) Density of the solution

38. The radioactive decay of 6-C-14 to 7-N-14 occurs by theprocess of

(A) beta particle emission
(B) alpha particle emission
(C) positron emission
(D) electron capture
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(E) neutron capture

39" Equal masses of three different ideal gases, X, Y, andZ,are mixed in a sealed rigid container. If the
temperature of thesystem remains constant, which of the following statements aboutthe partial pressure
ofgas X is correct?

(A) It is equal to 1/3 the total pressure

(B) It depends on the intermolecular forces of attraction between molecules of X, Y, and, Z.
(C) It depends on the relative molecular masses of X, Y, andZ.
(D) It depends on the average distance traveled between molecular collisions.
(E) It can be calculated with knowledge only of the volume of the container.

40. The geometry of the SO, molecule is bestdescribed as

(A) trigonal planar

(B) trigonal pyramidal
(C) square pyramidal
(D) bent
(E) tetrahedral

41. Which of the following molecules has the shortest bondlength?

(B) oz
(c) cl2
(D) Br,
(E) Iz

42.}d.etallic copper is heated strongly with concentratedsulfuric acid. The products of this reaction are

(A) CUSOo(s) and H2(s) onlv

(B) cu2+, sor(s), and Hro
(c) cuz+, I{2(g), and Hro
(D) CuSOols), H2(B), and SO2(B)
(E) cu2+, sor(e), and Hro

43. The elements in which of the following have most nearlythe same atomic radius?

(A) Be, B, C, N
(B) Ne, Ar, Kr, Xe
(C) Mg, Ca, Sr, Ba
(D) C, P, Se, I
(E) Cr, Mn, Fe, Co

44. What number of moles of O, is needed to produce14.2 grams of PoO,o from P? (Molecularweight

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P+Oro :294)

(A) 0.0500 mole

(B) 0.0625 mole
(C) 0.125 mole
(D) 0.250 mole
(E) 0.500 mole

45. The alkenes are compounds of carbon and hydrogen with thegeneral formula CnHrn. If 0.561
of anyalkene is burned in excess oxygen, what number of moles of H"ois formed?

(A) 0.0400 mole

(B) 0.0600 mole
. (C) 0.0800 mole
(D) 0.400 mole
(E) 0.800 mole

46. If 0.060 faruday is passed through an electrolytic cellcontaining a solution of In3+ ions, the
maximum numtrerof moles of In that could be deposited at the cathode is

(A) 0.010 mole

(B) 0.020 mole
(C) 0.030 mole
(D) 0.060 mole
(E) 0.18 mole

47. CH4{s) + Z Or(e) ---> CO2(g)+ 2 H2O(l); A: - 889.1 kJ

AHf'H2O(l): - 285.8 kJ / mole

AHf' CO2(g): - 393.3 kJ / mole

What is the standard heat of formation of methane, DHf' CH4(g), ascalculated fiorn the data above?

(A) -210.0 kJ/mole

(B) -107.5 kJ/mole
(C) -75.8 kJ/mole
(D) 75.8 kJlmole
(E) 210.0 kJ/mole

48. Which of the following ions is the strongest Lewis acid?

(A) Na*
(B) cl-
(c) cH3coo
(D) Mg2*

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(E) Al3+

49.Each of the following can act as both a Bronsted acid anda Bronsted base EXCEPT

(A) HCO3-
(B) H2PO4-
(c) NH4+
(D) H2O
(E) HS-

50. Two flexible containers for gases are atthe sametemperature and pressure. One holds 0.50 gram of
hydrogen and theother holds 8.0 grams of oxygen. Which of the followingstatements regarding these gas
sarnples is FALSE?

(A) The volume of the hydrogen container is the same as the volume of the oxygen
(B) The number of molecules in the hydrogen container is the same as the number of
molecules in the oxygen container.
(C) The density of the hydrogen sample is less than that of the oxygen sample.
(D) The average kinetic energy of the hydrogen molecules is the same as the average kinetic
energy of the oxygen molecules.
(E) The average speed of the hydrogen molecules is the same as the average speed of the
oxygen molecules.

