The French Revolution

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CHAPTER The French Revolution

Important Terms.

Fance, discontinued fort in the eastern part of

Livres: Unit of currency in Bastille : It was a
Paris, and was used as a prison. It was
n 1794.
on 14th July, 1789 by the angry mob.
of persons invested with special
Clergy: Group He a geat philosopher and
functions in the church. Rousseau :
writer of the book, The Social Contract
T i t h e :A tax levied by the church, comprising
Abbe leader of the National
He was a
one-tenth of the agricultural produce. Sieye's :

in 1789. He wrote
Taille: Tax to be paid directly to the state. Assembly which was created
influential called "What is the Third
Chateaux):Castle or stately an
Chateau (pl. Estate."
residence belonging to a king or a nobleman. of Frarnce.
Marseillaise National song :

Manor An estate consisting of the lord's lands which was

A political club of people
and his mansion. Jacobin :

formed to discuss the government policies.

Subsistence crisis: An extreme situation leader of
Maximilian Robesplerrerance

where the basic means of livelihood are Jacobins and from

ruled over 1793 to

endangered. 1794.
whose remains rance,
1774:Louis XVI becane the king ofdiscontent
One name
Anonymous :

faced empty treasury, and the growing
belonging to a community within the society of the Old Regime.
Convent: Building
devoted to a religious life. General. The
1789:Convocation of Estates
tor the indigenous Third Estate formed National Assembly. the
Negroes:A term used in the
the Sahara. It is Bastille was stormed, peasants revolted
people of Africa, south of

derogatory term not in common use any longer. countryside.

1791 A constitution was framed to limit the
Emanclpation: The act of freeing.
the basic
He was a dictator of France who powers of the king and to guarantee
Napoleon :
rights to all human beings.
France in 1804.
Crowned himself the Emperor of
1792-93: France became a Republic, the king
and writer
Montesquieu :A great philosopher was beheaded. Overthrow of the Jacobin
of the book, The Spirit of Laws.
Republic, a Directory rules France.
France during the French
Louis XVI: Ruler of 1804 Napoleon became the emperor of
Revolution. France, annexed large parts of Europe.
It was an execufive made up of
Directory: 1815: Napoleon defeated at Waterloo.
tive members.

divided into
1848 Slavery was abolished in French colonies.
French society was
Estates: The "Three Estates. 1 9 4 6 :Women in France won the right to vote.
which were known as
three classes

Muttinle ChoiceQuestions Mark

Whose rule in the history of France is known

a.1 When did French Revolution occur?
Relgn of Terror?
In of France the fall of Bastille (a) John Locke
the context
look place on [CBSE Sept. 2010] (b) Jacques Rousseau
(a) 14th July 1780 (b) 14th July 1789 (c) Maximilian Robespierre
(c) 15th August 1789 d) 14th July 1796 (d) Roget de Llsle
Ans. (b) Ans.
a.2. What was tithes? [CBSE Sept. Z011 a.9. Napoleon finally defeated at
(a) A tax levied by the Church in 1815.
(b) A tax levied by the King (a) Waterloo (b) Paris
c) Unit of currency in France (c) Tokyo (d Israel

(d) None of these Ans. (a)

Q.10. The ideas of. . and Were
Ans. (a)
the most important legacy of the French
a.3. Tax from peasants to church was called:
Revolution. ICBSE Sept. 2011)
ICBSE Sept. 2010]
(a) Liberty, democratic rights
(a) Titches (b) Livres
(b) Economic equality, Voting rights
(c) Taille (d) Manor
(c) Liberty, social rights
Ans. (a)
Q.4. Who wrote Two Treaties of Gouvernment ? (d) Liberty, equality
Ans. (a)
(a) John Locke Jacques Rousseau
b Q.11. What did the red cap worm by Sans Culottes
(c) Voltaire (d) George Danton in France symbolise ?
Ans. (a) ICBSE Sept. 2010, 2011]
Q.5. Who wrote The Spirit of Laus? (a) Liberty (b) Brotherhood
[CBSE Sept. 2012] (c) Love d) Equality
(a) John Locke (b) Jacques Housseau Ans. (a)
(c) Voltaire (d) Montesquieu a.12. What was the literally meaning of Sans-
Ans. (d) Culottes ? CBSE Sept. 2010, 2011]
Q.6. Who wrote The Soclal Contract ? (a) Those without knee breeches
[CBSE Sept. 2011,12 (b) Those who wear the RED
(o) John Locke (b) Jacques Rousseau () Female figure of liberty
(c) Voltaire (d) George Danton (d) The aristocrates
Ans. [b)
Ans. (a)
Q.7. Which period in the history of France is
Q.13. In the context of France, what Taille'?
known as "Relgn of Terror" ?
ICBSE Sept. 2010]
CBSE Sept. 2010, 2011] (a) An Indirect tax (b) Direct tax
(a) 1793 to1798 (b) 1793 to1799
(c) Custom duties (d) None of these
(c) 1793 to1 794 (d) 1793 to1 799 Ans. (b)
Ans. (c)

