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Sales (Articles 1542 - 1584)

Article 1542. Article 1544.

In sales involving real estate, the parties If the same thing has been sold to
may choose between two types of different vendees;
(a) If it is a movable property, the
Unit price contract - the purchase price ownership shall be transferred to the
is determined by way of reference to a person who has first taken the
stated rate per unit area, buyer may possession;
seek 2 options; proportional reduction of
price; right of rescission (ex. ₱1,000 per (b) If it is an immovable property, the
square meter) ownership shall belong to the person
acquiring it who in good faith first
Lumpsum contract - there shall be no recorded it in the Registry of Property;
increase or decrease of the price
although there be a greater or lesser (c) If there is no inscription, the
area or number than that stated in the ownership shall pertain to the person
contract (ex. ₱1,000 for 1,000 square who in good faith was first in
meter) possession; and, in absence thereof, to
the person who presents the oldest title,
Sales of real estate made for a provided there is good faith.
The conflicting rights of said vendees
Mistake in area stated in contract shall be resolved in accordance with the
immaterial - if the sale is made for a following rules:
lumpsum, the cause of the contract is
the thing sold irrespective of its number Movable Property
or measure (a) the vendee who first takes
possession in good faith
Where area or number stated together
with boundaries - if the vendor cannot Immovable Property
deliver to the vendee all that is included (a) the vendee who first registers the
within the boundaries mentioned in the sale in good faith in the Registry of
contract, the latter has the option to Property
reduce the price in proportion to the (b) in the absence of registration, the
deficiency or to set aside the contract vendee who first takes possession in
good faith
More or Less (implying that both parties (c) in the absence of both registration
assume the risk of any ordinary and possession, the vendee who
discrepancy) represents the oldest title (who first
brought the property) in good faith
The use of more or less or similar words
in designating quantity covers only a First in time, stronger in right
reasonable excess or deficiency. A
vendee of land sold in gross or with the The principle of primus tempore, potior
description more or less with reference jure gains greater significance in case of
to its area does not thereby ipso facto double sale of immovable property.
(by the fact itself) take all risk of quantity
in the land. Purchaser in good faith

Article 1543. The one who buys property without

notice that some other person has a
The actions based on Articles 1539 and right to or interest in such property and
1542 for either rescission of the contract pays its fair price before he or she has
or proportionate reduction of the price notice of the adverse claims and interest
must be brought within 6 months of another person in the same property.
counted from the day of the delivery.
Sales (Articles 1542 - 1584)

Article 1545. express warranty must adhere to federal

Condition - details about a product or service that
- an uncertain event or contingency on are outlined in an advertisement can set
the happening of which the obligation of the precedent for an express warranty
the contract depends (in case of non - in the absence of communicated
fulfillment condition) guarantees, an implied warranty may
- in such a case, the obligation of the come into force
contract does not attach until the
condition is performed Article 1547.
- goes into the root of the existence of
the obligation Implied warranty
- must be stipulated by the parties in - an assurance that a product is fit for its
order to form part of an obligation intended purpose and meets the buyer's
- although it may extinguish the expectations
obligation upon which it is based, it - can be written or oral
generally does not amount to a breach - governed by state laws, not federal
of contract of sale laws
- two key types of implied warranties are
Condition imposed on perfection of merchantability and fitness
contract - merchantability says that a product will
- it prevents the juridical relation from meet reasonable expectations of the
coming into existence buyer, while fitness means the product
meets the buyer’s intended use
Condition imposed on performance of
obligation What is implied?
- it gives the option to the party either to - suggested but not directly expressed
refuse or proceed with the contract of
sale and waive the condition What is warranty?
- a written guarantee, issued to the
Article 1546. purchaser of an article by its
manufacturer, promising repair or
Warranty replace it if necessary within a specified
- statement or representation made by period of time
the warrantor or the seller of goods
regarding the existence or accuracy of What is implied warranty?
specific facts or the condition, quality, - it is an obligation imposed by law when
quantity, or nature of a good or property there has been no representation or
- goes into the performance of such promise; especially, a warranty arising
obligation and in fact may constitute an by operation of law because of the
obligation itself circumstances of a sale, rather than by
- may form part of the obligation or the seller’s express promise
contract by provision of the law without
the parties having agreed thereto Examples of implied warranties:
- non fulfillment of a warranty would - Warranty that the seller has a right to
constitute a breach of contract sell;
- Warranty against eviction;
Warranties by the seller may be express - Warranty against non-apparent burden
or implied. A warranty is a part of the or servitudes;
contract of sale. It is immaterial whether - Warranty against hidden defects;
the seller did not know that it was false - Warranty against redhibitory defects
or true. No intent is necessary to make on animals
the seller liable for his warranty.
Consumer products and services
Express warranty - goods, services and credits, debts and
- an agreement by a seller to provide obligations for personal, family,
repairs or a replacement for a faulty household or agricultural purposes,
product, component, or service within a which shall include but not limited to
specified time period foods, drugs, cosmetics, and devices
- under the Magnuson-Moss Warranty
Act, a company that provides a written
Sales (Articles 1542 - 1584)