51. Pi bonding occurs in each of the following species EXCEPT

(A) CO2
(B) C2F{4
(c) cN-
(D) C6H6
(E) CH4

52. 3 Ag(s) + 4 HNO3 (:::) 3 AgNOr+ NO(g) + ZtrIr}

The reaction of silver metal and dilute nitric acid proceedsaccording to the equation above. If 0.10 mole
of powdered silveris added to 10. milliliters of 6.0-molar nitric acid, the numberof moles of NO gas that
can be formed is

(A) 0.015 moie

(B) 0.020 mole
(C) 0.030 mole
(D) 0.045 mole
(E) 0.090 mole

53. Which, if any, of the following species is in the greatestconcentration in a 0.10O-molar solution of
HrSOoin water?

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(A) H2SO4 molecules

(B) HrO+ ions
(C) HSO*- ions
(D) SOo2- ions
(E) All species are in equilibrium and therefore have the same concentrations.

54. Which of the following statements is always true about thephase diagram of any one-component

(A) The slope of the curve representing equilibrium between the vapor and liquid phases is
(B) The slope of the curve representing equilibrium between the liquid and solid phases is
, negative.
(C) The slope of the curve representing equilibrium between the liquid and solid phases is
(D) the temperature at the triple point is greater than the normal freezing point.
(E) The pressure at the triple point is greater than 1 atmosphere

55. At 20. "C, the vapor pressure of toluene is 22millimeters of mercury and that of benzene is 75
millimeters ofmercury. An ideal solution, equimolar in toluene and benzeneo isprepared. At 20. oC, what
is the mole fraction of benzene in thevapor in equilibrium with this solution?

(A) 0.23
(B) 0.2e
(c) 0.50
@) a.t7
(E) 0.83

56' A cube of ice is added to some hot water in a rigid,insulated container, rn4rich is then sealed. There is
no heatexchange with the surroundings. What has happened to the totalenergy and the total entropy
when the system reaches equilibrium?

Energy Entropy
(A) Remains constant R.emains constant
(B) Remains constant Decreases
(C) Remains constant Increases
(D) Decreases Increases
(E) Increases Decreases

57. For the reaction A(g) <:::>B(g) + C(g), theequilibrium constant, Kp, is 2 x l0*4 2y1ZS oC. A
mixture of the three gases at25 oC is placed in areaction flask and the initial pressures are po :
2atmosphere, Pu : 0.5 atmosphere, and P" : latmosphere, At the instant of mixing, which of the
following istrue for the reaction as written?

AP lvlultlple Uholce - 1984 Page 12 of 18

(c) As :0
(D) AG" = 0
(E) AG" < 0

58. Which of the following represents the ground stateelectron configuration for the Mn3+ ion?
(Atomicnumber Mn :25)

(A) 1s2 2s22p6 3s23p63d4

(B) 1s2 2s22p6 3s23p63d5 4s2
(c) 1s2 2s22p6 3s23p63d2 4s2
(D) 1s2 2s22p6 3s23p63d8 4s2
(E) 1s2 zs2zp6 3s23p63d3 4s1

59. \\tren 70" milliliter of 3.0-molar NarCOris added to 30. miltriliters of tr.O-molar NaHCO,
theresulting concentration of Na+ is

(A) 2.0 M
(B) 2.4 M
(c) 4.0 M
(D) 4.5 M
(E) 7.0 M

50. Which of the following has a zero dipole moment?

(B) NH3
(c) so2
(D) NO2
(E) FF5

51. When a solution of potassiurn dichromate is added to anacidified solution of iron(Il) sulfate, the
products of thereaction are

(A) FeCrrOT(s) and HrO

(B) FeCrOa(s) and HrO
(C) Fe3+, CrOo2*, and HrO
(D) Fe3+, Cr3+, and HrO
(E) Fer(SOa)3(s), Cr3+ and HrO

62. A student pipetted five 25.0O-milliliter samples ofhydrochloric acid and transferred each sample to
an Erlenmeyerflask, diluted it with distilled water, and added a few drops ofphenolphthalein to each.
Each sample was then titrated with asodium hydroxide solution to the appearance of the firstpermanent
faint pink color. The following results were obtained.