12-H *****************************************************************sa************************
EVERGREEN Self-Study In Social Sclence-9
Debt Trap : Due to tising debt the rench freedom of speech. freedom of opinion
sovernment was obliged to spend an equalitybefore law t was the duty of the
incTeasing percentage at its budget on state to protect each citizen's natural rights.
interest payments alone. To meet its regular Q.6. What were the Jacobian clubs? Who was
penses. such as the cost of maintaiing their leader CBSE Sept. 2011)
t h e court. running government Ans. ) Jaccbins were political ciubs o Ihe peope
offices or universities the state was torced
These becarme importantto rallying
an wished point
to increase taxes for people. who discuss the
iil Extravagant Court: Fance under vanious government poilcies and plans, and their
xings had a extravagant court at the OwWn form of action
ummemse palace of Versailles.
tu) Maximilian Robespierre was ther leader.
What is subsistence crisis ? Mention
any Q.7, State the events that led to the lormation
two factors
responsible for this in France. of the National Assembly. CBSE 2013]
CBSE Sept. 2010, 2011]
Ans. is an extreme situation where the basic
Ans. The Estates General was a political body of
means ot lve.ihocd are endangered France to which the three Estates sent their
Factors representatives. The voting in it had been
The conducted according to the principie that
23 million
population ot hance rose trom about
each estate had one vote.
in 1715 to 25 million 1789
This led ) When in 1789, Louis XUl called a meeting
to a rapid increase in the demand
for toodgrains of the Estates General, he decided to
continue the same old
Production of grains could
not keep pace practice
with the demand. ii) But the members of the Third Estate
So the demanded that voting now be conducted
price of bread. which
diet of the
was the staple on the democratic principle of one person.
majoity rose rapidy one vote.
Most workers were employed as labourers
in iu) When the king rejected this proposal, the
workshops whose owners fixed their
the Third Estate walked out of
wages. But wages did not keep pace with members
the rise in prices. So the gap between the assembly in
poor and the rich Idened. (u) They assernbled on 20 June. 1789 in the
The hall of an indoor tennis court in Versalies.
drought or
hail were also responsible
tor the subsistence cTiSis. These representatives of the Third Estate
a.5 viewed themselves as spokesmen for whole
Analyse any three main features of the
rench Constitution of 1791. French nation. They declared themselves a
National Assembly.
[CBSE Sept. 2010J 0.8. Mention any three changes
Ans. Powers of the National Assembly: The
brought by the National Assembly that which
Constitution of 17 the
vested powerT to was recognised
make lawS in the National Assembly, which by the King Louis XVI in
was indirectily elected. 5.
tor a group ot electors. who in tum chose
Ihat cienso Ans. (i) Louis XVI finally accorded
the Assembly National Assembly and
recognition to the
accepted the
(in Right to Vote: Not all citizens. however, principle that his powers would from now
had the right to vote. Only men above 25 on be checked
by a Constitution.
years of age who paid taxes equal to at least (i) On the night of 4h August 1789, the
3 days of a labourers wage were given the
Assembly passed a decree abolishing the
status ot active citizens, that is, they were
feudal system of obligations and
enuted to vote. 1he
remaining men and (i) Members of the
ai women were classed as passive citizens clergy too were
forced to
(in Basic give up their
privileges. Tithes werTe
Rights : All the citizens were given abolished and lands owned by the Church
Some basic rights such as right to life,
were contiscated.

EVERGREEN Sel-Scudy lin Social

.14. In the context of France, the " Tennis Court (a) Big business men and merchants
Oath took place on: ICBSE Sept. 2010]
(b) Peasants and artisans
(a) 14th July 1789 (b) 20th June 1789
(c) Clengy and Nobles
c) 4th August 1789 (d) Sth May 1789
(d) Court officials and lawyens
Ans. (b)
Ans. (e)
Q.15. Who WTote an influential pamphlet called a.17. Based the French Constitution
"What is the Third Estate'?
of 19
who were known as 'active citizens' ?
[CBSE Sept. 2011) ICBSE Sept. 2012]
(a) Abbe Sieyes (b) Rousseau
(a) Only men above 25 years of age
(c) Mirabeau (d) None of these (b) The highest bracket of tax payers
Ans. (b)
a.16. Who among the following enjoyed certain (c) Those who were elected by the people

privileges by birth in France during the late (d) Those who were entitled to vote
18th century ? [CBSE Sept. 2012] Ans. (d)

Question Bank
Very Short Answer Type Questions (1 Markeach)
a.1. What was Bastille ? the theme of the book
Ans. It was one of the largest jail of France. It was
0.9. What was
Spirit of the Laus' written by Montesquieu ?
broken by angry mob on 14th July, 1789
Ans. Montesquieu proposed a
division o power
0.2. When did the French Revolution occur? within the govermment between the legislature,
Ans. 14th July. 1789. the executive and the judiciary.
Bastille hated 0.10. of the French
Q.3. Why was
people ?
by the French What the slogan

revolutionaries ?
Ans. Bastille was hated because it stood for the Ans. Liberty, Fraternity and Equality.
despotic power of the king Q.11. Who was the ruler of France during the
Q.4. What was feudal system revolution ?
Ans. It was a system under which land was granted Ans. Louis XVI of the Bourbon family was the ruler
to landlords in return for military or labour of France.
services. a.12. Who abolished slavery in France ?
Q.5. Mention any two privileges of the First [CBSE 2015]
Estate people of France. Ans. The Jacobin Clubs.
Ans. () They were exempted irom paying taxes to Q.13. What was the main object of the
he State. Constitution of France drafted by the
(i) The nobles also enjoyed feudal privileges. National Assembly ?
0.6. What was tithes ? [CBSE 2014) Ans. The main object of the new Constitution was
Ans. It was a tax levied by the church, comprising to limit the powers of the monarch.
one-tenth ol the agricultural produce a.14. Who were the leaders of the National
What was taille ?
Ans. It was a direct tax to be paid to the Stale.
Assembly of France which
the Versailles
was formed in

a.8. What was the theme of the book Tvo Ans. () Mirabeau (i) Abbe Sieyes
Ireaties o Government Q.15. Who wrote What is the Third Estate' an
Ans. In his book Tuo Treaties of Government Locke influential pamphlet?
sought to refute the doctrine and absolule right Ans. Abbe Sieyes.
of the monarch.

EVERGREEN Sell-Study In Soclal Sclence-9..

***************s*s******°***t************************************************************** 13-H
a.21. Who was Napoleon ?
Robespierre ?
He the Commissioner-in-Chief of the
a.16. Who was most Ans. was
was one of
the French Forces. The poiitical instablity cf the
Maximilian He ruled
Directory paved the way tor his rise as a
leaders of the
to 1793. He
from 1792
dictator. In 1804. he crowned himself as the
over and punishment. Emperor of France.
of s e v e r e control
the policy of Terror
known a s the Reign examples of individuals (Indian)
His reign is Q.22. Give two
Name any
two women
of rance. who responded to the
ideas coming from
of Revolutionary revolutionary rance.
() The Society
Ans. and Ram Mohan Rou
(i) The Republican Ans
Ans. 1ipu Suitan
main motive of women
Which Battle sealed the Fate of Rrance
Q.18. What w a s the Q.23.
clubs of France ? in 1815? CBSE 2015
created to discuss political,
clubs were
Ans. (i) These Ans. Battie of Waterloo
economic and other issues.
Q.24. Name the most political club
the demands of

(in) To put forward social started by the French Women.

most revolutionary
Q.19. What w a s the CBSE 2015
reform of the
social reform Republican iWomen
Ans. One of the most revolutionary Ans. Society of Revolutionary
was the
abolition of
of the Jacobin regime called Tithes
colonies. a.25. To whom was the taxes
slavery in the French in the eighteenth
payable by the peasants
Q.20. Which was the most important legacy of CBSE 2015
century France
the French Revolution ?
Ans. Church.
The ideas of liberty and democratic rights
of the French
the most important legacy

ShortAnswer Type Questions (3 Marks each)

fall of () The Church was exempted from paying tax
Q.1. Trace the event which led to the
CBSE 2014] to the govemment.
Ans. () On 20th June the representatives
of the ii) The members of the Church were placed
Third Estate assembled in the hall. in First Estate and they enjoyed certain

Assembly busy at privileges by birth.