Consumer products with warranty: the sale or an act imputable to the

a. Terms of express warranty - any vendor
seller who gives an express warranty - represents the loss of the property or
shall: disturbing the buyer in the exercise of
his ownership rights or another
i. set forth the terms warranty in clear transmitted right, resulting from the sale
and readily understandable and clearly of a right to a third party, which excludes
identify himself as the warrantor fully or in part, the right of the buyer.
ii. Identify the party to whom the
warranty jd extended In order that a vendor’s liability for
iii. State the products/parts covered eviction may be enforced, the following
iv. State what the warrantor will do in the requisites must concur:
event of defect, malfunction to conform
(comply with rules, standards, laws) to (a) there must be a final judgment
the written warranty and at whose (b) the purchaser has been deprived of
expense the whole or part of the thing sold
v. State what the consumer must do to (c) said deprivation was by virtue of a
avail of the rights which accrue (result, right prior to the sale made by the
arise) to the warranty; and vendor
vi. Stipulate (demand/specify as part of (d) the vendor has been summoned and
an agreement) the period which after made co-defendant in the suit for
the notice of defect, malfunction to eviction at the instance of the vendee
conform to the warranty, the warrantor
will perform any obligation under Warranty against eviction
warranty - the seller warrants the buyer against
eviction, which is the buyer's loss of, or
b. Express warranty - all written danger of losing, the whole or part of the
warranties issued by a manufacturer thing sold because of a third person's
shall be operative from the moment right that existed at the time of the sale
of sale
Types of eviction:
i. Sales Report - all sales made by (a) total - where the vendee is deprived
distributors of products covered by this of the whole if the thing purchased
article shall be reported to the (b) partial - where the vendee is
manufacturer or producer of the product deprived of part of the thing purchased;
sold within 30 days from the date of deprived of some items that were jointly
purchase unless otherwise agreed sold with other items
upon. The report shall contain:
■ the date of Warranty is not an essential element of
purchase a contract of sale and may be
■ Model of the increased, diminished, or suppressed by
product bought agreement of the parties. Any stipulation
■ Serial numbers exempting the vendor from the
■ Name and address obligation to answer for eviction shall be
of the buyer void if he acted in bad faith.

(The report made shall be equivalent to Article 1549.

a warranty registration with the
manufacturer/producer; such Case is brought before a higher court for
registration is sufficient to hold the review of the decision of a lower court
manufacturer/producer liable, in
appropriate cases, under warranty) The vendee’s right against the vendor is
not lost because the vendee did not
Article 1548. appeal. With a judgment becoming final
whatever be the cause of finality, the
Eviction requirement of the law is deemed
- the juridical process whereby the satisfied.
vendee is deprived of the whole or part
of the thing purchased by virtue of a
final judgment based on a right prior to
Sales (Articles 1542 - 1584)

