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European Journal of Neurology 2014, 21: 637–642 doi:10.1111/ene.12366

Huntingtin gene CAG repeat numbers in Chinese patients with

Huntington’s disease and controls
H. Jianga,b,*, Y. M. Sunc,*, Y. Haod, Y. P. Yane, K. Chenf, S. H. Xing, Y. P. Tangh, X. H. Lig,
T. June, Y. Y. Chend, Z. J. Liuc, C. R. Wanga, H. Lih, Z. Peig, H. F. Shangf, B. R. Zhange,
W. H. Gud, Z. Y. Wuc, B. S. Tanga and J.-M. Burgundera,f,g,i for The Chinese HD Network
Department of Neurology, Xiangya Hospital, Central South University, Changsha; bKey Laboratory of Hunan Province in Neuro-
degenerative Disorders, State Key Laboratory of Medical Genetics of China, Central South University, Changsha; cDepartment of Neurol-
ogy, Institute of Neurology, Huashan Hospital, Shanghai Medical College, Fudan University, Shanghai; dDepartment of Neurology,
China Japan Friendship Hospital, Beijing; eDepartment of Neurology, Second Affiliated Hospital, College of Medicine, Zhejiang
University, Hangzhou; fDepartment of Neurology, West China Hospital, Sichuan University, Chengdu; gFirst Affiliated Hospital of Sun
Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou; hDepartment of Medical Genetics, Tongji Medical College, Huazhong University of Science and
Technology, Wuhan, China; and iSwiss Huntington’s Disease Centre, Department of Neurology, University of Bern, NeuroBu Clinics,
Bern, Switzerland

Keywords: Background and purpose: Huntington’s disease is due to a CAG triplet repeat elon-
CAG repeats, China, gation in the huntingtin gene. Boundaries in CAG numbers have been found
huntingtin gene, between healthy people with and without risk to pass the disorder to the next gener-
Huntington’s disease, ation, and between people without, with a mild, or with a fully penetrant pheno-
normative data type. These data have been generated in western populations and it is not clear
whether they are also valid amongst Chinese.
Received 10 August 2013 Methods: In order to establish normative data in the huntingtin gene for Chinese
Accepted 17 December 2013 people, 966 chromosomes from normal controls were tested. Further, the range of
CAG repeats was examined in a cohort from six centres and a total of 368 patients
with the disease were included.
Results: The CAG triplet repeat range in normal controls was between 9 and 35
(mean 18.9, SD 2.57). Triplets in the range between 26 and 35 were found in 2.5%. In
the patient cohort, triplet repeats in the shorter allele were between 8 and 37 (mean
17.7, SD 1.6). In the longer allele, a range between 36 and 120 was found. There was
a negative correlation ( 0.65, r = 0.42) between age at onset and the number of trip-
let repeats in the larger allele. The mean age at onset was 38 years, with a range
between 2 and 70 years. In 23 patients (6%) a childhood or juvenile onset was noted.
Conclusion: These data show comparable ranges of huntingtin gene CAG triplet
repeats in normal people and in patients with Huntington’s disease as in western

symptoms leading to progressive impairment [1].

Service-based prevalence is 5.7 per 100 000 (CI 4.42–
Huntington’s disease (HD) is a progressive neuropsy- 7.35) in Europe, North America and Australia [2],
chiatric disorder with motor, cognitive and behaviour with a higher prevalence of 12.4 in Great Britain [3].
In a new UK study the estimated prevalence of adult
Correspondence: Z. Y. Wu, Institute of Neurology, Fudan
University, Department of Neurology, Huashan Hospital, Shanghai HD patients was 12.3 in 2010, rising from 5.4 over
Medical College, Fudan University, 12 Wulumuqi Zhong Road, 20 years, with large regional differences [4]. Reported
Shanghai 200040, China (tel./fax: +86 21 62483421; e-mail: HD prevalence in Asia is much lower with 0.11–0.72 per 100 000 [5], and point prevalence in Hong Kong
J.-M. Burgunder, Department of Neurology, University of Bern,
was 0.25 per 100 000 [6]. In a recent review of the
NeuroBu Clinics, Steinerstrasse 45 CH-3006 Bern, Switzerland
(tel.: +41 31 352 20 70; fax: +41 31 351 80 70; e-mail: jean-marc. Chinese literature from mainland China databases on HD covering the years 1980 2011 [7], 92 studies
*Jiang Hong and Sun Yimin have contributed equally to the involving 279 patients were found with enough data
work.Wu Zhi-Ying and Jean-Marc Burgunder for the Chinese Hun- to perform a survey. This survey demonstrates that
tington’s Disease Network.