(ii) While the National

Versailles drafting a constiution. the rest of (iv) The Church allowed to collect dithes

France seethed with tumoil. A severe winter

special kind of tax. levied to the famers
had meant a bad harvest: the price of bread a.3. What were the causes for the empty
rose. bakers exploited the
situation and treasure of France under Louis XVI ?
hoarded supplies. Assess any three causes.

(in) After spending hours in long queues at the ICBSE Sept. 2010
bakery. crowds of angry women Or
into the shops. At the same time, the king
What compelled Louis XVI to raise taxes
ordered troops to move into Paris.
in France? CBSE 2013]
agitated crowd stormed and
(iv) On 14 July, the Ans. () Wars and Economic Crisis: The Seven
destroyed the Bastille.
Years War (1756-1763) and the
0.2. How was Church responsible for the
Revolutionary War in Amenca under Louis
French Revolution ?
XVl added more than a biliom ures to a
Ans. (i) About 60% of the land was owned by debt that had already nsen to more than 2
nobles, the Church and other richer billion lieres.
members of the Third Estate.
were given the right to vote activities, books, newspapers, plays could te
0.9 Who
the new Constitution of France adopted
under published or performed only after they had
in 1791 ? been approved by the censors of the kirng
Ans. (0 Not all citizens, however, had the right to (n Freedom of speech: Now the Declaration
ol the Rights of Man and Citzen proclaimed
freedom of speech and expression to be a
(i) Only men above 25 years of age who paid
taxes equal to at least 3 days ol a labourers natural right. Newspapers. parnphlets, books
wage were given the status of active citizens, and printed pictures flooded the towTIs of
That 15, they were entitled to vote. The France from where they travelled rapidly
remaining men and all women were classed into the countryside. They all described ard
as passive citizens.
discussed the events and changes laking
place in rance
(t To qualify elector and then as a
as an
member of the Assembly, a man had to (#n Debate and discussion : Freedom of the
belong to the highest bracket of taxpayers.
press also meant that opposing views of
events could be expressed. Each sicle sought
Q.10. What was the significance of The Tennis
to convince the others of its position
Court Oath' in the French Revolution ?
through the mediurn of print. Printed tracts
CBSE Sept. 2010) and newspapers not only spread the new
Ans. () The Tennis Court Oath was a significant the nature of debate
ideas, but they shaped
event in the French revolution. The Oath Plays, songs and festive processions attracted
taken on June in
was 20th the hall of
indoor court in the grounds of Versaillies.
large numbers of people. This was one way
they could grasp and identify with ideas such
() The mermbers declared themselves as the as liberty or justice.
National Assermbly and swore not to disperse a.13. Explain the impact of fall of Jacobin
till they had drafted a Constitution for France
government of Robesplerre.
thaf would limit the powers of the monarch.
Ans. () The fall of the Jacobin government allowed
(i) The National Assembly drafted the new
the wealthier middle classes to see power
laid the foundation of
Constitution which
Republic of France. (i) A new Constitution was introduced which
denied the vole to non-propertied sections
How did France become a Constitutional society
Monarchy? CBSE Sept. 2011]
(in) The new Constitutions adopted a Directory
Ans. ) The National Assembly completed the draft
of the Constitution Its Systern.
1791. main object

was to limit the powers of the monarch. io) This was meant as a safeguard against the
() These powers, instead of being concentrated concentration
of power in
tunder the
a one-man

in the hands of one person, were now

separated and assigned to different institutions (u) However, the Directors often clashed with
the legislature, executive and judiciary. This the legislative
councils, who then sought to
made France a constitutional monarchy. dissniss The political instability of the
Directory paved the way lor the ise of a
(ii) The Constitution of 1791 vested the power
military dictator, Najpoleon Bonaparte
to make laws in the National Assermbly,
O.14. "Ideas of liberty and democratie rights
which was indirectly elected.
were the most important legacy ol the
Discuss the impact of abolition of
censorship in France. [CBSE Sept. 2010 French Revolution". Explaln the statement
in the lght of French Revolution.
Or ICHSE 2015
Describe the effects of abolitlon of law Ans. () People of Third Estate demanded
of censorship on France.
ased on freedom ard opportunifies lo all
ICBSE Sept. 2011) () The National Assembly was lomed in 1791
Ans. () France before censorshlp : In the Old with an object to limit the paws of the
Hegime al written material and cultural ionarch.

VRGREEN Self-5tardy n Soxlal Scenwe-y

16-H . o
the right to vute under tities, s, nuners, ays oit
a who were
the new Constitulion of France adapled
in 1791 7

Ans. (9 iot all citiuens, howeue had the right to ( Frcedum l speech i n the :