Article 1550. Effects of vendor’s bad faith

- if the vendor after selling his property
Prescription to another, sold it again to another
- effect of the lapse of time in creating purchaser, he cannot, even by
and destroying rights stipulation, be exempt from warranty
- one acquires ownership and other real against eviction because he acted in
rights through the lapse of time in the bad faith
manner and under the conditions
prescribed by law; in the same way, Effects of vendee’s bad faith
rights and actions are lost by - if the vendee knew the defect of the
prescription title at the same time of sale, he cannot
claim that the vendor has warranted his
(a) completed before sale - vendee may legal and peaceful possession of the
lose the thing purchased to a third Mproperty sold
person who has acquired title thereto by
(b) completed after sale - even if Article 1554.
prescription has started before the sale
but has reached the limit prescribed by Two kinds of waiver:
law after sale, the vendor is not liable for
eviction Consciente - voluntarily made by the
vendee without the knowledge and
Article 1551. assumption of the risks of eviction

If the vendee is deprived of the If the waiver was only conscious, the
ownership of the property because it is vendor shall only pay the value which
sold at public auction for nonpayment of the thing sold had at the time of eviction.
taxes due from the vendor, the vendor is
liable for eviction for an act imputable to Intencionada - made by the vendee with
him. knowledge of the risk of eviction and
assumption of its consequences
Article 1552.
If the waiver was intentional, the vendor
No need to state the warranty of eviction is exempted from the obligation to
because it is implied to the registry answer for eviction provided he did not
act in bad faith.
Judgment debt
- debt that is evidenced by a legal Article 1555.
judgment or brought about by a
successful lawsuit against the debtor (a) return of value of thing - if at the time
- a sum of money that a court of law has of eviction the value of the property is
ordered a company or person to pay more or less than its value at the time of
the sale, by reason of improvements or
Juridical sale deterioration, it is but just that the
- sale conducted under the authority of a vendor should pay the excess or not
judgment or court order, such as an suffer the damages
execution sale (b) income or fruits of thing - vendee is
- the court will issue a writ of execution, liable to the party who won the suit
and a court officer, usually a sheriff in against him, only if so decreed by the
the county where the property is court
located, will take the judgment debtor's (c) cost of the suit - vendee is entitled to
money or property to pay the creditor; if recover the expense of litigation
there's not enough cash, the court will resulting in the eviction, including the
sell the debtor's property to pay the debt cost of the action brought against the
vendor to enforce his warranty
Article 1553. (d) expenses of the contract - in the
absence of any stipulation to the
The buyer can waive the obligation of contrary, the expense in the execution
the vendor to answer for eviction. and registration of the sale are borne by
However, the said stipulation is void if the vendor; if the vendee should have
the vendor acted in bad faith. paid for such expenses, he shall have
Sales (Articles 1542 - 1584)

the right to demand the same from the

(e) damages and interests - the right of
the vendee to demand damages and
interests and ornamental expenses is
qualified by the condition that the sale
was made in bad faith; if good faith is
presumed, the vendee is not entitled to
recover damages

Rescission is not a remedy in total

eviction. Rescission contemplates
mutual restitution, meaning both parties
must be able to return whatever they
received under the contract. However, in
total eviction, the vendee cannot return
the object of the contract of sale.

Article 1556.

This article contemplates partial

eviction. It states the rule that if there is
partial eviction, the vendee has the
option either to enforce the vendor’s
liability for eviction or to demand
rescission of the contract.

In case the vendee is totally evicted

from the thing sold, he cannot avail the
remedy of rescission, because this
remedy contemplates that the one
demanding is able to return whatever he
has received under the contract.

Article 1557
The warranty cannot be enforced until a
final judgment; whereby the vendee
losses the thing acquired or a part

What is final judgment?

- a court’s last action that settles the
rights of the parties and disposes all
issues in controversy, except for the
award of costs and enforcement of the

Article 1558

The vendor shall not be obliged to make

good the proper warranty, unless he is
summoned in the suit for eviction at the
instance of the vendee

Article 1559

The defendant vendee shall ask,

within the time fixed in the Rules of
Court for answering the complaint, that
the vendor be made a co-defendant

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