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638 J. Hong et al.

indeed HD is found in several regions of the country without a family history for HD. Primers, forward 5′-
and suggests that it may have been under-reported. CAGAGCCCCATTCATTGCC-3′ and reverse 5′-
Huntington’s disease is an autosomal disorder due TGAGGAAGCTGAGGAGGC-3′, were used to
to a variable increase in the number of triplet repeats amplify the region containing unstable CAG repeats
at the 5′ transcribed region of the huntingtin gene [8]. in huntingtin gene exon 1. The PCR system contained
In normal people the two alleles contain up to 26 2.5 ll of 50 lg/ml genomic DNA, 4 ll of 2.5 lM
CAG repeats. Triplet numbers between 26 and 35 are dNTP, 0.5 ll of 10 lM primers, 12.5 ll of 2 9 GC
not associated with disease manifestation but with buffer (Takara, Japan) and 0.25 ll of LA Taq DNA
increased risk for children to have higher repeat num- polymerase (Takara, Japan), supplemented with water
bers due to a dynamic mutation pattern [9]. Persons to 25 ll. PCR cycling conditions were initial denatur-
with 36–39 CAG repeats on the larger allele are ation at 95°C for 3 min, followed by 35 cycles of
affected with lower penetrance; those with 40 or more 94°C for 30 s, 62°C for 45 s and 72°C for 60 s with a
repeats have a more than 90% probability of being final extension at 72°C for 7 min. Three microlitres of
affected by the age of 65 [10]. These numbers have amplified DNA products were analysed by 6% poly-
emerged during the analysis of several, partly large, acrylamide gel electrophoresis and purified PCR prod-
series in the West, but controversy remains with ucts were sequenced at Beijing Genomics Institute.
reports of affected people within the intermediate Data from the case cohorts followed up at the
range [11]. A cohort including Chinese controls and Departments of Neurology or Genetics participating in
HD patients has been reported in Taiwan [12]. Nor- the recently launched Chinese Huntington’s Disease
mal chromosomes had 10–29 CAG repeats with an Network were collected. Included in the HD group were
asymmetrical distribution and affected people had an persons with a positive HD genetic testing result and
expansion between 38 and 109. A recent haplotype typical symptoms. The most commonly used method
analysis has suggested that specific variants associated for genetic testing was PCR amplification of the hun-
with an increased risk of expanded triplet repeats are tingtin exon 1, followed by polyacrylamide gel electro-
absent in Asian populations, which would explain the phoresis and sequencing with CAG repeats count.
lower prevalence [13]; however, this study comprised a Symptomatic gene carriers were classified as affected
low number of Chinese participants. when they had typical features of HD, including
Therefore, there is a need to increase our knowledge motor, cognitive and psychiatric involvement. Infor-
on the exact number of huntingtin gene triplet repeats mation was collected on reported age at onset of HD
in the general population in China. Specifically, the symptoms and number of repeats at the shorter and
boundaries of triplet repeat numbers between normal, at the longer allele. Collection of patient data at the
at risk for transmitting the disease to the next genera- different centres was done according to the local rules,
tion, at risk of developing the disease with low or high and the ethical review boards at the participating cen-
penetrance have not been well defined in the Chinese tres have approved the study.
population. It may be wrong to assume that they are Data analysis was performed by plotting the fre-
the same as in the West, where these boundaries have quencies of individual length in controls and of the
been established after a number of investigations. shorter allele in affected or at risk gene carriers. In
Considering the fact of increasing awareness of the gene carriers, the relationship between the number of
disorder in China, the availability of such data is of CAG repeats on the larger and the age at onset was
utmost importance in the clinical context, specifically examined. The Pearson test was used to calculate the
for practical diagnostic processes and for genetic correlation between age at onset and number of CAG
counselling. Differences in this aspect of the pheno- repeats in the larger allele. Comparison of CAG trip-
type between Chinese and other populations so far let numbers in the smaller allele in affected with the
studied would also help to shed light on epigenetic, the number found in normal controls was performed
genetic and environmental modifying factors. A sur- using a two-tailed t-test.
vey was therefore undertaken of the range of CAG
repeat numbers associated with HD diagnosis in sev-
eral centres in China and triplet number repeats in
healthy Han Chinese were examined. The range of CAG repeat numbers in normal controls
including 966 chromosomes was between 9 and 35; the
mean was 18.9 (SD 2.57) (Fig. 1). In 24 chromosomes
(2.6%) triplets in the range between 26 and 35 were
The number of triplet repeats in the huntingtin gene found. The skewness of the distribution curve was 2.56.
was examined in 483 healthy Chinese of Han origin Amongst the six participating centres, 368 patients with

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CAG numbers in China 639

Figure 1 Frequency distribution of the

number of triplet repeats in the hunting-
tin gene in a normal Chinese population
(n = 966 chromosomes).

HD diagnosed by experienced neurologists were found; in the larger allele (Fig. 3). The range at onset varied
the range of triplet repeats in the shorter allele was 8– from 2 to 70 years and in 23 patients (6%) a child-
37 (mean 17.7, SD 1.6) (Fig. 2). No difference was hood or juvenile onset was noted (2–20). The mean
found with the numbers counted in the normal controls age at onset was 38 years (Fig. 4).
(P = 0.12). In the longer allele, a range between 36 and In this cohort 34 at risk persons were also found,
120 CAG was found. One HD patient with age at onset asymptomatic at the last contact, which occurred
of 42 years had 36 CAG in the smaller allele (43 in the when they were 18–45 years old. The range of triplet
larger one), and one with an age at onset of 14 had 37 numbers in these cases was between 39 and 49.
CAG (56 in the larger one). Two HD patients had
CAG repeat numbers associated with intermediate
alleles in their lower alleles. The first had an onset at
42 years with 26/42 repeats, the second an age at onset The number of triplet repeats in normal Chinese was
of 31 years with 32/45 repeats. In nine cases (2.5%) the within similar limits found in other countries, with a
larger allele was in the range between 36 and 39. mean between 16 in African Blacks to 18 amongst
There was a negative correlation ( 0.65, r = 0.42) Europeans [14]. In Mexicans, the reported mean of
between age at onset and the number of triplet repeats 19.04 was significant higher [15], and in a large Vene-