of the Pghts o 1an
and iz rin
freertem tl speech ar pesitan
ty Only men abrve 25 years ol oge uho pad
raturl right.
taxes equal to al least 3 days of a latoures
arvl printerd
Tiewpopes. papina, rn
were gveri the statas of orive citizRS, pietures ien w
Frariee fr9m eree hey traelled
thet is, they were entitled 1 vole The
irto the carntrysidle. They ell deyried
men and al uomen vere classed
as pavive citueris
discussed the eerits end thanges Iseir
then as
place in Fretice
qualify as elector and
) To an
( Debate and dicussion: Freedom td th
member of the Assermbly. a man hed to
belonig to the highest bracket of tazpeyers press al meart hat ig viem
eents tould be
a.19 What was the significance of The Tennis erpressed. Eth sude
1o convirice the of
Court Oath' in the French Revolution ? otthers its poiti
though the mediun o pririt. Prirterd trats
CBSE Sept. 2010]
ard resatars r orly sprend the t
Ans. The
t Tenris Court Oatth was a sigriicart
evet in the French reviution The Oath
deas. tut they shad the riature f deete
Pay o n ard testve prreitas ettree
was taker on 2tth Jurie in the hall of an
large u t e r s st enpie Tis s one wa
indror curt in the gourds of Verrales
the couid yap ard ideritify witt ideas vuh
tu) The nembers deciared thernelves as the es litbernty or justice.
Natioral AseTby ard sure ta
1 e
tl trey te drafted a Ctutio for rarnce
a.13. Explain the impact of lall of Jatobi
government of Robespierre.
thet wouid kirit the pomers f the riofarch
Ans. ) The fali od the Jarobin gruemrert ellsue
) The National Asembly drafted the ew
the wealtier riddle tlaes to see p r n
Constitution which laid the foundation o
#) A new Corstitutin was intrdured uhih
Pepblic Frarice
tte vole to re-pruertied wcts
a.11. How did France become a Constitutional deried
Monarchy? CBSE Sept. 2011]
Ans. ( The National Assenbiy completed the draft
tH The new Costitutions aded a Dretor
of the Coratitution in 1791. Its main objert yern
was to imit the powers of the moniarch. 0) THis was mearit es a alegard agairt the
concentration ol power in a one-mA
Thee pues irezd dbeing cneTitrated
in the hands f one person, were now
exerutive as urder the Jacobins
reted ad eniged to dHerert irstitutions fu) However, the Dirertors often clashed w
the legslative councils, who then
the legiatiure, eectve ard judiciary This sougt
mate FrarR
constitutional monarchy
a diariss ther. The pitical instablity of tr

)The Cstitution f 1791 veted Dirertory peved the way for the rise d a

1 make laus i the

the pruer
ational Assembly military dictator. Naslesn Boateparte
a.14. Ideas of liberty and democratic
uich was irdirecy eleted
were the most important legacy of the
9.12 Discuss impact of abolition
censorship in France. (CBSE Sept. 2010] French Revolution". Explain the statemet
in thelight of French
or Revolution.
CBSE 2015)
Describe the etfects of abolition of law
Ans. t People of Third Estete dermandded a
censorship on
France baed on freedom ard opportunities to
CBSE Sept. 2011] t) The Assembly was formed in 1791
Ans. ) France before censorship : In the Old with an obect to lirrit the pouers ot the
Pegime all writen material and cultural mionarch

164 EVERGREEN Self-Study in Socal Sciene-

(a) The Cornstitution framed in 1791 began tun) and
Newspapers, pamphlets printed pictures
t aDecaration of the Rights of Man and appeared steadily in the towns ol Frarce
Citius From there, they travelled into the
(lu) Censorship was abolished in 1789 countryside These publications described
a.15 Explain the mpact of the French and discusSsed the events and changes takirg
Revolution on the life of people of France. place in the country
the Convention ? Describe its
CBSE 2015].16. what was
role In France CBSE 2015)
Ana. Divorce as made legal, and could be
applied by both women and men Women
Ans. The elected assermbly formed in rance in 1 e

could be now trained was called Convention.

tor jobs, could
becorme artists or nun small
Role in rance
businesses () It abolished the monarchy and declared
The Constitution of
1791 began with a
Declaration of the Rights of Man and
France a repulblic.

Citizen. t
(40) Hereditary monarch Louis XVI and his wile
proclaimed that Freedom of
peech ard opinion ard equality before law were sentenced to death Robespierre was
natural elected President of the National
rights of each human being Convention. He lollowed the policy of
by birth. These could not be taken away
severe control and punishment.

Long Answer Type Questions (4/5 Marks each)

1 Social disparity was one of the major to the state. So all the taxes were paid by
causes of the French Revolutlon. Justify the people of the Third Estate.
by ghvingexamples. (CBSE Sept. 2011]
(Hn Wide gap between people of different
Most of the people of the Third
Estate were employed as labourers in
The inequality that existed In the French
workshops with fixed wages. The wages
in the Old Regime became the
of rench Revolution. Justify the failed to keep pace with the nise in pricees
So the gap between the poor and the rich
statement by giving three suitable widened.
example CBSE 2012]
political rights:Out of the total
Or (to) No
population, the First and the Second Estates
How was the French society organized ? had share of 2o. The
What privileges did certain sections of remaining peopie
belonged Third
the society enjoy ? Describe.
the Estate. Although the
upper two classes made up only a small
CBSE 2013 fraction of the total population, yet they
Ans. ( Division of the society into three were the people who controlled the political
Estates and
economic system of the nation. They
la) The Pirst Estate: t consisted of the enjoyed all the rights and privileges. The
ciergmien ard church fattiers entire machinery of
the government was

b) The Second Estate : It consisted of designed to protect their interests and

lardionds. men of robie bith and anstoCTats privileges.
(c) The Third Estate : It consisted of the (o) Unequal distribution of wealth: In the
vast maonty of he common masses, the French society. peasants made up about
aespeasants, seTvarits, etc 90'% of the population. Howevet, only a
Gn Heavy burden of taxes on the Third small number of them owned the land they
Estate : The members of the first two cultivated. About 60% of the land was
owned by nobles, the church and other
Ettes were exemed frorn paying taxes
richer members of the Third Estate
and printed picTures
Newspapers, of rance.
(ii) the towTs into
in 1791 began steadily in
framed appeared travelled the
n) The
of Man
and there, they described
Declaration of the Rights These

with a countryside.
events and changes
Citizens the
abolished in
1789. and discussed
was counry.
[iu) Censorship in the
of the French place
Convention ? Describe s
the impact What was the CBSE 2015)
15 Explain o n the life of Q.16.
Revolution peopie otan [CBSE 2015] role in France.
rance in l / 9 2
formed in
Ans. The elected assembly
() Divorce was made legal, and could was called Convention.

ns. by both women and men. Women

Role in France
applled trained for jobs, could
and declared
be now
abolished the monarchy
could run small
() It
become artists or France a repulblic.
his wife
Constitution of 1791 began
a monarch Louis XVM and
() The Man andd (i) Hereditary was
the Rights of death Robespiere
Declaration of sentenced to
that Freedom of were
of the National
Citizen. It proclaimed elected

and equality before

law the policy of
speech and opinion
human being
He followed
were nafural rights of each severe
taken away
birth. These could not be

