Cabinet Decisions On 17.04.2023 (English) PDF

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Decisions taken by the Cabinet of Ministers on 17.04.2023

1. Revision of the existing Air Service Agreement between Sri Lanka and Israel

An agreement has been reached between the two parties at the Civil Aviation Conference held on 06.12.2016
at Nassau, Bahamas to amend the Air Service Agreement signed between Sri Lanka and Israel on 24.8.2003.
On 11.01.2021, the Cabinet of Ministers has approved the signing of the protocol. However, the protocol has
not been signed yet. The respective draft protocol has received the clearance of the Attorney General and the
agreement of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Accordingly the Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal
presented by the Minister of Ports, Shipping and Air Services to sign the protocol for the revision of the
aviation service agreement between Sri Lanka and Israel and to authorize the Ambassador of Sri Lanka in
Israel to sign the respective protocol on behalf of the Government of Sri Lanka.

2. Allocation of the Gall Face Ground only for people to spend their leisure time

Sri Lanka Ports Authority has undertaken to develop the Galle Face area as a Corporate Social Responsibility
project. So far, about 220 million rupees have been spent and development work has been done. 6.6 million
rupees have been spent on repairing the property damage that has happened during the last struggle. So far,
the Port Authority has spent about 220 million rupees on development work and only 6.6 million rupees have
been spent on repairing the property damages that occurred during the last struggle period. This land should
be maintained as an area for the people to spend their leisure time. However, due to musical shows and other
events that gather people in large numbers, the area is being damaged and it has become difficult to maintain
the beauty and scenic nature of the area. Therefore, the Cabinet of Ministers decided not to allow the use of
the Galle Face ground for musical performances, meetings or other activities that may damage the beauty of
the Galle Face ground except for religious activities with effect from 2023.04.20.

3. National Tree Plantation Programme – the auspicious time that gives breath to the country.

In 2020, in conjunction with the National Tree Planting Programme, the Sinhalese and Tamil New Year's
auspicious time list have also included the national auspicious of tree planting. In that year, a tree-planting
program has been implemented under the slogan "A plant for the Auspicious Time and the auspicious time
that gives breath to the country ". Under this tree-planting program, 11 lakh plants were planted all over the
island in that year. Tree planting auspicious for the year 2023 is on 20.04.2023 at 6.38 am and the Ministry of
Agriculture has prepared arrangements to implement a tree-planting program based on it. Accordingly, the
Ministry of Agriculture has arranged to plant a perennial crop that will bear fruit this year and to get the total

number of 52 lakh families in this country to participate in the programme. The Minister of Agriculture
informed the Cabinet of Ministers about the measures taken for this purpose and the Cabinet approved it.

4. Entering into a Memorandum of Understanding for the establishment of a Maldivian Cultural

Center in Sri Lanka

It has been proposed to establish a Maldivian Cultural Center in Sri Lanka for the purposes of providing
training opportunities in cultural and artistic activities, facilitating sports, exhibitions, concerts, conferences,
public lectures, screening films and other audiovisual productions. Both parties have agreed to sign a
memorandum of understanding for that purpose and the Attorney General's clearance has been received for
the draft MOU. Accordingly, the proposal presented by the Minister of Buddhasashana, Religious and
Cultural Affairs to to sign the MoU was approved by the Cabinet of Ministers.

05. Procurement to print and supply lottery tickets for lottery draws implemented by the
Development Lotteries Board.
Bids have been called following the national competitive procurement bidding system based on
respective lottery category for procurement by printing and supplying the lottery tickets namely
‘Lagna Wasanawa’, ‘Ada Kotipathi’, ‘Shanida’, ‘Super Ball’, ‘Sanwardhana Wasanawa’, ‘Jayoda’,
‘Kapruka’ and ‘Sasiri’ in order to enable computerized lottery draw to the Development Lotteries
Board for a period of one year with effect from May 2023. Bid documents have been submitted by
06 bidders in regard to that. The Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal forwarded by the Hon.
President as the Minister of Finance, Economic Stabilization and National Policies to award
procurements of printing and supplying relevant lotteries as follows adhering to the recommendations
of both the Procument Committee Appointed by the Cabinet of Ministers and the Procurement
Appeals Board:
 Awarding the printing and supplying procurement of ‘Lagna Wasanawa’, ‘Ada
Kotipathi’, ‘Super Ball’, and ‘Kapruka’ to Grand Export (Pvt.) Ltd.
 Awarding the printing and supplying procurement of ‘Shanida’, ‘Jayoda’,
‘Sanwardhana Wasanawa’ and ‘Sasiri’ to Printcare Secure Ltd.