Volumes of NaOH Solution

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First Sample............... ...35.22 mL

Second Sample..............36. 14 mL
Third Sample."......"........35. 1 3 mL
Fourth Sample........"...".36. 1 5 mL
Fifth Sample...."... ".... ". ...36.12 mL

Which of the following is the inost probable explanation forthe variation in the student's results?

(A) The burette was not rinsed with NaOH solution.

(B) The student misread a 5 for a 6 on the burette when the first sample was titrated.
(C) A different amount of water was added to the first sample"
(D) The pipette was not rinsed with the F{Ctr soiution.
(E) The student added too little indieator to the first sample.


Acid Dissociation
Constant, K"
i4 7x10'
H2PO4- 8xi0 o

HPO42- 5xtrO
_1 a
On the basis of the information above, a buffer with a pF{: gcan best be made by using

(A) pure NaF{rPOo

(B) FI3PO4 + H2PO4-
(c) H2PO4 + PO43-
(D) H2PC4 + HFO+Z
(E) t{PC42 + Po43-

64. The net ionic equation for the reaction that occurs duringthe titration of nitrous aicd with sodium
hydroxide is

(A) I{NO2 * Na+ + OH- ---> NaNOz + HzO

(B) HNO2 + NaOH ---> Na+ + NC2- + H2O
(C) FI* + OH- ---tHzO
(D) HNO2 + H2O ---v NOz + H:O+
(E) HhrO2 + OH-,--l NOz + H2O

65. which of the following species cANNoT function as anoxidizing agent?

(A) CrrOrz-
AP Multiple Choice - 1984 Fage 14 of 18

(B) Mnoo-
(c) No3-
(D) S
(E) I_

66. Ca, V, Co, Zn, As

Gaseous atoms of which of the elements above are paramagnetic?

(A) Ca and As only

(B)Znand As only
(C) Ca, V, and Co only
(D) V, Co, and As only
(E) V, Co, and Znonly

6l. A student wishes to prepare 2.00 liters of 0.100-molar KlO3(molecular weight 2I4).The proper
procedure is to weigh out

(A) 42.8 grams of KIO, and add 2.00 kilograrns of HrO

(B) 42.8 grams of KIOr and add HrO until the final homogeneous solution has a volume of
2.00 liters
(C) 21.4 grams of KIO, and add HrO until the final homogeneous solution has a volume of
2.00 liters
(D) 42.8 grams of KIO, and add 2.00 liters of HrO
(E) 21.4 grams fo KIO3 and add 2.00liters of HrO

68. A 20.O-milliliter sample of 0.200-molar KrCOrsolution is added to 30.0 milliliters of 0.400-molar

BaQ'{Or)rsolution. Bariurn carbonate precipitates. The concentration ofbarium ion, Ba2+, in solution
after reaction is

(A) 0.1s0 M
(B) 0.160 M
(c) 0.200 M
(D) 0.240 M
(E) 0.267 M

69. What is the mole fraction of ethanol, CrHrOH,in an aqueous solution in which the ethanol
concentration is 4.6molal?

(A) 0.0046
(B) 0.076
(c) 0.083
(D) 0.20
(E) 0.72

70. One of the outermost electrons in a strontium atom in theground state can be described by which of
the following sets offour quantum numbers?