Questions (4/5 Marks each)

LongAnswer Type
the taxes were paid by
to the state. So all
w a s o n e of the major the Third Estate.
Soclal disparity the people of
a.1. causes of the French Revolution. Justify people of different
(Hi) Wide gap between
[CBSE Sept. 2011] of the Third
by glving examples. Estates
of the people
labourers in
Or Estate were employed
The wages
existed In the French fixed wages.
workshops with
The inequality that the the rise in prices.
soclety in the Old Regime became
failed to keep pace with rich
cause of French Revolution". Justify the between the poor and the
So the
statement by giving three suitable widened.
(CBSE 2012)
political rights:Out of the
examples. (fo) No and the Second
Or population, the First
? The remaining people
the rench society organized had share of 2%.
How was
Estate. Although the
sections of belonged to the Third
What privileges
did twO classes made up only a small
the society enjoy ? upper yet they
ICBSE 2013 fraction of the total population,
the who controlled the political
the society into three were
Ans. (0 Division of and economicsystem of the nation. They
Estates and privileges. The
It consisted of the enjoyed all the rights
(a) The First Estate :
entire machinery ot the government
clergymen and church-fathers. interests and
to protect their
It of designed
(b) The Second
Estate : consisted privileges.
landlords, men of
nobie birth and aristocrats wealth: In the
It consisted of the
(o) Unequal distribution of
Estate :
made up about
(c) The Third masses, the
French society. peasants
of the However, only a
vast majonty 90% of the population.
landless peasants, servants, elc. SImall number of them owned the land they
burden of taxes on the Third cultivated. About 60% of the land was
(1) Heavy of the tirst two
Estate : The members owned by nobles, the church and other
Estates were exempted from paying ncher members of the Third Estate.

EVERGREEN Self-Study in Soclal Scence-9.. e ************************************************************** 17-H

a constitulion lor
1ance that would l
class played a
very of the monarch. They were
"The se of middle
powers led b
lu the rise of
Mirabeau and
Important role
Analyse the
statement. in r a n c e : While
the Nar
Revoutlon, ( ) Turmoil
the Asswmbly was busy at Versailles
Ans. (0 The eighteenth
century witnessed
femed the Constitution, the rest of lrance seethed.
dralting t,
of social group,
enerence to nerchants
and tumoil due to bad harvest. Caught
mddle class In adlition n
middle lass included
frenzy ofl lear, peasanis started altacki
manulac fures,
Molesions such as lawyers or admnistalive
nobles. Under all these circumstances, L
XVI finally accorded recognilion to the
that National Assembly.
() All of these were educated and believed
On the momin
no goup in society should be privleged
(to) Storming the Bastille:
social posifion must
of 14th July 1789, the agitated crowd
birth Rather, a person's stormed and destroyed the Bastille. Jnder
depend on his merit
society based on all these circumstances, Louis XVI finall
(40) They wanted to build a
accorded recognition to the National
freedom and equal laws.
General Assembly.
(t) They demanded the voting in the In 1792 the
the (o) France became a
Republic :

Assembly should be conducted under Jacobians held the king hostage and
principle of one person one vote. Whern declared to fom a new govermment. The
the king they
rejected by
proposal was
newly elected Assembly was called the
decided to fom the National Assembly. Convention. On 21st September 1792
() The representatives of the third estate abolished the monarchy and declared
Viewed themselves as spokesinen Tor the France as a republic.
whole French nation. On 20 June they a.4. Evaluate the importance of the following
assembled in the hall of an indoor tennis
years n concern
with the French
court ingrounds of Versailles. They
1774, 1791, 1815, 1789,
declared themselves a National Assembly Revolution
1804. [CBSE 2013)
and swore not to disperse till they had
drafted a constitution for France that would Ans. 1774 I n 1774, Louis XVI of the Bourbon
limit the powers of the monarch. family of kings ascended the throne of France.
a.3. Explain the circumstances under which 1791: The National Assembly completed the
draft of the Constitution to limit the powers of
Louis XVI finally accorded recognition to
and to guarantee basic rights to all
the National Assembly. the king
Or human beings.
Explain the events that led to the insurr 1815: In 1S15, Napoleon was finally deleated
at Waterloo.
ection of 1792 in France. [CBSE 2015]
Ans. () Protest in the Assembly of
the Estates: 1789 (i) On 5 May 1789, Louis XVI called
On 5th May 1789 when Louis XVI called an
assembly of the Estates General to pass
together an Assembly of the Estates, proposals for new taxes
demanded to (i) On 20 June, the representatives of the
members of Third Estate
conduct voting by the Assembly as a whole, Third Estates assembled in the hall of an
have one vote
tennis court in the grounds of Versailles and
where each member would
but this was rejected by the king. The they declared themselves a National Assembly.
members of the Third Estate walked out
of (ii) On 14 July. the agitated crowd stormed
the Assembly. and destroyed the Bastille, and
Assembly After this incident (iv) On the
() National :
of 1789, the
Assembly passed
members of the Third Estate assembled in a decree
the feudal
system of
the hall of an indoor tennis court in the obligations and taxes.
grounds of Versailles. They declared 1804 In 1804, Napoleon Bonaparte crowned
themselves a Natlonal Assembly. and
had drafted
himself Emperor of
France. He set out to
s w o r e not to disperse till they
conquer neighbouing European countries.
What was the role of Jacobins during the ns.

French Revolution? ICBSE 2012] Before Revolution After Revolution

Or Political Conditions
Analyse the role of Jacobins in the French 0 France was urider ( France Decame a
Revolution. CBSE 2011] the rule of a REpubic.
monarch, Lous .
ns. () Middle Class:The members of the
Jacobin club belonged mainly to the less (i) All the political (i) Political powersere
sections of sociery. They incduded powers were in the 9ven to the Third
smail shopkeepers, artisans such as
hands of the first Estate
two Estate
shoemakerS. pastry cooks, watch-makers
printers. as well as servants and daily-wage
wOrkers. Their leader was Maximilian Economic Conditions
Robespierre. () All the taxes were 0 TaxEs were levied
aCcording to the
(n Different Clothes: A large group among paid by te peopie income and wealtn.
of the Third Estate
the Jacobins decided to start wearing long
The right 1o vote
The members o
striped trousers similar to those won by was linved to taxes.
the first two Estates
dock workers. This was to set themselves were exempted
apart from the fashionable sections of from all the taxes.
society, especially nobles, who wore knee (The government (i) The economic con
breeches. Sansculottes men wore in addition was under heavy dition of he govern-
debt ment improved.
the red cap that symbolised liberty
(i) Carying the Revolution: They were the
Social Conditions:
who beleved that the revolution had
to be caried further, as the Constitution of ( People of Third () All were given Equal
1791 gave political rights only to the richer Estate were ights irespective of
sections of society discriminated. the Estate.

