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Oral Recitation

1. Describe a force.
 Push or pull or both
2. What is unit of force in metric system?
 Newton/s
3. A 500 N lady sits on the floor. How much force the floor exerts on her?
 500 N
4. Which force always pulls the objects to the ground?
5. When a cabinet touches the floor, which type of forces exist?
6. The Earth has a bigger mass than the Moon. If you were able to travel to the Moon, what happens
to your weight?
7. Refers to the size or strength of the force.
8. Points to where the object goes.
9. The location of where the force is applied.
10. It is the straight line passing through the point of application and is parallel to the direction of force.
11. It is the force acting against or opposite an object in contact with which makes the movement of
the object slow down.
12. a force given to a person or object by another person or object.
13. Is the force that acts perpendicular to the surface of the object in contact with.
14. is the force applied to string, rope, chain or cable.
15. forces where objects do not touch or contact with each other.
16. Are forces exerted on a field of attraction or repulsion as in the case of magnets and other magnetic
17. Forces that are equal in magnitude but opposite in direction are called?
18. The sum of all forces acting on an object.
19. Forces that cause a change in the motion of an object are?
20. Tell or show me what is formula of net force?
 𝐹𝑛𝑒𝑡 = ∑ �
21. Two people pull on a rope in a tug-of-war. Each pull with a 300 N force. What is the net force?
 0N
22. Believed that a moving object needs a continuous application of force to keep it moving.
 Aristotle
23. According to him, motion is possible through a “mover” that keeps the object moving with power
proportional to the speed and mass of the object.
 Jean Buridan
24. Used Galileo’s ideas and eventually formulated the three laws of motion.
 Isaac Newton
25. He first introduced “Theory of Impetus”, a concept similar to force.
 John Philoponus
26. He disagreed to Aristotle. He claimed that even without a continuous application of force, an object can
continue to move with constant speed in a straight line provided there are no outside forces acting on it.
 Galileo Galilie
27. First law of motion is also known as?
 Law of Inertia
28. What states by Law of Inertia?
 an object at rest remains at rest, and an object in motion will continue to move at constant velocity
unless acted upon by a net force.”
29. What is the third law of motion?
 Law of Interaction
30. What law states that “the acceleration of an object is directly proportional to the net force acting on it and
is inversely proportional to the object’s mass. The direction of the acceleration is in the direction of the net
force acting on the object.”
 Law of Acceleration
31. Newton’s second law of motion is expressed through the equation of?
 ∑𝐹⃗ = 𝑚a
32. States that “for every action, there is always an equal and opposite reaction.”
 Law of Interaction
33. A 500.0 kg car is traveling at an acceleration of 2 m/s2, East. Find the net force needed to accelerate the car.
 1000N, east.
34. For every _________ there is an equal and opposite ___________.
 Action, reaction
35. A watermelon with a mass of 5 kg has a weight of ___________.
 5N
36. Acceleration due to gravity has an approximate value of?
 9.8 m/s2
37. The gravitational force on an object, 𝑭⃗⃗ 𝒈,can be expressed as?
 F⃗ 𝑔 = 𝑚 𝑔⃗

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