06. Submission of orders imposed under the provisions of the Special Commodity Levy Act,
No. 48 of 2007 to the Parliament for its concurrence.
The Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal forwarded by the Hon. President as the Minister of
Finance, Economic Stabilization and National Policies to submit the following orders issued under
section 2 and section 5 of the Special Commodity Levy Act, No. 48 of 2007 to the Parliament for its
 Order issued under section 2 of the Special Commodity Levy Act, No. 48 of 2007 and
published in the extraordinary gazette notification No 2308 / 17 of 30.11.2022
 Order issued under section 2 of the Special Commodity Levy Act, No. 48 of 2007 and
published in the extraordinary gazette notification No 2313 / 34 of 04.01.2023
 Order issued under section 2 of the Special Commodity Levy Act, No. 48 of 2007 and
published in the extraordinary gazette notification No 2316 / 28 of 25.01.2023
 Order issued under section 2 and section 5 of the Special Commodity Levy Act, No.
48 of 2007 and published in the extraordinary gazette notification No 2320 / 04 of
 Order issued under section 2 of the Special Commodity Levy Act, No. 48 of 2007 and
published in the extraordinary gazette notification No 2321 / 76 of 04.03.2023
 Order issued under section 2 of the Special Commodity Levy Act, No. 48 of 2007 and
published in the extraordinary gazette notification No 2322 / 20 of 07.03.2023
 Order issued under section 5 of the Special Commodity Levy Act, No. 48 of 2007 and
published in the extraordinary gazette notification No 2322 / 21 of 07.03.2023
 Order issued under section 2 and section 5 of the Special Commodity Levy Act, No.
48 of 2007 and published in the extraordinary gazette notification No 2323 / 40 of

07. Submission of the regulations issued under Import and Export (Control) Act No. 1 of
1969 to the Parliament for its concurrence
The Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal forwarded by the Hon. President as the Minister of
Finance, Economic Stabilization and National Policies to forward the regulations of the Import and
Export (Control) Act No. 1 of 1969 prepared and published in the gazette extraordinary No. 2324/45
on 24.03.2023 as the Import and Export (Control) Regulations No. 06 of 2023 to the Parliament for
its concurrence.

08. Submission of the order issued under Sri Lanka Export Development Act No. 40 of 1979
to the Parliament for its concurrence.
The Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal forwarded by the Hon. President as the Minister of
Investment Promotion for submission of the order formulated under section 14 of Sri Lanka Export
Development Act No. 40 of 1979 and published on 28.03.2023 in the extraordinary gazette
notification No. 2325/06 to the Parliament.

09. Introduction of amendments for the Kandyan Law Declaration and Amendment
There had been requests since a long time from the up – country community to enable rights provided
to a widow under the general law to a widow that has been wedded under the Kandyan law as well
so that the disadvantage experienced by the widows in the marriages under Kandyan law can be
rectified. Accordingly, the Cabinet of Ministers granted approval to the resolution furnished by the
Minister of Justice, Prison Activities and Constitutional Reforms to amend the Kandyan Law
Declaration and Amendment Ordinance, and direct the Legal Draftsman to draft revised statutes in