(io) Storming the King's palace : In the (iDAlI the written (i)The censorship on
summer of 1792 the Jacobins planned an materials and written materials
cuitural activities and cuitural activities
insurrection of a large number of Parisians was lifted. Now all
could be published
who were angered by the short supplies and were free to write
or performed only
high prices of food. On the morming of after an approva and spear
Hugust U they stofmed the Palace of the from the king.
Tuileries, massacred the king's guards and
held the king himself as hostage for several
is known
hours. Later the Assembly voted to imprison which period in French history
as the Reign of Terror ? Give reasons.
the royal farily
Ans. The period from 1793 to 1794 is refemed as
became republic Elections
(e) rance a
the Reign of Terror
were held. rom now on all men of 21 years
and above, regardless of wealth, got the right ( Strict policies of Robespierre
Robespierre followed a policy of severe
to vote. The newy elected assembly was control and punishment. All those whom he
called the Convention. On 21 Septernber S2w as being ernermies of the repibilic - were

1792 it abolished the monarchy arrested, imprisoned and then tied by a
declared rance a republic. revolutionary tribunal. If the court found
0.6. Compare the political, economic and them guilty they were gullotined.
social conditions of France before
and (i) Economic controls Robespierre
after the revolution. governmert issued laws placing a maximum

EVERGREEN Self-Study in Socal Scence-9.

celing on wages and prices. Meat and bread ordering closure of women's clubs and
were rationed Peasants were forced to banning their political oclivilies Many
ansort theit grain to the cities and sell it prominent women were arrested and a
af prrces fivect by the government number of them executed It was finally in
1916 that women n France won he night
(i) Frinciple of Equality: Equality was also Vote.
sought to be practised through forms of
speech and address. Instead of the (u) No political office: Under the new
Constitution women did not have the right
traditional Monsieur (Sir) and Madame
Madam) all rench men and to hold political office.
women were
henceforth Citoyen and Citoyenne (Citizen). Q.10, Analyse the role of thinkers and
() over Churches: philosophers in the French Revolution.
Control Churches were
shut down and their buildings converted CBSE Sept. 2012]
nto bamacks or offices Robespiene pursued Ans. ( Influence of the Philosophers and
his policies so relentlessBy that even his Writers : There were many French
Supporters began to demand moderation. philosophers and thinkers like John Locke,
a.s. Evaluate the condition of women in Montesquieu, Rousseau, Voltaire and
rance before and after the Revolution. Mirabeau, who exposed the evils prevailing
Ans. () Most women of the Third Estate had to in the system. They infused people with the
work tor a living They worked as idea of liberty, equality and fralernity
seamstresses or laundresses, sold flowers () Charles Montesquleu (1689-1775) : A
fruits and vegetables at the market, or were
nobleman by birth, he becarne a lauyer and
employed domestic
as servants in the houses judge. In his book, "The Spirit of Laws",
ot prosperous people.
he criticised autocracy and praised the
(i) Most women did not have access to
democralic republic.
education or job training. Only daughters
of nobles or members of
wealthier the Third
(u) Francis Aronet Voltaire (1694-1778)
Estate could study at a
convent, after which Voltaire was another outstanding
ther famiies atanged a mamiage tor them. philosopher of the Revolution. He wanted
(u2) Working women had also to care for their the people to think about their material life
families, that is. cook, letch water queue up on earth, and forget about heaven. He
for bread, and look after the chikdren. condemned the Church which supported
the privileged class, and ignored the poor.
iv) Their wages were lower than those of men.
(o) in order to and (lo) Jean Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778):
discuss voice their interests,
women started their oun political clubs and Rousseau is regarded as the architect of the
newspapers. About 60 women's clubs came French Revolution. He gave the slogan "Man
up in different French cities. was born free, yet he ls everywhere in
Note: For the condition of women after chains". In the famous book, "The Social
Revolution refer Q.No. 9. Long Answer Type. Contract", he proved that the govemment
was the result of a social contract between
O9. Why were women disappointed by the
the people on the one hand, and ruler on
Constitution of 1791 in France ?
the other. So il the ruler did not fulfil the
CBSE Sept. 2011]
contract, the people had the right to
Ans. ) Passive citizens: Women were
withdraw their loyalty to him, and
disappointed that the Constitution of 1791 bring9
down the tyranny of the ruler, by
reduced them to passive citizens ie, they revolting
were not entitled to vote. (o) John Locke : He was also a great political
(i) Region of terror and the women thinker. He wrote 'Two Treatises ofS
Women's struggle for equal political rights, Government' in which he sought to refute
the doctrine of the divine and the absolute
however. continued. During the Reign of right of the monarch.
Terror, the new government issued laws

20-H EVERGREEN Self-Study In Soclal Sclence-?

