Physical Education

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Unit 2


Concept of
fitness and
Fitness specifically refers to physical
health, and is the ability to
complete a physical task, or the lack
of a physical ailment. Wellness, on
the other hand, refers to the
balance of a spectrum of health-
related elements in one's life.
Why Study Wellness?
As most college students do, you have probably set
goals. Obviously, your individual goals differ from
those of your fellow classmates, but everyone’s goals
share one common attribute: their intention to
improve individual wellbeing.

However, there are as many ideas about how to do that

as there are individuals.

Do your goals involve making more money, achieving

better health, improving your relationships?
Holistic wellness involves all those aspects of
life and more. This unit explains the importance
of overall wellness, which is about more than
being physically and mentally healthy, free from
illness and disease.

In fact, the study of wellness incorporates all

Why Study aspects of life. Achieving overall wellness
means living actively and fully. People in this
Wellness? state exude confidence, optimism, and self-
efficacy; they have the energy reserves to do
what needs to be done today and to plan for a
better tomorrow.

The most effective and transformative goals

are those designed to achieve the highest level
of personal wellness.
Meaning, Definition and Importance of
What is Physical Fitness? (MIT Medical)

Physical fitness is to the human body what fine tuning is to an engine. It enables us to
perform up to our potential. Fitness can be described as a condition that helps us look,
feel and do our best.

Physical fitness involves the performance of the heart and lungs, and the muscles of the
body. And, since what we do with our bodies also affects what we can do with our
minds, fitness influences to some degree qualities such as mental alertness and
emotional stability.
Definition: Physical
Physical fitness is the body’s ability to function
efficiently and effectively in work and leisure
activities. Optimum efficiency is the key to physical
The common perception of physical fitness is the absence of ailment. If individual is not
suffering from any perceptible disease, then he is considered physically fit.

Is it true?
Another significant issue is whether there is a universal condition of physical fitness which
is uniformly applicable to all. It is not so. Physical fitness of young people is different from
that of the aged.

The physical fitness of a sports person is different from that of the persons working in army
factory or a layman.
In fact, physical fitness means different things to different people. In this lesson, let us
discuss various aspects of physical fitness.
Importance: Physical Fitness
improves the functioning of heart and lungs by increasing the availability of oxygen to all tissues and organs in the body system;

improves muscle tone;

promotes the development of good posture, proportionate figure, and thereby positive body image and physical appearance;

ensures quick recovery after injury and illness;

decreases the risk of cardio-vascular disease; (like Heart attact, Asthma etc.)

reduces and controls undesirable body fat. When the individual does excercise, takes proper diet that also fulfils nutritional requirement, it helps maintain ideal
body weight;
increases energy level of a person;

improves the mood by reducing depression and anxiety;

postpones fatigue and reduces recovery time after vigorous activity; and

helps people to meet challenges of life, makes them self confident and delays the ageing process.
Physical fitness can be classified into health-related fitness
and skill-related fitness. The health-related components are:

Cardiovascular Fitness,

Components Muscular Strength,

of Physical
Muscular Endurance,

Body Composition and

Components of Physical Fitness
The skill Related Fitness Components are:
Neuro Muscular Adaptations and Coordinative abilities,
Strength, and
Reaction Time.
Body Mass Index (BMI)
It is an estimate of an individual’s relative body fat.

It is calculated by measuring his/her height and

weight using the formula; body weight in kgs/
height in metre squared (m)2.
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of Health
Cardio-respiratory endurance reflects the
ability of the body’s circulatory and
respiratory systems to supply fuel during
sustained physical activity.

To improve your cardio-respiratory

Cardio- endurance, try activities that keep your heart
respiratory rate elevated at a safe level for a sustained
length of time such as walking, running,
Endurance: jogging, swimming, bicycling etc.
The activity you choose need not be
strenuous enough to improve your cardio-
respiratory endurance. Start slowly with an
activity you enjoy, and gradually work up
increase to a more intense pace.
Muscular Strength
Muscular Strength is the amount of force applied on
muscle or muscle groups, can exert for one maximal
effort (contraction).The key to making your muscles
stronger is working them against resistance, whether
that be from weights or gravity. If you want to gain
muscle strength, try exercises such as lifting weights
(under proper supervision).
Muscular Endurance
Muscular Endurance is the ability of a muscle or
muscle group to exert force against a submaximal
load for a given length of time (or number of
repetition) before fatiguing to the point of failure.
Body Composition
Body Composition refers to the proportion of team body mass to body fat, it includes
amount of muscle, fat, bone, and other vital parts of the body. Body composition is
important to be considered for health and managing the body fat.
Flexibility is the range of
motion around a joint. Good
flexibility in the joints can

help prevent injuries through
all stages of life. If you want to
improve your flexibility, try
yoga, gymnastics and basic
stretching exercise
Exercise: Physical activity is an essential part of
fitness and wellness. Regular exercise helps to
improve cardiovascular health, reduce the risk of
chronic diseases, and maintain a healthy weight.
Diet: A balanced and healthy diet is essential for
Factors maintaining fitness and wellness. Eating a diet
rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean
affecting proteins can help improve overall health.
fitness and Sleep: Adequate sleep is crucial for good health.
Lack of sleep can lead to fatigue, poor
wellness concentration, and decreased immunity.

Stress: Chronic stress can have a negative impact

on overall health and wellness. Finding healthy
ways to manage stress, such as meditation, yoga,
or exercise, can help improve overall well-being.
Genetics: Genetic factors can play a role in overall
health and fitness. Some individuals may be
predisposed to certain conditions that can affect
their health.

Environment: Environmental factors, such as air

Factors pollution and access to green spaces, can impact
overall health and wellness.
fitness and Age: Aging is a natural process that can impact
overall fitness and wellness. It is important to
wellness maintain regular exercise and a healthy diet to
maintain health as we age.

Lifestyle: Lifestyle factors, such as smoking and

excessive alcohol consumption, can have a negative
impact on overall health and wellness. Avoiding
these behaviors can help improve overall health.
Meaning and
definition of obesity
Obesity is defined as an abnormal or excessive fat
accumulation that presents a risk to the health.
The main cause of weight gain and obesity is the
imbalance between the number of calories you take in
and the calories you burn.

The World Health Organization define BMI as: “a

simple index of weight-for-height that is commonly
used to classify underweight, overweight and obesity in
BMI values are used to define
whether an individual is
considered underweight,
healthy, overweight or obese.
The WHO defines these
categories using the cut-off
points: an individual with a BMI
between 25.0 and 30.0 is
considered ‘overweight’; a BMI
greater than 30.0 is defined as

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