10. Amendment of Sri Lanka Institute of Architects Law No. 01 of 1976

The Sri Lanka Institute of Architects incorporated by the act No. 01 of 1976 is the responsible entity
for the profession of architecture of Sri Lanka, its practice and the education of architecture.
Requirement to amend the clauses relevant to practice, membership, and title names of architecture
mentioned in Sri Lanka Institute of Architects act to cater the contemporary needs. Thus, a committee
comprised of representatives from relevant professional institutions applicable to present
recommendations after studying about them and providing recommendations has been appointed.
The Cabinet of Ministers granted approval to the resolution furnished by the Minister of Justice,
Prison Activities and Constitutional Reforms to amend clauses pertaining to Sri Lanka Institute of
Architects Law No. 01 of 1976 based on the recommendations of that committee

11. Obtaining approval of the Parliament for the preparation of comprehensive funding
facility of the International Monitory Fund,
The Executive Board of the International Monitory Fund has approved a comprehensive funding
facility worth Special Drawing Rights (SDR) 2.29 billion (approximately United States dollars 03
billion) for a period of 48 months on 22.03.2023 for Sri Lanka while the promissory note approved
for the purpose has been issued by the Ministry of Finance, Economic Stabilization and National
Policies. The said funding facility and other relevant documents have been tabled in Parliament on
22.03.2023 whereas the concurrence of the Parliament should have to be obtained in order to confirm
the stance of the members of the Parliament on the said finance facility as well as to take measures
for inclusion of the main policy actions pertaining to the said loan facility for formulation of laws.
Therefore, the Cabinet of Ministers approved the resolution furnished by the Hon. President as the
Minister of Finance, Economic Stabilization and National Policies to obtain the concurrence of the
Parliament for the comprehensive funding facility preparation of the International Monitory Fund.
12. Preparation and implementation of a scheme of welfare benefit payment as per the
provisions of Welfare Benefits Act No. 24 of 2002.
The period applicable to the payment of welfare benefits as per the provision of Welfare Benefits Act
No. 24 of 2002, the total number of beneficiaries under the scheme, the initiation of the
implementation, cost to implement the scheme are to be precisely mention and obtained the approval
of the Cabinet of Ministers prior to the payment of relevant benefits by publishing it in the gazette
notification. Accordingly, the Secretary to the President has appointed a technical committee
comprised of subject standards for obtaining guidance to prepare a scheme of benefit payments that
should be implemented. Considering also the facts mentioned in the report forwarded by the said
technical committee and based on the poverty difference, it has been planned to implement a welfare
benefit scheme for the transitional, marginal, poor and poverty stricken social groups. Thus, other
benefit schemes is planned to be implemented for differently abled persons already been benefitted,
persons with chronic kidney deceases due to unidentified reasons as well as the elderly people
identifying them. Accordingly, it is expected to implement the proposed welfare benefit schemes
with effect from 01.07.2023 while it has been calculated that the total expenditure per annum for the
purpose will be rupees 206 billion. Accordingly, the Cabinet of Ministers granted approval for the
resolution submitted by the Hon. President as the Minister of Finance, Economic Stabilization and
National Policies to implement the proposed welfare benefit payment schemes.

13. Submission of the order imposed as per the provisions of Ports and Airport
Development Levy Act No. 18 of 2011 to the Parliament for its concurrence.
The Hon. President as the Minister of Finance, Economic Stabilization and National Policies
proposed to gradually remove the other taxes imposed on imports which are not custom levy such as
Ports and Airport Development Levy and the levy imposed under the trade goods export
concessionary scheme by the budget 2023 in order to render encouragement and facilitation for
promoting the production industry, eradicating obstacles to the international trade as well as to local
industries such as agriculture and projects. It is expected to balance the impact on the state income
due to taking such actions by customs import levy. This programme has been recognized as a pre -
requisite action that should be performed as a part of the World Bank Development Policies
Financing Programme. Accordingly, an order has been issued as per the provisions of Ports and
Airport Development Levy Act No. 18 of 2011 to release 1,631 custom levy items selected on the
basis of losing a minimum income to the Government as an initial precaution. The Cabinet of
Ministers approved the proposal furnished by the Hon. President as the Minister of Finance,
Economic Stabilization and National Policies to submit the aforesaid order to the Parliament for its

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