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Bobadilla,Lovelyn P.

Practical Research 1
Grade 11 – Einstein Group 4

“Exploring the Impact of Technology Use on Social Interaction and
Communication Skills among Senior High School Students”

Technological Influence on Society

Mickeel Allen, Alvernia University (2019)

Technology has a significant impact on society, affecting how individuals communicate,

learn, and think. It has positive and negative effects on daily life, with advancements in
learning making it more interactive, collaborative, and accessible through the internet,
YouTube, and social media. Communication has also changed with new electronic methods
such as emails, social networking, and video conferencing, while health technology has
helped to keep people safe and healthy with the use of innovative apps and advanced
surgical procedures. However, studies show that mobile communication can negatively
affect sociability, face-to-face contact, personal time, and privacy. Overall, technological
influences shape human behavior today, and without advancements, our way of life would
not be as complex.

Social Media & Students’ Communication Skills

Rusul Alrubail (2015)

The use of social media by students is influenced by factors such as income, race, ethnicity,
and gender. While some teachers believe that social media blurs the line between formal
and informal writing, others recognize that writing as a genre is evolving beyond classroom
assignments. However, many teachers and students do not consider blogging, posting, and
texting to be real writing. It is important for teachers to help students see the value of their
writing on social media platforms and to promote good digital citizenship. Ultimately,
nurturing student voice and encouraging the use of social media as a means of driving
impactful change is crucial.

Effects of Information and Communication Technology and Social Media in

Developing Students’ Writing Skill
Aida. M. Bakeer (2018)

Technology integration is becoming increasingly popular in the pedagogical field due to the
wide spread of ICT tools and the availability of the internet. ICTs and social media were
used in parallel with traditional teaching methods of teaching writing. The sample of the
study consisted of 72 undergraduate students divided into a control group and an
experimental group. Students' attitudes were compared between the two groups to measure
the potential of available technology and social media to develop the writing skill. The
findings of the study showed that the integration of ICTs and social media had a positive
effect in developing students' writing skill. Additionally, the undergraduates show
satisfaction with the potential achievements of integrating ICT and social media in
developing the writing skill.

The Impact Of Social Media Use On Social Skills

J Ryan Fuller, Ph.D. (2020)

The excessive use of social media among children and adolescents has become a concern
for many parents and professionals. While social media provides a variety of benefits, it also
poses risks that can affect the social and emotional development of young people. One of
the significant risks is cyberbullying, which can lead to psychological problems such as
depression and anxiety. Sexting, which is the sharing of explicit images, is also a growing
problem, with potentially severe legal and emotional consequences for the victims.
Additionally, the excessive use of social media can lead to "Facebook depression," decreased
self-esteem, and risky online behaviors.
Moreover, excessive social media use can hamper the development of important social skills
in children and adolescents. In-person communication provides non-verbal cues such as
facial expressions, tone of voice, and posture, which are crucial for conveying emotions and
developing social skills. Children who understand these cues can develop superior social
skills and positive peer relationships. However, digital communication limits these cues,
making it difficult for children to develop and master important social skills.
Therefore, it is crucial to limit the use of social media among children and adolescents and
encourage in-person communication and activities that allow for the development of
important social skills. Parents and professionals must educate young people about the
potential risks of social media and teach them to use it responsibly. By doing so, young
people can reap the benefits of social media while avoiding its potential pitfalls.

The Impact of Digital Tools on Student Writing and How Writing is Taught in

Kristen Purcell, Judy Buchanan and Linda Friedrich (2013)

What are the main findings of the survey of Advanced Placement (AP) and National Writing
Project (NWP) teachers on the impact of digital technologies on student writing?

The survey found that digital technologies are shaping student writing in numerous ways
and are also helpful tools for teaching writing to middle and high school students. The
internet and digital technologies such as social networking sites, cell phones and texting
generally facilitate teens’ personal expression and creativity, broaden the audience for their
written material, and encourage teens to write more often in more formats than may have
been the case in prior generations. AP and NWP teachers see today’s digital tools benefiting
student writing by allowing students to share their work with a wider and more varied
audience, encouraging greater collaboration among students, and encouraging student
creativity and personal expression. They also see the digital age presenting unique
challenges for teaching writing, including the “creep” of informal style into formal writing
assignments and the need to better educate students about issues such as plagiarism and
fair use. Despite some challenges, half of these teachers say the internet and digital tools
make it easier for them to teach writing.

Social media and its effects on student writing skills

Vijay Garg (2021)

The use of social media among teenagers is on the rise and is having a negative impact on
their writing skills. Teenagers are becoming lazier and using informal language that carries
over into their academic writing. The constant use of text lingo and informal communication
styles is causing a decline in students' ability to switch from informal to formal writing. Social
media can also lead to spelling errors and a lack of attention to detail. Despite these
negative effects, social media can also be helpful for students seeking feedback and quick
responses. Students should learn to balance their social media use with the demands of
academic writing and communication skills.

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