hltn' / I vtqi qlreqhi rth V 1 ) hi r ra /mi an /nho-i-.lo- /* / 1 oQ A l+6

AP Multiple Choice - 1984 Page 15 of 18

(A) 5, 2,0,112
(B) 5, I,I,ll2
(c) 5, 1,0,112
(D) 5, 0,1,I12
(E) 5, 0,0, 112

71. Which of the following reactions does NOT proceedsignificantly to the right in aqueous solutions?

(A) HjOr r OH- ---> 2 H2O

(B) HCN + OH- ---t HzO + CN-
(C) Cu(Hro)^,* * 4 NH3 ---> CuQrtH
* 4LI2O
(D) H2SO4 + HrO ---r H:O* + HSO+
(E) H2O + F{SO4- --> H2SO4 + OH-

72. A compound is heated to produce a gas whose molecularweight is to be determined. The gas is
collected by displacingwater in a water-filled flask inverted in a trough of water.Which of the following
is necessary to calculate the molecularweight of the gas, but does NOT need to be rneasured during

(A) Mass of the compound used in the experiment

(B) Temperature of the water in the trough
(C) Vapor pressure of the water
(D) Barometric pressure
(E) Volume of water displaced from the flask

73. A27.}'gram sample of an unknown hydrocarbon was buired inexcess oxygen to form 88.0 grams of
carbon dioxide artd27.0 gramsof water. What is a possible molecular formula Jf th.hydtocarboi?

(A) CH4
(B) C2H2
(c) c4H3
(D) C4H6
(E) C4Hto

74.How many moles of NaF must be dissolved in 1.00liter of asaturated solution of pbF, at 25 oC to
reduce the [fb2+]to 1 x 10-6 molar? (Kro of pbF
rat25 "C:4.0 x t0-8)

(A) 0.020 mole

(B) 0.040 mole
(C) 0.10 mole
(D) 0.20 mole
(E) 0.40 mole

75. If the acid dissociation constant, Ku, for anacid HA is 8 x 10-a at25 oC, what percent of theacid is
dissociated in a 0.50-molar solution of HA at25 oC?
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(A) 0.08%
(B) 0.2%
(c) r%
(D) 2%
(E) 4%


Consider the equilibrium above. Which of the foliowing ehangeswill inorease the eoneentration of

(.4) Inereasing the concentration of OF{-

(B).Adding 6 Nd HNO3
(C) Increasing the rnass oflF{gO present
(D) trncreasing the temperature
(E) Adding a catalyst

77. Which of the following compounds exhibits optiealisomerism?

(A)l H


(c) CH,-.
*"',r *"'z -"3

(D) fl


(E) tH- ,1
It lt

htfn' l /txrr"l cli',^qhi oh V 1 1 hi r ro /-i o. /nL--ir..{o- /*n /1 O Ql h+* < /7. tannl
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78" When the actual gas volume is greater then thevolume predieted by the ideal gas law, the
explanation lies inthe fact that the ideal gas law does NOT include a factor formolecular.

(A) volume
(B) mass
(C) velooity
(D) attraetions
(E) shape

79. 5 Fez+ + h4noo- r g ffi+1:::> 5 Fe3+ + i\{n2+ + 4 H?-O

In a titration experiment based on the equation above, 25.0rnilliliters of an acidified Fe2+ solution
requires14.0 miililiters of standard 0.050-rnolar Mnoo-sclution to reaeh the equivalenee point. The
ooncentration of Fe2+iil thc original soluiton is

(A) 0.0010 r\,{

(E) 0.00s61/{
(c) 0.02E h,4
(D) 0.0e0 e4
(E) 0.14 h4

80. For which of the following rnoleeules are resonanoestructures neoossary to describc the tronding

(A) HzS
(B) SC2
(c) cc2
/n\ nr
tr_J.l L.jts 1
(E) PF3

8tr. \l,hat is the net ionie equation for the reaction thatoecurs when aqueous eopper(II) sulfate is added to
exeess 6-molarammonia?