Figure 2 Frequency distribution of the

number of triplet repeats in the hunting-
tin gene in affected people with HD (368
persons from six centres) in the allele
with lower CAG repeat numbers (which
are also within the normal range shown
in Fig. 1) and in the allele with higher
CAG repeat numbers.

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640 J. Hong et al.

Figure 3 Relationship of reported age at

onset with the number of CAG triplet
repeats in the huntingtin gene.

zuelan cohort the range was 9 34 [16]. In a control gins include 42 in Dutch people [23], 41 in Russian
group of Japanese, the range was 7–29 [17]. These [24], 39 in Germans and Danes [25, 26] and 37 for
data also confirm smaller sets of Chinese subgroups Italians [27]. In a cohort of 95 Japanese HD patients,
included in previous surveys, e.g. 10 Chinese with 16– the range was between 37 and 95 [17], and in a recent
20 CAG repeats in a larger series [18], as well as the publication about Korean HD patients the range was
12–27 in Hong Kong [19] and Taiwan [20]. 40 58 [28]. Our data are also compatible with
In a comparative analysis of several populations, Chinese literature case reports [7] and with a smaller
increasing skewness of distribution towards higher series in southern China [19]. In a previous study
positive values was found; they were lowest in Afri- amongst 35 HD patients from 11 families in Taiwan
cans and highest in Japanese, the Indian value being the range was 40 58 [20].
in between [21], and this has been suggested to be Intermediate alleles with CAG numbers between 27
related to the mutation rate in a given population. and 35 are linked with a higher risk of expansion in
The value in our cohort is lower than those in other the next generation but their potential association
populations and may be related to the presumed lower with the disease phenotype had been debated. A
prevalence of HD in China. recent analysis of 50 patients in a larger cohort who
The lower limit of 36 CAG repeats in our popula- had intermediate alleles provided evidence of subtle
tion with manifest disease is comparable to what has behavioural changes including suicidal thoughts and
been observed so far in other populations, e.g. in New apathy [29]. The relative number of alleles in the inter-
England [22] or in the Venezuelan cohort [16]. The mediate range found in our normal cohort (2.6%) is
lower limits reported in affected people of other ori- lower than the 3.2% [22] to 6% [9,30] demonstrated

Figure 4 Age at onset of symptoms in

patients with HD.

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CAG numbers in China 641

in previous large series; this may also be related to the 002 to Hong Jiang), New Century Excellent Talents in
presumed lower prevalence. University from the Ministry of Education of China
The negative correlation between numbers of triplet (no. NCET-10-0836 to Hong Jiang), the National Nat-
repeats and age at onset has been found in all popu- ural Science Foundation of China (no. 81271260 to
lation studies and is now confirmed amongst Chinese Hong Jiang; No. 81371417 to Li He: National Natural
HD patients. In our population, however, only 46.6% Science Foundation of China), Undergraduate Innova-
of the variation in age at onset is explained by the tion Project of Hunan Province (no. HN2013028 to
number of triplet repeats, which is lower than in Hong Jiang), Undergraduate Innovation Project of
other studies, with ranges between 50.4% [31] and Central South University (no. CY12400 to Hong Jiang)
72% in a large cohort [16] and even values up to and the China Central Universities Fundamental
79% in a smaller one [32]. The reasons for this dis- Research Funds to Yaping Tang. We thank the patients
crepancy are not clear but could be related to genetic and their families for their participation.
or environmental factors which would modify age at
Disclosure of conflicts of interest
The distribution of the ages at onset in our cohort
is similar to previous descriptions in Caucasians. One JIANG Hong: grants from the National Basic
of the youngest cases, with onset at 3.5 years, has Research Program (973 Program) (nos. 2012CB944601,
been described in more detail earlier [33]. Likewise, 2012CB517902 and 2011CB510002), New Century
previous papers have examined a group of patients Excellent Talents in University from the Ministry of
with higher triplet repeat numbers [34], intergenera- Education of China (no. NCET-10-0836), the National
tional triplet expansion [35] and contraction [36]. Natural Science Foundation of China (no. 81271260),
Potential variations in CAG numbers between labo- Undergraduate Innovation Project of Hunan Province
ratories may be a limitation of such a multicentre sur- (no. HN2013028) and Undergraduate Innovation Pro-
vey, but this is a common finding, as demonstrated in ject of Central South University (no. CY12400). Jean-
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pretation. The low number of intermediate and low Fundamental Research Funds.
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European Journal of Neurology © 2014 EFNS

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