a.11 Explain how the new political system of a.13. Explain triangular slave trade caried
Constitutional monarchy in France during 18 and 19 century.
worked. ICBSE Sept. 2010, 2011)
ICBSE Sept. 2010]
Or Ans. () The triangular slave trade was carried
Explain any five features of the between Europe, Alnca and the Amenicas
Constitution drafted in 1791. tun) The slave trade began in the seventeenth
( The
to make laws
of 1791 vested the power century hench merchants sailed from the
ports of Bordeaux or Nantes to the Afncan
in the National Assembly.
which was indirectly elected. where
coast, they bought slaves from local
(i) With the chieftains.
new Constitution the powers to
govern the country were assigned to (n) Branded and shackled, the slaves were
different institutions, t.e, the packed tightly into ships for the three-month
executive and the judiciary.
long voyage across the Atlantic to the
( ) The Caribbean. There they were sold to
judiciary and the legislature were elected
by the plantation owners.
people. Only men above 25 years
ol age who paid taxes equal to at least 3 (iu)The exploitation of slave labour madeit
days of a labourer's wage were given the possible to meet the growing demand in
status of active European markets for sugar, coffee, and
citizens, that is, they were
entitled to vote. indigo.
(iv) Under this () Port cities like Bordeaux and Nantes owed
system the powers ot the
monarch were limited. Most of the powers their economic prosperity to the flourishing
slave rade.
were in the hands of
(u) The ministers were also answerable to
a.14. How was slavery abolished in France?
[CBSE Sept. 2010, 2011]
the legislafure. The king enjoyed the veto
Ans. (0) One of the most revolutionary social retortms
power. of the Jacobin regime was the abolition of
a.12. Why were the representatives of the Third slavery in the French colonies.
Estate disappointed with the pattern of
(i) Throughout the eighteenth century there
voting In the "Estates General' ? Explain. was little criticisn of slavery in France. The
CBSE Sept. 2010 National Assembly held long debates about
Ans. (0 The Estates General was divided into three whether the rights of
Estates should be

extended to all French subjects including

() The First and the Second Estates had the those in the colonies. But it did not pass
representatives ol catholics, landlords and the any laws, earing opposition irom
nobility. Whereas Third Estale
representated peasants, workers and
businessmen whose incomes depended on
the slave trade.
common people. (in) It was finally the Convention which in 1794
( ) Voting in the Estates General was conducted
legislated to free all slaves in the Fench
according to the principle that each estate
overseas possession..
had one vote.
(tu) The Third Estate viewed themselves as
(io) This, however, turned out to be a short
term measure: ten years later, Napoleon
Tench nation. So
spokesmen tor the whole reintroduced slavery.
that the should be
they dernanded voting (u) Plantation owners understood their freedom
conducted by the assembly as a whole,
the right African
where each member would have one vote. as including to enslave
Negroes in of their
tu) The representatives of the Third
Estate were pursuit economic
interests. Sslavery was finally abolished in
was not
disappointed because voting French colonies in 1848.
on the basis of


EVERGREEN Self-Study In Socal Sclence-9..o

****** *
e *
made up ol live mes

and Abbe
meant as a safeguard ao nst
of Mirabeau
Q.15. Explain the role concentration ol power in a one-
in the French
Sieye's under the jacobins
(CBSE 2010) executive as

were great (iu) However, the Directors often dashed

and Abbe Sieye's
Ans. () Both Mirabeau
the legislative councils, who soug
political thinkers
the National dismiss them. The political instability of
the leaders of
(i) They were
formed in 1789
after Directory paved the way 1or the rise ol
Assembly which w a s Napoleon Bonaparte.
the failure of the meeting
of the Estate military dictator,
a.17. Examine the economic conditionsof
(in) Mirabeau was bom in a noble family but
France before 1789.
of taxes
was convinced of the need
a society of feudal privilege.
to do away with Ans. () Heavy burden
Estate: The members of the first
Estates were exempled Irom paying tax
(iv) He brought out a journal, and delivered to the state. So all the taxes were paid b
powerful speeches to the crowds
at Versailles the people of the Third Estate.
(u) Abbe' Sieye's, originally a priest, wrote an (4) Wide gap between people of different

influential pamphlet called, What is the Estates: Most of the people of the Third
Third Estate? as labourers
club of
employed in
with fixed wages. The wages
O.16. Name the most successful political
France. Describe any four changes brought
failed topace with the rise in prices
about by the govemment set-up after the fall So the gap between the poor and the nch
of Jacobin Govemment.(CBSE
Sept. 2011 widened.
Ans. Jacobin club.
(i) The fall of the Jacobin government allowed (in Unequal distribution of wealth: In the
the wealthier middle classes to seize power. French society, peasants made up abou
90% of the population. However, only a
(i) A new Constitution was introduced which small number of them owned the land
denied the vote to non-propertied sections they
cultivated. About 60% of the land
of society. was
(i) It provided for two elected legislative owned by nobles, the church and other
councils. These then appointed a Directory. richer members of the Third Estate

Q.1. Describe the circumstances leading to
the outbreak of
revolutionary protest in Although the upper two
classes made up
France. only small fraction of the total

(CBSE Sept. 2011) population
yet they were the people who controlled
Discuss the the political and economic
causes of the French system of the
Revolution of 1789. nation. They enjoyed all the rights
Ans. () Unjust Taxation: The members of the privileges. The people belonging to and
First and Second Estates were
exempted Third Estate did not
from enjoy any politica
paying taxes to the state. All the taxes right.
were paid by the members of the Third
Estate. (H1) The Rise of the Middle
() Social Disparity: In the 17th century, the spread of industrial revolution led to The
society was divided into three emergence of the Middle Class. It was the
groups, called the Estates: class of businessmen,
(6) The First Estate
: Clergy manufacturers, scholars, traders,
etc. The
(i) The Second Estate: Class people became the Middle
Nobility Revolution. leaders of the
(ui) The Third Estate: Common people.
(to) Influence of the Philosophers and 0.3. Draw a list of democratic rights we enjoy
Writers: There were many French
today, whose origin could be traced to the
philosophers and thinkers like Montesquieu, French Revolution.
Rousseau, Voltaire and Mirabeau, who Ans. Directly or indirectly, the origin of the Frerch
exposed the evils prevailing in the system. were
Revolution. Liberty, equality
of the French
and fraterrnity
They infused people with the idea of liberty, the guiding principles
In India. Constitution has granted all the
equality and fratermity. our