(.4) cu2+ + so42- + 2 NH4+ + 2 oF{- ---t G{H+)rsoo + cu(oH),

(ts) Cu2+ + 4 NI-{3 + 4 H2o --> Cu(oH)^,- *4 NH4+
(C) Cu2+ + 2 NF{3 + zw2a --> Cu(oF{)r+ zNHo*
(D) cu2+ + 4 NH3 --t C*C{Hs)+2*
(E) Cu2+ + 2 NF{3 + I-{2o --> cuo + 2 NH4+


Step 1) N2H2O2 {:::) NrF{Or* + H+ fast equilibrium

Step 2) N2I-{O2- ---t NzO + OH-

AP Multiple Choice - 1984 Page 18 of18

Step 3) H+ + OH- ---t Hzo

Nitramide, N2H2O2, deoomposesslowly in aqueous solution. This decomposition is believed tooceur

according to the reaction mechanism above. The rate law forthe decomposition of nitrarnide that is
consistent with thismechanism is given by which of the f'ollowing?

(A) Rate: k [NrH2O2J

(B) F-ate: k [NrF{rO2] [F{*]
(C) R.ate: (k [NzHzO2]) / lH+l
(D) R.ate: (k [NzHzAzD I [N2HO2-]
(E) R.ate = k N2Fi2O2l [OFr-]

83. NH3(s) + z CF{o(s) + sD Ar(v)<---; H2NCI{2COOH(s) + 3 H2O(1)

At constant temperature, AH, theehange in enthatrpy for the reaction above is approxirnately equalto

(A) - (11/2)Rr
(B) AE - (7/2)Rr
(c) AE + RT
(D) AE + (7/2)RT
(E) (11/2)Rr
84. \h&ich of the following aqueous solutions has tho highestboitring point?

(A) 0.10 M potassium sutrfate, K2SO4

(B) 0.10 M hydrochloric acid, HCI
(C) 0.10 M arnrnoniurn nitrate, NH4NO3
(D) 0.10 M magnesium sulfalte, fr4gSoo
(E) 0.20 M sucrose, CnHzzAtt

81, A sample of 9.00 grams of aluminum metal is added to anexcess of trydrochloric aeid. The volume
of hydrogen gas producedat standard temperature and pressure is

(A) 22.4 liters

(B) 1 i.2 liters
(C) 7.46liters
(D) 5.50liters
(E) 3.74 liters

httn. I lw ai akeahi oh k 1 ) h1 r r q/rni qc/chetni nd c-r /r. n/1O Q d h+* < /1 lannl
1964 AF rvluluple Unolce Answers Page I ofl

1984 AF Multiple Choice Answers

Percent Percent Percent

Correct n Correct
1 B ?8--_l n trit ----E-_-l 46 1 10
2. E 68 32. A 25 2 27
J. B JJ D 44 JZ
4 E 34 D 65 27
5 35 D 40 65 E 38
6 D 55 6 C o./. 66 D 42
7 C 29 Y E ls4 LI w.l I
B 64

:8. C 66 tr A a- 4r--1T @
4- B 48
9. A 56 LI lg C 54 59. B 24
10 B 58 f tr A 54 70. E 41
ll A z3 tl tr A 49 71 E 45
TW B 13 72 C 50
Tw E 48 73. D 44
l4 L_i b!) D C)/ 74. D 20
t6. C 50
l E lAl 59

17. B 45 38 D 17
18. E 65 t_l la*l I E--l 34 A 29
19. D 87 49. C 63 E 29
zo. E 82 50. E 39 B 45
21. B 75 51. E 56 D 29
a [--E---l lzs 80 52. A 82 I tl
l?1) lel | '- 53. B 83 L6

w 68 54. A 30 A 2t
25. A 61
f Et p_l 5
26 A 75 56 C 36 T
?7. E 67 i7. B )/. T
28. C 64 t8. A -1 -1
29. A 51 t9 D 38 tjt--
igl C 46 50. E 54

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