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Digital day in the life


I'm going to walk you through a standard weekend day for me, highlighting the different digital elements
I've used. So what's a typical Saturday for me? Well, I'd wake up, turn off my alarm, and check the
weather forecast. I might have a little scroll through the social media and check the news on my phone,
see what's happening in the world. Then, I get up and go for a run, checking my activity on a fitness app
whilst listening to music on the way. I go back home and shower.
I make my breakfast, sometimes using a recipe someone shared on social media, and I catch up on my
favourite TV dramas using an on-demand app, and then video call my brother who lives far away from
me. I don't get the opportunity to see him, so it's nice to be able to have that face-to-face connection,
even when he's not physically there. He usually tells me about some family gathering that I must attend,
and he puts it in our family calendar, which we all have access to.
Then, I get ready to go to the local supermarket to get my groceries for the week. At home, I check when
the next bus is coming on a bus tracker app, and I head to the stop using the phone to pay for the fare. I
never usually carry cash with me anymore, so I use a self-checkout service to avoid the queues and pay
for my groceries using contactless.
Then, I make my way home. At home, I pack away all the groceries and make some lunch whilst listening
to the radio or my laptop. Or sometimes, I stream one of my favourite shows I then usually have some
free time to just chill and relax and occasionally do a little bit of online shopping.
Last weekend, I remembered I needed to update my car insurance. So I input my details into a site and
searched for the best deals for me. Then, the customer support team helped me choose a deal by
answering my questions on the instant messaging service. I didn't realise it until afterwards, but it was, in
fact, a chatbot, an online robot that can answer basic queries. I ended up getting a great deal without
leaving the comfort of my home, which I was very happy about. So that's my typical Saturday.

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