Abandoned House Year 1869

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A group of young people decided to go on vacation.

...Clock ticking...
...alarm clock ringing...

The first person who woke up is Lonica, she started making breakfast for everyone.
After preparing for breakfast, she decided to take a bath.
Minutes later she decided to wake up her friends. Whe

Lonica: GUUYYYYSS!! Wake up. (Lonica shouted) It’s already 10 am and we’re late.
(Lonica helplessly said)
Everyone started to get up slowly!
Dyrianne: Girl! You’re so loud.
Lonica: Sorry girl. Its our first day and we’re on a vacation remember? We should
enjoy this trip. So hurry up!!
Daryan: okay! OKAY!
Nordan: Aaand… today! We’re going to a river. They said, the view there is
Raffy: GUYS? I invited my friend and I will introduce this person to all of you later.
Hope you don’t mind that I bring my friend in our outing.
Dyriannie:Is it a boy or girl? (dyriannie asked)
Raffy: guess?
Minutes later that friend raffy arrived and they greeted each other. After they greeted
raffy introduce his friend to everyone.
Raffy: guys this is my friend daryl , daryl meet my friends. (raffy introduce his friends to
his friend daryl)
When raffy introduce his friend daryan greeted him cheeks to cheeks and when it
comes to nordan he greeted with a hug and iera and algem greeted him with a bow
and then lonica greeted him a shake hands.
Daryl: hi guys nice to meet you. I hope you don’t mind that I joined in your outing.
Lonica: nice to meet you too. Its okay we don’t mind it. And its better that we are SO
many. So lets go what are we waiting for.
After preparing their stuffs they started to walk into the woods where the river is

Iera: GUYS. We’re here. This place is amazing. You know what to do guys!( Iera
excitedly announced)
Nordan/Iera: LET’S TAKE A PICTUUURRREE… (they happily said)
Algem: guys I brought my guitar, lets jam.
When algem started to play his guitar they started to sing and laughing and taking a
pictures. When they are finished having fun, its already 3 oclock and they decided to go
home as they started walking to go back to the rest house but they forgot the way to
go there. Then there’s a two-man walking pass by them and asked.
Jimboy: Hey! What are you guys doing here?
RAFFY: Hi Mr. We’re on a vacation.
Jimboy: Oh! That’s great. Have a nice day y’all. My name is Jimboy and this is my
friend Jade.
RAFFY: Nice to meet you man.
While others smiling at them and wave their hand.
Jade: Aren’t you going to warn them? About this place? (Jade said to his friend
Jimboy: Shh. Let them be happy for the day. We can’t ruin their smiling faces. Look at
them they are having fun.
As they observe they are amaze to the place they decided to not tell them.
Jade: BUT! (Helplessly said)
Jimboy look at his friend and only then jade stop talking.
Raffy overheard the conversation.

RAFFY: What do you mean by, “warn us? About this place?” (He asked jade)
They are surprise becoz he overheard their conversation.
Jade: You guys. Y’ALL BE BETTER CAREFUL. (jade warned them)
Dyrianne: Why sir?
(Jade and Jimboy just stared at each other)
Iera: Sir, I think were lost we couldn’t find the way back to our resting place.
Jimboy: sure where did you stay?
Algem: its in the bayabas inn.
Jade: sure we can lead your place. Just follow us (jade smile)

Algem: we don’t have words to thank you. (algem said with a gratitude face)
They started walking again with Jimboy and Jade. 10 minutes later some random guy
walking towards them. Jimboy and jade know this man and they started having
Bryan: Hi? Where are you heading?
Jimboy: we’re leading them to their vacation house.
Bryan: oh really, jimboy I think your wife is looking for you.
Jimboy: You sure?
Bryan: Yes! And also jade ur brother looking for you also.
Jimboy and Jade left while giving thanks to bryan. But before leaving, they asked bryan
if he could lead the tourist out here.
Jade: Can you lead them the way out here?
Bryan: Umm… Yes! Sure. No problem. I GOT THEM. (He smiled kindly)
Bryan led the way but he keeps suggesting tourist spot in the area.
Iera: This guy. Creeped me out.
Lonica: I agree.
As they whispering,
Bryan: Everyone it’s already 8 pm and I can’t go with anymore because I have to go
home my family is waiting for me. But if you insist, I can provide you shelter that you
can stay for tonight.
Dyrianne: Umm guys! I suggest we stay for the night, I’m really tired and my toes
Raffy: Okay. We stay, we can go back to our rest house tomorrow since it’s already
Lonica: okay.
Bryan: That’s great! Let’s go I’ll lead you the way.
While they’re walking, they found the abandoned house that bryan suggested.
Bryan: We’re here.
Nordan: Thanks God.

They went inside the house.

Iera: Guys this house is really creepy.
Lonica: I agree. But shh that man might hear you.
One of their friends went outside to pee without telling his friends.
Algem: Everyone where’s Raffy?
Dyrianne: I don’t Know.

Nordan: I saw him went outside.

Algem: Oh okay. Why is he taking so long to get back here?
Everyone creeped out. They couldn’t find their friend Raffy. Dyrianne Saw the man who
helped them dragging Raffys dead body.
Dyrianne: Guys! LOOK!! I... i... t’s Raffy body…

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