Fundamental Rights
citizens six
in keeping
(o) Wide gap between rich and poor:
Production of food grains failed to keep
mind, the principles of liberty, equality and
pace with demand so price of staple diet
rOse rapidly. This caused a widespread anger We in India. enjoy the following Fundamental
among the masses. Rights
Which groups of the French society () Right to Equality
benefited from the Revolution? Which (i) Right to Freedom
groups were forced to relinquish power (ii) Cultural and Educational Right
Which sections of the society would have (iv) Right to Religious Freedom
been disappointed
the Revolution ?
with the outcome of
(u) Right against Exploitation
(ui) Right to Constitutional Remedies
Groups of the French Society which
a.4. Analyse the rise of Napoleon.
benefited from the Revolution : People of
the Third Estate benefited the most from the Or
explain the rise of
revolution. These groups included peasants,
workers, petty officers, lawyers, teachers, doctors
How would
Napoleon ?
CBSE Sept. 2013]
and traders, etc. Formerly they had to pay all Ans. ( Political Instability: The rise of Napoleon
the taxes, and they were humiliated both by Bonaparte was also an indirect resuit ot the
the clergy and the nobles at every point, but French Revolution. As often
after the Revolution, they began to be treated revolutions, there was
equal with the upper sections of the society. economic instablity in France, and there was
The people of the Third Estate were also given a struggle for power.
political rights. (() New Constitution After the fall of the
Groups which were forced to relinquish Jacobin govermment, a new constitution was
power People belonging to the upper introduced. It provided for two elected
classes-the First Estate and the Second Estate, legislative councils, and a Directory (an
who enjoyed all the privileges had to relinquish executive made up of five members).
power. Such people were the clergy and the However, the Directors often clashed with
The special privileges of these higher the legislative councils, who then sought to
sections were abolished as a result of the French dismiss them. This clash was responsible for
Revolution. Now the French society was political instability. Napoleon took advantage
organised on the basis of social equality. The of the sitfuation, and became a dictator with
revolution also led to the nationalisation of the
the help of the army.
Church property.
(4i) Napoleon as the Emperor of France
Sections disappointed with the outcome
1804, declared himself the
of the Revolution : Naturally, the erstwhile In Napoleon
France. He was a brilliant
privileged classes, i.e., the clergy and the nobles Emperor of
General and used his armies to conquer
would have been disappointed with the
and dominate all the neighbouring
outcome of the Revolution because all the
countries except Britain and Russia.
privileges were taken away from them.

RGREEN Salf.Seudv In Soclal Science-9.. 31 H

de by building
(i) He promoted
However, his successes
canals. roodi
and Russia jointly (ii) He introduced many laws such
Britain, Prussia, Austria
defeated him at Leipzig, and again protection of
private property and
Waterloo in 1815. He was captured, and
system of weights and measures unito
sent as a prisoner to the Island of St.
by the decimal system. prode
Helena where he died in 1821. (iv) Napoleon set out to conquer neighbo

O.5. Explain the achievements of Napoleon European countmes dispossessing dun

and creating kingdoms. ase
Bonaparte of France. [CBSE Sept. 2011)
() He also established friendly relation with
Give any three laws enforced by Napoleon Pope.
(vi) A new constitution was framed, as a r
to modernise France.
modernise France by of which four legislative bodies and three
Ans. () He wanted to
executive bodies were established.
establishing new industries.

and Evaluation Based Questions-

Creating, Analysing
Q.1. Mention any five symbols which came up What changes were brought in France
during the French Revolution and explain after the fall of Robespiere's govemment?
How did these lead to rise of Napoleon
their significance. ICBSE 2011]
Ans. (0 The broken chains: These chains were
used to fetter slaves. A broken chain stands
[CBSE 2010, 11
Ans. (1)) After the fall of the Jacobin govemment
for the act of becoming free.
the wealthier middle classes seized power
(in The bundle of rods or fasces: One rod A new constitution was introduced which
can be easily broken, but not an entire denied the right to vote to non-propertied
bundle, i.e., strength lies in unity. section of society.
(i) The eye within a triangle radiating light: (i)The constitution provided for the
The all-seeing eye stands for knowledge, formation of two elected councils. Those
scepter symbol of royal power. councils then appointed a Directory. t was
an executive made
(iv) Snake biting its tail to form a ring: up of five member
or directors.
Symbol of eternity.
(ii) The executive was meant
() Red Phrygian cap :Cap worn by a slave as a
against the concentration of power in a one
upon becoming free. man executive. This had
(wi) Blue white red: The National colour of the Jacobins.
happened under
France. (2) Drawbacks of the new constitution:
(wi) The winged woman: Personification of the (0) The relation between the
law. councils and the
executive was hardly cordial. The
(vii) The law tablet: The law is the same for often clashed with Directors
all and all are equal before it.
then sought to dismiss councils which
a.2. Explain the Directory Rules in France. (ii) The frequent clashes
govemment bodies created politicalthese
Write any two drawbacks of the new
constitution. [CBSE 2013] of the Directory. This led to instability
Or military director, Napoleon the rise of a
SOon became the Fmnero .Bonaparte
aewno who
pamphlets arid ptile
(iii) Newspapers, of Frarce.
introduced by the
steadily in the towns
How did the laws appeared travelled into
government help to improve From there, they described
in France ? Explain. These publications
the lives of women
ICBSE 2015]
the events ard charnges takirg
and discussed
Or place in the country.
the allowed
What laws were
introduced by Freedom of Press (or print)
to improve the (iv) The views of even.
revolutionary government expression of
the opposing
lives of in France? convince others
could n o w try to

CBSE Sept. 2010] Each side

or problem.
of its stand on any event
of state schools,
creation ard
Ans. () Together with the made of plays, songs
for all girls. (u) Much use was
schooling was made compulsory which attracted large
longer force them festive processions
(ii) Their fathers could no
one way to
of people. This

into mamiage against their will. number

the ideas of
entered make the people
(ii) Mariage was made into a contract or justice. The political
into freely and registered under civil
law. liberty, equality written much
Divorce w a s made legal, and could
be philosophers had already
(iv) ideals.
applied for by both women and men. about such ideas or
of the
Women could be now trained for jobs, a.5. Describe the importance
Man in
could become artists or run small
declaration of the Rights of
businesses. CBSE Sept. 2010)
in life. freedom of
What changes people witnessed
(i) Rights such as the right
Q.4. to
revolution of 1789 Ans.
everyday life after the speech, freedom of opinion., equality
in France ? ICBSE 2013] established as natural and
law, were
the Bastille in they belonged to
Ans. (i) Soon after the storming of inalienable' rights, that is,
1789, oneimportant law that it passed,
2ach human being by birth and could not

the abolition of censorship. be taken away.

Constitution of 1791 began with a
protect each
(ii) The (i) It wasthe duty of the state to

Declaration Rights of Man and Citizen.

of the citizen's natural rights.
Itproclaimed that Freedom of speech (ii) This laid the foundation for human rights
before law were
opinion and equality all over the world.
natural rights of each human being by
be taken away.
They could not

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